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Lol - I still love how you tell it like it is! Your "DD" always seems to make more sense ;)
Just checkin in. The thing I think just kills me the most is that it just blows my mind and i cannot comprehend is how many missed opportunities this company has had. I don't care what they had going on behind the scene, they could have done a much better job raising company awareness. So what if the product wasnt ready, do friggen something other than just sitting on your hands. I still cannot forgive them for the whole CES debacle. You see, I still believe that someday they will have a useful product that will have tremendous partnership potential so why cant they create a little exposure to whats coming? A little hype? Apple does it with every friggen release and everyone wants it before they can get it. And youve heard about the long lines and buying frenzy it has. WTF has our big spokesperson done in the entire first year with us? Make a couple videos? Its crazy stupid the waste I've seen period. All I can do now is hope someday the company let's me in on all their secrets and make sense of this mess.
Holding long and strong... Because I have to lol.
"It will be friggen awesome, eventually, I hope!"
Hindery is on BOD here with OPMG/iZup. Ok so recently Leo Hindery Jun'yaaa, has been busy. Dodgers are out now but seems he has been alil tied up with it. Now Jun'ya, bring some of that Dodger money and persons over this way toward OPMG, it was ready to spend, right?. As we all can see in link, it wasn't a funding issue. Forbes' estimate of the Dodgers' value in 2012: $1.4 billion.
Hindery, the former chief of the YES Network, is partners with Tom Barrack, chairman of Colony Capital in Santa Monica. Colony has investments in gaming, an association upon which MLB generally frowns. The Hindery group is expected to show the mediator how it believes it can comply with MLB rules regarding ownership involvement in gaming interests.,0,2275330.story
The Hindery/Barrack #Dodgers bid group, rejected by MLB last week, decided not to proceed with appeal to mediator today.1:59 PM - 19 Mar 12 via web ·
Dont know ehat u are talking about but randall james is working right out of phoneguards offices snd thats a fact. We find out tomorrow eho the headliner is then we roll
I will be so bold to say the majority on this board agree with me, please excuse me
10 people?
No excuses for not using the Bieber 'GUN BLAZING' 'SHOCK & AWE' marketing campaign.
Contract is? What lettering is in it. Obligations, to fast to soon was wanted here. Long life of a product takes time to be developed and its strategy. They just haven't done it yet, and pink pps's need bones. Reasons of how much PR Time. live interview, how many tweets, commercial airing, concert banners starting and ending and so on and so on..Everyone needs to know, there are start dates and finishing dates in a contract, along with time, and how much. What is negotiable and what isn't. This Bieber kid is the highest on a Celebrity list, are you kidd'n. You can't touch him with a ten foot pole if you own a business, and we have a piece of him. A PIECE!! This next extension will be meaty. But you can't spend all your money in one place. And why spend the Bieber chips in the middle of contract and hope it floats till renewal. When you can keep it on the shelf, build what needs to be built and run the kid at end of contract INTO renewal. Business it is, business. I have said it for ever about this kid, they will throw him out their when the timing is right. So much more going on with the dimensions of this company OPMG. I'm ready to get this baby going again.
measurement in length, width, and thickness.
scope; importance:
Glad you came out of the dark a little. lol
Juice just trying to made a little OPMG levity on a rainy Sunday.
Good luck to all of us Juice.
I dont want to see people loose their hard earned money.
There have been tons of negatives, tons, no one is even guestioning that. please..
I just don't want to speculate on why the silence anymore. As you stated we have also Lots of positives.
I believe that it will out come out in the wash so to speak.
I choose to hold and stay with all the positives going forward.
IT's going to swing Hard one way or the other!!!
FROM THE ARTICLE The event which is to be hosted by popular Grammy winner and actor 'Common' has captured the attention of the entire world in support. The event which is intended to benefit schools nationally will render a public service announcement against texting and driving and suggest use of the new advanced safety product in PhoneGuard.
PhoneGuard, which provides safety products which restricts texting while driving administered by the individual has agreed to provide all student households in the United States with free basic access to the technology. PhoneGuard was requested by the student leadership after researching all the safety products available.
Must See Video
When you google anti-text and driving app PHONEGUARD is first and the ATT App is 2nd.
Watch the you tube of ATT App with a reporter. Do you think it works well and is not distracting?
What's in your wallet?
Yea.. Not likely knuckles. Seems Phoneguard has run into some sort of legal issue. Notice how phoneguard has been removed from all materials related to this event. Looking like more investor heartache.
Your kidding, right?
Management is dictating pps, not me or my comments on this board. I post on this board as a fellow shareholder sharing my feelings about this experience. Many agree with my assessment on the performance of management, missed opportunity and the direction moving forward. At this point I will be so bold to say the majority on this board agree with me, please excuse me if I'm wrong but I read every post and that is my conclusion.
