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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
Yeah, this one's fascinating...
So is this one...
Start digging on these guys. Half of them have Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS/SCI) security clearances. This dude Paul Temple has 25+ years of full spectrum Counterintelligence (CI), Signature Reduction (SR), Information Operations (Cyber), Security Management, and National Disclosure Programs in support of DoD, Federal Law Enforcement, SOCOM and Interagency coordination and support. This guys been read in and involved in some serious programs or he's CIA 🫡
Clearance TS/SCI w/SSBI with CI Scope/Poly...
Duane is an advisor for Revvim, and Steven Marshall is head of global analytics For Revvim as well as the Vice President of Business Development for Revvim
Exactly, and everyone who wants to see new features and services that actually cater to investors here have left the discussion, and the ones that want nothing to change here, and hate OTC investors, and have zero intentions of ever Investing in OTC stocks have stayed.
I have an idea for a new feature. Change the name of the site to better reflect the community that it serves. Take the word Investor out of Investors hub. Just call it hub, or OTC Investor Haters Hub, and please stop letting people that hate these OTC stocks take moderator spots on 8, 12, 15, 30+ stock boards at a time and hold them for sometimes 10+ years. They ruin them. Thanks Amit. Have a great weekend.
This is poetry! Can someone please forward this stervc post to Batman and Robins inbox? I want to make sure they read this. The abuse you have taken here on Ihub is beyond belief. Somehow, Ihub admin allows bashers to personally attack you on a daily and they rarely get deleted. I've request so many personal attacks against you to get deleted, and always crickets from admin. I think they fear you for some reason, but never forget the OTC as a whole, at least the ones that like trading on the OTC really appreciate what you have contributed to it. You don't deserve the abuse you take here. Thanks for making this post, it's by far my favorite on this board so far.
Upgrade your level 2 if possible. Only having 6 quotes at a time and having to click on each quote individually is a real pain, especially when you are trying to watch 30 of these stocks at a time. If there was a way to create a pip window of sorts and be able to arrange each of the individual quotes on the screen so that you can see all of the stocks that you are watching simultaneously would be great. I understand that this would be a very expensive fix, feeds are expensive and the developers to create a whole new lvl2 like this would also be very expensive, but I would happily pay more for a lvl2 like the one I described. I used to use alpha trade for my lvl2 quotes which no longer exists, but they had a lvl 2 like the one I described and it was dreamy.
A group chat feature, If anyone remembers the paltalk days then you know exactly what I mean. Everyone would pile into a big room, sometimes thousands of us, turn on our mics, and sometimes video feeds, and chat all night about OTC stocks. If two people had a beef, they could each take a mic, and squash that beef. Many times we would talk OTC CEO's to come into to those groups and talk with their shareholders, most of the OTC CEO's I talk with nowadays are not favorable of Ihub because some basher is always constantly bashing their company and shareholders and they don't like that, so we'd have to find a way to make it invite only or just simply get rid of the insufferable OTC haters that try like hell to spoil and poison every well on the OTC. Those were wonderful times, I made a lot of good friends back then in paltalk, but paltalk shut down, we had no place left to go, so we all ended up back here at Ihub, as this was the only place left to go.
Get rid of the pop up ads. If I remember correctly, one of the benefits of being a paid member was that we didn't have to see the constant advertising if we paid for your service. I know you need to make money, and I don't mind the ads in the margins, but the giant full page ads that pop up in the middle of the screen, and I have to x out of it to get back to my screen is too much.
I'll be back later to share a few more ideas. Thank you for the opportunity to try to help.
Read it again, Janice. It clearly says non stock specific boards.
Also, the customer service here is horrendous, your paying members are treated like trash, you're down to one admin, and that particular admin spends her free time posting with her buddies, on non stock specific boards like cooking/recipes, who happen to be run and moderated by the same group of people that hate us, the same group that hates your members. In other words, your only admin here commiserates and spends her free time with the people that hate us, they are her friends, she aligns with them, not us, so it is no wonder why we get treated like shit when we ask her for help. Please fix that. GLTY Amit. I hope you make the right decision here, it is a very easy decision and simple one to make, otherwise your goal here of bringing anyone of value back to Ihub will fail.
