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So you are suppose to get excited, cheer, clap, celebrate, sing hallelujah with this. It's nothing. He has nothing. And when he does, have something, for real, that looks positive I'll say so. But when he puts out a disaster financial report will you say it was poor?
pearl didn't want to settle
No good news makes you happy
2) Eric/WNBD makes an offer/Solution.
Assuming that is done & accepted, then there is good news and perhaps some bad, but more good for sure. WNBD will have avoided bankruptcy, lifted that dark cloud, can try focus on the business now
$WNBD Millions of stains per day in homes across America. Winning Brands is returning to growth ambitions for its 1000+ Stain Remover in 2025. Thank you Walmart and Home Depot online commerce teams.
$WNBD Millions of stains per day in homes across America. Winning Brands is returning to growth ambitions for its 1000+ Stain Remover in 2025. Thank you Walmart and Home Depot online commerce teams.
— Eric Lehner (@WinningCEO) March 14, 2025
No good news makes you happy, pearl didn't want to settle, but they got em, be happy for good news for a change
Right, trying to resume operations with trade wars causing rising prices, higher inflation, huge stock market loses, unemployment isn't exactly ideal.
As far as the mystery 3rd party look at his financials to see who are lenders. Likely one of them.
Perfume is going no where. GestureTek is draining the bottom line with expenses. I have doubts it can ever do enough sales to break even while it brings down WNBD
WNBD was a bit profitable before Eric thought he was some big time entrepreneur. Too bad he can't, won't go back to his roots, concentrate on it, & try to build on it.
Yep I think "sinking" is the operative word. Can't imagine how Trumpski's tariff war will affect the bottom line, but it can't be good. Would like to know who the mystery 3rd party is?🤔
"Winning Brands will regain momentum now as several positive opportunities that had been on hold will be brought to life in 2025 and beyond." Classic Eric forward looking statement! Don't worry, Niagara Mist perfume is just the thing to cover up the smell of even more BS. BTW anyone had a chance to smell this stuff?
Nice to know Eric was lying all this time how Mr Pearlman was out to destroy WNBD and would not even consider an offer without some payment first. What a lie that was after he continued to bash the creditor on Twitter.
Good news for the creditor he finally gets some funds and gets to end his 7 to 8 year nightmare journey Eric took him on.
Now Eric is indebted to a third party and for what amount?. Eric/WNBD are still penniless, have no funds for projects, GestureTek is still a bust, and Eric gets to play CEO for longer now, how exciting is that. More misrepresentations, dishonesty, lack of disclosure, whippee. Stock sure rebounded well with this news.
notwithstanding that the issuer has consented to bankruptcy in the event that the remaining payments are not made
Winning Brands Corporation Debt RestructuringPress Release | 03/10/2025
March 10, 2025
OTC Disclosure & News Service
Dover, DE —
This release includes additional documents. Select the link(s) below to view.
March 10 2025 WNBD Debt Restructuring.pdf
$WNBD Normal operations resuming. News Link:…
$WNBD Normal operations resuming. News Link:
— Eric Lehner (@WinningCEO) March 11, 2025
Quite frankly WNBD will not go anywhere until; Eric steps down, or WNBD is taken over. Niagra Perfume, saturated market nuff said
That's so silly trying to blame poor CEO performance on negative comments that are on point. Somehow you think rewarding with praise, misleading, mispresenting, poor business decisions is a good idea. Encourage and send a message that the CEO is doing the right thing. How long have you been saying be patient, give it a break?
How long has it been since Eric purchased GestureTek assets and promised great things? I think this perfume thing is wrong and if it turns out to be good I will for sure say I was wrong. But it's been like 10 years+ with no revenue so at what point are you ready to say it's the wrong business direction for a cleaning company to try to think it can compete in the perfume industry that is highly competitive.
You are not helping by applauding his pipe dreams. Let him go try to launch a new cleaning product skew on Amazon. To me at least that makes sense. If he would provide real details regarding it.
Ya know if all of bashers would just give it a break, maybe just maybe a stock that has had issues could catch a break and move up some
Haha, another Eric pipe dream. He said the same thing 4 months about Dubai.