No facts? Look at all the promotions for 'Rock2live', facebook/twitter/website. See Phoneguard anywhere? I have great concern that other app manufacturers will be highlighted at this event. No excuses for not using the Bieber 'GUN BLAZING' 'SHOCK & AWE' marketing campaign. I'm pissed and rightfully so.
Tomorrow is the day we hear of the headliner. Cant wait
LOL(not really). .004 support, close to recent 52 week low.
That was one of my points.
Good buying opportunity for me, if ya can see through the smoke, definitely. OPMG looks like it will be catching fire, let the wires out OPMG..
1.5 million shares here my friend. Over $50K invested, lost(without some miracle)!
The sad truth is, I never sold.
Mark this post, when other apps are highlighted at this event pps will PLUMMET! Trading the past couple weeks tells the story. Hardly any bid support so when news of other apps hits there will be no choice but to sell(no doubt shareholders will be selling) into whatever bids are there. .000? will come very quick IMO.
This could have played out so much better if management was not so incompetent IMO. I wish I was singing a different tune but the facts are clear. Such a shame.
I have played this one SO WRONG(my fault for believing in the cause, product and management)! The mentality of holding and hoping has only lost me a $hitload of money. So now I'm left with 2 options, hold and hope some more or sell and save what little I have left because at .000? - It will be too late!
Alhu say it will.
Won't find it. Not my style stating pps predictions, but I hear ya. Not my vacuum though.
Sh## Kenny that could be .001 to $l.00.
I'll take the $l.00. lol
Sometimes I have a good feeling!!!!!!!
I would love it if the PPS could just sit somewhere between where GCRC says it will, and where Berdboy and Alhu say it will.
no 'leg up' on the competition & PPS will go to trips.
That was last week, our good pal/gal CR says we bounced off support,.0040. Looks good.
IMHO, if other apps join in this National day of awareness there will be no 'leg up' on the competition & PPS will go to trips.
For anyone thinking there has been no 'Epic Fail' by management,consider this;
I watched 'Never Say Never' last evening. The story is very inspiring and Justin Bieber has a following like no other. It highlights the power of social media of which has not been utilized by OPMG management. Bieber Group given warrants for over 100 million shares for what?
Watch the movie and it may just bring tears to your eyes. Then think about the wasted opportunity and the tears will keep flowing :(
Think I already answered your question Almost.
I choose to wait!!!
Sometimes I get a good feeling!!
Yes, Almost I do have that many shares!!!!
No one said I was happy about what has transpired over the last months why would I be!!
I choose at this point to wait and see what happens over the next month.
We all choose to speculate on WHY THE SILENCE.
I have my reasons for holding!!!
I have averaged myself down quite significantly so I don't need much increase to be okay but I am planing to hold for a while.
I have done quite well over the last few months with some friends here (Kenny) so I'm sitting pretty.
Never invest what you can't afford to loose. IMHO especially pennies.
Again my choice...
Sometimes I get a good feeling.
Agreed, And I will be seeing it first hand and reporting back.
Should be unbelievable. IMHO
Sometimes I get a good feeling.
Tickets should go on sale this week!!!
That's a good question who will it be?
I don't see what management has done as an epic failure. I see progress while slow and maybe not as quickly as some would like but I still see progress.
A startup company with a forward thinking product in a new market must maintain flexibility. Startup companies with limited resources do not have the luxury of starting over. Market dynamics can change very quickly and what was once an acceptable plan may need to be tweaked or augmented for a variety of business reasons.
Do you play poker? How many hands do you fold vs play? Sure you lose your ante each hand you fold but it gives you the opportunity to be dealt another. Its when you are dealt that winnable hand you start betting big and push out the other players. Taking the market from a position of strength is ideal and I believe this what this concert will kick off for PhoneGuard.
this is going to be the state of the art Concert that know one has ever done before.
Agreed. People have to understand that this is the FIRST time PhoneGuard is Publicly involved. And this is no backyard BBQ, this thing is HUGE and its only the FIRST step. Looks good.
Phoneguard links may have been taken off announcements as the sponsors (FAU and Spanish River High) may consider it advertising and may take away chances of them getting more sponsors with similar products or everyone would want their company mentioned. OPMG may not have paid advertising either and the promoters may not want to clutter the billboards with other sponsors if no money has changed hands. Also if Motorola is still involved there may be a relationship with OPGM and Phoneguard for ads and promos. Google Earth the address of OPMG 123 NW 13th St, Boca Raton. Now zoom out a little and scroll west about 3 blocks and you will find FAU campus. Coincedence or chance that they are so close together. Not negative, but just wondering. Long and hanging in there for good news in the near future.
