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Biotech with no products after phase 2 testing went bad. Original company Alteon. Lost a lot of money on bad rumors.
Drug being pushed was supposed to reverse effects of aging and diabetes neuropathy.
I still have 50 shares which is an awesome reminder not to listen to rumors and unsubstantiated hype.
I can't even tell if they are in business - no website to be found.
Hello does anybody know anything about this stock?
Thank you for the post, came across this stock today and headed right here to ihub to do some DD.
SYNI: Suspended by SEC
SYNI is getting attension and momentum
SYNI is looking good today.already up by 284.62%
who hit the 179,000 at .10 ROFL and congrts to whoever sold it!!
Up 99,900% doesn't need to be, lol
Another front-load at it's best: SYNI look at what the Market Makers did with this one on the 21st:
The 432k which was very very extreme was not a SELL, yes it was masked as a sell, but a huge buy!
That day SYNI .0001 432kvs1k_vol10dayavg
Our Dearest MM/Group have more strategies in making money than anyone hear has ever dreamed of. They know things weeks if not months before any of us.
That's why we Trade Well & Trade Often
SYNI from .0001 to .10c
You do the math!
Ya gotta love these guys, our dear MM/Group they have the money making plans that beat all!
Well there are VERY FEW shares so if it does drop below a penny I think I might have to buy the entire company LOL
I dont expect any news. I have been looking into this company CEO and it does not look promising. I dont expect the typical pink moves but I dont expect anything else either. The CEO is not much of a doctor or CEO from the info I am finding. I would contact the SEC and check into it further but I only expect a move here based on the low share count.
Executive Profile*
Noah Berkowitz M.D., Ph.D.
Chief Executive Officer, President, Secretary and Director, Synvista Therapeutics, Inc.
Age Total Calculated Compensation This person is connected to 10 board members in 1 different organizations across 1 different industries.
See Board Relationships
48 --
Noah Berkowitz, M.D., Ph.D. has been the President and Chief Executive Officer of Synvista Therapeutics, Inc. (formerly Alteon Inc.) since July 21, 2006 and also serves as its Secretary. Dr. Berkowitz served as Vice President of Business Development of idGENE Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Prior to joining Synvista Therapeutics Inc., he founded HaptoGuard, where he served as President and Chief Executive Officer. Prior to founding HaptoGuard, he served as Vice-President of Clinical ... Development at IMPATH Inc., where he developed a division, IMPATH Predictive Oncology, focused on biopharmaceutical partnerships supporting the discovery and development of cancer-related targeted diagnostics and therapeutics. Prior to IMPATH, Dr. Berkowitz founded Physician Choice. He has been a Director of Synvista Therapeutics Inc. since July 21, 2006. Dr. Berkowitz earned his B.A., M.D., and Ph.D. from Columbia University and trained at the National Cancer Institute in medical oncology.
IMPATH was a company with over 1200 employees and an annual income of over one quarter of a billion dollars. Immediately after completion of his residency, Dr. Berkowitz’s became Vice President of Information Services for IMPATH. He maintained his private residence in Silver Spring, Maryland, not far from the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda. We speculated in our document that his actual role was to serve as a ‘listening post’ for research data at the NCI that could be used by IMPATH to grow their business. One of the major components of the company was the "IMPATH Predictive Oncology" division (IPO) which was made possible, according to their press release, by the acquisition of Dr. Berkowitz’s ‘Physician Choice, Inc.’
The reader of this document should read reporter David Willman’s recent expose (12/22/04) of the unethical behavior of multiple researchers at the National Institutes of Health (see Dr. Berkowitz appears to have been using Government data gathered at the NCI for personal profit. According to the LA Times, this seems to have been commonplace. (see the end of this document for instructions on How to View the Exhibits)
On October 22, 2001, IMPATH announced it was reimbursing the Government $9 million dollars to settle an investigation over their Medicare billing practices. IMPATH declared bankruptcy in the summer of 2003 after an SEC audit alleged they had systematically misrepresented their accounts receivable to their investors. Dr. Berkowitz left the company after the initial Medicare investigation was commenced.
Does anybody know when there will be any news released
Very low volumn, might start dropping below a penny soon ?
Mods are simply here to help keep order in the board. They can edit sticky notes and update the Ibox but other then that they are just normal posters like you. Some use the position to make people believe they have some kind of power or knowledge but they dont.
What is the duty/job of moderators? Just Wondering. It is my 1st writing. Thanks in advance.
not a problem I am no expert. I dont think anyone can be in the pennys but I am right enough to owe the tax man LOL
Thanks again for the quick replies and the great insight es1! Your knowledge and advice is greatly appreciated. I hope you will not consider it a nuisance as more questions arise as I am slowly acquiring knowledge in this field.