$WNBD @Punk_Stocks Hello PS - Although you may have meant it ironically, you are actually correct in your statement. The prior perfume launch test unfortunately occured during the post-COVID period when the use of testers was not permitted for hygiene and other reasons. Since…
— Eric Lehner (@WinningCEO) November 19, 2024
$WNBD Niagara Mist Perfume. Our 2025 strategy includes possibly expanding our SKU kit beyond only a female scent, to include also a male and unisex fragrance to round out the offering. Our new strategic partner, based in Dubai, has extensive experience in the "internationalization" of our Official Fragrance of Niagara Falls to include global distribution. Niagara Falls is well known, and liked, globally. Niagara Falls has transitioned successfully from an "affordable honeymoon" destination in the previous generation to a busy casino and convention center today, with the "Falls" as a never ending object of fascination. More hotel rooms available now than ever! People from every corner of the world have fond memories of Niagara Falls. Our vision is to make our Official Fragrance a delightful keepsake, and a repeat purchase item after-the-fact, for as many visitors as possible.
$WNBD Niagara Mist Perfume. Our 2025 strategy includes possibly expanding our SKU kit beyond only a female scent, to include also a male and unisex fragrance to round out the offering. Our new strategic partner, based in Dubai, has extensive experience in the…
— Eric Lehner (@WinningCEO) March 3, 2025
Our first test marketing was conducted with Marriott and Sheraton hotel organizations at their principal Niagara Falls properties. This was interupted by Covid and other factors.
$WNBD Return to normal operations for Winning Brands during 2025 will include a refreshed launch of Niagara Mist Perfume, Official Fragrance of the City of Niagara Falls. Our first test marketing was conducted with Marriott and Sheraton hotel organizations at their principal Niagara Falls properties. This was interupted by Covid and other factors. Winning Brands will conduct updated testing in 2025 to restore momentum to this WNBD division. We are the rights holder to the official status of the mascot fragrance for one of North America's major tourism centers. Millions of visitors per year. Winning Brands will be working with new production partners in 2025 for various benefits. More info to come.
$WNBD Return to normal operations for Winning Brands during 2025 will include a refreshed launch of Niagara Mist Perfume, Official Fragrance of the City of Niagara Falls. Our first test marketing was conducted with Marriott and Sheraton hotel organizations at their principal…
— Eric Lehner (@WinningCEO) March 2, 2025
That's a lot of excitement of news to handle at one time. I think I'll pass till next week when possibles news might have some bigger impact. Will the bankruptcy application be proceeding March 5th & 6th? or did Eric make an offer/solution or is he going to, to try to avoid it? clock is ticking.
My opinions only.
1) Bankruptcy Application proceeds.
All bad for WNBD. WNBD chances of success are slim to none. Therefore & my opinion only the applications will be granted, WNBD will be declared Bankrupt and will eventually close, no matter what legally Eric thinks he can try.
2) Eric/WNBD makes an offer/Solution.
Assuming that is done & accepted, then there is good news and perhaps some bad, but more good for sure. WNBD will have avoided bankruptcy, lifted that dark cloud, can try focus on the business now.
The maybe bad, it will have inherited this new debt on whatever the settlement was. This debt likely now to another 3rd party since WNBD has no funds of its own to make an offer/solution. But certainly, the good would outweigh this maybe bad. However one can argue it got rid of the debt it owed to the creditor it was never paying, so it now presumably owes less debt on paper, so no bad, all good? It might depend on the agreement between the 3rd party and WNBD which likely won't be disclosed.
The other good news would be to the creditor who finally was satisfied after so many years on something on his debt.
What will shake out? as the WNBD world turns. Stay tuned.
