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Bought a bunch more today! ….one sentence in your post was correct, congrats!
Virtra between 500k and 600k shares shorted, almost 6% of the float. Seeking some insight here. Guys?
Nobody has cared about this stock for years because management doesn't make it easy for investors to project future numbers. Now you have a myriad of factors like broad political chaos, federal budget cuts, negative IVAS news, no public progress on other STE programs, ever-increase OPEX, increasing competition, and even more lack of transparency from new management which all contribute to scaring away potential investors. Until any of this changes, the stock price will languish.
I don't think any investor knows shit.
The stock currently trades at < 10X EV/EBITDA and close enough to liquidation value if they were to stop doing anything. Time will tell whether that's a fair price for a company that is more than likely going to grow over time.
Do these guys even have anything? No news since December, heck they haven't even announced the conference call for earnings and that has to be coming up unless they aren't doing that anymore. The way the stock is trading says they don't have shit. Just my opinion.
Please pass me a double of whatever you are drinking!
Im surprised the stock price isnt lower and think its held pretty good considering. I thought 3rd quarter call was worst ive heard. He just read his statement word for word no excitement or enthusiasm and no questions at the end. Knowing that was the last we would hear from virtra till the end of March was very frustrating.
I still have faith in Givens and hopeful for this year. I think at least 2 out of the 4 quarters they announce will be record breaking quarters and this stock can move up very quickly. I think we could be back to between $15-$20 by mid June?
Hopefully they announce they are working with Anduril on the next call or i hope someone at least asks the question at the end. Who knows maybe Anduril buys us in 2026?
Didn't know Axon has Ax to grind w Ferris
Axon will not buy VirTra until there are no VTSI shares owned by anyone with the name Ferris.
Get axon CEO on the fishphone and tell him to buy Virt
Axon up another $70 today. Should get to $1000/share later this year and easy $50billion market cap. Tons of growth, tons of opportunity. And VirTra.....
The 6 job listings on VirTras website are all petty zero value add positions. Nothing indicating growth or new products. Looks like Givens is not the real deal.
I bought more sub $6 shares today. I figure I can stomach a 3 month hold. q4 late March, q1 mid May….will be interesting to see if VirTra is still functioning.
Interesting listen...lucky is the real deal, a fascinating character
Since it can take input from all sorts of different sensors and systems, hopefully they are still planning on a training piece from Virtra.
(I did not watch the full interview so not sure if anything is mentioned about training)
$5.80….52 week low is coming.
Think about how inept VirTra is with respect to getting out their Q4 numbers. Only 6 more weeks of waiting…..then they will claim they don’t know how Q1 will turn out even though it is already finished. What a ship show.
Short term bad, Long term good. Any sort of transition will cause delays. Microsoft never did care about this project because it is of zero importance to Microsoft's core products and direction. However, this is a game changer and extremely important for Anduril so there should be more pressure from Anduril to advance the project.
Where is CEO Givens? What is he doing? Does he still work for VirTra?
Not sure if this is good, bad, or indifferent as far as Virtra is concerned...
All good! It happens. I do the same search. Today's date is at the very top of the page, so it probably hit on that.
I remembered Canada getting one off the standing offer a few years back, so the "first-of-its-kind" thing made me look..
Article came up with a Google search for the last 24 hours. Weird, did not see the date. My apology to the board, should have been more attentive. Old age setting in.
I think that article is from 2014?
New Saskatoon Police HQ Sets Standard in Canada
John Tenpenny September 24, 2014
Very sad to see it took until 2025 for a Canadian police facility to purchase a sim. Hopefully this is the start of a wider trend and not a one-off.
quote: a VirTra firearms training simulator—a first-of-its-kind in a police facility in Canada
BCC Breaks Ground on Alan Holden Public Safety Center
Brunswick Community College (BCC) celebrated a major milestone on Friday with the groundbreaking of the new Alan Holden Public Safety Center, a state-of-the-art facility designed to transform public safety education and workforce development in the region.
The 28,278-square-foot facility, set to begin construction on February 3, 2025, and be completed by March 2026, will be a hub for cutting-edge training and education. It will house specialized labs and training spaces, including a VirTra Simulator, moveable wall tactical firearm room, self-defense and arrest techniques mat room, driving simulators, EMS scenario training rooms, and an apparatus bay.
