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they must have forgot about the preferred shares [ubhgq]. who's watching anyway, right?
This CH7 bank is trading at near $5M market value based on its 121M
shares OS which is ridiculous high! So I liquidate all my position.
Do you know how many shares were acquired among 121M shares OS? Why?
UCBH SAN DIEGO, Jan. 7, 2011 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Aero Financial announced today that the company has acquired a majority ownership position in UC Hub Group (Pink Sheets: UCHB). Under the terms of the agreement, Andy Mercer will step down as CEO and Jim Price, current CEO of Aero Financial, will assume the interim CEO position.
Why the CH7 pos scam went up 50% today? The bank had already filed
the CH7 one year ago why there is no ending "Q" yet? Will the 0.0039 be the real bottom or unbreakable all time low? I am selling anyway.
Does anyone know when will the CH7 bank cancel all the common share?
Why the CH7 pos scam bank is up 74.4% from yesterday's low 0.0039 to
today's high 0.0068? Based on the 120.44M shares OS the market value
at 0.0068 is $819K or $0.819M which is too high as a CH7 bank! Sell.
New 52-week low 0.0039 was created today! Sell CH7 bank at the bid ASAP before it hits another new low 0.003. What a pos scam! Who are those very stupid buyers who bought the shares above 0.008 ~ 0.01?
Very strange chart! The stock is stuck inside the box 0.005 ~ 0.006.
Why the sellers didn't dump all the shares at the bid 0.005? Why the buyers didn't slap all the shares at the ask 0.006? I bet both sides
are thin (200,000 ~ 300,000 shares at most). Let's push it either up
to 0.0088 or down to 0.004 so that everybody can buy or sell shares!
new 52-week low .004 was created today! Sell the CH7 at the bid ASAP before it hits another new low 0.003. What a pos scam! Who are those very stupid buyers which bought the shares above 0.01? Cancellation!
Another new 52-week low .0042 was created today! Sell the CH7 at the
bid ASAP before it hits the new low 0.004 or even 0.003. What a pos!
Why the stock has no ending "Q" yet after filing CH7 over one year?
What is the current status for the company? Is it still in the CH7?
Now you can buy the shares at 0.005 not 0.008. The previous low .008
was broken last Friday (10/26/2010).
New 52-week low 0.005 was created today! Why people still trade this
CH7 pos scam? UCBH filed the CH7 bankruptcy over one year already...
C7 is just what I was told. It could be absolutely incorrect. Haven't done my DD yet. Nevertheless, I'm just playing this for a trade. The stock has quietly moved about 100% on light vol. If it reaches .10 on heavy vol it could run. I'm sure most will be playing with house money then. Volume will be the key to whether a rally could sustain itself for a few more days. I would be leery of a sharp spike to the upside. Bad news tends to follow such movements.
I would ask after the FDIC blocked the deal them what are they going to do. We already know one stock that got some assets but they had a lot more than that.
Where did you get that info they in chapter7 i dont see a filing?
I have been trying to figure that out myself.
Even called EWCB...who bought out the assets, not the company according to EXBC IR...dont quote me but that is how I understood the conversation. Also called TD (broker) and asked them and to be honest couldn't a definitive answer other that the stock was still tradable. It would be great if we could get some conversation on this and maybe someone who knows how to research this issue. I am interested in buying but not if the company is doomed and only selling shares to raise capital to pay debt, then bham! no company and no shares so total investment loss.
Anyone know how this process works?
so there in chapter 7 what does that mean for stock in the long term?
Does anyone know whats going on with this thing? Would appreciate all the info. i can get my hands on.
UCBH will be on the radar tomorrow.It just broke out. Chartwatchers/traders will be eyeballing it imo. Could have a run this was the first day. Will see.
Market didnt think so! and WRONG BOARD
Unfortunatley I margined on C and MDGC so I wont be making any buys for about a month. I am gonna have to watch this one go up asmy other two go down lol. Doesnt it always work out that way.../sigh
Loooking hot today! Did you pickup any....There is no wya this is trading like its dead.
Thanks for the feedback kurupt915...gonna keep on my watch list for now. I am restricted to bi-weekly buys and right next week my money will be in MDGC. This week I snuck a little into C. Well I am waiting for the buy to go through at 3.56.
Good luck to you!