$WNBD Thank you Dulux Paints! Looking forward to positive developments in 2025 and beyond. Staff at this location of the Dulux Paint store chain, Kyle and Chris, gave us great new user testimonials last week about our 1000+ Stain Remover. Kyle, shown in the photo below, is a real fan! Dulux website: WNBD Product website:
$WNBD Thank you Dulux Paints! Looking forward to positive developments in 2025 and beyond. Staff at this location of the Dulux Paint store chain, Kyle and Chris, gave us great new user testimonials last week about our 1000+ Stain Remover. Kyle, shown in the photo below, is a…
— Eric Lehner (@WinningCEO) February 28, 2025
Hello Truth To Power. You are so right. No matter how hard we work to advance, some people crave misfortune upon us. For example, I can report that we are negotiating, through an intermediary, to install a GestureTek pilot project into a specific group of 4 cannabis dispensaries in Los Angeles. A normal person will wish us well for the sake of WNBD stakeholders. Yet, "some people" will pull out another pin to stick into the voodoo doll, hoping that something goes wrong. In the meantime, I can say that things are moving in the right direction. There are no guarantees on this, but it illustrates the breakthroughs that can happen, if "some people" will find it within their hearts to try life on the positive side, so that all can benefit.
You already took our money. Stop acting like this stock is worth investing in.
— Steady Mobbin (@StevenG96607031) February 11, 2025
It's available at a price no one will buy it at, brilliant.
— satter (@satter770736012) February 10, 2025
$WNBD 1000+ Stain Remover personal video. Now that 1000+ is on the way to being reinstated with more retailers, it will be necessary to bring our online materials up-to-date. I was reviewing a personal video tonight that I made 2-3 years ago, with a link below in order for new…
— Eric Lehner (@WinningCEO) February 11, 2025
$WNBD USA Walmart home delivery and direct-to-store customer delivery reinstated for 1000+ Stain Remover multi-cleaner, for single bottle SKU and 3-Pak. Product Website: Walmart USA order page screen shots are shown below. 1000+ Stain Remover is a…
— Eric Lehner (@WinningCEO) February 10, 2025
$WNBD Some progress with Walmart. We are trying to regain a presence at Walmart, as we strive to rebuild WNBD. It would seem that we have been able to achieve both a "Ship to Home" and "Ship to Store" arrangement in Canada now through an appropriate distribution partner, as…
— Eric Lehner (@WinningCEO) February 10, 2025
$WNBD @Chuck821Gep 1000+ Stain Remover and Amazon. A shareholder asks about availability of 1000+ on Amazon. Our product is available, but the sales intermediary is charging an uncompetitive price. For that reason, we have a different idea about Amazon. It involves opening a…
— Eric Lehner (@WinningCEO) February 10, 2025
$WNBD Hello Truth To Power. You are so right. No matter how hard we work to advance, some people crave misfortune upon us. For example, I can report that we are negotiating, through an intermediary, to install a GestureTek pilot project into a specific group of 4 cannabis…
— Eric Lehner (@WinningCEO) February 9, 2025
Canadian Western Western Trust Company v Friedrich ( Eric ) Lehner, CEO of Winning Brands Corporation
B E T W E E N:
A LEGAL PROCEEDING HAS BEEN COMMENCED AGAINST YOU by the Plaintiff(s). The claim made against you is set out in the following pages.
IF YOU WISH TO DEFEND THIS PROCEEDING, you or an Ontario lawyer acting for you must prepare a Statement of Defence in Form 18A prescribed by the Rules of Civil Procedure, serve it on the Plaintiff(s) lawyer(s) or, where the plaintiff(s) do(es) not have not a lawyer, serve it on the plaintiff(s), and file it, with proof of service, in this court office, WITHIN TWENTY DAYS after this statement of claim is served on you, if you are served in Ontario.
If you are served in another province or territory of Canada or in the United States of America, the period for serving and filing your statement of defence is forty days. If you are served outside Canada and the United States of America, the period is sixty days.
Instead of serving and filing a Statement of Defence, you may serve and file a notice of intent to defend in Form 18B prescribed by the Rules of Civil Procedure. This will entitle you to ten more days within which to serve and file your Statement of Defence.
TAKE NOTICE: THIS ACTION WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE DISMISSED if it has not been set down for trial or terminated by any means within five years after the action was commenced unless otherwise ordered by the court.