Congratulations to VirTra for achieving the IADLEST National Certification Program Seal of Excellence for the training course, Duty to Intervene – 2.5 hours in-person. Our assessment team has thoroughly reviewed your materials and your course has passed the rigors of our independent review process.
Feb 3, 2025
International Assn of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards & Training
All your criticism is fair. The big recoil contract was supposed to happen in 2021, then 2022, then 2023, then 2024, now it will be in 2025? Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me 5x…?
I simply don’t like how Givens is front and center pounding the table when things are going well but then disappears when things get tough.
I also don’t like that he and his directors don’t buy the stock.
I also figure Ferris needs reading material….so I post some.
Where did you see that it is not gonna happen? This is HUGE news!
We have already gotten 9 mil for prototyping and were able to advance the product to state of the art levels for free....
Totally understand you not liking no news but that's the way they decide to operate, they don't announce contracts... and if they announce anything else, you say it's fluff and meaningless...
Where did you see anything that even remotely inferred that?
Nobody cares about recoil kits, nobody cares about Military opportunities. Ferris and now Givens have teased this stuff for 4+ years now, it’s not gonna happen. Period. Worst of all though, it has distracted Givens from pursuing LE sales.
What is Givens doing now?
Not a single PR for almost 3 months now.
It still takes them almost til late March for Q4 results?
Why is the stock still so high?
Is that recoil kit prototype a failure? The market has lost confidence.
Virtual Industry Day_IVAS Next
The Army Contracting Command - Aberdeen Proving Ground and Product Manager Integrated Visual Augmentation System will conduct a Virtual Industry Day for IVAS Next on 11 February 2025. This event is a follow-up to the IVAS Next Request for Information issued ( on 22 January 2025
(1) See Attachment 1 for details. Attachment 2 provides a WORD version of Table 1 for registration.
(2) Vendor responses to this notice shall only be sent to the point of contacts indicated in the attachment.
(3) Phone call inquiries regarding this event will not be accepted.
Overview: The Army Contracting Command – Aberdeen Proving Ground (ACC-APG) and Product Manager Integrated Visual Augmentation System (PdM IVAS) will conduct a Virtual Industry Day (via Microsoft Teams) for IVAS Next on 11 February 2025. Purpose: The purpose of this event is to inform interested companies of the IVAS Next requirements and acquisition path and to hold an open forum for discussion of IVAS Next capability requirements. This event is a follow-up to the IVAS Next Request for Information (RFI) issued 22 January 2025 on Information provided during this event will include Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI).
Who Should Attend: Companies with the capabilities and interest to develop and manufacture the IVAS Next system. To attend the Virtual Industry Day, a Company must:
a. Have a current and active Facility Clearance (FCL) at a minimum of Secret Level,
b. Have a current DD Form 2345 Military Critical Technical Data Agreement
Note: A copy of a Company’s approved DD Form 2345 must be submitted with
their registration request.
Agenda: The Virtual Industry Day for IVAS Next is a one-day event; a tentative agenda
• 11 February 2025 (all times are in Eastern Time):
0900-1000 Virtual Sign-in to Teams
1000-1030 Opening Remarks, Ground Rules and Program Path Overview
1030-1130 IVAS Next Overview & Technical Requirements
1130-1140 --Break--
1140-1215 IVAS Next Overview & Technical Requirements (continued)
1215-1330 Question and Answer Session
1330 Closing Remarks
President Donald Trump’s nominee for Army secretary praised the service for a strategy that may lead to the purchase of thousands of high-tech goggles developed by Microsoft Corp.
Daniel Driscoll cited the Army’s solicitation of feedback from soldiers during small-unit field exercises, resulting in design improvements, when he testified Thursday during his confirmation hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee
He called the process “kind of a shining beacon of effective development.”
Thanks for sharing G! That's a true glowing review by actual users
All That Glitters is Not Gold!
The Inconvenient Truths About VR-based Goggle Training
by Lon Bartel and Bob Ferris
VirTra, Inc.
23 January
Realistic human characters. Pass-through technology. Built-in certified curriculum. That’s the VirTra difference. Learn how VirTra’s V-XR overcomes common challenges with VR training in the research-backed whitepaper – free download here:
#allthatglitters #practicemakesperfect
It is tempting to embrace VR training. After all, VR headsets are high-tech and will surely be welcomed by millennials, right? Actually, like so many things in life, the truth is more complicated.