Amit, you asked me for my advice, so I'm going to give it you. You can create the next generation of Ihub, and launch all kinds of cool new features, and you can offer this entirely new set of features on this platform for free if you wanted to, but it'll make no difference at all. People didn't mass exodus from Ihub because of the features here, actually, they blew out of here to go to other places with far fewer features than Ihub currently has now. Cool new features and tools are not going to bring back ANY of the talented influential users, researchers, content providers and OTC traders that people used to look for and follow when they came here. They are all gone, and no amount of neat new features will bring them back, here's why...we'll use another analogy/role play:
Amit, let's say you and Tom love to play craps, it's your favorite thing to do, and you both really enjoy going to the casino, and enjoy rolling the dice and standing around the table with a bunch of other people just like you and Tom that also love playing craps and are excited about craps. So you and Tom decide to put on your best matching Rain Man suits and head off to the casino for a good time. When you guys get to the casino, you find the only craps table in the house, the stick man slides you the dice because it's your turn to roll. You grab the dice and start rolling, but as soon as you do, your table becomes surrounded by other people there in the casino that don't gamble, in fact they hate gamblers, and craps and any one that plays craps, and this large group of people starts heckling you and Tom, they start calling you degenerate gamblers, and idiots, everytime you roll the dice these people are hexing your dice and constantly heckling you. They hate you and everything casino related. Are you and Tom going to have a good time at that casino, no! In fact you are going to btfo of that casino so fast, and never go back because you'd hate that experience, right? it would be a horrible experience for you and Tom and your excitement for craps would be completely diminished. Now as you and Tom are rushing to leave that horrible casino, that same group of hecklers and rabble-rousers are cheering and celebrating as you two head for the door because they hate you, and ultimately their goal is to chase you away. Now that they have succeeded in chasing you away from that casino, are you and Tom going to go back to that casino and craps table if that casino starts offering cool new features like free drinks and food while you're playing craps? The answer is no, you wouldn't care, you'd care more about the people who chased you out of there than anything else. As long as they are still there, you and Tom are never going back.
Now this analogy is a little ridiculous because everyone knows that every single casino on earth wouldn't allow this to happen in the first place, the casino would have their security immediately escort/bounce those heckling fools that hate gambling and are terrorizing their gamblers out onto the streets, and then black list them, never letting them into their casino again. Because every casino knows that they have to protect their players, and create an atmosphere that players and high rollers can come and enjoy the experience, because casinos are smart, and they know that without their players and high rollers, their casino is worthless.
Amit, you are now the casino owner/CEO of Ihub. I have been a member here for almost 20 years. I love the OTC and have been playing it for much longer. If I didn't care about Ihub, or the other people like me that also love the OTC I would not be wasting my time here trying to convince you of what needs to be done. I have made it clear here what I think needs to be done to save this place, and if you want to have any chance of bringing the key players of the OTC and the high rollers that everyone likes to follow back to Ihub, you must create an atmosphere or "ecosystem" ethos, logos, pathos or whatever else you want to call it that is friendly to the people that like to play within the OTC. You must remove the relatively small group of agitators, trouble makers, instigators, agents provocateurs, and overall aholes that hate the OTC and anyone that trades the OTC. I could very easily make you a short list of a few dozen people that must go. They have been here for decades, easy to spot, you already know who they are, and have literally chased all of your key players/members away. Those same key players will never even consider coming back if the people that purposely chased them away are still here. You get rid of those people and they will all come back, you continue to cater to the small group of people that hate the OTC and anyone who trades it, and continue to allow them to run roughshod on your members like you have for decades, then you might as well save all of that money that you are about to dump into Ihub to develop new feature because none of that is going to work. What Ihub has allowed to happen here happens no place else on earth, no internet forums or casinos or any other analogy you can think of would of allowed this to happen to their members and patrons for this long. You don't even need new features to bring back the key players that love and are excited about the OTC, just do what I am telling you to do and they will come. Don't do what I am advising you to do, and you are just wasting your time and money, and will never solve the underlying problem that has plagued this place for decades.
New Ihub features don't excite me, or any of the old members that have been chased off. I will eagerly be awaiting to see what you and Tom do next, Amit, you are the CEO now, your decisions will decide whether I stay here or finally go. I've hit my limit with the harassment here. It's not fun at all, and it infuriates everyone except that same small group that Ihub has allowed to terrorize us and destroy this place for decades. Also, the customer service here is horrendous, your paying members are treated like trash, you're down to one admin, and that particular admin spends her free time posting with her buddies, on non stock specific boards like cooking/recipes, who happen to be run and moderated by the same group of people that hate us, the same group that hates your members. In other words, your only admin here commiserates and spends her free time with the people that hate us, they are her friends, she aligns with them, not us, so it is no wonder why we get treated like shit when we ask her for help. Please fix that. GLTY Amit. I hope you make the right decision here, it is a very easy decision and simple one to make, otherwise your goal here of bringing anyone of value back to Ihub will fail.
