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Howdy!!! :) Awesome!! One time when I lived in Michigan wayyyy back, I lived on "Big Star Lake" near the western side of Michigan...
Fishing with my dad, I caught a huge 34 inch Norther Pike!! Only using a number 10 hook and a NightCrawler!!! AMAZING!!! Slowly reeled it in.....
fighting all the way! Finally got it in the net! :)
We took it back to our cabin on the shore, and cleaned it and cut it into steaks and pan-seared it in butter, lemon salt and pepper!!
IT WAS SOOOoooooo good!!!!!!!! To this day, the BEST pan-seared fish I ever had!!!!!
Caught many Bass, Perch, Bluegill...... :) Bluegill were tasty also!!
Lived on the lake for about 1 1/2 years!
Bless all!! Jesus loves us! :) Below is something I leave for people to find....
I put them in little envelopes and label them: TO: YOU
I leave these on sidewalks and places where people walk alot.
I have seen some people pick them up and then take it with them! I know it helps! :)
And,,, below are pics of a dream I wrote down after waking up back in the mid-eightys! A couple years after I accepted Jesus as my Savior! :)
That's awesome bro. Congrats on the nice fish. Happy 4th of July.
Happy Thanksgiving V, good to hear from you, hope all is well.
That was a cool video
Awesome!! Bye bye shark
The Shark/Grouper Video is insane! SMH..
4ft shark eaten by MASSIVE grouper (video)
more, COOL BAITS...
Nice fish man!
Over 30lbs! It was a helluva fight! But the BlueFin and YellowFin Tuna were the best eating.. Going out again before months end, this time for 80 to 120+ pound BlueFin Tuna! Viva La Mexico baby!!
Wellll, I am a bass fisherman, and loved the video. Cool bait, may have to order me a few
Thx for sharing
BASS fisherman will love this video
wow how many pounds is that beautiful fish
HAHA! You got me beat.. WOW! Grouper?
Nice fish Brother.....congrats!!!!
South Jersey has had an AWESOME spring run....a lot of cows! The island here started very slow! We are now just starting to get some of the fish that moved from jersey.
My brother lives in South Jersey, we go when I visit him. Good times....thx bro
Open Invitation for you and Smartmoney for the fall!!!
nice....good luck bro. I miss striper fishin
Tide hits tomorrow over here around 11ish, gonna try to get out then. Hopefully the stripers cooperate.
Did some bass fishing last Sat with some fam, caught quite a number of largemouth before it got too hot to fish around 10AM
Has anyone been out????....summer is heating things up over here!!! Large pods of Bunker,(menhaden) are all out in thE OCEAN, some pods have large bass and blues on them some have Sharks!
Now I just need to get out of this office! This is the first time I am actually sitting down in days!!! WORK SUCKS!!!!
Gonna load up on 15+lbs of bass filets Saturday, am feeling the need
Been running around like crazy, Work has me nuts! I did get out for a few hours Saturday night, had a good breeze (which kept the skeetahs away). Managed to rustle up 6 stripers to about 22 pounds. Was great to be out. Came home to a screaming baby, I left him he was sound asleep , I came home and he was in the middle of one of his exorcist rountines!....All and all, worth it!
PM me an email
Love me a good drunk fisherman...lmfao >>>
catch anything lately???
Sure, add me as a mod. Been fishing my whole life bro
Tell your son I said congrats on the 7lb'er. Very nice catch indeed for a young fisherman
oh he has no problems telling everyone he meets I caught a 7lb BASS
he is hilarious sometimes, he tells people just walking by even one time people on bikes, like they care
he yells I caught a 7lb BASS
that's a story he will probably be telling for years or until he bags a bigger one!
Thanks for your post, really appreciate them
let me know if you have interest in being a mod here, would love to have ya....
ok cut the crap and send me the address
Right here in Florida....LOL
where do ya live, and when can we come down=LOL