Date: Issued by:_____________________________
Local Registrar
Address of Court Office:
75 Mulcaster Street
Barrie, Ontario
L4M 3P2
3 Lismer Blvd
Barrie, Ontario
L4N 4B7
a) Payment by the Defendants, FRIEDRICH NIKOLAI LEHNER, of the sum of $384,335.12 now due under a mortgage with interest at the rate 12.99% per annum until Judgment calculated as follows:
(i) The sum of $263,750.00 for mortgage principal;
(ii) The sum of $107,633.58 for interest arrears to Oct 15, 2024;
(iii) The sum of $350.00 for NSF/Missed Payment fees;
(iv) The sum of $1,500.00 for Default Administration Fees;
(v) The sum of $8,565.27 for Three Month Interest Penalty;
(vi) The sum of $1,971.27 for outstanding Interest Adjustment;
(vii) The sum of $565.00 for appraisal fee;
b) Pre-judgment and post-judgment interest on the aforesaid sum of $384,355.12 from the 15th day of October, 2024 to the date of payment at the rate of 12.99% per annum in accordance with the terms of the said mortgage.
c) Possession of the mortgaged property as set out herein.
d) Costs of this action on a solicitor and client basis.
e) Such further and other relief as this Honourable Court may deem just and proper in the circumstances.
2. The Plaintiff, CANADIAN WESTERN TRUST COMPANY, is a corporation with it’s head office in the City of Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia.
3. The Defendant, FRIEDRICH NIKOLAI LEHNER, is an individual residing in the City of Barrie, in the Province of Ontario.
4. The Plaintiff’s claim is on a mortgage registered against the property located at 3 Lismer Boulevard, Barrie, Ontario, described more fully below, made between FRIEDRICH NIKOLAI LEHNER as mortgagor and CANADIAN WESTERN TRUST COMPANY as mortgagee, which mortgage was registered on the 20th day of December, 2019 as instrument number SC1651103 at the Registry Office for SIMCOE (LRO #51).
5. Under the aforementioned mortgage, the Defendant, FRIEDRICH NIKOLAI LEHNER, mortgaged the lands and premises as described hereunder for the principal sum of $263,750.00 and interest on that sum at the rate of 12.99% per annum.
6. The mortgage provides for the following terms and payment of interest as follows:
STANDARD CHARGE TERMS - The parties agreed to be bound by the provisions in Standard Charge Terms filed as number 200033 and the Chargor/Mortgagor hereby acknowledges receipt of a copy of these terms. These Standard Charge Terms provided for, among other things, pre- and post-judgment interest on the monies due and owing, payment of any costs incurred by the Plaintiff in recovering under the mortgage on a solicitor and client basis, possession of the mortgaged property upon default under the mortgage and acceleration of payment of the monies advanced under the mortgage upon default.
a) Principal Amount ................................................................................$263,750.00
b) Interest Rate ................................................................................................ 12.99%
c) Calculation Period ...................................... MONTHLY, NOT IN ADVANCE
d) Interest Adjustment Date .......................................................... January 10, 2020
e) Payment date .................................................... 10th DAY OF EACH MONTH
f) First Payment Date.................................................................. February 10, 2020
g) Last Payment Date .................................................................... January 10, 2021
h) Amount of each payment ......................................................................$2,855.09
i) Balance due date ........................................................................ January 10, 2021
j) Insurance ................................................................ FULL INSURABLE VALUE
7. With respect to the Defendant’s obligation to insure the property, the Standard Charge terms as executed state as follows:
“The Chargor will immediately insure, unless already insured, and during the continuance of the Charge keep insured against loss or damage by fire, in such proportions upon each building as may be required by the Chargee, the buildings on the land to the amount of not less than their full insurable value on a replacement cost basis in dollars of lawful money in Canada.”
8. With respect to the Plaintiff(s) claim for post-judgment interest, the Standard Charge Terms as executed state as follows:
“In case default shall be made in payment of any sum to become due for interest at the time provided for payment in the Charge, compound interest shall be payable and the sum in arrears for interest from time to time, as well after as before maturity, and both before and after default and judgment, shall bear interest at the rate provided for in the Charge. In case the interest and compound interest are not paid within the interest calculation period provided in the Charge from the time of default a rest shall be made, and compound interest at the rate provided for in the Charge shall be payable on the aggregate amount then due, as well after as before maturity, and so on from time to time, and all such interest and compound interest shall be a charge upon the land.”
