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The best!!!
Don't live forever. He'll get his on the otherside. Eternity burning in hell!
Yep. And to think Elutiv has been at it for a decade now. The guy can't be stopped. Neither Finra nor the SEC gives a crap if people lose money on their gamble. But that leads me to ask why people continue to buy the stock, knowing it's history.
This is, by far, the biggest scam I have ever seen. I have never seen anything drop so far so fast. I didn't think it was even possible. This is 1 reason people have left the OTC.....scams like this are allowed to continue.
What a crazy two minutes. All dumps at $.0001 and the B/A is once again .0001/.0001.
Another high volume day?
The SEC couldn't care less about it and Finra looks at it every time Elutiv does a R/S.
I think the SEC and FINRA should look at this ticker.
Elutiv has never concerned himself with shareholders. After each R/S that wiped them out, the first thing he did was issue himself more shares to make himself whole.
Ruthless as they are diluting without thinking about the shareholders value with no relief in sight..
But the joke's on them as the stock continues to be dumped at $.0001.
31M today.
Oh, we got us a real joker here, folks.
Millions of shares are being sold here on a constant basis at $.0001 and someone just shelled out $20 for 100,000 shares at $.0002.
Just tell them how great they are doing.
Nothing's going on. That's the problem. Except that is, for the overhanging threat of a 7th R/S that will once again wipe out shareholders, so people are reluctant to take the chance of throwing their money away. And current shareholders have already pretty much given up any hope of getting their money back out of it.
What is going on here no movement at all
And there you have it. The first dump from an account as "worthless security".
The dumping has begun again. 31M shares this time.
It was $970,000,000 six years ago.
It was $80,500,000 five years ago.
It was $81,000 four years ago.
Scroll down to the chart that shows the stock was at $.74 just 9 months ago.
Where is July's monthly update? They're usually posted within the first week of every month.
Nov 2, Dec 1, Jan 5, (Feb is missing) Mar 5, April 4, May 6, June 5, but so far nothing for July.
It's been three days since TWOH has had a massive dump at $.0001. Whoever was doing it may be done. They drove the B/A to no bid/$.0001. There was a trade at the 5th digit yesterday. Let's see if we start seeing trades at the 6th digit next week. Or will we see a R/S?
Stay tuned for the next episode of "As The Stomach Churns".
Good enough to stave off the 7th R/S in the past decade? I don't know what could possibly do that.
Hopefully something good happening soon.
Another increase to the outstanding.
Outstanding Shares 1,060,845,629 06/26/24 (Wednesday)
Restricted 54,516,881 06/26/24
Unrestricted 1,005,328,748 06/26/2024
Outstanding Shares 1,175,345,629 06/28/2024 (Friday)
Restricted 54,516,881 06/28/2024
Unrestricted 1,120,828,748 06/28/2024
Outstanding Shares 1,518,545,629 07/10/2024 (Wednesday)
Restricted 54,516,881 07/10/2024
Unrestricted 1,464,028,748 07/10/2024
Are these shares what I've been documenting as being massively dumped at $.0001 the past two weeks?
Good that they are current of filling their reports.
Hopefully something good will happen soon.
And that doesn't address the millions of shares sold the past week.
I guess we'll have to wait for the August report to find out about those trades.
Monthly Progress Report for July.
Nadav needed 4 pages to list all the convertible notes to common shares. And that doesn't address the millions of shares sold the past week.
Another record volume day of trading at $.0001.
On top of that, there are now people dumping shares at $.000005.
welcome to no-bid. I never seen such toxic activity. And for no-bid this SS is still extremely low. Just crazy
And that last dump of 20M at $.0001 did it. Today's dumpage puts it in second place behind only that of the 2nd.
The CSE should look into this trading.
There goes another 25M at $.0001. Approaching 100M now.
Why are people still picking up shares at $.0002?
Eventually, it'll have to. But not yet.
68,500,000 just sold at $.0001.
Will it ever stop?
Another 83M shares dumped at $.0001 today.
The sellers outdid themselves today. Over 100M sold with just 34 seconds before the bell and an hour before that, 60M shares were sold all at $.0001. That's over 10% of the O/S today and almost 25% the past week.
How can a R/S not be announced soon?
O/S was increased by 114,500,000 last week.
Outstanding Shares 1,060,845,629 06/26/24 (Wednesday)
Restricted 54,516,881 06/26/24
Unrestricted 1,005,328,748 06/26/2024
Outstanding Shares 1,175,345,629 06/28/2024 (Friday)
Restricted 54,516,881 06/28/2024
Unrestricted 1,120,828,748 06/28/2024
Another massive dump at $.0001. This time 58.7M shares.
Why must they dump it?