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Currently $DXY is sinking and #EURUSD is rising. Let's see if it can fill the 1.34 area. Stop loss in place of course.
While I do not trade or promote penny stocks any more. I have to admit I met some good people and well as bad. Some reached out to me in my time of need and I am grateful. having said that be careful of scammers. from 2005 to 2013 I met a fair share of both.
But I must say, when I felt I had no one left, there were a few good people I hadn't talk to in years reach out to me.
I don't need to promote, finance, or even trade pennies, but I owe a lot of love to a lot of people.
Not knocking livestreams or Spaces, but sometimes, the best trades are in the wee hours where I only can listen to the charts.
aus/usd .6706 #CL_F $73 to tick? 78 longer term projection on Fib plus SAR May just long Micro....
Its not even there yet.
Journal entry: hindsight thought of the day. Seeing and actually playing two really good shorts this week had me wanting to short twice today before taken a long.
Sold long for little of what I made shorting. On candle does not make the trend.
$SPY 384 needs to be closed to be valid closure.
$SPY 393.66 note for later nothing more.
sars are aligned i would not short
Journal: Notice 4009 was where we saw the rejection a week ago? Waiting for 1p.m.-1:47pm eastern. Very bearish biased going into tomorrow so holding off some trades for today. Rejected 4036 Fib today.
What we are seeing in commodities is ?,time%2C%20but%20it%20remains%20positive.
Deflation is the drop in general price levels in an economy, while disinflation occurs when price inflation slows down temporarily.
Deflation, which is harmful to an economy, can be caused by a drop in the money supply, government spending, consumer spending, and corporate investment.
Central banks will fight disinflation by expanding its monetary policy and lowering interest rates.
Disinflation can be caused by a recession or when a central bank tightens its monetary policy.
Journal notes, chart is of the 15 minute #ES_F from Friday. Bull trap was set in the earlier hours.
Bored and was sitting here thinking of @ElonMusk and a way he could solve his stalker problems.
What if he built a neighborhood with only A.I.? If the stalkers followed him into this neighborhood the electronic gates would be closed behind the stalker. 100 houses in the neighborhood and each one had one a.i. and Tesla of the same color parked outside. As soon as Elon pulls around the corner auto driving A.I.'s start pulling out of the respected driveways BLOCKING the stalker from driving any further.
Just a story, just bored, would make a cool si-fi though
Eastern time U.S. 9 p.m.1a.m 5 a.m. 9 a.m. 1 p.m. but the confirmation of the four hour is not on that exact time of day or night. (Different markets open along with different triggers.)
Gapping and so far has broke the previous sessions high. Eye on the four hour now.
Interesting way to start the week and finish the month of February.
i knew 3991 was support because FIBs
That imbalance will hurt shorts. Doubt it closes gaps but the are working on it. Globex has a nice way to fix it lol. #ES_F #YM_F #NQ_F
The #ES_F even looking at the other indexes? lmao
Why is #ES_F lagging behind #NQ_F and the #YM_F? oh yeah, rookies. nm
Jessie was a great trader too. Don't get me wrong. But at the end of the day, his bad trading drove him insane.
"Letting your emotions override your plan or system is the biggest cause of failure."
"Some traders are born with an innate discipline. Most have to learn it the hard way."
"If you can't deal with emotion, get out of trading."
All Wilder, all greatness.
J. Welles Wilder Jr. is responsible for : Commodity Selection Index (CSI) Average Directional Movement Index (DMI) Parabolic SAR Relative Strength Index (RSI)
Swing Index Volatility Index
Wonder if your GURU's even know who he was?
#YM_F notice the green line I drew? I noticed that it was a (fake) double top. Said it in a small chatroom because I needed less noise. #ES_F was not following along at the time because #NQ_F was lagging HARD. Ironically #NQ_F has had some stellar months last year. So how did I know it was a fake out to trap shorts? Because it lacked confirmation. It doesn't matter what I say or JPMorgan, if that is not the trend then that is not the trend period.
Tuesday should be a red day but still a play the bottom bounce day.
The #ES_F most like trading so much is actually made of,Does%20the%20S%26P%20500%20lnclude%20Nasdaq%20Stocks%3F,NYSE%2C%20Nasdaq%2C%20and%20Cboe.
#ES_F weekly, daily chart 4 hour. charts
4 hour
1 hour
For a while we have been testing these tops and trying to tag the 4200 and we were rejected. Money on shorts is actually a lot lower and we need to play this out. Why? Because when fund managers know you are short. They use millions upon millions to make you cover. #ES_F #NQ_F #CL_F #SPX $SPY $QQQ .......... Feels like $TZA is getting to good not to hedge with but at the same time if we hold threw we will remain bullish.
Still the monthly on it could flip things Bulls are really trying. Let's see how they finish this week out.