I dont think this is done just yet, Iam pretty sure even though pinksheet exchange they would need to add the Q if they filed for bankruptcy. You can still buy and sell without any problems,
Ok, IR from EWBC actually responded, here is what he said:
East West Bank acquired select assets and liabilities of United Commercial Bank from the FDIC. East West Bank did not acquire the UCBH which is the company you owned stock in.
So umm, what exactly does that mean? Is UCBH still in business and will there stocks still be a viable investment?
Why is UCBH still trading? They are now owned by EWBC.
I even called my broker and couldn't get any information on what the deal is with this stock, so I emailed IR at EWBC and asked them if they are going to cnovert the UCBH stocks to EWBC and surprise no answer.
Someone clue me in, I wanted to buy in but I don't understand what is going on with this one. Hate to put my money in and tomorrow there be no ticker for it.
TIA - Frdmlover
Anyone else here load up last week? NITE and ETMM were fighting for shares ;)
Am i the only 1 not shorting this stock? Its truly been a bank play ;)
Did you get filled i could not get filled no where near LOD.
New 52-week low 0.025 was created today! Sell the CH7 pos scam at the bid ASAP before it hits another new low 0.01 or even 0.001...
.oo8 today, had an order in at .005. Nutz ~ Guess that was a phantom trade / Didn't show up level ll
Another new 52-week low 0.026 was created yesterday! Sell at the bid
ASAP before the CH7 trash cancels all the common shares. 0.01 soon!
I'm buying at .025 ~
Another new 52-week low 0.03 was created today! Sell at the bid ASAP
before the CH7 trash hits 0.01 or even 0.001. Soon be canceled...
New 52-week 0.033 was created a couple of weeks ago! Why it holds up
the stock so long? Is it an unbreakable forever bottom price? We all
knew this is a CH7 pos scam. Why it worths over $4M market value?
Very good piece!
Cautionary saga of a failed San Francisco bank
by Kathleen Pender
Sunday, November 29, 2009
United Commercial Bank of San Francisco liked to boast that it was the first U.S. bank to buy a bank in China. Instead it will go down in history as the first U.S. depository institution to fail after its parent company took money from the Treasury's Troubled Asset Relief Program.
As investigators seek to uncover the exact causes of the bank's death, some big questions remain:
-- Should the government have done more due diligence before investing $300 million worth of taxpayer money in parent company UCBH Holdings?
-- Would it have made any difference if the Federal Reserve had allowed China Minsheng Bank to acquire a controlling interest in UCBH?
-- What role did fraud play?
When regulators shut down United Commercial Bank on Nov. 6 , "it was like deja vu," says Richard Newsom, a retired West Coast bank and thrift regulator.
United Commercial Bank grew from the ashes of United Bank, a San Francisco thrift that failed in the mid-1980s as a result of "reckless construction lending," Newsom says.
Likewise, the FDIC cited commercial real estate and construction loans as a cause of United Commercial Bank's failure, along with "alleged fraud."
That may have surprised people who still saw it as a conservative bank catering to Chinese Americans in San Francisco, Los Angeles and a few other cities with large Asian communities.
"It was a great franchise for a while," says James Ellman, president of hedge fund Seacliff Capital. "It took in deposits from primarily Chinese Americans and made very conservative loans to the same ethnic group." But the bank "had a mismatch: its original depositor base was growing rapidly, but its ability to make loans to that depositor base was difficult. Heavy savers tend not to be big borrowers."
Like other smaller banks, it also faced growing competition from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in home mortgages, from the large credit card companies in consumer loans and from the automakers' finance arms for car loans.
That left United Commercial increasingly dependent on riskier commercial real estate and construction loans.
"This bank, more than others, had its life or death tied to the health of the commercial real estate market, particularly in California," says Ellman. "As the health of commercial real estate weakened, so did this bank."
The China focus
Julianna Balicka, an analyst with Keefe, Bruyette & Woods who followed UCBH until last week, says "the real problem started" when the company wanted to buy a bank in China but needed $10 billion in assets to do so. "Management got greedy about growth," she says.
Between the third and fourth quarters of 2006, its assets surged from $8.3 billion to $10.3 billion.
"It was one of the worst times to push growth given what happened in the housing and credit cycles," Balicka says.
In March 2007, United Commercial announced it was buying the Business Development Bank of Shanghai, becoming the first U.S. bank to wholly own a bank in China.
