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I don't see why anyone would, either. It'll be interesting to see how the vote went.
I put my vote in today yes on change of control and yes for name change and no on reverse split I'm not sure why any of us that bought in open market would want a reverse split
True. But even they should feel that the sp has a better chance to rise more substantially from $.0012 than $5 or better. Of course, that would only be in the short-term. But since the last R/S, I believe only Elutiv has and meaningful amount of shares after granting himself 3m with the latest Form 4. But still, that's not enough to sway the vote in favor of the R/S.
Awe that's a sweet sentiment. He's gifted in the sense that he's no longer in touch with reality. You'll see.
TWOH yes voted against RS but insiders usually have the majority.
Normally, I monitor the chat for ideas about the stock. I respond when I feel it necessary, as I do now. I received my proxy notice to vote from Schwab and have responded. Then it occurred to me the company might not be so willing to reverse split, if Emil received less than ONE BILLION shares for his contribution to the company. In addition, the A/S and O/S of the stock wouldn't be increased by one billion. Simple math tells me that one billion would be a purchase price of .0003... I am sure that many other stockholders weren't as lucky to buy in at that price. It is only my opinion, consider it, should you deem it valuable. In that matter and the R/S I voted "NO".... If he is as gifted as believed, he might want to consider his shareholders and give them a chance.
It looks like TWOH mean business.
I'm hoping all share holders stick together i own small chuck hope all shareholder stick together on all platforms and vote no
There wasn't a good enough reason for me to vote in favor of it.
I doubt there's enough votes from iHubbers to make a difference but I would think we might represent the popular view on it.
I'm not sure how meny here own the stock but if you do let's vote no for reverse spit
Only about 20 trading sessions to go until Emil and team has this back and flying.
Probably want trade intell mid April
It's not a sure thing that this trades the day after the vote. And I think that is unlikely.
There could be other issues still unresolved as well...
Only about 20 trading sessions to go until Emil and team has this back and flying.
When this opens on the CSE at a minimum $0.005 x $0.01 it's going to gap up on the OTC like a ticker coming off expert market, but what's even better here is the Canadian side didn't get to add while it was halted and would sell in to it 😉. US to CAD FX about $0.70/$1.00 so a comparable US open is around $0.0035 x $0.007 from the Jan 2nd halt price of $0.0012. Absolute beauty.
A few things to consider about the share change proposal. About 90% of OTCs complete a RS because they have maxed out their OS and are still loaded with toxics and debt to sell. But the other 10% do them for up listing and huge capital infusions which will be the case with Emil's incoming ventures planned. TWOH has no toxics and no debt, it was all bought by Emil, who if anyone has done any digging, probably has a net worth close to 1/2 to 1 billion.
Remember, Emil owns over 50% of the commons, there are no preferred. Whatever his plans are for the ticker and the share structure would and will affect him the most. He's hardly here to run a share selling penny scam. If anyone thinks that's the case reach out to himself yourself. Ask him about the ratio too that's listed, I did. Also even if they did a share structure change it's not going to happen for a while, it would give them the ability to complete one when the right circumstances arise or it expires. Hell NUKK did one as an OTC to prep itself for it's merger with a Nasdaq SPAC, all anyone has to do is go back and look.
I am voting yes for all three proposals. A month of March Madness hoops incoming and then April resumes the TWOH eruption. Emil didn't take this over without huge plans I am sure. In the 2 days it traded post 8K it did over $2 million in dollar volume. Follow the money... 🔥
Still the same
Still halted.
People should charge interest on their stuck investment - LOL!
Yes, but the R/S ratio was just 1:8. And NUKK had revenue so it was already Nasdaq eligible. And it was a R/M into BRLI.
There's no comparing the two.
TWOH is like Laurel and Hardy trying to split the atom on two rounds of peyote. What hilarity would prevail if stuckholders rebelled, no reverse split, and laurel and hardy get forced to buy back their premature debt conversions if it's not halted.
A very twisted riddle. Life with Elmo is like that - endlessly
I'm leaning toward that, but didn't this ceo take NUKK from OTC to Nasdaq with reverse split?
Doesn't every CEO on the OTC says that they're going to uplist to the Nasdaq? 🤔
Uplist to Nasdaq
The R/S is being done, in part, to get a Nasdaq listing, which mandates a $4 minimum sp, so the lowest ratio I think we could hope for would be 1:5000 which would give some cushion if the stock drops any.
No matter what rs would be 6 months out at best way lower more like 1 for 200
It'll be interesting to see how the proposal on the R/S goes. Regardless of what was said about it needing to get approval through this voting, I don't see why one can't be done at a later date. Even if it passes, I believe Finra still has to approve it, so what does it matter. It's the least important of the various proposals.
I'm vote no on the reverse spit yes on the change of control and yes on name change they need shareholder vote to aprove it if we all stick together we can stop it
Fun ain't it
Try reading it....
I could easily answer that question but I'm sure you'd just think I was being nefarious again.
Gee, neither could I but that didn't seem to matter to you. Why is it okay for you to miss it but not others?
Are we able to vote FOR say the change of control but against the consolidation policy?
I did a skim through but still can't see where its say that...
How typical. You're so focused on attacking anyone you can for whatever reason you come up with. There's nothing nefarious about someone not posting every single detail of a subject from the variety of sources available. Luckily, figs posted something that you didn't see because ..... why?
He/she added additional context. Our replies were from opposite spectrums, as usual.
