Scam sister company:
Beyond Animal SA is a sister company to Beyond Investing, which runs VEGN. This makes Claire Smith the sole individual running both companies. Claire has stole people's investments in Beyond Animal, along with people's salaries and their work for the jobs (which violates the terms and conditions of the website, and possibly even reads people's personal messages - according to private messages sent to those in the Beyond Groups. VEGN shouldn't be given a nickel - as Claire Smith is in debt and is profiting off of other's contributions without giving them what they deserve. She's a top-notch scammer. So many people left Beyond Animal - that it shouldn't be gone back to. Avoid VEGN - an ETF that isn't even vegan, which is already a scam, avoid Beyond Animal, look for scams by Claire, and avoid any other product associated with her, like the Beyond Advisors company. Report scams whenever possible, as quickly as possible, especially to those who are the most susceptible to being scammed. Doesn't deserve a plug nickel - it's a shame how vegans care for the animals but hurt the people who help them out the most. That's not vegan behavior - it's very unlikely that Claire is even a true vegan or just does this for the money and a political stunt, talking about anything but animals just for popularity (check out her linkedin - where she deletes posts she makes). Pretending to care for those she doesn't actually care for. Don't stand for, put up with, or give into this mess. This ETF should be shut down.