Warmest regards,
People are trip'n. These guys are solid.
It was just a quick and simple getting to know you meeting. A smart first step. They'll be talking with us again soon. I was very impressed with them. I'm not going anywhere. Much more is coming in terms of details very soon imo
At the 14:15 minute mark of the call Mr. Marshall said "we are already in discussions with a billion dollar distribution services company". Kristen asked her question so Mr. Marshal can touch on this briefly, but I assume that he's talking about one of the two planned acquisitions they mentioned. Sounds big, these guys are brilliant, and I'm happy to wait and see what else unfolds. I imagine we'll hear more soon, they gave me the sense that they plan to move things rapidly. It's was a good call, these guys impress me.
Batman and Robin were highly intelligent superheroes and problem solvers. I trust that Amit and Tom are smart enough to realize what has happened here for decades, and what needs to be done here to bring Ihub back from the grave. A simple poll like I described would show Amit and Tom enough to identify the real problem here and eliminate it. Sounds harsh, I know, but I can assure you that janice shell and her ilk are by far the most hated people on the entire OTC. That crew has destroyed Ihub, and chased all of my friends away from Ihub to other forums. Heck, I can't even recommend Ihub to my personal friends. I want them to have no part of this sad mess called ihub.
Goodnight, Welcome2Pinkyland, great chatting with you tonight. Big day for MONI tomorrow, they have a twitter spaces call at 3:00pm est with Kristen Shaughnessy hosting about a big new merger coming in. Be there! 🫡
Looking forward to our conversation - hope you'll join us Wednesday at 3pm
— kristen shaughnessy (@kshaughnessy2) July 30, 2024
Then let's just have the poll shall we, Amit?
I actually doubt that. I do have a lot of followers, you know. After all, I (and my friends) usually turn out to be right.
It's so sad watching you try so hard to justify any of this, Janice Shell. If Amit were to take a poll here AND on twitter tomorrow, and were to ask his current members and past Ihub hating members that have moved on: Who is the most hated member of all time on IHUB and the most unliked person on the entire OTC, who would that person be? I'd bet anything that your name would be overwhelmingly on top of that list, and the rest of that list would include a majority of your rude ass friends here and the mods and admin you hang out with. You've abused these people here on Ihub long enough, janice shell, It's time for you to officially retire. There is no time left for you to salvage the legacy that you've created for yourself. You and your group are the biggest part of the problem here, and if Amit were smart, he'd quickly retire you and your friends from this place permanently and forever.
Excellent idea, Werbe! All of it.
On a side note, ihub has a chance to fill a vacuum in the otc forum world.
This is spot on and Amit needs to read this, thank you!
Thanks it's been obvious for years. And Ihub staff has been always quick to encourage those that dont like it to leave. The Ihub fraud team and other ihubers who claim to not trade otc stocks are most likely toasting their champagne classes at the thought of sterv leaving-but won’t be happy until all otc traders leave Ihub.
Amit, this guy nails it. Ihub has been nearly complete wiped out of literally hundreds if not more of the best and most talented OTC traders who also used to provide the best DD and content on these boards. They are all gone, moved on, and probably never coming back. All of the blame for this falls onto your crooked "mod squad" and unbelievably rude admins. There were a few good admin here over the years but they are all long gone now too. Just today, I watched your 6th highest ranking member here, Stervc, join twitter today. By many here on Ihub stervc is considered the best. He has been a member here for 25 years, and now like the rest of the talented traders that used to post here, create content and share DD, he is now gone too. Your basher class of preferred members personally attacked him relentlessly with no recourse. It was real shame that Ihub allowed this to happen, This place has been completely hollowed out by the lifelong bashers with their "mod squad" features, along with the rudest admins I have ever experienced in my entire life, anywhere on the web. You have board moderators that have squatted on your boards here for literally decades and control the narrative with their board mod powers. Amit, please link back to the message that is attached to this one. Welcome2Pinkyland is spot on and I hope you take his post to you seriously. You are making a very important first step by reaching out to your members like you just have. A few big changes could possibly make Ihub great again, or at least bearable, and I'm sure by now you have figured out what most of those changes need to be. I PM'd you my telephone number, please feel free to call me anytime, I have valuable input to share with you that i Believe will help make Ihub great. Ironically, I was just about to cancel my level 2 and premium membership here on Ihub, and move on like the rest, but your recent correspondence with us has givin me hope that things will change here. I'll will be watching closely to see if any major changes are made here and decide whether I go elsewhere with the rest of your previous members or stay. It's totally up to you now, Amit. I really appreciate your message and hope to hear more from you soon.
