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Wednesday, July 12, 2023 9:53:27 AM
of 209937
Here are the updated guidelines:
Community Guidelines
Moderators' Guidelines.
These will go into effect starting 7/15/2023. Please note that the rest of the handbook is in the process of being updated.
From the Q&A Board: About the stock boards
"Ok, folks, here's a look at the proposed new handbook guidelines for the rules. Looking for constructive feedback and comments:
Handbook - Revised Rules - Draft 6/23
Deletions of Posts-Stock Specific Boards
This is an accidental duplicate post by a single Member. This does not mean a similar message posted previously or the same content posted by a different Member
Personal Attack
Posts that victimize, harass, degrade, or intimidate an individual or group of individuals on the basis of:
Sexual orientation
Excessively posting the same or similar content to multiple boards within a calendar day;
Tagging a message or link that has little or nothing to do with the stock.
Links to promotion content must include free, informative and actionable content i.e. not behind a paywall or requires registration
Posts containing content promoting other sites i.e. “Go to to discuss further”
Posts about Moderators and/or deletions. Issues of this nature need to be discussed with a Site Admin
Posts about minors
Egregious religious or political statements should be removed because they derail the conversation.
Examples of benign religious statements that generally do not incite an all out religious discussion include: “Bless you all”, “Namaste” or “Merry Christmas!”, etc.
“The right wing Christian conservative zealots need to shut up” or “Those woke lib shitheads will get their own in the end” should be removed.
“The Senate votes on that bill today”, “Likely that the Pres will veto that”, “Since Rep have the House, I’m sure that will pass. Getting through the Dem Senate will be another story” - are examples of benign political statements.
Vulgarity (The "PG13" standard is loosely used as a guideline to what is/isn't acceptable when determining whether a comment is vulgar. If society has deemed it appropriate for a 13 year old to hear, it is unlikely that it will be offensive to the majority of Users.)
Vulgarity or slurs targeting other Users who are not-self-disclosed public figures.
No full nudity or scantily clad photos
Author Asked to Remove
When a Member has specifically asked that a post be removed and has cited a valid reason for removal, such as accidentally revealing personal information. This is an occasional accommodation and is not to be used to "mask" the removal of bona fide TOS violations. If you are asked as a Moderator to remove more than 2 messages as Author Request, please send the User to discuss with Admin. As well, Moderators should not be removing their own posts en masse This is considered an abuse of the Moderator privilege and could result in Moderator removal.
Messages over 48 hours old are not removed, even when requested by the Author, unless there are extreme circumstances (i.e. accidentally revealing an account number).
Violation of Privacy
Posting of what the Member believes to be any personally identifiable information (“PII”) (email, real name, phone, address, etc.) about another User is a privacy violation. For example, if a Member posts that "XYZDownDaDrain is actually Bob Smith", whether the information is accurate is irrelevant. The Member was trying to disclose PII. This is a serious violation and can get you suspended or terminated from the site.
Posting or referring to the contents of private messages without the author's prior consent is considered a violation of privacy and can get the User suspended or terminated from the site.
Threats or insinuations of violence or physical harm against anyone is a serious infraction and can get you suspended or terminated from the site.
As always: iHub reserves the right to remove or restore posts at its sole discretion. It is members' responsibility to bring violations of the Terms by other members to iHub's attention via the Report TOS violation feature, although iHub does not guarantee any action based on such information."
iHub have announced that they are in the process of “discussing mainstreaming the rules to fit more in line with the way social media had evolved over the years.”
They said” After years of thought and discussion, though, we've been given the green light to move forward on this. We are pretty set on what the rules will look like going forward, but willing to consider thoughts and ideas.”
It was suggested by 1 or 2 that we could bring the conversation here..
Further to the discussion from the Q&A Board
"On the Stock Boards here if one wants to get a post removed you can do so with 3 clicks of the mouse to report it with no explanation and then forget about it. Gone
On other stock websites to control this:.... 2 clicks or more takes you to the type of report, gives you 11 choices of “type of report” , 3rd click to choose the type….. then requires you to give a few additional details, to explain….then after you entered the explanation you click “report” to file your complaint.
You cannot send a report without adding at least a brief explanation.
Other websites, by making it just a tiny bit more difficult like that, have found that the number of reports drop considerably.
New to me, at least. I found a song called “In The Stars” by Benson Boone while letting YouTube music auto-play this morning. It’s really good.
So, anyone found any interesting new music recently ?
"What does the # of mods have to do with "continuity" ?" That's obvious by definition
"1 mod can't be active on a board 24/7." ..and why would he need to?
"My suggestion would be to keep the structure the same", of course it would
Huh? What does the # of mods have to do with "continuity" ?
Sounds like the equivalent of reducing police enforcement of unsafe driving because it slows down traffic.
Some boards have flame wars and need lots of mod attention. 1 mod can't be active on a board 24/7.
My suggestion would be to keep the structure the same, but replace mods who fit a tighter (or is it looser?) definition of inactive.
We already track moderator performance. Board moderators are posters who volunteer to moderate. Expecting one moderator to keep up with a busy board is a bit much and having several is not only common practice but allows for checks and balances within the moderators themselves.
Aside from that, this board is for random conversations that get started on the Q&A board that don’t actually have anything to do with the Q&A board.
About that discussion going on the QA board about changes to iHub boards.
Another idea is to have just 1 mod per board. This would give the board more continuity and allow admin to easily monitor/track a mod's performance
There is a discussion going on the QA board about changes to iHub boards.
What about, on the stock boards showing how many reads each post gets. Just a number in brackets beside the post that would show members how many reads their post gets or others
Thanks, but not coming up.
zhardew. But the record for return is negative.
Try the mobile app.
But you may not be able to clickity clack the free faucets for a while.
I wasn't sure there for a while if I was reading I-Hub, or riding in an airliner...
someone with more money than you.
Anyone know what “Rate Limited. Contact” means? I only see it when accessing the website.
unleash the kraken.
...except when it's a breath mint
tic tac ...
WRONG!! It's always "TIC TOC"...
silva, baby.
dilly dilly.
Well, watch and learn!
i'm waiting for kaboomage.
How about "MARK THIS POST"!?
Eh? Eh? Have I got a winner? lol
Or worse.... "Trust me"!
that's like "believe me".
I hate “to be honest” much more...
No, it's not just you.
You just protest more than me. LOL
And I like to use the word "doth" every chance I get. (-:
so, it is just me.