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gopher crawlin back in hole again??-wish i had let em all gone on pop-----tmonkey
Actually not trolling.. I don’t think it’s a bad idea. I actually profited off of a few past runners after they dropped and noticed you were on the boards. So I was seeing if it was part of your strategy and have you had long term success with it. I’ve had short term success with it the past few months and considering adding it as one of my strategies
Seems like you like playing past runners after they fall.. how’s that strategy work out?
Yep....this is a lotto play LOL. Literally.
until coocon breaks ill take it as just a lovely time to let go of shares i had written off as a loss---i wont go hungry if the freebies left go back to .002-you had them at half of that if i remember after all this time!--ill take it now as just a freak pop---and most likely should have given them the whole boat yesterday!! tmonkey
But if that was the OS at time of delist doesn't that mean they are air shares now? With no value in Canada unless it somehow makes it back to life.
There were 2 parts to LottoGopher - One of which was based in the US (LottoGopher us)
It would be great if someone is taking over the corpse to morph into a brand new butterfly.
Why would it suddenly become Pink Current and TA verified(right or wrong) if there was no pulse? It just doesn't make sense to a simpleton such as myself.
Matters not to me since it has to drop another 1000% before I approach redness.
that meshes with yahoos take on it--with the dumpathon today most holders just want out of this---1 day too late for the honeypot prices yesterday---a reaal matter of timing---will be interesting to see which way this rolls----tmonkey
I would assume this was the LOTO structure at time of delisting.
Issued & Outstanding: 127,958,124
Reserved for Issuance: 52,008,507
There was no mention of LOTO converting to LTTGF but there was mention of a RS (10:1) that was to be part of the "Plan of arrangement" with Bravio which NEVER HAPPENED.
Also found management changes in 2019:
Resignation of directors and executive staff -
? On January 9th 2019 Mr. Savneet Singh resigned as a director. On January 28th 2019 James Morel resigned
as a director, and CEO. On Feb 13 2019, Edward J. Tobin was appointed to the Board of Directors and as
interim Chief Executive Officer. On the same date Mr. Zamani relinquished the CFO role to Mr. Greg Cavers.
On April 1, 2019 Wayne Welter was appointed to the Board of Directors. read all the posts....a few shareholders were saying this.
if they lost all their shares i hope they are not looking if this does get up and running again but im not a believer yet---my freebie skin in the game is more than ready for a takeoff-alot of i,s need to be dotted and t,s crossed down 70% today isnt a good sign---got lucky yesterday???-tmonkey
Yes, I did'nt mean listed as in actively trading.....I was wondering if perhaps there was a record of the CSE LOTO shares that were outstanding before the CTO. I came across another messageboard in which some LOTO shareholders were saying their shares had been converted to OTC LTTGF.
I don't see any mention of LOTO converting to LTTGF.
They are not - they are DELISTED on the CSE in April 2020
I think that is where the shares disappeared from.
I've never heard of cross border conversion rights on the CSE.
I think the OS is correct when the canadian side was delisted those shares went to zero.
We do not know what the conversion rate would have been for a fact...I have seen conversions that equate to a reverse split. I did ask the other message board what happened with their shares.....if it was 1:1 or if they ended up with less shares. We'll see what they say...I also contacted the transfer agent. No reply yet.
WELL IT WOULD HAVE BEEN AT 1 FOR 1 IMO-BUT I DONT SEE ANY RECORD OF THAT---- again i would go with the yahoo 130 m-until a new verifed nr comes out----the real ? is are they activated again or just a dream come true for us caught all this time with worthless shares--i still have skin in the game hoping for the best------tmonkey
I'm not saying the exact number is accurate, but if it is anywhere an O/S of a few mil.....this could really run hard with any news. I also find it interesting that a poster on another board said that his Canadian LOGO converted to OTC LTTGF. He does'nt say the ratio of what they converted at.
the 350 k has never been real and the big rise could have been a flash in the pan until prs come out-i took advantage of it and unloades half of that imaginary 350 k outstanding-not alot left for the 2mill + volume??-as far as i know the canadian shares were cancelled --a real rip off if the same co. becomes active again but no proof of that until someone comes out and files to the effect--- was great for me to cash out on a forgotten lotto ticket in the beginning!!-GO GOPHER!!-tmonkey
Was the conversion rate of CSE: LOTO shares to OTC LTTGF essentially work out to a reverse split for holders of the now delisted stock in Canada? Which would explain the low O/S here?