Warmest regards,
I never said anything like that, ever. Get a grip dude. Walls are closing in on ASCM. Enjoy the show Warmachine! Why so frantic lately? GL!
My entire position here is still intact and every single share I hold are all seasoned and qualify for long term cap gains so stop lying, liar. Sorry to spoil the 11 years you've dedicated to this ticker. What now? 11 more years? LOL life is short dude, stop wasting so much of it here all day every day. GLTY. Crooked ASCM is about to fry. Wouldn't that be great, Warmachine?
Maybe I'll make it into a mOVIE and get a 🏆.
It's ON!------>
Looking forward to our conversation - hope you'll join us Wednesday at 3pm
— kristen shaughnessy (@kshaughnessy2) July 30, 2024
Mr. Marshall, that last post to you from the protection team leader is bait, do not take the bait! Here at IHUB if you are officially deemed an insider of any of the public companies discussed here, the same rules that apply to everyone else here will no longer apply to you. Once officially deemed an insider they will attack you personally, and relentlessly with no recourse or protection. I've seen it a dozen times and it is not pretty. Do NOT take their bait or answer any of their questions. Let them just wonder and worry their asses off about you like they are now. Read rule 2.12 in the link below. Have a great day!
Are you new to the OTC, redpeed? You just proved my point. Please share your qualifications or experience with the OTC, and being the lead shill on the largest OTC covid 19 scam the OTC has ever seen doesn't count either. Chasing JPetro around for exposing that shameless covid scam doesn't count either. Other than that, why should anyone here believe anything you say? Thanks!
Yep, there they are. ASCM still boxing us in and they must be dealt with. This post applies to you too ETG58. You seem to know a lot about this subject, and unless you are willing to do something about it, you are just as much part of the problem as ASCM is. We must work together to make sure that FINA is aware of ASCM's illegal behavior here with MONI. File your official complaint to FINRA today. If you see something, say something, right? Thank you.
Report ASCM to FINRA now:
Mr. Marshall, as a MONI shareholder, I feel compelled to inform you that trying to reason with these bashers here aka the self proclaimed "Protection Team" will never work. They can't be bargained with, they can't be reasoned with, they don't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And they absolutely will not stop... ever, until MONI is dead! They are Terminator bashers. Something else you should know, and something you should definitely relay to Kristen Shaughnessy, who just happens to be a hero of mine for the work she does for us retail traders, is that Market Maker (ASCM) ASCENDIANT CAPITAL MARKETS, LLC been actively shorting the piss out of MONI for at least the last 3+ years, I suspect much longer, but do not fear them Mr. Marshall as they are scared of you. Your endeavor here with MONI has them literally panicking as I'm sure you've noticed by their responses to you. Reasoning with them is futile. Take the fight directly to FINRA. ASCM has a long wrap sheet with FINRA and has literally been fined, sanctioned, suspended, hit with digorgements, and censured by FINRA at least 10 times. Two of those times have been for violating regulation SHO(naked shorting), locking and crossing just like they are doing now, as you can currently see from their best bid/ask position on level 2. ASCM is not a retail broker. Not a single one of your current shareholders buys or sells will ever be routed through ASCM. They are shorting MONI from their own account, and their short position here is large enough to choke a hippo. You are in a position here where you can break ASCM spine, and create a short squeeze on them that they will not survive, and help run MONI's stock price higher than most would believe possible. These are the goons I speak of:
Here is ASCM's wrap sheet with FINRA. The terminator bashers here will try to convince you and all others that this illegal naked shorting does not exist. They attack you and call you a conspiracy theorist if you try talk about it. It seems to really ruffle their feathers, and that's regardless of you being able to see the official FINRA infractions/events that are posted from FINRA of them doing just that, naked shorting these stocks. Below are attached 2 events with FINRA of ASCM getting caught red handed naked shorting stock. Feel free to read all 10 of FINRA's events against ASCM to get a good feel of who you are dealing with here. Real criminals!
and here is one with them locking and crossing to drive the stock price down.