9. With respect to the Plaintiff(s) claim for costs on a solicitor and client basis, and for the amounts paid to the first mortgagee on title, the Standard Charge Terms as executed provide as follows:
“The Chargee may pay all premiums of insurance and all taxes, rates, levies, charges, assessments, utility and heating charges which shall from time to time fall due and be unpaid in respect of the land, and that such payments, together with all costs, charges, legal fees (as between solicitor and client) and expenses which may be incurred in taking, recovering and keeping possession of the land and of negotiating the Charge, investigating title, and registering the Charge and other necessary deeds, and generally in any other proceedings taken in connection with or to realize upon the security given
in the Charge (including legal fees and real estate commissions and other costs incurred in leasing or selling the land or in exercising the power of entering, lease and sale contained in the Charge) shall be, with interest at the rate provided for in the Charge, a charge upon the land in favour of the Chargee pursuant to the terms of the Charge and the Chargee may pay or satisfy any lien, charge or encumbrance now existing or hereafter created or claimed upon the land, which payments with interest at the rate provided for in the Charge shall likewise be a charge upon the land in favour of the Chargee. Provided, and it is hereby further agreed, that all amounts paid by the Chargee as aforesaid shall be added to the principal amount secured by the Charge and shall be payable forthwith with interest at the rate provided for in the Charge, and on default all sums secured by the Charge shall immediately become due and payable at the option of the Chargee, and all powers in the Charge conferred shall become exercisable.”
10. Default in payment of the Plaintiff’s mortgage took place on March 10, 2022 when the Defendants failed to make the monthly interest-only payment due in full, and still continues to this day. Furthermore this mortgage has matured and come due.
11. There is now due and owing under the said mortgage the following:
Principal $ 263,750.00
Interest Arrears $ 107,633.58
NSF/Missed Payment Fees $ 350.00
Default Admin Fees $ 1,500.00
Three Month Interest Penalty $ 8,565.27
Outstanding Interest Adjustment $ 1,971.27
Appraisal Fee $ 565.00
Total $ 384,355.12
10. The Defendant, FRIEDRICH NIKOLAI LEHNER is liable to pay these sums and subsequent interest at the mortgage rate of 12.99% per annum. Furthermore, the Plaintiff is entitled to possession of the mortgaged property, pursuant to the Standard Charge Terms and the Mortgages Act.
11. The following is a legal description of the mortgaged property:
PIN NUMBER: 58743-0214 (LT)
** Municipally known as: 3 LISMER BOULEVARD
L4N 4B7
Matthew E Gibson
69 John Street S. Suite #300
Hamilton, Ontario
L8N 2B9
(LSO #64039J)
Ph: 905 522-3724
Fax: 905 529-1570
Solicitor for the Plaintiff
$WNBD Meet Our Clients. New replenishment order received today from our institutional customer, Youthdale Treatment Centres, to restock WNBD specialized medical/institutional cleaning solutions. Video link is provided below for you to meet our client and hear them describe…
— Eric Lehner (@WinningCEO) January 26, 2025
$WNBD Winning Brands Distribution Boost! We appreciate today's opening order for our return to Pearson Distributing. Pearson will serve diverse Midwest home improvement and paint store retailers for our Details in this News Link:…
— Eric Lehner (@WinningCEO) January 24, 2025
More Eric fluff hype, nothing burger words meant to distract from pitiful GTek real meaningful non-existent sales. Pushing some update like perhaps a license renewal, a new language package as some major assignment. It's an update, that's all. He won't even spell out the update.
What dishonesty and such bullsh*
WNBD has an issue to resolve with a creditor. We are trying to do so.
WNBD is ready to ramp up business momentum with GestureTek, as we originally hoped.
An association of over 6,000 convenience stores has approved a GestureTek launch project, and is waiting for me to say that we can start installing GestureTek systems into participating test sites.
$WNBD @TruthToPower23 Hello Truth. There is deep insight in your summary below.
