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I have to agree about that
Be ready for this to start inching it's way back up. My perspective. Inch, inch, inch, then all jets opened up! LOL
I think you are right this company is going to surprise alot of people here very soon I'm ready are they?
apparently cant post Utube link-
Print version
celsius story... link dropped on last post
great articles on celsius , Liquid Death, others.... ALL ...ALL focus on consumer, brand and marketing.
Selling water is not stealth or secret. All about brand , relevance, engagement.
celsius turnaround story
There are several reasons may not be on shelves. Most companies now sell direct now and cut out middlemen. But, again, product has to be there somewhere where I agree. Additionally, having middlemen, can and does have its advantages. At least out in public eye. If not in public eye, no one knows it exists. The same holds true to any company selling via Web. Most public, when they want something, they want it on-hand instead of buying online and waiting and possibly getting screwed with shipping costs and such. The way of the Web can also destroy companies.
may have product but hard to see. Need to see on shelves, easy to find, promoted, focus on marketing and consumer engagement.
Not brain surgery.
Kona is sold out on Kona site. Covert is... covert. Highdrate is ?. New THC bev product was launched? Where? Surge is selling other co's products... not KG's.
i DO think they are working this, but issue in past was inability to SELL and engage consumer with brand and campaigns. Had a good product... just died on vine.
i look for signs they get this.
Well, for 1, they do have product and 2, it is coming into summer months. How well and how much product is sold from now until end of year, that is the question. I think they may do just fine. But, that's just my opinion.
The only way this backward looking chatter fades is with transparent fast growing revenue, financial controls, introduction of new board of stature and consumer facing marketing and brand development.
This report is a clean up for reporting and name change. A couple of good signs in financials... of course lots to do.
No you weren't. You were just posting your own garbage, period.
The way I read the disclosure, Clark owns Stock, but is no longer an Officer! So how is he a Controlling Person?
Touchy. I was just posting my observations for the group, in response to the report.
Personally, I don't think this is too bad of report. Always room for improvement, but that is with every company anyways. Moving on and forward.
I just posted this here for information purposes since it just got put out. I've read it and don't need or wanted any critigue about it...TYVM. This was just to share for those who don't know that it just got put out. Now that it is out, KGKG can move forward from here.
A few things to note:
1) Still printing shares.
2) Authorized shares were not reduced from 10.5B
3) RC is still listed as Officer or controlling person
4) RC share count has been substantially reduced compared to previous reports
Officers From the Surge Website,
"Surge Distribution Co
Brandon Spikes
Dylan Blanton
Account Manager
John Torrence
Account Manager
Bryson Ward
Account Manager
Kyle Bagwell
Account Manager
Stephen James
Account Manager
Hunter Wiley
Account Manager
Grant Haun
Account Manager
Providing superior customer service and quality products."
This will happen to kgkg..0001lmao
You may want to look at the RC connection to Surge.
Hey, whatever happened with the share buyback that was supposed to happen here?
Did you know KGKG is now pink limited. 🤡
Found this on OTCMarkets:
Common Stock
0.0012 / 0.0013 (1 x 1)
Real-Time Best Bid & Ask: 05:00pm 05/24/2024
Delayed (15 Min) Trade Data: 12:00am 05/24/2024
Limited Information Icon
Pink Limited Information
Verified Profile IconVerified Profile 01/2024
Transfer Agent Verified IconTransfer Agent Verified
Company Profile
Security Details
Warning! Limited Information
OTC Markets Group has confirmed that this company has limited disclosure or financial information publicly available, but meets a minimum requirement for public quoting under Rule 15c2-11
There has to be a reason for this pink limited information status. Initiated 5 days ago on 20 May 2024. IMO
They are in the scam business (ala USMJ and related parties). They are trying to distance themselves from the KGKG moniker. NuVibe is even more generic then Kona.
this company is a total joke...not worth anybodys attention
Don't worry they are gearing up for either something huge or closing down shop but by acquiring all the other companies and changing their name and cleaning house it seems like it's heading in the right direction only they know ? So it's a gamble either way .
