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TWNE (1,586,000 shares FIXED Super Tiny OS and 50M shares FIXED Tiny AS) should explode to $1631.4213 based on its OTC peer's MV at peak! The only thing the company needs to do is to Up-List this Hidden Gem to the OTC Pink-Sheet Market like what happened to another OTC peer (AFFL: Only 24,554,116 shares FIXED Super Tiny OS and it was Upgraded from the Same Expert-Market in last June)!
Buying its OTC peer (FCCN) at Record-High $41.3 = buying TWNE at $1631.4213 = buying AFFL at $105.3768 v.s. TWNE at $0.0001 now and AFFL at $0.04 currently, LOL!
That means that TWNE could potentially run a 16314213-Bagger Giant Rally from $0.0001 v.s. AFFL could potentially run a 2634.42-Bagger Giant Rally from $0.04!
LOL, even buying its OTC peer (FCCN) at 07/12/2024-high $5.15 = buying TWNE at $203.4339 = buying AFFL at $13.1402 v.s. TWNE at $0.0001 now and AFFL at $0.04 currently!
Which means that TWNE could run a Easy 2034339-Bagger Giant & Quick Rally v.s. AFFL could run a Easy 328-Bagger Giant & Quick Rally!
So, both TWNE and AFFL are Super Undervalued now!
TWNE is also at Hyper Oversold status based on its recent high $0.15 and AFFL is at Hyper Oversold status as well based on its Record-High $6.00!
Note, the recent high of TWNE was $0.15 and the recent high of AFFL was $0.089!
I hope someone picks this up before it’s delisted from em would be nice to see transfer agent verified at least . :(
Sep 4 2023 (Labor day) TDA to Schwab - timeline for TDA account holders
Unlike others on em this one never has any volume whatsoever, wonder why?
Would be very nice to see but last filing was 2010 , that’s a long time to be no information wonder if there’s a reason why no one want this?
Most recently two previous Expert-Market peers (brll and mngg) were Upgraded to the Pink-Sheet market which caused Huge rally! I believe that TWNE will do the Same in the near future since its Sought-After FIXED Super Tiny SS is Much Much Much Much Much Better than those two peers!
I'll hold my position for the Dollar Land at least since buying its Pink-Sheet Much-Much-Larger-SS peer at $0.0055 = buying TWNE at $15.5907!
Note, TWNE only has the recent high $0.15 which is Shocking low!
I’m surprise Lazar doesn’t want this shell they’re probably asking too much maybe someday.
Surprised no one has taken this shell over yet!
Once TWNE is Upgraded to the "Pink-Sheet" Reporting tier (such as PBHG and AFFL etc. OTC peers) it will Quickly And Easily surge to Multiple Dimes at least...
Buying PBHG at its recent high $0.0055 = buying TWNE at $15.5907 which is nearly 104 Times of its recent high $0.15!
Buying PBHG at its current price $0.0004 = buying TWNE at $0.1134 which is 1134 Times of its current price $0.0001 or 75.6% of its recent high $0.15!
Buying AFFL at its recent high $0.089 = buying TWNE at $1.7461 which is nearly 12 Times of its recent high $0.15!
Buying AFFL at its current price $0.015 = buying TWNE at $0.2943 which is 2934 Times of its current price $0.0001 or nearly Twice of its recent high $0.15!
David Lazar really should acquire this Sought-After CLEAN shell just based on the FIXED Super Tiny SS alone!
I wish too… holding strong!
Glad to see nobody sell TWNE after the sick MM manipulated the price down to 0.0011! TWNE had 200K shares of Huge bid at 0.0022 before it hit 0.0011! How could it further crash down 50% from 0.0022? After TWNE hit the most recent high 0.055 totally only mere 300 shares sold at 0.0022!
I wish to see the SEC-Form-C filing or a Custodianship deal here very soon!
Yep with this ss won’t take much!
Not the end when this loses quote Tues still can easily get picked up
LOL, someone always manipulated the price down to 0.0022 after Tens Of Thousands shares Slapped at 0.02 ~ 0.01 most recently! Who did that? Why?
0.0022 x 0.05 now! Can we see the bid be raised to 0.02 ~ 0.08 again?
Anyway I'm holding all my TWNE shares for the Dollar Land at least because at $1.00 this diamond-in-rough only has $1.6M joke low market value!
YAW, bro.! LOL, how could TWNE crash back to 0.0022 again after Tens Of Thousands shares Slapped at 0.02 last week? The bid was as high as 0.02 and the high was 0.055!
Anyway 199K-0.0022 x 10K-0.03 now! The next ask is mere 10K-0.06, then mere 5K-0.1!
So the diamond-in-rough is ready to soar back to the recent high 0.15 again though current 52-week-high dropped to 0.1387 now!
Good to know thanks VI …I’m holding too
"Yes" from the short term point of view but "No" from the long term of point of view because any stock's market value will finally match its true valuation!
For example, its previous Same "Non-Reporting" OTC tier peer (EMDF) just exploded to $0.185 from All-Time-Low $0.0001 with 42,514,415 shares Large OS count after it was upgraded to the "Current Information" OTC tier! Which means if TWNE (mere 1,621,024 shares Tiny OS) does the same thing in the coming days/weeks then it will explode to $4.8419 in order to match the Same market value with EMDF!
So TWNE is Much Much Much Much Much Cheaper than EMDF now!
Note, the target $4.8419 = 32.346 Times of current joke low 52-week-high $0.15!
At the target price $4.8419 every 206,531 shares of TWNE will be worthy over $1M!