— Eric Lehner (@WinningCEO) January 18, 2025
I admit that certain challenges have made WNBD seem beyond salvation to OTC watchers - but it is not. WNBD has an issue to resolve with a creditor. We are trying to do so. WNBD is ready to ramp…
$WNBD GestureTek is honored to receive GestureTek tech update assignment today for Silver Creek Pre-School for children with special needs. GestureTek medical applications can be seen here:
— Eric Lehner (@WinningCEO) January 16, 2025
Too much. Eric the master of fluff is at it again. Making "One" order sound like the coming of Jesus.
He would need likely 10 orders a month to break even and he has like 1 order every 3 to 4 months.
Never mind he is Bankruptcy Court March 5/6th.
Now THAT'S what I'm talking about... a catalyst downright Biblical in nature!!
$WNBD Winning Brands GestureTek. Wonderful versatility for institutions and public settings of our gesture activated interactive displays. We recently reported an order from the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C. The order was to expand their GestureTek equipment…
— Eric Lehner (@WinningCEO) January 13, 2025
Don't confuse yourself for calling out the truth as anything else but being real. Eric has misled, mispresented and has been dishonest at times. Plain and simple.
If he announced $100 mil sales at 20% profit and it was real, I would say congratulations. I would be very happy. I have zero problem calling out anything positive that is real.
Can you call out negative sales that is pathetic like he recently posted? Say so, say that it was pathetic after he promoted GestureTek would bring in millions? Not even 100k in annual sales with WNBD combined with a net income lost that is staggering.
What ever, really whatever... your hate for will never go away, he could announce $100mil sales at 20% profit and you would be mad it wasn't more
Typical Eric Fluff Post. At best if you can believe anything he says, he maybe received one GestureTek order. This could toople the famous Ineo partnership arrangement that resulted in zero business.
An order has been received for the first GestureTek ScreenFX system in this new relationship
Hello Japan! GestureTek Resumes Deliveries to Asia of Patented Interactive Gesture Control Technology
Winning Brands' Growth Plan for GestureTek Continues
TOKYO, JAPAN / ACCESSWIRE / September 9, 2022 / Winning Brands Corporation (OTC PINK:WNBD) is pleased to announce the September 2022 delivery by its GestureTek affiliate of GestureTek's popular CUBE V.5 Turnkey Interactive Floor Projection systems to Japan for customer integration by respected audio visual supplier STUDIO L. This delivery represents resumption of post-COVID operations to Asia for the GestureTek brand.
GestureTek is a leader in the tech sector of immersive experiences for human control of computer displays and virtual environments through body gestures. Acquisition by Winning Brands Corporation of GestureTek technology and intellectual property interests received recent court approval, with final closing as a formality soon. The companies are already coordinating operations.
GestureTek CUBE™ delivers eye-catching dynamic visual content on horizontal surfaces with special effects for entertainment and learning experiences created through body movements, known as gestures, in a wide range of settings;
GestureTek also provides proprietary therapeutic physical rehabilitation systems for heath care settings, such as IREX™, which is clinically proven to accelerate patient recovery, as well as other commercial gesture control systems. IREX VIDEO:
$WNBD New partner in Asia for Winning Brands Corporation's GestureTek distribution. News…
why did our president of wmbd get this pig out of the expert market. somebody tell me , 7 billons shares out there. tell me why
1000+ Stain Remover is available again both as a 3-pack SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) and a single bottle SKU on Home Depots online platform.
Press Release | 12/17/2024
December 17, 2024
OTC Disclosure & News Service
Dover, DE —
This release includes additional documents. Select the link(s) below to view.
Winning Brands Corporation, Delaware, (OTC:WNBD) reports today that has restored Winning Brands consumer cleaning product, 1000+ Stain Remover, to Home Depots product online offerings in the USA, and is now in stock. There had been a period in 2024 during which the product was unavailable to consumers.
