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I’m sorry but nothing on this ticker makes any sense. This is worth than Laho right before it got revoked.
Lol it’s what they’ve been consistent on
Lol I’m almost willing to bet they got one more extension in them. Lol
Lol someone thru a 20 at this just not to see it fall tomorrow
Lol from 30s to 15 and looking at it ya might be able to load up under ten in 2 weeks see u then
Not even gonna lie I’m glad I sold at 96
Someone’s definitely trying to dump shares and scare people here before filling hits. Bet there going to make a big buy to make it run and then try to dump again to scare people
Q[img] who
I guess with time your eyes open up at least 4 some people. A year ago I would have defended this pit. Put had we all seen this is a shit stock with a lot of empty promises. The more time passes by the less people are likely to sue. It a waiting game and all they have to do is buy time but in reality they took our money and literally screwed us. Not only are we not getting shares at this point anything they give us will be considered a slap in the face after 2 years of this sh..
Get em nothing sounds right
They get everybody excited and when it’s time to execute they choke. All planned I’m guessing. Now it drops back down to 4cents and starts back up in like 2 month
No way this should have took them 2 years the way it has. I’ve been watching other companies go pink and complete the mergers and they’ve stared on the third one. That being said I know for a fact all companies are not the same and some can take longer than others. Lol but man is there a big time difference. And for the garbage that has been filed it doesn’t add up. This should have been done a while ago.
This seems like it might just fall apart. They’ve already stretched it as far as they can and look at the filling nothing special in it. What I mean by that is this shouldn’t have taken them 2 years to do. Red flags all over the place
Yup I’m thinking they’ll wait the 90 days out.Seem to be the only thing there consistent on.
I’m gonna keep buying everything on .10 and hold here long
See u guys in 60 days
This held up great today. I would have expected a sale off. Especially sense it’s 89 days away and it seems they always wait for the last minute to file anything. I would expect people to pull out and but there money else where.
Well it’s holding up pretty good. Someone doesn’t want the price to drop looks like there going all in and buying up all the shares at a decent pps to keep it from going down
Well I hate to say I told you so, but there it is, in black and white. Now I wouldn’t start panic selling cause your going to get screwed. Best thing to do here is wait it out and let it be. Lol
Lol just got some more. Not much but a little something just to be on both sides of this
Lol I got some today just in case
It’s coming down to the wire
Drum roll
Someone just rolling the dice
I’m going to sleep hopefully I wake up and this 2 year nightmare is over
And it begins your going to see this bleed out before days end
Below. Lol the word coffin comes to mind
I mean it already has little to no volume
Well what happens if no one buys this ever again.if u can’t even sell what you bought?
That’s what I mean.
The tree is about to fall
Well this went sour and negative bright and early. For those of you that had faith we still got till the end of day. Fingers crossed
It’s almost looks like a broken record to me.
Lol here we go again lol same thing everyone said last extension is coming full circle till no one cares anymore.
That’s not going to happen. I myself wish that were true all b.s aside. I been having this sinking feeling. The kind of feeling I get when it all goes the sh.. Lol well tomorrow is the big day And I’m already disappointed.
Yeah we know it got to 30 from 2 with barely any shares bought. We know we been waiting for news for 2 years. We also know there’s been a lot of broken promises. We also know before mssv was mssv it was involved in a scam. Tho we have a different ceo for me it says a lot. Guilty by association. Lol one scam artist to another and probably gave the mssv ceo a shit load of shares to dump. And I know there will be no deal or nothing concrete happening tomorrow. How do I know I don’t just a well thought out guess when you look at there track record. Extension or more b.s I wonder how far there going to stretch this. Me myself I’ve lost all hope for them something is just not right.
Could u imagine there’s no news
I’m betting on an extension
Well let’s see the drum roll. We made it 2 the week we all been waiting for. Let’s pray they got this done
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