When you see ASCM in the top bid/ask position on the MONI level 2 quote, with their not held 10,000 share iceberg orders, you know they are illegally suppressing the stock price. I've seen ASCM do this here 1,000 times. Below is from them doing it earlier today about an hour ago, and they are still probably doint it right now as I type this to you. Remember, none of these orders that routed through ASCM are retail shareholder. They're shorting it.
I suggest that you do as I have done and report this ASCM behavior yourself directly to FINRA. As an officer/director of MONI it would probably be taken more seriously by FINRA. I just got my confirmation number emailed to me from FINRA for my official complaint to FINRA about ASCM. I think that you and any of the previous officers and directors should file a complaint about ASCM's activity on MONI as well, heck I think every MONI shareholder that cares about their MONI investment and the OTC as a whole should file an official complaint about ASCM and their illegal behavior here too. You/they can do that here at the link attached below. It is simple and should only take 10 minutes.
With that said, I am very excited about your endeavors here with MONI, and as a shareholder I look forward to supporting you in any way I can. I also couldn't be any more thrilled about your host for tomorrows twitter spaces call @3:00 pm est with Kristen Shaughnessy. She has been fighting tirelessly for years to combat these crooked market makers just like ASCM. She's an incredible woman and an invaluable asset to you and your team. Best of luck to you Mr. Marshal, and I am so thankful that you are here.
Turns out the ASCM "protection team" is being lead by a halfwit amature that doesn't even understand how the OTC works. Franks past failures mean absolutely nothing, but keep hanging on to them as if they do. If that IBOX is the hill of beans you chose to die on, go for it, I think it's all so hilarious. I guess after all, that's all you have, which means absolutely nothing. Good luck with that.
None of that matters WarMachine, it means absolutely nothing. A completely new company with a completely new management team has taken over complete control of MONI. The previous companies and their past managements "history of lies and deceit" will have ZERO effect on MONI moving forward. You would think after 11 years of dedication to this board one would have learned that by now. Does the ASCM protection team not even understand the basics of how the OTC works? In other words, that goofy ass IBOX is completely worthless now. Regardless of how you or anyone feels about Nathan Hall, or Frank or whoever else had control here with MONI in the past, that does not make MONI unclean. MONI is as clean as a whistle, and no matter how you feel about MONI's past won't change that. Sorry and GLTY lol
I'm digging into all of this now. I don't think I'll be sharing any of my DD here, this place doesn't deserve it. I love what I'm finding/seeing so far! Looks BIG! GLTY!
Wednesday @ 3:00? Reminder set:
To provide more insight into the merger and future plans, INDEXR AI will host a Q&A session with CEO Richard Lepoutre and CTO Steven Marshall, moderated by Kristen Shaughnessy, on Wednesday, July 31st at 3 PM Eastern Time. This session will offer investors the opportunity to engage directly with the leadership team and gain a deeper understanding of the company's strategic direction.
Like clockwork? As soon as ASCM takes the best bid and best ask position on level 2 a certain basher starts literally panicking. Anyone else notice this weird phenomenon? I've seen it at least 100 times. The bashers will assure you that Market Makers can not and do not naked short OTC stocks, all while you can so easily go read public FINRA reports about how FINRA had to censure and fine ASCM for doing exactly that (naked shorting stocks) It's all right here in black & white FINRA print. Everyone can see them with their own eyes "locking & crossing" just like they are right now. Anyone can simply check the timestamps of when ASCM shifts positions on level 2 to take the best bid & ask, and match that up with when the "protection team" leader starts literally panic posting. Who is the "protection team" here to protect? Looks like the ASCM "protection team" to me.
Just read this FINA report about how ASCM was sanctioned, censured, fined and suspended by FINRA for doing exactly what the bashers try so hard to convince you that they are not. Here is one example(pic related) click the link and read the rest for yourself.
Or lets just start today maria? How about that? I'm pretty excited about these "high interest CD's" you're shilling here maria! So let me get this straight maria, if I were to invest $1,000 into one of your "high interest CD's" instead of MONI like you suggested, how much could I make after taxes? Is it more or less than .10 cents a day?
Nah, the basher is worthless and no help to ASCM. It's pretty sad, but mostly hilarious to watch them try so hard while MONI goes up in their face. The bashers here are an absolute joke. No one here takes them seriously at all. Imagine dedicating a 3rd of one's entire life to bashing a single OTC stock, then forming the "protection team" by recruiting the biggest Covid stock scammer the OTC has ever seen. BTW, who is the leader of this "protection team" now? The Covid scammer? LOL!!! So no comment on ASCM?? That's interesting.
oops maria, my mistake. I meant the lows from January 2023 not 2024, so in a year & half MONI goes from .0031 to .0122 up 290+%
Maybe I should look at one of your 2 year "high interest CD's" instead??
