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how about yahoo?
I can't pm anymore so i can be reached on skype or IM for those that have it. thx.
"The problem is solar storms—figuring out how to predict them and stay safe from their effects," says ILWS Chairperson Lika Guhathakurta of NASA headquarters. "We need to make progress on this before the next solar maximum arrives around 2013."
Scientists baffled by unusual upper atmosphere shrinkage
Of course they are baffled, is quite the multi-variable problem, and is likely related to our space plasma environment as the sun traverses a different plasma regime as it enters the galactic plane. But they would never admit that. It is easier to be 'baffled'.
This sunspot coincides with the market rally! just recently the sun was dead again last couple weeks, during that time the market was in freefall, now If I am right we are going to get the biggest solar cycle, and bull run in history through late 2012! And the formation of the energy on the Sun and this Sunspot in particular, caused a energy wave to hit Earth, and affect the market, in a very positive way. This is getting good!!!!!!
SPY analysis:
Continuation of previous SPY analysis posts and video made in May, here is a sequel:
the Sun today:
Sunspot 1087 - B and C-Class flares have taken place in the past 24 hours around Sunspot 1087. This region is starting to lose sunspot size, but remains a massive magnetic pool on the face of the sun. There will remain the chance for C-Class flares.
Solar activity is picking up:
Sunspot 1087 - Sunspot 1087 was numbered on Friday and at first looked like its actual sunspots were fading, however on Saturday there is a few new spots visible within this region. This pool of magnetic activity has produced several C-Class flares thus far. There will remain the chance for C-Class flares and perhaps a lower risk of an M-Class event.
Cosmic Thunderbolt part 2
linkback for part 1
To continue the SPY analysis posts:
thursday night 7_8_10 posted this:
then today I noticed something I missed last night:
SPY chart analysis
Over the past few weeks I have been tracking SPY using Fibonacci numbered EMA lines on the weekly and other time scales.
As a resource for myself and anyone else that is interested in this analysis, this post serves as a reference point.
May 18th:
May 20th:
May 28th:
June 2nd:
June 4th:
June 14th:
June 15th:
June 21st:
June 22nd:
June 23rd:
Link: Solar Storms on the WAY!
Space is a rarefied plasma. Tesla was a fellow Migraine sufferer lol
KOOL!!>Suppressing Tesla Technology
June 6, 2010
Nikola Tesla, 1856-1943, the man who invented the "flying saucer"
by Christian Soderberg
In 1911, Nikola Tesla reveled he was working on an anti gravity "flying machine".
"My flying machine will have neither wings nor propellers. You might see it on the ground and you would never guess that it was a flying machine. Yet it will be able to move at will through the air in any direction with perfect safety, at higher speeds than have yet been reached, regardless of weather and oblivious of "holes in the air" or downward currents. It will ascend in such currents if desired. It can remain absolutely stationary in the air, even in a wind, for great length of time. Its lifting power will not depend upon any such delicate devices as the bird has to employ, but upon positive mechanical action." - Nikola Tesla in New York Herald Tribune, Oct. 15, 1911
What happened to this anti-gravity craft of Tesla's?
When we understand that Tesla's "flying saucer" was powered by a so called "free energy system", a.k.a. 'over unity'-system (you get more energy out than you put in) at a time when the fledgling aviation and motor car industry was based on the oil and petroleum, it is quite easy to understand what happened to these inventions.
Extracting energy from the Aether, and the so called 'aether physics', is based on the cosmos being 'all filled with substance', which is in constant, perpetual motion.
Because there is no empty space in the cosmos, every time the "aether" gets disturbed, which is all the time, 'replacement' takes place, and so the whole cosmos is in constant motion, energized by the so called Zero Point Radiation (ZPR), the electromagnetic-radiation between all particles of the cosmos, which comes in various frequencies, effecting the different particles accordingly.
The same way the atoms of our bodies are in constant motion, oscillating, and being 'kept together and separate' by electromagnetism, so it is also with this 'all permeating medium', the aether, which transmits the ZPR to the atomic matter, so energizing it.