The next time you ask me a question, don't expect an answer.
Exactly, no one knows.
It sounds like the company is keeping their options open, if the opportunity comes to up list to Nasdaq. I remember IGKP put something similar out last year that spooked everybody and tanked the price, but they still haven't done RS.
I posted the link to it. And you do realize that the Two Hands "board" can at any time just change it to whatever they want and do this again, right?
Wow that was some important context left out by the other posters.
That's the other thing. There was no information of what this will become. I certainly would not buy this just because Emil is involved. I'm not impressed by how he's done with this takeover.
provided that such action is implemented prior to December 31, 2025 includes possibly doing it right off the bat. No one knows when it will be done, nor does anyone know what the ratio will end up being. That spread is pretty wide. I think the top end could be set lower than 20,000.
It's not just a minimum sp that needs to be achieved. WE shouldn't be zeroing in only on that. Right now they have no business operations. It may take until Dec 31 to be able to apply for a Nasdaq listing.
Go ahead and buy all ya want...
Right off the bat?
This feels like there waiting for a specific time.. and one that probably helps them get to Nasdaq.
"To authorize the Board of Directors, in its sole discretion, to effect a reverse stock split of the Company’s issued and outstanding common stock at a ratio of not less than 1-for-100 and not more than 1-for-20,000, with the exact ratio to be determined by the Board, such reverse stock split to be effected at such time and date, if at all, as determined by the Board in its sole discretion, provided that such action is implemented prior to December 31, 2025
It might... Heck the whole thing might get shot down after the FUBAR with Canada and then this to boot. And after the history of R/S's already done with this stock Emil wants to R/S right off the bat.
Wouldn't a reverse split also split the 3 or so billion shares the CEO owns?
That proposal may be shot down.
How many votes do I have at the Special Meeting?
Our stockholders are entitled to one vote on each Proposal at the Special Meeting for each share of the Company’s common stock held of record as of February 21, 2025, the record date for the Special Meeting.
Why should I vote for each of the proposals?
The Company’s Board believes the stockholders should approve the Consolidation Proposal so that the Company can consolidate its issued and outstanding Common Shares on the basis of one (1) post-consolidation Common Share for every twenty thousand (20,000) existing Common Shares, subject to adjustment as may be determined by the Board, which the Company believes will more closely align the issued and outstanding share capital of the Company with its current financial valuation and market conditions.
In reaching its conclusion and recommendation, the Board considered, among others, the following factors: (i) information concerning the financial condition, results of operations, business plans and prospects of the Company; and (ii) the advice and assistance of the Company’s management in evaluating the Consolidation. The Board believes that due to market conditions that have made it challenging to raise capital, the Consolidation is necessary to provide a share structure that will better attract capital financing and enhance future growth opportunities
The Consolidation Ratio will be the same for all Common Shares. As a result of the proposed size of the Consolidation, the change in the number of issued and outstanding Common Shares may materially affect any Shareholder’s percentage ownership in the Company (and in fact may reduce such Shareholder’s ownership to zero). In addition, the Consolidation may materially affect any Shareholder’s proportionate voting rights (as the effect of such Consolidation may reduce such Shareholder’s ownership to zero). Each Consolidated Share outstanding after the Consolidation will have the same rights and privileges as the Existing Shares.
The principal effect of the Consolidation will be that the number of Common Shares issued and outstanding will be reduced from 5,469,037,729 Existing Shares as of February 26, 2025, to approximately 273,451 Consolidated Shares (assuming that the maximum Consolidation Ratio of twenty thousand (20,000) to one (1) is implemented by the Board). The implementation of the Consolidation would not affect the total Shareholders’ equity of the Company or any components of Shareholders’ equity as reflected on the Company’s financial statements, except to change the number of issued and outstanding Common Shares to reflect the Consolidation.
How do the Company’s insiders intend to vote their shares?
The Consolidation Proposal must be approved by not less than 66?% of the votes cast by shareholders who vote in connection with the proposal, and it must also be approved by a simple majority of the votes cast by the shareholders present in person or represented by proxy and ?entitled to vote at the meeting, excluding the Common Shares held or controlled by Mr. Assentato.
As I posted...
Mr. Assentato and all of the Company’s directors, executive officers and their respective affiliates are expected to vote any common stock over which they have voting control (including any public shares owned by them) in favor of each of the proposals, but to regain compliance with the CSE Listing Rules, more than 50% of the Company’s outstanding shares represented at the Meeting other than those held by Mr. Assentato, must approve the Change of Control Ratification Proposal. The Name Change Proposal must be approved by not less than 66?% of the votes cast by shareholders who vote in connection with the proposal. The Consolidation Proposal must be approved by not less than 66?% of the votes cast by shareholders who vote in connection with the proposal, and it must also be approved by a simple majority of the votes cast by the shareholders present in person or represented by proxy and ?entitled to vote at the meeting, excluding the Common Shares held or controlled by Mr. Assentato.
Typical... An R/S... Are current "shareholders" going to go for this?
Proposal 3 – To consider and, if thought advisable, approve the special resolution authorizing the consolidation of the Company’s issued and outstanding Common Shares on the basis of one (1) post-consolidation Common Share for every twenty thousand (20,000) existing Common Shares, subject to adjustment as may be determined by the Company’s board of directors, all as more particularly described in the proxy statement (we refer to this proposal as the “Consolidation Proposal”
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