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Renew Exp: 02/28/2023
Looks like some updates are coming
Looks like there will be some changes over here.
Which time? This scam has been going for years!
Do you know when they got CE?
Still a Scam
No thats an after market settle and there are no just holders here getting shook. Please stop making assumptions and post facts on the stock.
Shameless pumping from new entry I see. This has been 3 different companies since I have been here. It was not an accidental wrong report of shares with the TA i had contact with the last CEO. Who I caught blatantly lying on multiple occasions through company facebook account.
This is a shell passed from one scammer to another don't be fooled. Is it possible to make money off a scam? Yes but the risk is huge far greater than any even semi legit company.
The most despicable act of any investor is to intentionally mislead another investor. I am assuming you did jot dig deep enough to realize this has been going on with this stock for more than a decade now.
As long as investors are fully aware the extra risk of this long term scam i don't care if them invest just remember don't invest long here and don't invest more than you can afford to lose as there is a huge chance that will be the outcome.
Good luck to Everyone
Nice bid sell, That's what we're waiting for, to shake out the last of the pre-R/S holders...
Well thanks I guess. But what I see is a company in the process of getting filings current and within this process they hit a bump with their previous TA which made the OTC kick back the filings that came out just a few weeks ago
If you note, what the old TA registered with the OTC as the float is incorrect compared to previous filings, which was the info the OTC caught when they reviewed their filings. That's it.
As far as the only r/s in the history of the company, for new shareholders is a big positive. Though I do understand it sucks to be on the wrong end of one, it does not mean it's the end of the ticker.
That all said, though the float is obviously not 45k shares, it's most definitely not 45m, nowhere close according to chart history.
Also a company doesn't reinstate their state business license or OTCM profile or file financials (temp. retracted or not) if they were abandoning operations
Of course it's a lotto right now but that's where the biggest gainers start from
But if you're interested, you can use this link if you like to watch for future r/s's in any OTC company. I check it daily out of habit and it's saved me many times from getting trapped in a r/s
Maybe they can pump it up to.99 so i can sell my 367 shares that I've had from way back when i had hair.
I agree with Firegiant and what Firegiant stated is correct. I've been here the same time and 2 scammer CEO's later its tough to see any light at the end of the tunnel, but then again who knows, anything is possible.
My advice is, if you want to get in here do yourself a favor and do some major DD. Go back and read past posts and you will see the truth.
I've done DD on the past CEOs. Real easy to do and it ain't pretty.
There are a ton of stocks out there with less risk to drop your hard earned dollars.
To each his own. Good Luck!
Nope i been here s8nce 2 Ceo's ago and its been a scam every time suckered more people into a dismal a pit of financial hell. So no not bored just trying to warn people.
Until actual premises start being kept you need to stay out this is a scam stock. I have shares from before the last reverse split. Under normal circumstances i would pump to try and get out but at this point i plan to help others not get stuck.
So pump away if you must but i will tell truth
YUP you are being scammed
Something definitely happening here...
New business direction #Hemp #CBD
CE To be removed
Attorney letter along with new TA TBA
NVSOS Current and Active
Looks like something is happening here
$SMPP New CEO, 5 filings this month, confirmed new TA, CE to be removed soon CONFIRMED
Wow. Just wow. Still dont understand. Ridiculousness.
This Stock is more fraudulent than the 2020 election.... and thats saying something
A little action this morning... WTF..?
Swank now added as new officer on NVSOS
Taken from TDA
Historic Growth and Share Detail
Historic Growth
No historic growth available.
Short Interest
No short interest available.
Share Information
No share information available.
Financial Statements
Balance sheet
No balance sheet information available.
Income statement
No income statement information available.
Cash flow
No cash flow information available.
Company Officers
No company officers listed.
No address information listed.
Insider Trading
No insider trading activity.
Even no company officers listed.... THIS is a perfect picture of a SCAM
This thing is going down quicker than Lewinsky did on Bill!
This only matters if he gets stock current and shows progress without another reverse split.
Reducing authorized shares would be a great start since the last guy updated it to 5 billion right after the reverse split.
This has been a scam for several CEOs now so i would have to say actions speak louder than words.
New CEO Steven Swank
SMPP new slogan announced:
"As We Navigate These Uncertain Times, You Our Loyal Investors Can Rely On Us to Complete Your Financial Ruin!"
From the company that "Took your Money and Ran", associated with "We are Crooks Productions" and confounded by "Your Zero Sum Bank Account".
Just so everyone is clear this shot the bed before COVID-19
Yeah it was nice but solely on dumb luck the person running the company another scam artist
Awesome post RS run last year. I'm very happy about that.
caveat is still on...dont expect much until its gone
Yeah the new owner is a turd like the old owner and twiddling his thumbs instead of doing his job.
They really need to start prosecuting these thieves.
The moment you realize this turd does not even float
Wish this company would do something .... what a shame this level of sticks are such scams
I have shits more satisfying than this stock lol
Agreed and nice to see someone else point out the truth about this scam
I hate to say it but I'd rather be back at pre split time. At least there was a little hope of regaining back something with a chance of the shell being bought back to life that would be positive for the shareholders that were stuck several years like myself.
I went from 6 million to 1,200 shares for WHAT? It would take $2 bucks a share to break even! NOT GOOD! NOT HAPPENING!
Sad that truth is in short supply and deceit has no shame.
Great Press Release today!!!! Oh wait that must have some other Company that is not a scam!
Boy this new CEO is killing it ..... Literally what waste of an actual good business model .... This is sad even for a scam!
Another month of squat from this loser company
Messaged them away n Facebook about the fraud and the only response I got was basically a confirmation through analogy!
Yet again another day with no information so far! A shame this CEO is not in prison yet!