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10/27/2020 PR NEWS out. Another 'merger' announcement with NO specifics, just generics. Share purchase. Well, at least now they can maybe justify the 1 for 100 reverse split they did.
NO VOLUME yet on the news. Market has seen this from TKCI too many times. A little MEAT ON THE BONES there, Tucker.
You wont PR your way to profitability here.
Solid-IN,,,,my best scenario wild guess for TKCI would be,,,,the next PR announces REAL merger news, with a NASDAQ small cap uplisting application.
Now THAT would do it! IMO that would get you a quick pop to $10 or so.
My thoughts would be as follows;
The super low outstanding share count of 423k shares is the best thing going for TKCI. Shorts wont touch that unless there is a hugh pop. If there is a huge pop, you win! LOL it looks as though Citadel has gone away. More good knows as they are a known solidass penny stock manipulator on both sides of the book.
NITE virtu looks to be sittin it out as well for now. Eturd and the OTCX ecn also unlisted.
The indicators for a blast off are all lined up, or on the launching pad. They hired this guy Tucker for whatever reason, but there MUST be a little more to his hiring before you get the blast off IMO.
TKCI must put out REAL, TRUE, verifiably true that is, SIGNIFICANT news before you get the blast off.
I could be wrong, but IMO with NO MORE news, this wallows at the current levels, maybe bleeds up slowly. Time will tell.
Im in the JCP junior bonds now awaiting the outcome of that chapter 11 case. NO dry power to use here for now.
STIHLSAW - Roger and Countdown has started I cannot believe a company would go through all the hoops they have to today - to not have something up their sleeve. Back in the day people would jump in and out of these stocks. Today its a different game. I have to think all the T's are crossed and the I's are dotted.
I know the risk and sometimes I take flyers on these stocks. The guys at TBG "seem" to have their act together and are in he market trying to do the right thing in the small cap market. The penalties are too great if you don't do things right.... Any thoughts? This is no different the SPACS we are seeing all over the market.
I am playing long ball here but know that "the putts are where you make the money" meaning the details are key....
Staying in and accumulating....
SolidIn, today could be your day. Level 2 set up sweet, TKCI sitting at $3.50. ANY real buying pressure and these algos will go nuts. I dont have any dry power to shoot at it here, and not gonna chase it. Good luck, I hope you get a blast off here.
Good luck.. I am staying in.. Current company and operations seem to be just getting out of the starter blocks... Rather be in now at these numbers than not.. Don't worry I will pick up the shares.
Im out right now, might look to get back in on more MM/algo games. IMO there will have to be another substantial PR to get past whomever wants to dump that block of 3588 shares. Looked like $10,700 worth or so. That scares off the algo boys and most penny players IMO. With all that in mind, it would be insane to short this.
Game on and Foundation is set... Filings are current and now new management. Get ready for the next life stage.... Stihlsaw sell me your shares- low float. I am ready and supportive of what is coming down the pike.
OK MR TUCKER, show us the money! What have you done so far at TKCI? So far we have a PR that you were hired as president. SO what does that mean for shareholders of TKCI? Are you just a PINO (prez in name only) or are you actually doing something to increase value of the company?
Agree on all that. All that said, its an excellent 'speculation buy' here under $2. So then with only 423,000 total shares now, you cant really pick off a huge block of shares without driving the sell algo's nuts.
You would have to be absolutely insane to sell short on this stock.
I will give Swartz credit for keeping up the SEC filings and keeping TKCI a clean shell. That alone justifies the current market cap IMO. Mr 'NEW PREZ' Tucker needs to show us the money, and buy a big chunk.
If he did, TKCI would take off.
Touchet….. You are right... I think they are making a good first step and getting the house in order to do just that. But, proof is in the performance and I think they are on the cusp of something. There has been no action or activity for a while. I can only infer that this has moved to the front of the line. I would love nothing more than an awesome RM or the company picking up assets..... Stay tuned until then I am on the slow accumulate..
S4 showing Tucker buying 10,000 shares or more might convince me. Until then, nothing has changed here. Same old same. It had a quick pop based on the PR of hiring Tucker. Yes, thats a nothing burger, sorry. So they have 3 guys sitting around now instead of 2? LOL yeah OK. Let me know when they actually make some money, or get a killer offer for the clean shell.
Looks like people are starting to see what I have seen. Long term holder.. I think something is up and moves should start to stabilize...I am looking forward to the company actually doing real things. Building something and creating lasting value...… Staying long and playing long ball.
Nothingburger…….. Why say that.. Movement is the start of building something.... I think there could be fire here? I am holding on for bigger news... Cleaning these things up have to start somewhere.....
Swartz hired a 'new president' yesterday. The PR was on OTCmarkets. Another nothingburger PR. Thats why it had some volume.
Looks like something is starting to brew here. Anyone have any ideas or news? I am of the school when things start to move there is usually a reason. Here is to TKCI make the move to be another great holding in my portfolio.... Stay long and lets buckle up......
Lookin weak, BID .20 ASK 1.79. Only 17,500 shares down to .0001.
Neil and Timmy better throw out some more fake merger fluff IMO. If someone dumps 20k shares or more and the market doesnt absorb it all, scam over IMO. Nothing left to reverse scam split again.