Well the lack of a web site to me means nothing. I would be more worried if they did.
I am just being honest here but I only trade this because I lack information.
I have not dug deep enough to give an informed answer.
The share structure is great as last reported. That is what made me play around with it.
I have been doing this long enough to know that a ton of available info is normally a good sign of a scam.
If that sounds wrong I understand but I look at news as advertisement and you only advertise when you want to sell something.
If a company is advertising their shares you can bet they are selling.
I know this company has a lot of stuff in the works but ran into issues. That is about it.
IMO if you are a beginning trader this is not a stock to mess with until the volume picks up. Worth keeping an eye on just because the share structure is so good.
Most stocks with 2.5M shares are well over a buck.
In the end I would say do not get caught up in any hype. Don't believe anything a msg board poster says and always take your profits.
IMO If you want to play here buy a few thousand shares at just above the bid and sell them for a good profit when the ask goes up.
Don't put anything here that you need to be able to get out of. Your trades here could take a week or 2 for a 100%. I have had shares for sale at .059 and seen .06 trades go through without mine going. Then one day I wll get .075 for them. Very odd trading. And very very very slow.
Thanks for the quick reply! Overall, would you consider this a liable investment? Over the past month or so, SYNI has had many consistent rise and falls, almost like a Fourier series. Moreover, does the fact that they do not have a website make you feel cautious?
For the most part it is a lack of interest. No news etc. But the spread is the main issue. I bought at 4 and sold at 9, 3 times but it was in small amounts and took a while to trade out. Most people will see a spread like this and sit at the bid. But as the ask drops so will the bid sitters.
It will slow down and the spread will close up at some point and regular trading will follow. The only thing that can accomplish that is volume and we need awareness to get it. So no news = no buy pressure.
That is the worst part of this. The company has not got much interest in putting out news.
Hi all, I'm pretty new to stocks and everything. But lately SYNI has been moving pretty slow, especially with the trades and all. What does that mean?
What did your DD tell you? Anything new? cause the DD here is thin and far between. This company is very hush hush. Something is up here but god only knows what.
That site looks cool but it seems to me like they have totally free information that they want people to pay 50 bucks for.
How I did my DD for SYNI
I'm relatively new on Ihub and after speaking with a few long time, traders I came to the conclusion not many know of DD Amanda! Without my girl the DD I did on Synvista would have taken days. I cant trade without her & shes fully intergrated with IHub. Here is a link to check her out and if u find her useful mention this board--->
Got some .04s ~ unfortunately, not very many.
Thank you for your response. Yeah,... I know the MM's can be seen but not really there & can pop up at any moment with any random price. I saw it first hand with this stock the 2nd day this really started to trade and it almost seemed like we caught them with their shorts down. (No pun intended)
I'm aware we are playing a game which is in essence like playing monopoly with someone that is always the banker & is permitted to lie, cheat and steal with impunity so Ya can't hate me for dreaming! Lol. I think we'll see $2 easy & I'll be the first one on the dance floor at $1!
Not a problem. I am using etrade pro and have been watching it myself but you have got to know that the 100 dollar is just a default way of saying not selling.
If Etrade has 4 peoplw selling a $1, $3, $5, $6, and NITE is not selling it would show ETMM at $1 and NITE at $100 but there are a bunch of orders between.The MM can have a thousand orders at a thousand different prices but they can only show 1 at a time.
I agree it is thin as hell but looking for $100 is way too good to be true and sounds like a scam to new people looking. This is going WAY up but lets be realistic.
$5 would make me dance. Even $2 would
I believe my DD backs up my statements that Enzon with Dr. Berkowitz have completed Phase II and Synvista has applied for patients. (Weird huh?) I'm guessing that's because Enzon probably cannot apply for patents on something we own. LOL
Additionally Enzon has recently signed partnership agreements for distribution throughout China and Europe. I'm surprised Enzon has gone this long without securing ownership of the pending patents by merging with Synvista. I'm confidant it never crossed their minds this shell would get action before the merger otherwise the merger would already have been completed. IMO this is a pretty big screw-up on Enzon's part.
Please let me explain myself' and please accept my apologies for what appears to be a rude reply. This was not my intention nor is it who I normally am. I wrote that answer around 5 AM PST, went to bed, woke for the bell and then around noon today saw this response which I didn't remember writing!
For the past week or so the MM's have been extremely thin. In a perfect world, theoretically a measly $3- $5K could have taken the MM's out on the ask. They say a picture is worth a thousand words so here is what I'm talking about....
