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Who is this Wing Chan dude that works for Lehman as some kind of coordinator?
Its in the 2 new dockets.
Whats his role?
And what did he mail in, in the 2 envelopes sent certified blah blah blah.
Another twist and turn. You cant get the whole story.
Where is the transparency? HA
Bump. Lehman Settles Securities Class Action for $40 Million
Lehman Asks Judge To Slash $35 Billion In Banks' Bankruptcy Claims
01/31/12, Once NEWS gets out closer to that
date then PREF/CT hopefully will start running.
Got another 15,000 shares here @ .01 on 12/28... Love those cheapies.
LOL, Someone might bite, doesn't hurt to try.
You're killing me. LOLLLLLL
Cheers to you Parlay!
Anyone want .0001 for Pref? Please let me
I wonder if some big HF have been accumulating on CT/PREF for a couple of years? I guess there are more cheapies until these are halted.
Plenty of D's here. Strange so many MM's signed in there. Wish something comes of these....GLTA
I follow all the LEHMAN BOARDS. I have a small position here. GLTA
LMAO... they filled 100 shares at the bid. I think the MMs wants the buyer to move up the bid to get filled.
Go Lehman!!!
...or even buying these ones?
I am guessing sooner, but not until after confirmation. Either way prices are way undervalued, IMHO.
IMHO, we will only know what is of value as we get closer to the end of this saga.
A lot of these D shares have been bought up over last couple of months and weeks. Maybe the Preferreds may be of value?
i have a few thouand shares of these,,holding them.
in my whole LEHMAN PORTFOLIO, about 500k shares plus, spread all around the whole spectrum. not selling ANY, and buying more when i can get them. my reasoning to me anyway, HOLD what i have.
enjoy your 4th of july PEG. and GLTY
^the size of the outstanding Lehman book is now minimal.^this was taken from news article.
Alvarez & Marsal appoints Asia co-heads -
Business Moves - Moves ...
Nov 15, 2010 … Alvarez & Marsal appoints Asia
co-heads … Da Cheng to list China stock ETFs in
Hong Kong …,a...
My Posts should Not be used by Anyone to make Any Financial and or Unethical Decisions.
BIG NEWS: ^payouts would range^
Lehman Creditors Said to Mull Competing
Payout Plan
By Linda Sandler and David McLaughlin - Mon
Dec 13 20:27:00 GMT 2010 Lehman Brothers
Holdings Inc. creditors …
Bloomberg - 2 hours ago.............................................
My Posts should Not be used by Anyone to make Any Financial and or Unethical Decisions.
LEHDQ ask to .10:)
have orders at the ASK,,cant get a fill,,GO FIGURE
How is this related to Lehman? I don't see the connection.
Citybizlist New York - SIPA Trustee for Lehman
Brothers Inc. Files ...
PNC Announces Redemption of Series C and D
Preferred Stock :"". less than an hour ago.
citybizHouston : …
ABOVE is exactly how it looks on Google and I
think they deleted it because when I click on it
that part is not in article. This is not the first
time this has happened I have found other
interesting things but they are not included in
the article it takes you to. Maybe someone is
doing DAMAGE CONTROL for them? My Posts
should Not be used by Anyone to make Any
Financial and or Unethical Decisions.
LEHCQ Bulk Trade of 230,000 Shares at .005-anyone.know.what's.going.on? last time this
traded was on 7/15 1000 total shares at .05.
My Post's should not be used by Anyone to make Any Financial and or Unethical Decisions.
I Will Go With The Flow And Accumulate CT's/Pref. until
September. My posts are my
opinions and should not be used
by anyone to make any financial
and or unethical decisions.
700 Billion in Assets?Legitimate Accounting Exemption?
LBHI | Newsroom Magazine
Lehman maintained
approximately $700 billion of
assets, and corresponding
liabilities, on capital of
approximately …
If you want you can Google this
if you want to read, also at the
bottom it gives links to read
different parts of Examiner's
Posted by: uhlmant
Please spread this around
ALL shareholders should do this.
Included is a STARTER letter and pdf attachments to fax along with the letter
I will be faxing mine tomorrow and calling after that.
Please REVIEW the letter and let me know about typos/grammar/etc. I literally typed it in about 5 min.
Also feel free to personalize.
Took your advice, lol. Bought 6000 @ 0.10. Buy and hold. I'm sure we'll do better than putting our money into a bank savings account.
Posted by: uhlmant Date: Saturday, March 20, 2010 12:22:47 PM
In reply to: jcpny777 who wrote msg# 11385 Post # of 11433
Equity Committee (
Applicable shares
Mail or fax letter to
Lehman Sec.
c/o Finesse Inc.
Po Box 1828
Greenwood Lake NY 10925
Fax 845-477-8776
Letter should be addressed but NOT sent to US TRUSTEE
The Office of the United States Trustee
33 Whitehall Street
21st Floor
New York, NY 10004
Attn: Andrew D. Velez-Rivera, Esq.
Dear Mr. James W. Gidden
I request that you appoint an Official Equity Committee in the Lehman Brothers Holding Inc. Bankruptcy Case.
Shareholders have suffered egregious losses, and I feel it is necessary to take any legal steps possible, as provided for by law, to protect our interests.
Then people were encouraged to make comments, Add an itemized list of which shares they hold (and QUANTITY), and include their contact information... and all letters are to be signed by the shareholder.
Hmmm.. We should be going up today not down. Oh well, time to add more cheapies I presume!!
Looks like we will finally get out of the teens soon and the perfect storm is brewing strong and events coming to a close.
Now we wait for the judge to make public the investigative research report. Should get interesting really soon!!
Yep, would not mind at all, seeing a buck or two.
Nice work sidedraft.. Looks like all the Leh plays are about to get heated up!! Lets see some good buying here in the coming days!!
Nice spreadsheet. Thanks!
Sweet, thanks dude, that rocks. I like the spreadsheet.
Have you put various attributes of each kind in a spreadsheet.
I did and it makes it easier for me to get the big picture.
My spreadsheet is here.
No what is the series D? Whats different about this series compared to the K's, J, P, H, and others...this is confusing.
Wow.. this keeps getting better and better and with what peeps saw happened with WAHUQ and WAMPQ, we should start getting some serious attention pretty soon. Looks like the charts are all set for a reversal now and heading back up to dollarland!! I tried getting some shares yesterday but they didnt fill me. Will try again tomorrow!!
Thanks coach for your continued input..
This article illustrates the overstated claim amounts that Mr. Marsal and the Lehman's are fighting...
Lehman (LEHMQ) All Set To Battle Against Unwarranted Claims
LEHMQ), the erstwhile financial giant, has a tougher battle to fight ahead. The Company faces more than 64,000 in claims from creditors with a face value of more than $820 billion.
Bryan Marsal, the CEO of the company, feels that the majority of the claims filed are way ahead of the actual damages incurred by the claimants. Marsal believes that they need to bring the culprits, who are trying to take advantage of the sensitive situation, to justice.
By doing this, he feels that he can set an example for other perpetrators. In the week before Lehman filed for bankruptcy it was owed $2.3bn by the counterparties to derivatives trades. Three weeks later, the banks claimed Lehman owed them $25bn plus guaranteed claims of $25bn. As per Marsal, all these claims are insanely hiked with no factual backing.
Coach T