They are keeping the SEC filings current for some reason or another. IMO that keeps it a clean shell, ripe for a takeover at some point. It wont run hard until something real happens. Something provable, something more than another BS PR about a highly dubious 'merger.' I guess that is how they justified the unnecessary reverse split. At the same time, that super low O/S share count makes it very attractive for Asian companies that wanna trade here IMO.
I must agree with your opinion SI. Eventually someone is going to snag TKCI outright. Heaven only knows who it will be. Otherwise these guys would stop filing and let it drift on the pink sheets.
StihlsawsRule -I love it.... I think you are spot and on and have to think that this will be an awesome vessel for a holding company. I think if the group behind TKCI --- TBG plays their cards right this could be a killer play.... I think a cash flowing company with Real Assets not make believe stuff will really change the perception. So many of these promoters have a veil of Snake Oil Salesman about them.. I think these guys seem different. But only time will tell. I am going to keep picking this stock up here and hold on for the long term.... Go Long and Stay thirsty......
Still a clean shell, but still a joke IMO. Notice how these big 'mergers' they come out with never materialize?
Reverse split was a joke too, wasn't necessary.
IMO these guys are just hoping for some sort of reverse merger miracle with a foreign company that wants to trade in the US.
Been a long time since any activity here... This company came on the radar screen as having all their filings up to date. It looks like something is starting to brew here. I did a little more digging and looks like TBG is involved. I have to only assume that this could be another turn around or growth story.
Any thoughts??
Yeah true. But im very suprised more people didnt sell after the split.
Yeah but they pounded everyone up the ass with a 1 for 100, and the BS PR is the same 'Letter of Intent' scam they have already used many times. How many actually happened? ZERO.
Im glad i didnt sell TKCI this thing moves hella fast they just put out a juicy PR today.
1 for 100. Wow what a total fkn con job by these 2 weasels in my opinion. With only 42m OS why was a RS even needed? Only to print more toilet paper and pocket more dilution cash, that's all I can think of.
Yesterdays FINRA changes won't show up on todays list.
Look for Daily List Date Range and click the calendar box on the right side. Then click on yesterdays date to see the FINRA changes.
TKCID doesn't show up on that link, it shows 3 other tickers. What did these con artists do, a 1 for 10?
TKCI reverse split:
Have you done any DD on management? Lots of LOIs .....
BEEN well over 90 days, where is the big merger announced 3/5? Looks like another huge lie by these conmen IMO. They SAID it WOULD close in 90 days. Well its been 120 and nothing. Im sure the SEC doesn't care.
Zzzzzzzzzz where are all the pumpers
Is tkci still in the cannabis affiliated business? A PR about developing the relationship with the Indians would be good.
The PPS might start to go up when we get closer to day 90 or before that. People will start to buy before they release an update.
I don't care what they say, I'm looking and waiting for the run.
LOL yeah as if. The only thing different this time (running the same scam talking points from a year ago), is that they said 'the merger will close within 90 days.' Yeah, lets keep a close eye on that one. I will believe it when I see it.
This time I'm going to sell it at 1.85. Momo gonna bring this through the roof. Icing on the cake is if they can provide an update on the partnership with Jim Billie and the Indian tribes.
FWIW a FEW POSITIVES this time around. Granted, its the same 'merger news' pump these guys have used in the past.
Last year they made the 'announcement' on May 14, and TKCI didn't pump up
big until 16 days later. So, lets what pump sites promote it this time.
TKCI STILL has only 42m shares O/S, any OTC that's always a huge plus, rather than billions printed daily/reverse split mill/etc, etc.
Todays pump of 125% is still holding, NO big dumpoff into the bid. Much
bigger volume than usual and level 2 thinning out on the ask as usual.
SO we shall see where this goes, if anywhere.
3/5/19 16:57:00 Turnkey Capital Inc.Signs Letter of Intent to Acquire Collarmele Holdings Inc.
Yeah FINALLY some volume, looks like everything at the ask price today.
TKCI getting some volume here 10x average volume.
Yeah agree on that but we need Swartz and Hart to come clean on this
Healthspan merger thing. If its a lie and total fraud, then they need
to be held accountable.
Nice post StihlsawsRule. One would also think that the fact there keeping up with there filings and staying on the OTCQB tier. They will eventually have to do something with this company. The only bad part is TKCI rarely gives out any PRs, so this unfortunately is still a waiting game. But well worth the wait nonetheless.
NITE and its algorithms also (finally) figured out that no one is going to
sell TKCI shares at 3 cents, and finally ran back to its .042 bid, where
there has been very limited selling in the last several weeks. The action
or lack thereof tells us all we need to know. TKCI is being tight lipped
about the merger, not diluting shares even though it could, and the longs
know what they have here or they would be dumping and moving on. At this
point its worth the hold. The low O/S of 42m and a float of only 4.3m
makes it worth the wait IMO. Many possibilities. Like all OTCQB's don't bet what you cant afford to lose.
Still in all, at the VERY LEAST we have a super clean shell in TKCI that
is $1.9m in debt. Not bad at all with 42m shares outstanding. Should be
serious buyout bait for many Asian companies wanting to be public in the USA without going thru the SEC redtape.
It reads pretty much like the last one IMO, no mention of the merger so Heaven only knows what Swartz and Hart are thinking at this point.
Agreed. The company put out a 10Q not to sure what to make of it.
Law, like the other braindead short shills, he is blindly lookin at level 2 and believes the only support is .042.
.0001 will never happen. This float is way too low for subpennies. TKCI is barely giving any .04s away let alone. 0001s.
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