I bought TWNE at as high as $0.1xxx and as low as $0.01. However I still hold all my shares very firmly and wait for huge investment return...
You’re not concerned about 9/28 here?
I had already bought totally nearly 100K shares at 0.1xxx ~ 0.01 since last year and I'll hold all my shares for the coming inevitable Dollar Land...
Nice to see TWNE hit New highs area 0.055 ~ 0.02 in the past two sessions after it crashed down to 0.0022 from 0.15!
I wish to see the bid be raised to 0.02 ~ 0.03 so that TWNE can break up the fake "wall" at 0.0555!
Buying its peer WDSL at 52-week-low $0.1 = buying TWNE at $2.72072 which is 269.38 Times of current ridiculous low price $0.0101 or 18.14 Times of joke low 52-week-high $0.15!
LOL, at 52-week-high $0.15 this hidden gem only has mere $243K market value which is ridiculous low as a Sought-After CLEAN shell!
So TWNE is Much Much Much Much Much Cheaper than WDSL now!
Yes, he has been the CEO of TWNE for nearly two decades from the public records. He should either sell this Sought-After CLEAN shell to someone else (such as David Lazar) or find a nice "Reverse-Merger" deal for this diamond-in-rough! Let's see if any "Custodianship" in the coming days/weeks?
Anyway TWNE just soared 25-Bagger to 0.055 yesterday from the New low 0.0022!
30K-0.0026 x 20K-0.06 now. The next ask is mere 5K shares at 0.29, then 55K-0.375!
With only few strong Slapping actions (say 100K shares of buy-at-the-asks) TWNE will Quickly break out current joke low 52-week-high 0.15 Very Easily...
They listed CEO name , was that there before?
199K-0.0022 x 16K-0.02 now. The next ask is mere 5K-0.1, then mere 2.5K-0.256! This early morning the ask was as high as 0.256! Wow, the bid was just raised to 0.01 again!
I'm wondering who was selling this diamond-in-rough at such ridiculous low price level 0.0022 after 21,000 shares bought at 0.01? Why? LOL, mere 100 shares manipulation sale!
Note, the previous 52-week-low was 0.0201 after TWNE created the New Multiple-Year's high 0.15 in last September?
Several months ago the bid was raised to 0.08 with over 130K shares but there was no any sale at the bid at all!
Buying its peer (WDSL) at the recent high 3.00 = buying TWNE at 81.62151 which is 37,101 Times of current ridiculous low price 0.0022 or over 8,162 Times of today's high 0.01!
So TWNE is Much Much Much Much Much Cheaper than WDSL now!
Agreed with you: the SEC or US government always made the so-called New rules against numerous small individual investors and took the money from them in order to feed those super greedy Market-Makers or Wall-Street Big Sharks! They always rob the poorer to make the richer more rich!
I'm wondering who were selling this diamond-in-rough at such ridiculous low price levels 0.0022 ~ 0.02 because previous 52-week-low was 0.0201 after TWNE created the New Multiple-Year's high 0.15 in last September?
If we raise the bid up to 0.02 ~ 0.03 then that dirt cheap 10K asking shares at 0.05 will be gone very quickly then the ask will jump to 0.256 which is 70.67%-Higher than the recent high 0.15! In fact when the bid was raised to 0.01 back to the end of July there was no any sale at the bid at all!
Buying its peer (WDSL) at the recent high 3.00 = buying TWNE at 81.62151 which is 37,101 Times of current ridiculous low price 0.0022 or over 544 Times of joke low 52-week-high 0.15!
So TWNE is Much Much Much Much Much Cheaper than WDSL now!
That would be a amazing if it matched WDSL market value!
9:30:01 with my order in to buy at .0061 GTC placed the day before
Market Maker bull shit?
You bet they saw my order and jumped in front of me with a BS ask of .003
and filled their self at .0022 as our worthless POS SEC sits with their head up their ass as usual
only get involved to try to screw the investing public
worthless POS gvt entity that should be disbanded
20K-$0.0060 x 10K-$0.05 now! The ask was $0.256 and the bid was 85K-$0.0061 a while ago! Note, the bid was over 30K shares at 0.01 a few weeks ago but no any sale at the bid at all!
TWNE only has mere 1,621,024 shares of FIXED Super Tiny OS count! Ready to Quickly create A Series Of New 52-week highs above current joke low 52-week-high $0.15...
To match the Same market value with its peer (WDSL: 44,103,473 shares Large OS) at the recent high $3.00, TWNE will create a New 52-week high $81.62151 which is 37,101 Times current ridiculous low price $0.0022!
At the target price $81.62151 every 12,252 shares of TWNE will be worthy $1,000,027 (i.e. over $1M)!
So TWNE is Much Much Much Much Much Cheaper than WDSL now!
ridiculous MM jumped in front of me and stole the shares when i had an offer in at .0061
pure BS
Good to know thanks VI :)
Not that "bad", my friend! The Market-Makers and Institutions can always buy any stock they want (the restriction only applys to the individual investors)! Also some other firms still allow the clients to buy TWNE type of non-reporting OTC stocks.
For example, its peer (NBVG) was already restricted by both TDA and ET over a year. However back to this February it still could surge 11-Bagger to 0.0011 from 0.0001 and in this May NBVG also surged 11.67-Bagger to 0.0035 from 0.0003 within just Two Days!
So the similar thing will happen to TWNE as well in the future when the MMs are ready to push it to the Dollar Land...
keep in mind that this diamond-in-rough only has 1,621,024 shares of the FIXED Super Tiny OS count!
Yeah I know I was wondering too..sad day for me Etrade restricted buying these type now … wish I could have bought more :(