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Alias Born 12/14/2017

Re: StihlsawsRule post# 603

Tuesday, 10/23/2018 7:21:31 PM

Tuesday, October 23, 2018 7:21:31 PM

Post# of 698
NITE and its algorithms also (finally) figured out that no one is going to
sell TKCI shares at 3 cents, and finally ran back to its .042 bid, where
there has been very limited selling in the last several weeks. The action
or lack thereof tells us all we need to know. TKCI is being tight lipped
about the merger, not diluting shares even though it could, and the longs
know what they have here or they would be dumping and moving on. At this
point its worth the hold. The low O/S of 42m and a float of only 4.3m
makes it worth the wait IMO. Many possibilities. Like all OTCQB's don't bet what you cant afford to lose.