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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
You must first get the original stock certificate from your broker scottrade charged 95 dollars then you must get a opionion letter which you must send the lawyer a copy of the front and back of the stock and a form 144. I used GRCO lawyer $400 but i didn't want any problems so i bit the bullet and paid the extra money and then you need to send the restricted stock cert. to the transfer agent with your opinion letter and that was 160. Then they have to contact GRCO lawyer to get approval and then they will send you a unrestricted stock which you give back to your broker and they will put back into your account for you to be able to trade if there is any buyers. i have only sold 15000 shares i still have over 112000 left but im holding on to most of my shares i believe with this new management it will go up one day.
I got my shares unrestricted 660 dollars later i can now trade my shares
i spoke with linda for investor's relations today and she gave me a number to call and their legal department should be able to help me she told me that the lady i spoke to at the legal department was wrong and that if i called her back then she would help me with an opionion letter. i will update everybody once i get the ball rolling and to what the cost will be.
i talked with a lady from pacific transfer named joanna she said i need to use greenbelts attorneys i called greenbelts attorneys and they said they won't do an opionion letter because it looks like a shell company. i called greenbelt and went off and told them the run around ive gotten and that WE investors are talking of doing a class action suit if i couldn't get my shares unrestricted I was told somebody would call me back and that was on monday so i will see if they do and will post.
ive called pacific transfer and haven't been able to get anybody to call me back yet . I even called helen bagley who gave me the name of the transfer agent. " she sound upset that i called her but who cares she shouldn't use her real number on the edgar online form" but im still try to get my shares unrestricted i have alot and if the bid stays at 5 cents it is worth my time and money to get them unrestricted. it looks like we have a new transfer agent. i have called and am waiting to hear back if they can lift the restricitions.
Greenbelt called back believe it or not but all they said was that i needed to call the T/A helen bagely. They said she could answer my questions.
I called the company greenbelt and i asked when the restrictions would be lifted and i was told that the president was gone all week on business and would return next week. I was told he could answer my questions and return my call. I have a lot of shares (137,000) from the jmon dividen and would like some answers. i don't plan on selling them when they are free trading because i believe that the company will prosper in the future. If i hear from the president i will post what i can.
i have about 136000 shares and tried talking to an attorney and he contacted helen bagley and she was going to get back to him but i havent heard back.
i received this from scottrade,
Dear James,
Thank you for your email. The reverse split it on hold until Scottrade
is informed otherwise. We have not been given any anticipated pay
You may contact the CFO for International Energy, Mr. Bootes, at
407-923-3194 for any questions related to your ILGY shares. Please let
us know if you have any further questions regarding your account.
Scottrade changed my stock symbol to inte. They said that my iel stock which was ilgl which was a stock dividen of TWOG and now i have 25 shares of INTE which before i had 25000 shares of IEL. Has anybody else have this happen.. or is scottrade blowing smoke up my kilt?
what level two showing a bid
does anyones scottrade account show a split of ilgy and then a name change to inte. I spoke to scottrade and they said my stock dividen from twog was changed to iel then on sept 21 the iel did a 1/1000 split and changed the name to inte. anybody else have this happen.
my show a inte** and scottrade cant tell me anything i called the company with the stock symbal and they say they don't know anything about any mergers or anything...
inte** my ilgl stock div on scottrade has changed to inte i went from 25000 shares to 25 anybody have this happen.
scottrade shows .ooo5 also i doubt it will stay at that it must be a fluke ubss is still on the bid but they are bidding below .0001
wow a bid if you want out now today is the day.
If they are going to do a buy back why do a 10-1 foward split and then you have to buy back 10 times the amount you have just to get back to the orginal A/S. I am glad i was able to sell off my 200 million awhile back. I am keeping 25 million for a lottery play.
my account shows iel instead of ilgy or ilgl and 25000 shares. my shares are a dividen from twog.
Scottrade has ilgl no buy but you can sell ilgl. a while back it was no buy and no sell. at least it is something :)
yep still around i did sell about 225 million shares though. to much what if's. ONYI looks better than jmcp IMO.
Litigation Release No. 20182 / July 5, 2007
SEC v. U.S. Sustainable Energy Corporation and John D. Stanton, Civil Action No. 1:07-CV-1547 (N.D. GA filed July 2, 2007)
Commission Files Subpoena Enforcement Action Against U.S. Sustainable Energy Corporation and John D. Stanton
On July 2, 2007, the Securities and Exchange Commission filed an application with the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia for an order to enforce investigative subpoenas served on U.S. Sustainable Energy Corporation, a privately-held Florida corporation located in Seffner, Florida ("USSE-FL"), and John D. Stanton, a resident of Tampa, Florida.
The Commission's application and supporting papers allege that on May 3, 2007, the Commission issued a Formal Order of Private Investigation entitled In the Matter of U.S. Sustainable Energy Corporation. According to the Commission's application, USSE-FL and Stanton have failed to comply with validly issued and served subpoenas for documents relating to this investigation, which involves, but is not limited to, a separate but related corporation known as U.S. Sustainable Energy Corporation, which is headquartered in Mississippi ("USSE-MS"), and others. The investigation relates to possible false and misleading statements by companies engaged in merger discussions, possible insider trading activity, and other possible securities law violations.
A hearing on the Commission's application has not yet been scheduled.
I got my shares from Scottrade today/ Nope i was dreaming. Scottrade said no buys or sells of ilgl. if anybody gets theirs let us know.
im not defending har-load of crap but he isn't running JMCP mr weinie king or the court jester or who ever is. we need a major buy back and to do what the PR's have stated before all the lawsuits start popping up and going after frank.
email from scottrade on ilgl restrictions.
Dear Investor,
Thank you for your email. Restrictions on securities placed by the
issuing company can only be released by the issuing company. You can
contact the Investor Relations Department at the company issuing the
stock, and they will be able to advise if a decision has been reached
when the shares will be tradeable. Most restrictions are between 3
months and 2 years in length, with 1 year a common length.
ILGL is currently on our No Buy/No Sell list. There is no timeline set
for its' removal from that list.
If you have any further questions please let us know.
Steve B.
Scottrade Inc.
National Service Center
Scottrade has a no buy or no sale on ilgl.
a couple weeks ago i called the number in canada and they gave me the new transfer agent and i called them and the guy said they havent received all the books yet to call back. I keep calling back and they say call back next week. so i don't have a clue. If i get $1.00 then i would be a happy clam.
new transfer agent phone 1-702-212-3493
twog was a stock company then gave a dividen became bdw then ilgy. the dividen showed up as iel and scottrade said it was a dividen into international energy. i guess time will tell.
does anybody who have scottrade show iel for the stock symbol for ilgy or ilgl that is what they gave me from the twog dividen.
anybody have scottrade account and does it show IEL# or does it show ilgy. mine is IEL#
5 on the ask may mean that the MM are covering there shorts.
no his hotdog cart. LOL
I can bring up the PR's in my scottrade account or pinksheets and thats it... somethings up i have that gut feeling. I still thing onyi will make a go of it and the dividen i have sitting there will be worth something one day....
That is pure speculation but im disappointed in the way things are being handled... why don't the PR's show up on yahoo.