By the end of 2008, the company had $13.5 billion in assets.
"They got aggressive on lending," Balicka says. They "priced loans too low" for their risk and "got sloppy on underwriting." Senior management "was so focused on solidifying the China opportunity," they didn't pay enough attention to lending.
Although United Commercial was hardly the only bank to make risky loans at the peak of the market, it was slow to recognize losses, which contributed to its undoing.
TARP investment
In November 2008, UCBH got a $300 million investment from the TARP-funded Capital Purchase Program. Then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson stressed that this was a program only for "healthy" banks, but UCBH had already posted a small loss for the third quarter that ended in September 2008.
Although companies had to be recommended for the program by their primary regulators, ultimately it was up to the Treasury to approve or disapprove TARP investments.
"I would say the Treasury did not do enough due diligence," Balicka says. "They will say, for every 100 banks you're going to have 99 winners and one failure."
At the time of the TARP injection, UCBH "was already exhibiting levels of stress that were higher than the banking industry averages. They hadn't fallen off the table, but they were heading in that direction," says Christopher Whalen of Institutional Risk Analysts.
By the end of the fourth quarter, stress levels had skyrocketed and so had its losses - to $83 million after preferred dividends. It lost an additional $94 million in the first quarter of 2009.
When it filed its 10-K for 2008 in March 2009, UCBH disclosed that "the company's internal control over financial reporting was ineffective," and there was a "material weakness" in assessing credit in the loan portfolio.
"That's a pretty good indicator that there may have been fraud involved or negligence," says Whalen.
In May, the company reported that it would have to restate its 2008 financials, in part because loan losses recognized in the first quarter of 2009 should have been taken in the previous quarter. The company estimated that its 2008 pretax profit could shrink by $55 million, but it never reissued the corrected financials.
On Sept. 8, the company announced it had agreed to a cease-and-desist order with regulators and would take steps to enhance its strength and stability. It also announced the resignation of Thomas Wu, its chairman, president and chief executive officer, and Ebrahim Shabudi, its chief operating officer. Wu did not return phone calls.
Finally, it disclosed that an investigation by the board's audit subcommittee had found "deliberate and improper actions and omissions by certain bank officers" including "inappropriate modification of loan terms" driven "by an apparent desire to downplay deteriorating financial conditions." The officers responsible were never identified.
Within days, class-action lawyers started filing lawsuits alleging that the company had hidden losses from UCBH shareholders.
The Minsheng factor
In early October, Bloomberg reported that China Minsheng Bank wanted to increase its stake in UCBH above 50 percent. No details were revealed, and the deal never happened.
The Federal Reserve has never allowed a Chinese bank to take a controlling interest in a U.S. bank. Most Chinese banks are government owned. Although Minsheng is not, allowing it to take control of UCBH would have set a precedent.
A Federal Reserve spokeswoman would say only that "Chinese authorities are working hard to meet the standards that would permit them to buy banks in the United States, but these things can take time. We've been working with them as they seek to implement standards for consolidated supervision, and they're making real progress."
Other troubled banks that received TARP money survived because they were able to raise new capital, says analyst Joe Morford of RBC Capital.
UCBH's inability to produce new, audited financial statements prevented it from raising capital, and this, more than anything, caused its failure, he says.
It's not clear how much capital, if any, Minsheng would have put into UCBH, but Morford says it could not have been enough, by itself, to save the company.
"It might have helped them buy more time to do a public offering, but that's a lot of speculation," Morford says. "Allowing Minsheng to take their ownership up to 50 percent would not have necessarily prevented what happened."
The end
On Nov. 6, the FDIC and the California Department of Financial Institutions shut down United Commercial and sold its assets, loans and 63 branches to East West Bank of Pasadena. The FDIC will bear the majority of losses on United Commercial's loans. It estimates that the losses to the FDIC insurance fund will be $1.4 billion.
UCBH stock is now trading around 40 cents per share. Taxpayers will probably get nothing from their $300 million TARP investment.
When I asked the FDIC why it didn't spot United Commercial's problems before it got TARP money, spokesman David Barr pointed me to the FDIC's Nov. 6 statement, which said, "Earlier identification of problem loans may have been impeded through alleged fraud exercised by former senior management, currently under investigation by the relevant authorities."
The deal will give East West, which also targets Asian communities, about $19 billion in combined assets, making it the second largest independent bank based in California after Wells Fargo.