I just came across this post on another messageboard this poster says that he had CSE: LOTO (Lotto Gopher Holding stock on the Canadian Stock Exchange) that was CONVERTED to LTTGF on OTC after LOTO shares were delisted in Canada.. That is interesting. If that is what happened, what was the conversion rate?
i have over half of that!!!-was almost the whole ball of wax yesterday??-and ernie b is still holding!!-go figure-------begin with yahoo at 130 mill and guess from there---who is taking this further down the road??--until some clarity this is a lotto ticket--and im still in after giving half of my stake to future winners??---tmonkey
Where are the foreign shares listed?
Can’t be right honestly. Must be some type of ratio for US vs Foreign shares. has updated share structure again as of 3/25/21 outstanding shares are 324,516. Otc markets is usually the most up to date and accurate. On this link.....look what the float was in 2019, that measures up with the O/S yahoo has listed. Yahoo is more likely to be outdated. Something has happened since that time. Buyback? I don't know. Something is up with this company! I do think the O/S on otcmarkets is accurate.
OK LIT - every stock on the OTC would be qualified as a pump and dump
24 posts doesn't equate to a PD but thanks for the concern.
They were delisted last year so the OS could very well be accurate, my question is who has assumed control to become current with a verified OS?
Large spread and market sell. Wouldn’t call it a sell off
Down from 320 percent in 5 minutes big selloft
wonder what happened to all the canadian shares that couldnt trade for months while we were trading stateside in the .00s?????canceled ???----not listed there any more-0nly here------tmonkey
It's all about the verified OS
yahoo has it at 130 mill and 2mill + vol today???
Oh for sure....based on today's action.
If it is correct I own 24.6%
I think based on today’s trading that the float is higher. Still a low float though
How many are you holding now? How many is "ernie b" holding? I am not saying that you are wrong.....but OTC Markets is usually accurate in their updates with no false reporting. The count is not out of date from years ago, it is from yesterday. Also, their transfer agent is verified. If the company has done share repurchases, the O/S might not be far off. I will keep checking OTC markets to see if it updates on the daily.....a sign that something is up.
im sure gonna follow this one again -thanks---that 324k share count is bogus!!--i had most of those way back when and ernie b got alot before i got in---tmonkey pink current with 324k shares outstanding as of 3/24/21 yesterday. is usually accurate info. What is interesting is that this company had 120 million shares in the float back in 2019. No reverse splits have taken place. There has been steady, yet low key buying for months. This is speculation, but the company could have bought back shares. If that is the case, I think news is forthcoming. The company had big potential but faced some setbacks. I think they are up to something.
This could be one heckuva free ride! Buckle up!
thanks for the heads up-i had forgotten all about this one-its been ages!!--bt last at.002-----just let half go and love my more than a free ride stake left!!------tmonkey
It could very well be.....or at least close.....if the company has been buying back on the open market.
Think the 324k is accurate?
Do Schedule 13 requirements pertain to pink sheets?
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Convenient. Intuitive. Disruptive. LottoGopher lets users order multiple tickets from various lotteries; stay up-to-date on drawings; track tickets; collect winnings; and gain exclusive access to player strategies from experts, jackpot alerts, lotto news, lucky number pickers, and financial resources for winners. Currently, LottoGopher is only available to lottery players in California, but the company has plans in view to expand to 22 additional states by the end of 2018. LottoGopher's currently integrated support systems include a mobile friendly platform; automated email follow-up system to capture, score and remarket to email address leads; social media listening and outreach; utilization of Google Analytics tools; one-time promotional offers across multiple platforms; main and backup credit card processing accounts; and focus on customer service. Customers of LottoGopher pay a subscription fee to use the service, much like Netflix, Amazon Prime or Dollar Shave Club. After selecting their subscription plan, users pay the same price per ticket as if purchasing from a retail, brick-and-mortar location. LottoGopher's team then secures the selected tickets from a lottery retailer partner. User account balances are updated after a drawing, which makes it impossible for a member to "lose" a winning ticket.