Not only that, it (NuVibe) owns a distribution company (Surge), as well, that will transport the beverages of the beverage company.
Important Note: I bought a little this morning and have a feeling something is happening as it relates to KGKG VERSUS VIBE name change. Maybe the name change is taking place. Why? Because I had to answer additional questions in order to buy the shares. I hope it is good news on the other hand it could be bad news. I don't have special information. I am just reading between the lines. Good luck to long-term investors. IMO
That is true, but NuViibe owns a beverage company which means they are in the beverage business.
This is no longer a beverage company. It is a holding company.
Boring boring boring
Why don't you help them, with your vast knowledge of the beverage industry?
One day they will come out with exciting news and this will shoot back up to near a penny watch and see
Blah, blah, blah if they do this or don't do that this company could be successful.
How about if they actually do market research on names and branding, in order to have some uniqueness that will return in search engines and on social platforms?
Ooh La Lemin was a decent product, with a terrible name.
Kona is coffee. Drinks have nothing to do with coffee, not even a coffee-flavored version.
NuVibe is not unique.
Maybe they want the confusion, and for people to continue shuffling around in the dark, hoping for some nugget of wisdom, or the next PR, to boost the price, so insiders can offload more of their free shares.
Here is a handy idea. Create a product, market it properly, sell a bunch of it for a profit, and pass the value down to shareholders. Oh, nevermind, this is Kona or NuVibe, or whatever pseudonym they choose next month to keep the scam rolling.
GLTA, on trading this one.
I especially like, "then significant returns are possible". Give me a break with that.
the new team came in late december / early jan.
Kona sales were dismal. Product(s) good but never could get brand awareness, establish recurring sales and was focused on RC alone.
New team is rebuilding ground up. New production, adding new products etc.
i hope they don't repeat RC's errors. They need brand, marketing, sales mgr of stature / experience in top leadership position.
Liquid Death built a bil company on water and BRAND. Targeted consumers aligned with its 'vibe'.
Looks like Covert actually produces revs.
Unclear what they paid.
But as noted earlier, only need to get the motor running in a growth positive direction, get free of past legacy and present a transparent opportunity for investors.
They state working on all. If they do, then significant returns are possible.
This stock is going the way of USMJ and PURA. Seeing they had past interactions is no surprise how this company has stumbled. A bunch of us were duped. However, I still see amazing potential. I believe I could put together a team to take this company to amazing heights. I think this company had more potential under RC but he got lazy and quit on everyone while taking easy money.
Agreed they will be chasing soon enough
Well, like I said, I am not selling under .005+.
It's just a few jokers here who undercut the bid every time it goes up don't know why ? but
possible...all depends on a track record to change narrative from past through results and execution.
I'm holding for .005 or better.
right now lots uncertain.
my bet is some of the ground laid in 1st qtr will start to build forward.
Cap is 4.5 mil... just has to click on a few cylnders for some meaningful % moves.
The outstanding share count now at 3.1B, I will be watching for the June update. Probably be at least 3.6B, if not higher, JMO
Dont see additional shares in last couple of months.
i still think this team has plans that may surprise
After digging deeper into the filings, and looking at all the insider connections, the only thing I see these folks selling is shares. They have an endless supply of those to sell. Financials are terrible. JMO
That's a good one you are the poet your pretty funny guy ha ha
I’m still holding for that fact alone but I mean come on even da Busta got this thing past a dime.
Hello jc crybaby.... I think you bought all the shares today... you might have broken the kgkg ticker machine...after the 12.8 sell it stopped...
SELL SELL SELL we will buy buy buy them cheap is what I'm saying cool daddy oooo
You don't take a loss until you sell for a loss remember this if you still own then there is still hope right on brother
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