East West has also had problems with its loan portfolio, but has been much quicker to recognize losses. "If we smell a loan is going bad, we write it down right away," says Emily Wang, marketing director for East West.
East West's parent company also received about $300 million in TARP money, but it was able to raise $500 million in new capital when it took over United Commercial's operations.
East West will have "no problem" repaying its TARP money, Balicka predicts.
United Commercial Bank
1986: Established as United Savings Bank. Acquired United Bank, a failed San Francisco thrift, in a government-assisted transaction.
1990-92: Acquired Global Savings Bank and Golden Coin Savings and Loan of San Francisco.
1998: Management team led by Thomas Wu and large investors acquired United Savings from its owners, converted it into a bank, changed its name to United Commercial Bank, and took it public.
2002-06: Acquired San Francisco's Bank of Canton of California and banks in Rosemead (Los Angeles County), Boston, Atlanta and Bellevue, Wash.
2007: Acquired a bank in New York and Business Development Bank of Shanghai. Separately, China Minsheng Banking Corp. of Shanghai bought 9.9 percent of parent company UCBH.
November 2008: U.S. Treasury invested $300 million in UCBH.
March 2009: UCBH disclosed that financial-reporting controls were "ineffective."
May: UCBH said 2008 financial statements must be restated; loan losses reported in first quarter 2009 should have been in fourth quarter 2008.
September: UCBH entered cease-and-desist agreement with regulators. Two top officers including Wu resign. Audit subcommittee finds "deliberate and improper actions and omissions" by certain unnamed bank officers. Class-action suits begin.
October: Bloomberg reports that Minsheng Banking might increase its UCBH stake to more than 50 percent. The deal fails to get regulatory approval.
Nov. 6: Closed by regulators. East West Bank of Pasadena takes over deposits, loans and branches and the bank in China and enters loss-sharing agreement with the FDIC.
E-mail Kathleen Pender at
This article appeared on page D - 1 of the San Francisco Chronicle
BEIJING, Oct 14 (Reuters) - Minsheng Bank (600016.SS), China's first listed non-state lender, cannot take a controlling stake in U.S. bank UCBH Holdings Inc (UCBH.O), because of regulatory limitations, a source told Reuters on Wednesday. "The United States regulatory authorities have restrictions; it is impossible for us to buy a controlling stake in a U.S. bank
Right, cause the U.S. banks played by the LAWS/rules, IMO! DUMP some currency China but i dont think there is a market for it so they stuck as well.
US blocked deal. China should dump some paper
New 52-week low 0.033 was created today! Sell at the bid ASAP before
more new lows kick in until the CH7 pos scam hits 0.01 or even .001!
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SAN FRANCISCO (TheStreet) -- Minsheng Bank , China's first privately owned bank, plans to seek U.S. regulatory approval to increase its stake in UCBH Holdings (UCBH Quote) to at least 50% from 9.6%, a report says.
Minsheng already has an option to raise its stake to about 20%, according to Bloomberg, which cited two people briefed on the matter.UCBH, which does business mainly with Chinese communities and American companies seeking business in China, in September entered into an agreement with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. and the California Department of Financial Institutions for a cease and desist order in which it consented to "enhance the strength and stability of the bank and its operations."
The bank also said last month that Chairman and CEO Thomas Wu and Chief Operating Officer Ebrahim Shabudin resigned following an independent report that found UCBH deliberately masked loan data.
Minsheng plans to push for greater management control of UCBH and will seek to help rid the lender of some of its nonperforming loans, the people said, Bloomberg reports.
Spokespeople for Minsheng and UCBH declined to comment for Bloomberg.
Shareholders are suing troubled UCBH Holdings Inc. in federal court in San Francisco over the company’s financial reports that they say concealed millions of dollars in loan charge-offs and mounting bad debt.
The parent of San Francisco-based United Commercial Bank (NASDAQ: UCBH) is in the process of restating its financial results for 2008. The bank did not immediately respond Monday to a request for comment on the litigation.
UCBH shares recently traded at 94 cents each. The stock has changed hands for $7.65 per share in the past year.
On Sept. 8, UCBH said Chairman and CEO Thomas Wu resigned from the bank that he had built from a small thrift to a bank targeting the Chinese-American community with branches in major U.S. cities as well as in China.
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