Investment Highlights • Poised to disrupt $70 billion - $80 billion U.S. lottery market
Mission Statistically, $2 billion in lottery winnings goes unclaimed each year in the United States. LottoGopher aims to help change that by making it easier and more convenient than ever before to play the lottery and keep track of tickets and winnings. Never again must lottery players miss a drawing because they forgot to buy a ticket. LottoGopher goes to the store for them! LottoGopher is the safe and secure way to play the lottery, offering subscriptions that ensure a player's tickets are purchased for every drawing so they never miss the chance to win. LottoGopher also provides players with non-cash options for buying their lottery tickets. LottoGopher is poised to disrupt the lottery market by revolutionizing the way players experience the lottery—from ticket purchase to winnings and beyond! stands out as the very first social lottery website that enables players to easily order their lottery tickets online—no more standing in line. The process is simple: Users who want a lottery ticket go online, order it, and then LottoGopher takes care of having the ticket printed and put in the player's account. The service makes it easy to pick numbers and order state lottery tickets, including Mega Millions, SuperLotto Plus and Powerball. Users also have the option to play alone or to create their own online groups to pool tickets with friends and share the winnings.
This groundbreaking lottery messenger service lets individuals choose their lottery numbers, order their tickets using debit and credit cards (with bitcoin and Ethereum soon to follow), and manage their tickets through a user-friendly online platform. LottoGopher is fully compliant with lottery laws and regulations, and users pay the same price for their lottery tickets through as they would at a brick-and-mortar location. First-time LottoGopher users are granted one free ticket purchase to try out the service; thereafter they can purchase one-day, one-month or one-year passes to use the site.
Business Model Traditional forms of lottery play are outdated and inconvenient. Ticket buyers must travel to a gas station or other store to buy and redeem tickets, and must make those purchases with cash only. In most states, no credit cards are accepted for lottery ticket purchases at stores. Even after making a purchase, consumers often forget to check tickets or misplace them—approximately $2 billion in prizes goes unclaimed in the United States each year. LottoGopher has a solution to these challenges: going digital. Customers of LottoGopher pay a subscription fee to use the service, much like Netflix, Amazon Prime or Dollar Shave Club. After selecting their subscription plan, users pay the same price per ticket as if purchasing from a retail, brick-and-mortar location. LottoGopher's team then secures the selected tickets from a lottery retailer partner. User account balances are updated after a drawing, which makes it impossible for a member to "lose" a winning ticket.
Strategic Partner LottoGopher enjoys a strategic partnership with Lottoland, which has been ranked in the Financial Times' FT1000 Report as one of the top 30 fastest-growing companies in Britain and the second-ranking gaming company in Europe. Lottoland views its partnership with LottoGopher as a prime means of entering the $70 billion - $80 billion lottery market in the United States, following Lottoland's remarkable success in Europe and Australia. Since its launch in 2013, Lottoland has quickly become a global leader in online lotteries, achieving more than €300 million in annual sales and amassing 6 million customers throughout the world. Lottoland experienced an incredible 820 percent revenue growth between 2012-2015. Quick facts about Lottoland: • Provides all parts of the lottery value chain: product development, technology, online channel management and in-house-developed IT
Celebrity Endorsements There is some serious star power behind LottoGopher's launch toward success.
LottoGopher is presently taking a 360-degree approach to customer acquisition, aiming to get participants at a number less than the lifetime value of the customer to profit during the process. The company is utilizing television, radio, digital media, celebrity endorsements and all other available resources, with each medium focusing on a specific demographic. LottoGopher also recently engaged actor, director, author and singer William Shatner, of "Star Trek" fame, to serve as its company spokesman. Shatner previously helped skyrocket The Priceline Group Inc. (NASDAQ: PCLN) to notoriety, serving as that company's official spokesman from 1997-2012. LottoGopher foresees that Shatner's presence as the celebrity face of the company will open a huge audience base and help propel LottoGopher to the kind of heights Priceline reached with the star at its vanguard.
Current U.S. Lottery Market LottoGopher's target market includes the 80 million U.S. consumers already buying lottery tickets who typically purchase products online. Offering a far more convenient way to play the lottery via an intuitive platform, LottoGopher is well positioned to disrupt this multi-billion-dollar industry. • $70 billion - $80 billion is spent annually on lottery tickets in the United States, more than is spent on movie tickets, sporting events, video games, music and books combined
Management A group of highly experienced leaders is guiding LottoGopher Holdings, Inc. to success, boasting combined business prowess and decades of expertise in creating and growing successful companies.
Alnesh Mohan, CFO & Director
Karm Khanna, VP of Product
Jane Tattersall, VP of Marketing
Sheryl Dhillon, Corporate Secretary
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