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Poda votes Yes to Altria Sale
PODA vote today for sale to Altria.
Lucky folks could make some money back!
Look into ARDS if you are looking into recovering loss from this failed company. Looking pretty promising IMHO.
Do your DD, and good luck!
Well I guess when captain BS ran away he took all the money (Dan) amongst others. Like I have said before " beware of false profits ". All they cared about was the dollars lining their own pockets and not the consequence's to others.
This ship hit ground and left everyone with loss and tax write off's.
Apparently, no one gave a crap, or at least not many to seriously look into this company and report their findings. Some people are dead because of it...
Pretty f'ing serious if you ask me. Shed more than a few tears over it, no less.
We are up 900% today. How did this ever come to have 1.2 billion shares? Where is our Reverend?
Looked into this scam company a little further for what it was worth. Their four pillar system is now a two pillar outlook. Their website is now non existent. Domain is active, but that's about it. Sales are down %50 from last year to this year.
That poda scam spin off company still promoting their non existent heat vs burn vaporizer product is now only saying they will be offering tobacco infused tea leaf products.
Took me all of a few hours to find all of this out. Debated on sharing, but here it is.
Not even worth investing one red cent into it. It's on the brink of bankruptcy.
Truly sad...
So now we see what this hunk of crap company produced. Absolute garbage and a PILE of lies. Yep, now you can get a half million shares for $50... What a disgrace.
Certain analysis proved that this is what would become. Maybe I will toss some money onto this if we are even able to for chits and giggles.
Absolute disappointment.
Death is what became of it for some, literally.
look at it now...u jackass
Yes, I got my a** kicked here. Win some lose some, as long as you win more often :) good luck!
its a really bad and expensive joke
Spin out poda shares vote. 1000 poda shares to 1 Gamora share
Is this really 7 cents again!? Back from the dead? Or waters rising all boats?
Do you believe they still have a future? If so, when?
more than you apparently
you dont even know eh....smh
The shareholders who sold are the ones with the money. You act like the company took it. I can't believe you would come on here to try twist the facts at this stage in the game. The company was obviously poorly run, just like most of the Canadian cannabis companies who thought bigger was better until it all came caving in on them but to call it a scam is either stupidity or plain lying.
90% of investors money gone...bye bye....what a scam
Invictus signs purchase agreement
Search after
Steel City Green - Glueberry OG - Unboxing Review - 3.5g @ 19.1 ...
On youtube
We ar still in business, Look for ( steel city Green products ) that is what we are selling right now. Let everbudy now.
Here is link to strains from steel city green
Here is and old link that confirm it the information above. Look for de products (strains) and you will find it.
We ar still in business, Look for ( steel city Green products ) that is what we are selling right now. Let everbudy now.
Here is link to strains from steel city green
Here is and old link that confirm it the information above. Look for de products (strains) and you will find it.
all of em former board members are living the dream now....with our monies
checked, it has been moved into my tfsa, don't remember tx it and on this type of ticker I didn't think it was allowed. will have to give them a call.
take care and good trading.
Still showing poda in my TD Canada account. Would contact your broker to see if they can provide some insight.
Just looked at the account I had PODA in, hadn't looked in awhile, not showing any poda at all. INVICTUS MD STRAT CRP-NEW 1300??? any idea.
Yepper, a real clash of the TITANS!
Haven’t been on dry land lately. Just sitting back feet in the sand and watch sink.
A body bag? Thanks IVITF
Got it in the mail today..
Free anchor with every purchase lol's!
go out of business already, gonna sit back with feet in the sand after my fishing trip and watch this baby sink
so they can come up with a scam in person no texts or phone calls to trace
Why would they have a meeting with nothing to sale ??? It's because they are about to start up.
poda shares=untradable, like gene.v (delisted)=scam. eom.
Free as in you had to be invested in invictus to obtain the poda shares, take a %95+ loss in value to hope poda scam might pay off?
It's pretty clear what true DD is vs. flim flam pump n dump is.
Absolutely no factual information is provided from poda or anyone else, to take any of their proposed transactions seriously, and we are just supposed to take their word for it, like invictus!!!!!?
What a load of horse crap!
Yeah sure, poda will get us out of this steaming pile of dung....
Obtained my hard copy proxy voting rights along with garbage poda pamphlet.
More proof of how corrupt invictus and associates ARE. No pretending here. FAR FROM FREE.
BTW, the product was supposedly already created a few years ago prior to spinoff. So where did the $5M really go?
Just another invictus nightmare we're dealing with.
Happening right in front of our faces AGAIN!!!!!
PODA invested FIVE MILLION into product development. No proven sales and a non binding agreement to manufacture pods without a supplier and a whole lot of forward looking statements. Personally can not find where to purchase this "revolutionary product". How and when, if ever will they be able to pay scamvictus back???.
Still not even a listed company on ANY exchange.
Looks like Phillip Morris is WAY ahead of the "heat-not-burn" game by 59 BILLION units as stated in poda' pamphlet and generated $5.6 BILLION in revenue.
Where is poda again? Following suit with invictus' business model.
PODA going to pull down the money soon. Be able to pay INVICUS back. Be interesting to see what my shares will be worth, what was it 4.5 to 1 consolidation . Should make all my money back plus. I'll know soon.
Correction, Feb 2020 eom.
Interesting article from Jan 2020 by equity guru:
"Invictus MD Strategies (GENE.V) kicked off Venture Exchange after screwing up everything for three years straight"
"Invictus was a client of ours, several years back, before the dark time brought Simmons and mockery to the company. Back then it was oddly quiet most of the time – we tried to help them tell their story but the story – then – was mostly ‘shh.. trust us, we’re doing good stuff.’"
Worth a read from start to finish if you can stomach reliving some of the nightmare. Article only touches on some key points and not the total debacle it was and is. Got a couple of chuckles reading the authors comments.
how ridiculous....even their old ceo dan k. filed a claim against ivitf
what a bunch of scam artists
This guy has been right all along... this will never recover- was a bull but lost my faith(and my $). Still hold shares but no longer expect this pig to bounce
Still waiting on the product. Do they have the patent or are still just patent pending on a non existing product? From the looks of it, all us shareholders will not even have a proxy vote.
On par for most invictus syphon scam transactions.
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