1000+ Stain Remover is available again both as a 3-pack SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) and a single bottle SKU on Home Depots online platform. 1000+ Stain Remover also qualifies for Home Depots free-to-store shipping for consumers. This means that shoppers in America can collect Winning Brands 1000+ Stain Remover from any Home Depot store in the USA if the product is ordered online. The link to the online shopping page for 1000+ Stain Remover 3-pack is here:
Winning Brands Corporation CEO, Eric Lehner, comments, "Winning Brands appreciates the loyalty of Home Depot, and our distribution partners, to our 1000+ Stain Remover brand. We think of 1000+ Stain Remover affectionately as the most versatile clean-up solution in the world 1000 uses in 1 convenient solution. We look forward to working with Home Depot and our distribution fulfillment partner in 2025 to increase exposure of 1000+ Stain Remover to shoppers in Home Depots online marketing ecosystem. 1000+ Stain Remover has what it takes to grow considerably at Home Depot."
Winning Brands Corporation (Delaware) is a holding company with subsidiary interests in the chemical sector (specialty cleaning products sold by retailers) and specialized high-tech systems (gesture controlled interactive immersive experiences used by institutions). The lead consumer product website for 1000+ Stain Remover is The lead gesture controlled interactive immersive experiences, called GestureTek, can be seen at
Mr. Lehner concludes - "As mentioned recently, we are looking forward to a come-back on a number of fronts, as we emerge from our recent quiet period. Winning Brands Corporation will share more forward-looking plans as soon as possible."
Winning Brands Corporation
Eric Lehner, CEO
(705) 737-4062, Extension 8
Winning Brands Ordered To Pay $16,000 In Court Costs.
On it's filed motion to dismiss in the bankruptcy applicase case it lost in a big way.
[1] I heard a motion in this matter on October 21, 2024, in which Winning Brands Corporation (“WB”) sought a dismissal of these proceedings against it inasmuch as it is a Delaware corporation, purportedly not conducting business in Ontario.
[2] In my endorsement, also dated October 21, 2024, I dismissed WB’s motion, finding that it was “not a close call” and that, among other findings, the overwhelming preponderance of evidence showed that WB had been carrying on business in Ontario for a number of years.
[3] Given my finding, I determined that the respondent on the motion, Mr. Perlman, was entitled to his costs. Mr. Perlman had submitted a costs outline as required (WB had not) but it became apparent that Mr. Perlman had made an offer to settle that he wished to have taken into account for purposes of costs, and so I directed that the parties exchange submissions on costs, which they did.
[4] The written submissions that I received confirmed that Mr. Perlman had delivered an offer to settle, together with his responding materials for the motion (at the end of September, so early enough to trigger potential costs consequences). The offer contemplated that if WB accepted it that day (and agreed to a dismissal of his motion), he would only be obliged to pay to Mr. Perlman $1,000 in costs. After that day, if WB agreed to a dismissal of its motion and accepted the offer (which remained open until one minute after the motion commenced), the offer contemplated that WB would pay Mr. Perlman’s costs on a partial indemnity basis.
[5] Mr. Perlman’s written submissions on costs also asserted that the matter was of medium complexity, and was clearly of great importance in these proceedings, in that if WB succeeded, the proceedings against it would be at an end.
[6] WB agreed, in its submissions, that the matter was of importance (for the same reason articulated by Mr. Perlman), but argued that the amounts sought by Mr. Perlman were excessive, that the time spent was disproportionate to the length and complexity of the motion, and that Mr. Perlman deployed two lawyers, whereas WB used only one.
[7] WB filed its own costs outline together with its costs submissions (as noted it had not uploaded a costs outline, as required, at the time of the motion).
[8] WB’s costs outline, while confirming that WB used only one lawyer (as compared to the two lawyers deployed by Mr. Perlman), actually tends to confirm that the amounts sought by Mr. Perlman are “in the ballpark”.
[9] That is, in terms of partial indemnity costs, Mr. Perlman’s figure is $12,825.62, and WB’s figure is $11,525.15. For substantial indemnity, the figures are $18,271.14 (Mr. Perlman) versus $15,985.65 (WB).
[10] Although it is fair to note, as WB does, that Mr. Perlman used two lawyers for the motion, it is clear that the more senior of the two lawyers (who is a 2018 call as compared to his colleague who is a 2019 call) did the vast majority of the work on the file.