I know, I know, the chances of hitting $100 are very remote but there is a possibility. Especially with only 2 million shares in the float. A few times last week we came extremely close to $2.00 then $100.5 was only 500 shares away.
We got down to the last 10,000 shares and a buy came in for $10,380 which the MM's held for about 15 minutes or until enough sells came in after raising the bid. Damn weak hands!
It looks like the MM's finally got new inventory this afternoon so hitting $100 is even more remote but if everyone would hold out and not sell when the MM's make it attractive we have one of the best chances I've ever seen of really making a big run! The quotes today in time and sales IMO show this baby is ready to break loose!
i was thinking the same thing. But i am scratching my head at the recent volume. Zero to hero literally overnight.
Correct me of I'm wrong here but hasn't SYNI only completed phase 2 and needs to complete phase 3 still?
Possible Reverse Merger here, something up, we break down those .11s we fly!
Only 2.5 m OS.and lots of buying so not much shares left.something is going on here,that's for sure.if news hits this can run into dollar range.imo i think an RM or. A Buyout is a possibility as well
this is my first few months into pennies. SYNI seems to be a gift from above! I have been doing a lot DD on SYNI, but as a newbie i don't have historical experience on judging where pps could eventually end up depending on the direction SYNI takes. i have read anywhere from $1 to $100. pretty crazy diff of opinions out there. ANYONE reading this, what's your opinion from past experience? FDA and/or Mergers, PPS, etc.... THANK YOU and GLTA.....GO SYNI!!!$$$$
Nice blocks at .15 last week someone has been loading bigly
Rare low SS and vol increased past week'cant wait for updates
well I have L2 and high school math. although I dropped out before the class on assumptions and guessing theory. My L2 shows .12 on the ask.
I would like to know what sort of math it is that adds up to $250,000,000 from .12. There has to be a pretty big missing number in your guessing formula.
I will admit I am much better at logic and common sense then
I am at those higher math forms you use.
I will be happy to flip for 100% instead of $100
Based on, If you have L2 and finished high school math or know how to use a calculator add it up! It has been very thin to go from $.20 to $100. Once we blow through the change, there is no stopping this.
100 bucks ? based on what? I know the SS is tiny but that would be a 1/4 billion Mkt cap. Should see over 10 as long as no dilution has occured based on rumor. Considering a 25 mil mkt cap is not too much to expect. That would make me quite happy
Tomorrow should be huge! MM's were stacked on the Ask and trying to load up on Friday @ $0.7. From my experience MM's do not normally buy high, and sell low so big numbers are at hand! Cheeky is right! Don't be a weak hand! We have a chance of seeing MM's at the Bid over $100 and none at the Ask if we hold out! GTLA!
Good Evening, SYNI .12s hit at EOD, L2 was interesting for every sell the Bid Up-ticked so we finished day show .06 by .12, IMO Shares are scarce, MM's tried a shake but the shares are in strong hands, Still listed as a Strong Buy and showing as Very Bullish....once MM's close that gap you will see a huge run here. This stock does not even need News to break, there are only 2.5 million shares and we pretty much have locked up the float....keep this on HIGH Alert....people are predicting $s as a possibility! FDA Approval is on its way, with a HUGE chance of a Reverse Merger, Good Luck and for all the DD head over to SYNI board read posts and mark page, we are growing and interest is overwhelming, PPS WILL BE NEXT!
All in all a good day, Friday being a sellers day and we had EOD volume....only losing 8%, to me we have blue sky break out soon, bid getting larger on sells! Interestingly enough I watched bid UT today after every sell, that to me means shares are scarce. Foolish sellers must have seen it and felt like sh*t! This has BUY all over it!
Enjoy your weekend!
Thx for all your work and DD
Not a problem! The PEG-SN38 and SYI-2074 are the same chemical compound structure featuring "Alagebrium" discovered by Dr. Noah Berkowitz and the team at Synvista. I've already done your work for Ya once ; -) Here are links to my DD and if you can't find it, or need for me dig through everything to connect the dots I will be happy to. :- )
Here are some links for your review-->
I agree. Something is up here. I hope it happens soon. The tax man is asking me for 20K I need a 10 bagger. LOL
I agree that potential is here but I dont call Gonz "people".
I would say with 2M shares and FDA it is more apt to go to over $100. But dont quote me as "people that said"LOL
Just considering Dendron went to 60 after FDA and It has basically the same share structure. Their drug only added 2-4 month to someones life and it was extremely expencive and they broke $60.
I would like to see some actual info on the company. It seems after delisting the have never spoken a word in public.
I find it odd (and refreshing) to not see endless pumps but It would be nice for the company to give us a bone.
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