Is it really wise to invest iin $mONI if he is? Sure you can prolly make (or lose) money with $mONI, but maybe a high interest CD is a better idea.
Thanks for the financial advice, maria!
Is it really wise to invest iin $mONI if he is? Sure you can prolly make (or lose) money with $mONI, but maybe a high interest CD is a better idea.
11 years? WOO WEE Warmachine, that's quite the commitment, I am so impressed. Since you've been here on this thread for 11+ years, do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions? How long has the market maker ASCM(Ascendant Capital Markets LLC) been shorting MONI? You see I have only been here for about 4 years now, and came across MONI(WOGI) when it was in the low to mid trips, 9 months later it hit .1465 for like a 146,000% gain from it's bottom in roughly 9 months, it was awesome, but back then 4 years ago I remember the market maker ASCM being here on the MM lineup on level 2 from the beginning for me. I was unfamiliar with ASCM at that time so I did a little research on them and it turns out ASCM is a notorious shorter. They don't let retail traders use them, and I have asked literally dozens of full time OTC traders if they have EVER had a single one of their trades routed through ASCM on the buy or sell side, and every single one of them said no. I personally have never seen any of my orders ever routed through ASCM either, and that's because, like I said, they are not a retail firm. So I guess my questions to you are: How long has ASCM been shorting MONI? I can contest to at least 4 years because I've watched them with my own eyes for at least that long, but how long before I got here 4 years ago was ASCM actively shorting MONI or whatever the previous ticker was here? Have they been here for 11 years? Also, there is one particular basher that shows up religiously and immediately after ASCM joins the MONI's level 2 market maker lineup. They'll be times when ASCM leaves for months or weeks and that particular basher goes quiet, but then like clock work, ASCM shows up, and almost immediately this panicked basher shows up. Have you noticed that too, Warmachine? Do you think there is a connection there? I do.
11 YEARS of ACCURATELLY calling out scams on this thread and still being called a basher.
Ascendiant Capital
Let's return to Mr. Woo's firm. They must have been aware of his GME coverage and could have stopped him (or encouraged him). Why would ACM want him to provide coverage on GME? It's not in their focus of biotech. Who are they and why are they paying his salary to cover a game retailer?
Their official statement is:
Ascendiant Capital Markets, LLC is a full-service boutique investment banking firm providing corporate finance, M&A advisory, equity research, market making, and institutional sales and trading services.
So they raise capital for corporations, arrange M&As, provide research, and also buy/sell equities. They seem to specialize in small or micro-cap biotech. Typical investment bank: lots of room for conflicts of interest, but that's not unique on Wall Street.
What does FINRA have to say about Ascendiant? A lot, it turns out. (Ref:
Ascendiant was formed in 2010 in Nevada. Its main office is in Jupiter, Florida, and it has another office in Irvine, CA. Hold up just a second, ACM's offices are in Jupiter, Florida. That's just 30 minutes down the freeway from the Four Seasons Palm Beach, until recently the home of Citadel trading desk. That's just another coincidence, right? Yeah, right.
ACM is 75% or more owned by Ascendiant Capital Partners, LLC (ACP). But, there's more: Ascendiant Capital Group, LLC is the owner of both ACP and ACM. Layers within layers. And where is ACP located? Yep, also in South Florida.
According to FINRA, there have been 9 "final, formal proceedings initiated by a regulatory authority" against ACM. Let's take a little trip down memory lane:
In their earliest regulatory tangle, on 9/17/2014, FINRA caught ACM running locking/crossing quotations in OTC securities. That sounds familiar, doesn't it? These are the same techniques implicated in some of the dark web and Philadelphia exchange moves against GME being discussed here. They claimed it was a result of inadequate supervision and got a censure and a $7.5k fine. (aka. a slap on the wrist)
NASDAQ, on 2/12/2015, found 20 times the firm had failed to provide an order/execution record corresponding to an apparent proprietary order entered into the NASDAQ system. They broke several rules and blamed it again on bad supervision and training. But get this, they were also caught "LOCKING/CROSSING AN EXISTING NASDAQ QUOTE". So they were playing with order entries and got caught on NASDAQ after getting caught 5 months prior on the OTC. But again, "bad training." Censure with another measly $7k fine.
