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Re: Steven Marshall post# 97600

Tuesday, 07/30/2024 3:01:13 PM

Tuesday, July 30, 2024 3:01:13 PM

Post# of 102273
Mr. Marshall, as a MONI shareholder, I feel compelled to inform you that trying to reason with these bashers here aka the self proclaimed "Protection Team" will never work. They can't be bargained with, they can't be reasoned with, they don't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And they absolutely will not stop... ever, until MONI is dead! They are Terminator bashers. Something else you should know, and something you should definitely relay to Kristen Shaughnessy, who just happens to be a hero of mine for the work she does for us retail traders, is that Market Maker (ASCM) ASCENDIANT CAPITAL MARKETS, LLC been actively shorting the piss out of MONI for at least the last 3+ years, I suspect much longer, but do not fear them Mr. Marshall as they are scared of you. Your endeavor here with MONI has them literally panicking as I'm sure you've noticed by their responses to you. Reasoning with them is futile. Take the fight directly to FINRA. ASCM has a long wrap sheet with FINRA and has literally been fined, sanctioned, suspended, hit with digorgements, and censured by FINRA at least 10 times. Two of those times have been for violating regulation SHO(naked shorting), locking and crossing just like they are doing now, as you can currently see from their best bid/ask position on level 2. ASCM is not a retail broker. Not a single one of your current shareholders buys or sells will ever be routed through ASCM. They are shorting MONI from their own account, and their short position here is large enough to choke a hippo. You are in a position here where you can break ASCM spine, and create a short squeeze on them that they will not survive, and help run MONI's stock price higher than most would believe possible. These are the goons I speak of:

Here is ASCM's wrap sheet with FINRA. The terminator bashers here will try to convince you and all others that this illegal naked shorting does not exist. They attack you and call you a conspiracy theorist if you try talk about it. It seems to really ruffle their feathers, and that's regardless of you being able to see the official FINRA infractions/events that are posted from FINRA of them doing just that, naked shorting these stocks. Below are attached 2 events with FINRA of ASCM getting caught red handed naked shorting stock. Feel free to read all 10 of FINRA's events against ASCM to get a good feel of who you are dealing with here. Real criminals!

and here is one with them locking and crossing to drive the stock price down.

When you see ASCM in the top bid/ask position on the MONI level 2 quote, with their not held 10,000 share iceberg orders, you know they are illegally suppressing the stock price. I've seen ASCM do this here 1,000 times. Below is from them doing it earlier today about an hour ago, and they are still probably doint it right now as I type this to you. Remember, none of these orders that routed through ASCM are retail shareholder. They're shorting it.

I suggest that you do as I have done and report this ASCM behavior yourself directly to FINRA. As an officer/director of MONI it would probably be taken more seriously by FINRA. I just got my confirmation number emailed to me from FINRA for my official complaint to FINRA about ASCM. I think that you and any of the previous officers and directors should file a complaint about ASCM's activity on MONI as well, heck I think every MONI shareholder that cares about their MONI investment and the OTC as a whole should file an official complaint about ASCM and their illegal behavior here too. You/they can do that here at the link attached below. It is simple and should only take 10 minutes.

With that said, I am very excited about your endeavors here with MONI, and as a shareholder I look forward to supporting you in any way I can. I also couldn't be any more thrilled about your host for tomorrows twitter spaces call @3:00 pm est with Kristen Shaughnessy. She has been fighting tirelessly for years to combat these crooked market makers just like ASCM. She's an incredible woman and an invaluable asset to you and your team. Best of luck to you Mr. Marshal, and I am so thankful that you are here.