Just out of curiosity, What competitors!!!!
They are working out of the Phoneguard Offices!!!
Sometimes I get a good feeling!!!
probably as a result of OPMG investors in general bombarding their phones and email in-boxes wanting "details". Those poor kids
I agree, and have said it. All companies involved do not want to hear from pinksheet investors, let them do their job and not get hounded. ONE place should get calls and emails, that is the OPMG/IR office if there is a complaint. Pink.
Just wanted to repost this from Liquid Crystal Productions.
Looks fantastic.
When I spoke with Randall he told me this is going to be the state of the art Concert that know one has ever done before.
The videos' and technology will be the first of it's kind.
It will just make the PSA commercials from phoneguard look oh so much better. imho
Alhu, thanks for the post pal.
I was trying to point out all those same observations over the weekend. NO, I don't think it is looking good IMO.
These kids are not doing this to make OPMG investors money, their reasons are more Altruistic than caring about somebody's PPS. Great effort they got going, the fact that they took Phoneguard stuff off their advertising is probably as a result of OPMG investors in general bombarding their phones and email in-boxes wanting "details". Those poor kids....
I think they should be commended......great bunch of kids....
Flip side of that coin. They have a PSA to be ran. PhoneGuards is not long enough, at least the one unedited on youtube, but PhoneGuard and some kids started this thing up, the event. Talked about since the Summit, I'm sure. All Law Makers/States/Schools and Celebrities are still getting signed in as we speak, they already have a huge line up. So that being said, we have not seen the other PhoneGuard PSA that was said to be longer and also with the combination of the PSA with RAB's story in it, PhoneGuard could have a nice piece of airing in that one that will be ran, just saying, right.
Looks like Liquid Crystal Productions does a good job. They are in on this with Global Maximus.
Big Wheels keep on Turning!
Spanish River and PhoneGuard, has been working with various companies, groups, communities, sports figures, politicians, musicians, and entertainers who have been anxious to lend their support and time to this important cause, and be on hand championing the event.
Are things coming together for OPMG or falling apart?
Putting wishful thinking aside, the evidence is overwhelming that things are not looking as good as some posters would like you to think.
Zimmerman gone, No announcement of Bieber at this event(IMO he won't be there either-EPIC FAIL)and it appears the 'big' headliners have changed to small time artists, No Bieber PSA(?), Phoneguard banner not being shown anymore, no merger. . .
It is quite possible some other app producers wanted to be part of this event, it is a National day of awareness for distracted driving so I'm sure they will promote their cause with any app that supports the cause. This may be why GMR said it is going to be bigger than anticipated(the event-not for Phoneguard), notice Phoneguard promotions are now gone from their site altogether.
Not looking good IMO :(
Errr. currently we have no marketing firm promoting phoneguard.
Zimmerman agency is gone. that is a fact. see email in previous posts
Errrr. Product=Marketing. No Marketing? haa, I have not not read that. No Marketer team or Public Relation for the product PhoneGuard?
Link of PR Wire.
The benifits of what the company has learned from past unexpected challenges has led them to the opportunity that lays before them. They have kept their focus.
thanks jt, sponsoring the national distracted driving event of the year and PPV all around the world. GOGO OPMG!
world stage!
absolutely amazing!
This may or may not have been caused by distracted driving, but does show the effect of a slushy road and wind turbulance created by the car passing the semi in front. This is why many highways have the barrier cable installed to keep you in your line of travel. two vehicles meeting at 60 is equivalent to hitting a brick wall at 120. OPMG's Phoneguard could have prevented this but was probably not due to distraction from a cellphone IMO.
Fed driver distraction guidelines make navigation unusable
** millions lost by the auto manufacturers and auto accessory industry
I was going to refrain from commenting on Zimmerman because it's speculation and nobody really knows. But it keeps coming up so here is my 2 cents:
Funds are limited and Z obviously takes a large bite for their services. Z was retained prior to a coordinated effort between PhoneGuard and the student movement. With limited funds PhoneGuard is looking for the biggest bang for their buck and my guess is utilizing resources to support the movement/concert made more sense.
Here is why I believe this: Zimmerman mentioned via email they submitted a 2012 marketing plan to PG and were awaiting approval. During this time we we began hearing that support was building behind the student movement. Shortly thereafter Randall James is in the picture and is coordinating with PhoneGuard re the Rock to Live music festival. (don't take my word if you don't believe me call Randall directly. I did)
Z services will always be there should PG want to re-establish a working relationship. I'm guessing it was a judgement call and one that had to be made. Like I said with limited funds it may not have been feasible to do both.
Yes, I saw this last week at work on somebody's Iphone .. in the blink of an eye it's all over .. and for what?! Just have to make that call, just have to send a message ...... very good video ...
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