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this one looks good,they will be drilling this 4th qtr in australias cooper basin,they had done 3d seismic in the company presentation it shows the structures and its 4 times larger than the neighbors seismic structures and that makes 66% of the neighbors production! theres also moneytrend interview with the ceo of terra nova,worth looking into this one,its not like those scammy companies that go into depleted fields promising good return and its an old depleted field,this is new,never drilled but millions $ spent on the 3d seiemec
and read this:
FDA Calender Link........
The original Team Nations Holdings Mortgage services company
that sold these unregistered shares to Victory Partners were
crooks if the shares indeed were never registered and they were
not exempt from registration under the Securities Act of 1933.
Victory Partners were crooks to knowingly buy the shares illegally
with intention of selling them illegally on the open market. I
don't see how Alonzo can lose this case.
TEMN/Alonzo Pierce Court Filings
The Bogus Request For A Replevin Hearing
Answer and Affirmative Defenses
Motion For Summary Judgement
TEMN/TEXX ~ A Brief Summary
On January 5, 2012, the Corporation had the majority controlling interest changed to the control of Emperial Americas, through the purchase of four sets of Series A Preferred Shares by Victory Partners, LLC. In a private sale, the four main holders of 60 Series A Preferred Shares, being Dennis R. Duffy (15 preferred shares) Janet Okerlund (15 preferred shares), Daniel Duffy (15 preferred shares) and Norman Francis (15 preferred shares). Additionally, Victory Partners received the rights to 1 billion common shares held by the same four individuals in the amount of 250 million shares each. Such shares were purchased by Victory Partners, and thus controlling interest of the Company was passed while simultaneously, a share exchange agreement was entered into for simultaneous exchange of such preferred shares with Victory Partners, for a sum of $475,000.00 to be owed to Victory Partners from the Emperial Americas. Additionally Victory Partners negotiated the purchase and assignment of some $720,000 in debt owed to the four parties previously due from Team Nation Holdings, Corp.
Item 2.06 Material Impairment to Securities
On January 5, 2012, the Corporation had entered into a material agreement with Victory Partners, LLC, for the purchase of controlling interest through the purchase of four sets of Series A Preferred Shares by Victory Partners, LLC. In a private sale, the four main holders of 60 Series A Preferred Shares, as well as one billion common shares from the same four main holders. It has been determined that there exists a DTCC applied “chill” on the common stock of the Company making such new securities for deposit and trading being designated trade for trade, due to previous occurrences outside the control of the acquiring Company.
The chill wasn't the only issue, the preferred shares were never filed by the former directors in NV, so Victory Partners bought worthless shares. At some point Klein threatened Huffman with a lawsuit. Now Huffman wasn't just an attorney for TEMN, he was also an attorney at AAAA (now TEXX). The transfer agent was ClearTrust for TEMN and AAAA (now TEXX) as well. Read more about them here.
Huffman took VP's debt they bought from TEMN, described in the 8K's above, and converted it at TEXX. In both cases Huffman had debt of his own he could convert. He deposited 35MM TEMN shares two days before the chill was imposed in Sept 2011.
Attorney Mark Pena wrote the opinion letter for Victory Partners and submitted it to ClearTrust who refused to accept it. Kara knew those preferred shares were bogus. So Huffman and Klein went to Olde Monmouth and the dump began.
The TEMN shares are mentioned briefly in the letter above, but the debt is the subject. The letter clearly states TEMN became an asset of Zo's private company. Huffman and Klein never paid Zo for his company so Zo rescinded the deal. They never wanted the company, they wanted debt and a pump.
Zo is cleaning up a mess and calling these guys out for what they did.
If the shares belonged to Victory, as the case in FL "alleges", ClearTrust would have had proper documentation. Not one of Huffman's paid pipers EVER addresses that issue. In fact, one of them suggested they had some control value......just like Huffman.
The preferred shares are bogus and that's why they needed to be canceled and/or declared VOID.
A Wall Street Criminal Recalls His Hollywood Heyday
Your Mom would be proud!
FDA Plays/Dates......