Allegany County VirTra System Provides Simulation for Law Enforcement
January 29th, 2025 by WCBC Radio
Allegany County has new virtual training for state, county and city law enforcement. Sheriff Craig Robertson told WCBC the $350,000, 360-degree wrap-around simulator from VirTra puts an officer in the middle of a target practice field or a real-life scenario with just a click of a button. “When it comes to what we call judgmental shooting which is putting an officer in a situation to determine whether it is a threat situation or a nonthreat situation, this is beyond belief from what we had the ability to do before. And it’s going to make all the office a lot better and feel a lot more better about themselves, feel a lot more comfortable in dealing with certain situations.”
Rob Fout, owner of The Gun Shop in Ridgeley, was able to try it out. “I’ve used several scenarios and simulators in the past and this one is actually very good. It is a well-designed, three-sixty. You have bad guys all the way around you and you have a real-life scenario.”
Why hasn’t VirTra addressed some fundamental problems that have plagued them since the beginning of time?
1. Figure out a way to decouple sales from fed gov money.
2. Hire a Sales leader guru.
3. Take a ton of cost out of the systems so a V300 sells for $20,000 instead of $200,000.
Here we are in 2025 and the company itself has no idea if FY2025 revenue will be $24million or $48million. No guidance. No updates. No insider buying. Pathetic.
When Givens became co-CEO and fixed the internal workings of the company I really thought he was our answer even though I was a bit skeptical of the big shift to prioritize “Military”. At this point it is clear that was a huge mistake as it came at the expense of LE sales. Military might never materialize and their LE stranglehold has long ended as strong rivals have taken market share.
Can Givens correct his mistakes and turn it around or should the BOD replace him? It is good that Givens ownership stake is near 0, makes him easier to remove.
I stay relatively up to date on industry news, trends, and competitors.
Thank you. Important to know. What is your source?
> In fact, VTSI could be/probably will be a subcontractor in new proposals
There are now at least 4 brands of recoil kits that are being tested or in use by global military. As of 2019, there were 2 with one of them being two-decade old technology.
Thank you! This explains the price action the last few months. Reevaluating the MSFT bid is not based on the quality of VTSI training. In fact, VTSI could be/probably will be a subcontractor in new proposals. And this is not a reflection on Givens. He will, and probably is, spending more resources on LE.
Army kickstarts possible recompete of Microsoft’s $22 billion IVAS production deal
The service issued a request for information today for IVAS Next, giving industry until late February to respond.
By Ashley Roque
on January 22, 2025 at 3:04 PM
WASHINGTON — The US Army is taking the next step in recompeting its multi-billion dollar mixed-reality goggle production contract with an official ask to industry to send in viable options.
The service published its new Integrated Visual Augmentation System (IVAS) Next request for information today, giving interested companies until Feb. 26 to respond with their solutions for the combat-suitable heads-up display.
While the RFI doesn’t guarantee the service will recompete its current 10-year production contract with Microsoft valued up to $22 billion, it does kickstart such a process after surveying the market last year. Although the Army did not detail a competition schedule or acquisition plan, it offered up a peak at problems its looking to solve with IVAS Next including “known visual comfort limitations” such as “visual discomfort and nausea from virtual, mixed, and augmented reality headsets.”
2.1.1 This RFI does not constitute a Request for Proposal (RFP) or a promise to issue an RFP in the future. A solicitation for IVAS Next is not available currently. Requests for a solicitation will not receive a response; unsolicited proposal responses to this request will not be considered as offers. Submissions will not be considered offers or proposal responses, competitive evaluation of narrative and sample submissions (if applicable) will not occur, nor will any binding contract award be made because of this request. All information contained in this RFI notice is preliminary, as well as subject to modification, and is in no way binding on the Government. Telephone requests for additional information will not be honored. This notice does not constitute a commitment by the United States Government to contract for any supply or service whatsoever. All information and/or samples submitted in response to this announcement is voluntary; therefore, the United States Government will not compensate any vendor for information and/or samples submitted or any expenses incurred with preparing a submission.
2.1.2 The Government will review all information and samples (if applicable) received but will not respond back to vendors with feedback.