In "layman's terms"; the craft excludes itself from the gravity of planetary bodies with high frequency and high voltage electromagnetic radiation, and propels itself in the aether-medium with these HF-electromagnetic waves. Because the craft is excluded from the planetary gravity, the crafts are capable of fantastic acceleration and sharp turns in high speed without the crew inside the craft feeling any G-force effects.
Not only did the so called Illuminati (industrialist-banking cabal) steal this "aether physics"-technology, they also changed the "human knowledge of physics", replacing the knowledge of this aether-cosmos with Einstein's theories, now promoted everywhere. name few benefiting from this theft.
- J P Morgan (banking, energy, railroads, US Steel)
- Edison & General Electric (oil &energy, railroads, aviation, war industrials, banking)
- Rockefellers (oil, banking, Nazi connections through IG Farben)
- Rothschilds (banking, oil & natural resources ..connections to Kuhn Loeb & company through Jacob Schiff )
- Ford motors (motors, war industrials)
- Brown Brothers Harriman & Co (banking, ship yards, railroads, IG Farben)
- Du Ponts (chemicals& war industrials, General Motors, IG Farben)
- Vanderbilts (railroads, ship yards)
- Boeing Company (aviation)
- Lockheed (aviation)
... Oil & energy, steel and other natural resources, railroads, ship yards, aviation, car industry, spare parts, logistics, banking & finance, war industrial complex ..are some of the reasons to steal and keep this technology hidden.
The official excuse behind this technology theft by this industrialist-banking cabal would be, of course; "In the interest of national security" .."if Al CIA-da got hold of these..".
Hiding this technology "for national security" has cost humanity trillions and trillions of dollars and wrecked the health of humanity and the planet.
For more information on Tesla's "flying saucer"-technology i suggest reading the books by William R. Lyne; Pentagon Aliens, Occult Ether Physics: Tesla's Hidden Space Propulsion System and the Conspiracy to Conceal It and Occult Science Dictatorship
That is one of the most concise, to the point, well written views. We need to get shine more light on the subject! no pun intended. It seems to me that the terminology that you used, speaking of galactic planes, and the pull of other stars in the galaxy leads to the conclusion that not enough emphasis is placed on the effect these stars have on the activity of our Sun. I think that the position of the Sun in our Galaxy is just as important as the relative position of Earth to the Sun in our Solar System. This is a part of Science that has been overlooked and swept under the rug for much too long. The Suns output is a direct relationship to it's magnetic field and gravitational push pull of its environment and relative location and movement. And correct the Sun is not only awake and getting very active, but past cultures that studied the cycles of Solar Activity such as the Maya, also predict a extreme Solar Maximum at the same time NASA predicts solar storms so strong they can cause permanent blackouts for sustained periods of time. About the terminology you used about Galactic Planes, these scientific terms are identical as the ones the Maya used in their Science of understanding the Sun. This language they use is parallel to NASA and the fact that energy extends in a plane just like the shape of our Galaxy, are Sun will pass through The Milky Way Galactic plan at the Solar maximum this is a confluence of events, that will affect weather on Earth.
Just marked your board. Looks interesting.
More links related to space weather:
The Sun Awakens
June 4, 2010: Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history. To make preparations, authorities in Washington DC are holding a meeting: The Space Weather Enterprise Forum at the National Press Club on June 8th.
Richard Fisher, head of NASA's Heliophysics Division, explains what it's all about:
"The sun is waking up from a deep slumber, and in the next few years we expect to see much higher levels of solar activity. At the same time, our technological society has developed an unprecedented sensitivity to solar storms. The intersection of these two issues is what we're getting together to discuss."
Check out the gigantic coronal hole that opened up this weekend, the massive black area stretching across the sun:
Commentary from ionized:
As someone who studied plasma astrophysics and electromagnetic currents in space, I am aware that the sun is operated by external currents in an open complex dynamic system. The days of 'nuclear powered' sun theory, viewing the sun as a closed system that is in no way connected to external currents, are now in the past.