[11] I find that it is fair for costs to be paid on a substantial indemnity basis. While the offer to settle contemplated two different outcomes (depending on whether it was accepted on the first day or on a subsequent day), it is nonetheless clear that if WB had accepted the offer at any point before the motion it would have been better off from a costs perspective.
[12] I am prepared to modestly reduce the costs award because of Mr. Perlman’s use of two lawyers as compared to the single lawyer used by WB. This is not because there is anything inherently wrong with using two lawyers on a matter like this one. Rather, the two lawyers who worked on this matter for Mr. Perlman were very close in level (within a year of call) such that it would have been difficult to enjoy the efficiencies of much of the work being done at a more junior level and, in any event, most of the work was actually done by the more senior of the two lawyers.
[13] Overall, I find that WB is to pay Mr. Perlman’s costs of this motion on a substantial indemnity basis, in the amount of $16,000.00 inclusive of disbursements and HST.
[14] These costs are to be paid within 30 days of today’s date.
Yup this new upgrade to some existing system that may or may not be happening, is really going to turn it around for Eric/WNBD/GTek. Will this be ground breaking maintenance upgrades or licensing renewals, if it happens. Amazing.
Eric the master at spewing Fluff is at it again.
"Our plan is to also deploy GestureTek in grocery stores and similar retail environments where consumer products are sold to provide consumer product brands with a new way to advertise and engage consumers at point of sale for maximum impact.
A follow-up prototype installation is targeted for Q1 2025 with a supermarket partner who has already been identified and has agreed to participate."
Winning Brands Corporation, Delaware, (OTC:WNBD) has been awarded a new assignment to enhance/upgrade its existing GestureTek GroundFX equipment installation at Washington, D.C.s Museum of the Bible.
Winning Brands Corporation (WNBD) acquired GestureTek patent protection rights and GestureTek's business legacy in 2022 with the intention to create a technology division for WNBD. GestureTek is a method of creating gesture-controlled interactive experiences for people in public spaces, or in certain medical applications. The GestureTek system projects audio/visual imagery on floors, walls and other surfaces that react to peoples body movements without touch. These movements can be deliberate or random to create far-reaching interactive immersive experiences. GestureTek is respected amongst audio-visual systems integrators in America and elsewhere. Sample medical uses can be seen here:
The Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C. has been a satisfied GestureTek client for years, and is reinvesting to keep its equipment up-to-date for the benefit of its many visitors.
Winning Brands Corporation CEO, Eric Lehner, comments, "Winning Brands Corporation looks forward to a number of new GestureTek installations in America in 2025, to be announced as soon as possible. We appreciate the customer affirmation that such upgrades and reinvestments represent. The Museum of the Bible in Washington is a well-known and popular attraction. GestureTek's customer base includes some of Americas foremost corporations and public agencies.
Mr. Lehner concludes - "Our plan is to also deploy GestureTek in grocery stores and similar retail environments where consumer products are sold to provide consumer product brands with a new way to advertise and engage consumers at point of sale for maximum impact. GestureTek placement into such settings is a cross-over application that leverages Winning Brands Corporation's experience in the consumer product environment. An initial Vancouver installation was previously announced. A follow-up prototype installation is targeted for Q1 2025 with a supermarket partner who has already been identified and has agreed to participate."
Winning Brands Corporation (Delaware) is a holding company with subsidiary interests in the chemical sector (specialty cleaning products sold by retailers) and specialized high-tech systems (gesture controlled interactive immersive experiences used by institutions). The lead consumer product website for 1000+ Stain Remover is The lead gesture controlled interactive immersive experiences, called GestureTek, can be seen
Winning Brands Corporation
Eric Lehner, CEO
(705) 737-4062, Extension 8
Statements contained in this news release, other than those identifying historical facts, constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Safe Harbor provisions as contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements relating to the Company's future expectations, including but not limited to revenue and earnings, technology efficacy, strategies and plans, etc are subject to safe harbors protection. Actual Company results and performance may be materially different from any future results, performance, strategies, plans, or achievements that may be expressed or implied by any such forward-looking statements. The company disclaims any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements.
$WNBD Winning Brands Corporation Pink Current Information Tier Restored
— Eric Lehner (@WinningCEO) December 10, 2024
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