2/23/2015 - FINRA fines and censures again. Ascendiant was not disclosing information properly to customers, not sending FINRA the right data on time, and...wait for it:
So they didn't have reasonable grounds to believe the security could be borrowed? And failed to deliver? That's naked shorting, in a nutshell. Holy hell. They got off with censure and a $52.5k fine, without admitting guilt.
Right after this, it breaks in the press that there's been a lot more bad behavior for the previous few years. According to FINRA investigators, two traders at Ascendiant were actively committing fraud between July 2012 and July 2014:
The first Spearman case (12-04191) proved especially egregious, as a FINRA arbitration panel found he engaged in "acts of fraud and malice" in penny stock trading, and that he and Ascendiant Capital engaged in acts of fraud and malice in bad faith by trying to cover up the fraud by giving false testimony at FINRA hearings. FINRA ruled against Spearman and Ascendiant Capital jointly and ordered them to pay their claimant $437,603.25, plus interest, in compensatory damages, plus $10,000 in punitive damages, costs and attorneys' fees.
Spearman also faces a pending dispute alleging that he failed to liquidate a customer's entire position with Dewmar International BMC (DEWM) by selling shares in the open market, as ordered by the complaining customer. The complaint charges that Spearman and Ascendiant were shorting a large position in DEWM, which posed a conflict of interest and, according to the complaint, was the reason Spearman refused to sell the shares. Alleged damages are $150,000.
Kevin Tufts has worked with Ascendiant from February 2011 to the present in the Irvine branch office. Tufts filed for bankruptcy in 2013.
(Ref: and
Digging into these two, I found that Sean Spearman lost his license and was barred from the securities industry forever. Kevin Tufts, however, was not. And he wasn't even fired from Ascendiant for what was some pretty shady behavior. Guess where he is today? That's right, he's still at Ascendiant. He's listed as in charge of "Trading Operations", no less. (Ref:
6/25/2015 - FINRA complaint about not updating the status of "two registered representatives" that they were under investigation by FINRA, and that another was subject to an IRS tax lien and had a customer complaint. It seems likely this is referring to Spearman and Tufts. Ascendiant was trying to hide the investigation. The firm was censured and fined $20k. Mysteriously, "A lower fine was imposed, after considering, among other things, the firm's revenue and financial resources". Fine wasn't paid until 8/14/2017.
3/11/2016 - Two separate regulatory findings around while it was offering a company's common stock, purchased the stock on its own, violating Rule 101 of Regulation M. Another set of censures and two $12.5k fines.
3/23/2016 - Failed to transmit to the FINRA/NASDAQ trade reporting facility (FNTRF) last sale reports of transactions. They accepted a censure and fine of $57k. It took them until Aug 2019 to pay the fines.
11/28/2016 - Late to pay their FINRA membership fees of $33k. Mark Bergendahl was trying to work a payment plan with FINRA but they suspended ACM for a few days over it. So the firm is having money troubles.
12/19/2017 - FINRA accused them of overcharged a customer $140k for stock trades. ACM initially denied the allegations and said they were "without merit", but on 3/15/2018 they agreed to being censured, paying a $60k fine, and being "prohibited from engaging in principal basis stock and equity trades" for 12 months. So, they got pretty well busted there and out of the trading business for a year. Not that it stopped them from getting back into it, judging by their recent filings.
OK, so it's been quiet since 2018, so they either stopped breaking the rules (haha) or got better at it. Ascendiant appears to have been running a small hedge fund/private office for the last few years. In their SEC annual filings for the years 2017-2019, their finances aren't great. They ended 2017 with equity of $208mm, 2018 with equity of $336M, but ended 2019 down to $205M. They haven't published their 2020 results, which is at least a month late for them; every year until now they filed it by March 11. Maybe bad news?
Now Wedbush is larger and has been around a lot longer, starting in the 1980s, but has been up to much the same tricks. They have a massive FINRA violation file. It clocks in at 336 pages and has 111 violation disclosures. I read through it so you don't have to. (Ref:
The most interesting behavior by Wedbush is in the last 6 years. Spoiler alert: FTDs, naked shorting, improper reporting. I know, shocking, right?
