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Re: J.T. The DD King post# 1121

Tuesday, 07/03/2012 3:44:15 AM

Tuesday, July 03, 2012 3:44:15 AM

Post# of 1148
Not a problem. I am using etrade pro and have been watching it myself but you have got to know that the 100 dollar is just a default way of saying not selling.

If Etrade has 4 peoplw selling a $1, $3, $5, $6, and NITE is not selling it would show ETMM at $1 and NITE at $100 but there are a bunch of orders between.The MM can have a thousand orders at a thousand different prices but they can only show 1 at a time.

I agree it is thin as hell but looking for $100 is way too good to be true and sounds like a scam to new people looking. This is going WAY up but lets be realistic.

$5 would make me dance. Even $2 would