What we know now is that as these stars traverse differing magnetic fields in the galactic plane, their input currents can vary in intensity, causing corresponding variance in solar output, sometimes over very short time scales. Galaxies are massive generators of magnetic fields and electrical power, and stars can be thought of as the 'sink' in the current system. The source of the energy being created at a distance and transferred through currents, is converted into light and heat in a star, similar to a lightbulb being fed by transmission lines in a generated circuit.
Over the past few years, polar ice caps on several solar system planets and moons have been melting. The other day on a 1 hour bike ride, my hand became crisper with red sunburn than it ever has in the past. It is the sun that is increasing its output.
Further, it should be noted that there has been a very long deceptive campaign by academia and the scientific establishment to suppress plasma related space studies, for reasons I can only conjecture. I was one of their victims, cut funds, refusal to publish, etc. NASA is only just now admitting the truth of our solar environment, yet they still fail to mention the pioneers who have brought the real understanding, and they do whatever they can to use improper terminology, referring to plasma instead as 'hot gas' any chance they get. Plasma admits to the new paradigm of electromagnetic influence. 'Hot gas' allows them to stay confined to the old paradigm of denial. Anyone interested in more can check out the links in my boards ibox or just study the work of Hannes Alfven, Christian Birkeland, and several others.
Even if you are not interested, you should be aware that Earth weather is driven in large part by currents impinging our atmosphere from the sun, and the sun is intensifying, well, you could say it is entering a volatile phase, with it's VXX breaching the 12 year high on its chart lol
Unfortunately your bottom has been breached! For the rest of us looks like it's about to get UGLY! Don't fret better days are ahead, I can't see through the smoke now, so I can't say when, but lets hope within 12 months were out of this mess headed higher, and headed towards another bubble again. It's so sad they now we can only hope for another bubble.... That we know will result in doomsday, these are trying times that test the soul of every man.
Well the bottom that I was referring to in my little diatribe is the bottom of my depression and despair, not the bottom of the market :) hehe
I think we should of been looking for the top instead of the bottom. If we check the last recession, 2003 was the bottom, so that would mean the bottom of this recession, which truly is a depression, is in the cards. and it won't fully play out until 2010 is history. The bottom unfortunately is months out. Then i expect a rally to 2012 then the biggest crash in history.
How fragile this is, the endeavor of trading.
The edge and the chasm beneath it, are a very dark place, visited each time anew with a different torch in hand.
Will the light of this newest torch suffice? Given to me by rare friends, the torch strongly glows. The flame is bright and steady, built by those who have been here before. But is it directed? Will the focus of my unsteady eyes be able to see what is there, illuminated in glorious light? My eyes always seem capable, at first.
The edge is sharp and well defined, easy to see but just as easy to slip off. The darkness in the chasm beneath appearing infinite. Each time I have been here before, it looked just as deep. Each time as I descended further down, my vision grew dark, long before any bottom was reached. But it was not that the light of the torch had gone out, it was simply that the torch was dropped into a stream of stupidity.
Yet each time, something was found in the depths of the chasm. Something that, in the utter and complete darkness, only twinkled at first. Something that, lost in the deep, might give hope for return to the world above. If only I could grasp it... I have in the past, and returned a better person. I wonder though, how far must I go each time, to find the bottom of this chasm?
How far will I go this time, and will there be a twinkle of hope when I get there? Is there a bottom? I am beginning to think there is not.
But I will keep looking for it, because this is life, and this is risk taking.
It would be interesting to correlate the suns output during that free-fall panic yesterday....
Did you know a solar flare can make your toilet stop working?
Every-time I check in on the Sun, it's awake and active now! I think this means long term cyclicals like dry-bulk shipping and the stock market averages in general will rise and the intensity will be parallel with the Sun's output.
I think the Baltic Dry Index as bottomed, and we can use the Sun's output as a confirmation. I wonder how often the Sun's output has been used to make such a confirmation in the past...
INCOMING: This morning, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory recorded a halo CME emerging from the vicinity of sunspot 1054: movie. The cloud appears to be heading toward Earth and it could spark geomagnetic storms when it arrives on or about March 17th. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.
Links on the left to the movie and image gallery, lots of fun stuff there.
HOLY SHOOT! can you send the link where that came from please! Urgent! that is incredible!