In 2015, Wedbush was caught allowing a client over a period of 2 years to redeem ETFs it was not long on, in a scheme to reset Failure-To-Delivers while shorting a stock. Here we go again with the FTDs:
During the review period, Scout Trading submitted at least 255 naked redemption orders through Wedbush in 11 ETFs, totaling over 295 million shares. This naked redemption activity, along with short selling of the ETFs on the secondary market by Scout Trading, resulted in substantial, repeated fails to deliver by Wedbush.(Reference:
In 2017, they did it again. On 9/26/2017, Wedbush accepted a censure and $70k fine for violating Rule 204 of Regulation SHO, ie. FTDs/naked shorting. They also got hit the same day for failing to transmit 548,669,414 orders, creating 171 naked short orders, and not properly reporting their short positions for 61 dates. Censure of course, and $470k in fines, which they probably laughed about and wrote it off as a "Cost of Doing Business." Wedbush is like a low-rent Citadel.
Most recently, in 2018, FINRA fined them $1m, censured them, required them to bring in an outside auditor and hire a full-time regulatory compliance officer. Why? Because their late Owner/CEO Edward Wedbush was running 70 different accounts for himself, friends, family, and others, trading across them, between them, front-running and who knows what else, with no supervision. He broke all sorts of rules, too many to list here. But $1m?? It's a joke.
One common theme from this DD (and I only looked at two broker-dealers) is that our security regulatory bodies are all talk and no teeth. They make a lot of serious-sounding noise about violations and failures to comply and supervisory negligence, but then they roll over and hand out meager fines and don't even get them to admit guilt, much less pay serious fines or go to jail.
Wedbush, for example, got to enter into "an offer of settlement and consent for the sole purpose of settling this disciplinary proceeding without adjudication of any issues of law or fact, and without admitting or denying any allegations or findings referred to in the offer of settlement." And this was for intentionally violating Rule 204(A) of Regulation SHO on FTDs! They don't admit any guilt, they just pay a fine and do it again.
Reading Wedbush's file, it's painfully repetitive. The same violations with no real consequences. "Settlement and Consent" is all over the place. It's no wonder that Citadel has been and continues to blatantly break the rules to try to avoid bankruptcy. Have enough expensive lawyers and a few connections in the regulatory agencies, and you can just do whatever you want.
And if you need any more confirmation on how employees in FINRA/SEC/NASD hit that sweet revolving door to cash in with private enterprise by using their knowledge of the rules to help them, check out these two individuals:
Michael O. Brown, a former FINRA compliance examiner, NASD arbitrator and member of NASD Examination Review Committee: (According to his LinkedIn profile, he has been consulting for the last 27 years, and was consulting for Ascendiant while all these violations were going on)
Brian M. Megenity, a former FINRA compliance examiner, now works for Ascendiant: (According to his LinkedIn profile, he's also an independent consultant for the last 20 years, and was consulting Ascendiant during the time of the violations)
So Ascendiant's top two compliance officers are A) not full-time employees, B) were around during their violations, and C) seem to be asleep at the wheel or complicit in what their traders have been doing.
Back to the present
Now, if you were a hedge fund that had your "Senior Analyst" telling you in early 2020 that GameStop is going flat or down, which is what Mr. Woo was publishing, AND you have low-conscience traders with experience in naked shorting, FTDs, and lock/cross trading, AND you only ever get minor fines for breaking the rules AND you're desperate to make up for losses in 2019, you'd probably be tempted to go deep shorting GameStop into bankruptcy. Just like your well-heeled friends at Citadel or Susquehanna tell you they're doing, over drinks in the Hamptons, or on the yacht in Marina del Rey.
Which was great fun, until things turned wrong for you in January and the apes bought the float. And to handle this catastrophe, you went back to your roots: naked shorting, because, well, the same reason Citadel is. Kick the can down the road. Bend the rules.
But now, it's April, and you're sitting on a stack of naked shorts, and you don't have the resources of Citadel to keep kicking the can down the road, cycling FTDs, and paying journalists.
Maybe one of the SHFs offered you some loans, or let you in on the dark pool, or shared some shorted ETFs. However it happened, Ascendiant realized that if they don't help out the SHFs and do whatever it takes to get GME down to $0, then their goose is cooked in the same pot.
And this brings us full circle back to Mr. Woo, who got them into this problem in the first place by publishing bearish reports on GME with low price targets. He chose to or was pressured to publish some even more bearish analysis, reduce the price target, and change to a SELL rating. This was then pushed out widely to MarketWatch, CNBC, Barron's, Yahoo, and everywhere else that boomers get their news in a coordinated PR blitz.
Nice try, Mr. Woo and your shady compatriots. This time you're going to get more than a fine and a slap on the wrist.
Yep, me too. I can wait
I rest my case then. The sticky is stupid and misleading. Not surprising coming from the "protection team" am I right? No more further questions your honor. Case closed LOL
Grow up.