Another IVAS recoil kit delay? The Army looking for a Microsoft alternative?
Virtra's contract is with Microsoft I think , not with the Army.
The silence from VirTra since Q3 was announced Nov 15th is deafening. 2+ months of….. nothing. In hindsight, Ferris is starting to look like a master sales guru compared to Givens. What a ship show this has become.
Q1 2025 Content Update
Posted on Jan. 16, 2025 by Christopher Dorch
At VirTra, we prioritize staying closely connected with our customers. Over the past year, when we asked VirTra operators about their training preferences, the response was clear: “More use of force and de-escalation scenario training, please!”
In response, we are focusing heavily on this training category for the upcoming quarter. Our content team has worked diligently to develop new scenarios. This batch includes a range of interactive courses designed to prepare officers for the complexities of policing in 2025, covering everything from language barrier interactions to encounters with “First Amendment auditors.”
New Content Highlights:
New Skill Drills
De-escalation Scenario Training
First Amendment Scenarios
New V-Author Characters
Graham v Connor certified curriculum
These scenarios cover a broad spectrum of skills, challenging trainees to apply their knowledge in diverse situations. Officers will navigate local First Amendment and open carry laws, assess subjects’ mental health, and manage situations involving unruly individuals, such as a homeless man harassing pedestrians. Additionally, our new Behavioral Threat Analysis drills immerse trainees in dynamic environments filled with both hostile and non-hostile characters, requiring real-time judgment and appropriate use of force.
Thanks. Glad she has been making money in tsla, it’s been a great stock 4 of last 5 years. I just don’t invest in individual stocks anymore. Vtsi had been my only exception.
I was just happy to see your post and that you are still trading and making money! Congrats, it is not easy. I mentioned tsla because my bride has been a devout tsla stockholder for a few years and I have become a bit of a believer. It is amazing the amount of money that can be made on tsla options with very little risk as long as one is not a greedy pig.
I do use market orders for all of my other trades. Decided to give limit a try on vtsi to see what would happen. I don’t trade tsla options or any of that high risk, Reddit, viral type stuff. Guess I still just have a soft spot and watch vtsi since I was in it for so long previously.
I was planning on holding longer but ultimately got nervous of market responses possible tomorrow and next week. Sold all my positions.
Why screw around like that. I probably average a total of 20 trades per week, I just about never use limit orders because of what you experienced. I almost always use market orders and typically get great fills immediately.
And why on Earth are you doing anything short term with a stock like VTSI? It isn’t worth it. Go play with Tesla and its calls and puts if you have an itch that needs scratching. Or if you want to stick with an undervalued one, play with PBI or FTRE or LNC or about a million others. Easy peasy
Still a wildly manipulated stock I see. Noticed yesterday when I put in a buy order, bid immediately went one cent above my price. Same today on ask side, price immediately goes one cent below my price. No doubt why there’s still limited liquidity, nobody wants to contend with that nonsense on the regular.
Sold out. Maybe for the last time.
Back in for a trade. Let’s go up 10%.
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COMPANY PROFILE: VirTra Systems, Inc. develops, sells, and supports use-of-force and marksmanship firearms training simulators in Arizona and internationally. Its products comprise V-300 simulator, a 300 degree wrap around screen for simulation training; V-180 simulator, a 180-degree screen for smaller spaces and budgets; V-100, a single-screen based simulator system; V-ST, a realistic single screen simulated shooting range simulator; and Top SME Content, a content supplied with its simulators. The company also offers V-Author, a software that allows users to create, edit, and train with content specific to agency objectives; Simulated Recoil, a range of realistic and reliable simulated recoil kits/weapons; and Threat-Fire, a return fire device that applies real-world stress on the trainees during simulation training. It serves law enforcement judgement use-of-force simulation training, military firearms simulation training, and civilian simulation shooting markets. The company sells its simulators and related products through a direct sales force and distribution partners. The company was formerly known as Ferris Productions, Inc. and changed its name to VirTra Systems, Inc. in April 2002. VirTra Systems, Inc. was founded in 1993 and is headquartered in Tempe, Arizona.
Bob Ferris, CEO
VirTra Systems, Inc.
7970 S. Kyrene Rd.
Tempe, AZ 85284
telephone (480) 968-1488 x5014
telecopier (480) 968-1448 fax
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