SEC Regulation SHO Compliance Tool
cool i will dig up more content for ya as I come across it
Great post.....stickied! Here we try to explain what the markets are all about.
There are over 63,000 public companies around the world all looking
to attract shareholders so getting the word out is necessary to get
the attention of the investing community.
Because penny stock companies do not receive the traditional
coverage of major media or analysts like their big brothers do, if
they want to get their story out or keep investors informed, they
have to pay for it.
These advertisements are also known as investor relations (IR)
campaigns and are designed to generate positive exposure to the
investing community of the company.
Stock Basher Myths ~ RISKS
Never fear - The Bashers are here to fight the Evil doer promoters
All they have to do is ask for my DD and they don't need to complain any more.
The SEC website is too hard to navigate, and promoters hold guns to the head of newbies to make them buy shares!
Wow! - They even bash the SEC lolol
What do you call.......Mass CONFUSION on IHUB?
When the SEC changes their website format! get the point! Probably thought the SEC would/should link their board to help novices.
Your right to trade/invest is a TARGET!
Though the SEC requires you to "put in writing" that you understand the risk involved in trading/investing in penny stocks, many think you should LOSE THAT RIGHT!
SEC rules require the firm to first approve the customer for the transaction and receive from the customer a written agreement to the transaction. The firm must furnish the customer a document describing the risks of investing in penny stocks.
Penny Stock Rules ~ From the SEC
The term “penny stock” generally refers to low-priced (below $5), speculative securities of very small companies. While penny stocks generally are quoted over-the-counter, such as on the OTC Bulletin Board or in the Pink Sheets, they may also trade on securities exchanges, including foreign securities exchanges. In addition, penny stocks include the securities of certain private companies with no active trading market.
Before a broker-dealer can sell a penny stock, SEC rules require the firm to first approve the customer for the transaction and receive from the customer a written agreement to the transaction. The firm must furnish the customer a document describing the risks of investing in penny stocks. The firm must tell the customer the current market quotation, if any, for the penny stock and the compensation the firm and its broker will receive for the trade. Finally, the firm must send monthly account statements showing the market value of each penny stock held in the customer’s account.
Penny stocks may trade infrequently, which means that it may be difficult to sell penny stock shares once you own them. Because it may be difficult to find quotations for certain penny stocks, they may be impossible to accurately price. Investors in penny stocks should be prepared for the possibility that they may lose their whole investment.
Milton Friedman Vesus A Young Michael Moore
Milton Friedman Versus A Socialist
Milton Friedman ~ Socialized Medicine
Milton Friedman on The Gold Standard
Milton Friedman - The Great Depression Myth
Free to Choose Part 10: How to Stay Free
Free to Choose Part 9: How to Cure Inflation
Free to Choose Part 7: Who Protects the Consumer
Free to Choose Part 6: What's Wrong With Our Schools
Free to Choose Part 5: Created Equal
Free to Choose Part 4: From Cradle to Grave
Milton Friedman's Free to Choose Part 1
(1980) Power of the Market
Do Your Research, We Can Help
Many OTC equities are Penny Stocks. Penny Stocks Can be Very Risky. Due to the high level of risk involved in investing in Penny Stocks, brokers cannot sell a Penny Stock to any person unless it has approved that person's account for penny stock transactions and the broker/dealer has received agreement to the transaction in writing from the customer. See: Penny Stock Definition, Schedule 15g.
Investors Information ~ Investing in OTC Securities
There is a wide range in the quality of issuers whose securities are traded Over the Counter (OTC) - from major international conglomerates to very small, highly speculative companies. Therefore, investors should conduct thorough research prior to making an investment decision. A good starting point for research is the OTC market tier structure – which quickly indicates the level and timeliness of information available for OTC companies.
The OTC Tier System
All OTC securities are assigned a market tier based on their reporting method (SEC Reporting, Alternative Reporting Standard) and disclosure category – Current, Limited or No Information. Securities listed on OTCQX, the highest tier of the OTC market, are required to have Current disclosure and meet minimum financial qualifications. Securities in OTCQB tier must be SEC, Bank or Insurance reporting and must be Current in their disclosure.