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Look we have a great need for such technology, but the thing is we dont use it when we have it
I can build you a car that uses a lawnmower engine, yea thats right a lawnmower engine, and the thing is you would never even know it unless you tried to drag race it at indianapolis raceway park
It would get really close to 100 mpg!
If anyone is intrested, and has the resources to build such a vehicle, the potential for a great return of investment is extremly insane
if your serious about doing somthing like this call me 405-274-2072 or email me
No clue............. But, it sounds like that Meeks character has a lot of latent IRAC/MNTO tendencies.
I'm still waiting for some definite information on how they think their system is going to work. Up unitl then, this whizbang is just a "..Casino-money-only.." BOZO-MOMO play. To date, it comes across like a J.C. Whitney & Co. bolt-on mini-Supercharger with complementary MOON gascap, that will give you "..up to 20% more MPG, HP and Green Stamps...".
They can probably generate some excitement with eMail blasts and StockSlither-clone GoofyGrams to thrill the latest batch of newbies, and perhaps parlay some back-up from techno-ignorant, talking-head, Hollyweird Media-types. But it will take some real indepth technical detail to sell this to those whom are a bit more experienced and analytical than Pooh Bear.
When they publish something rational, I plan to run it past my cousin, who's a silicon valley ultraGuru - and see what his opinion is. So far, he's not too impressed with what they put on their website.
My opinion leans toward some form of sensors and ultrasonic drivers that can determine and be be auto-tuned to the resonant frequency of grouped fuel mist molecules - in situ, located in some kind of tuned or reverberative chamber/manifold. A Bose-ish fuel mixture "..clump buster.." if you will; sans the Eddie Murphy impressions...!!
A system for carb and/or throttle-body FI systems seems do-able. But, how they plan to work with modern tuned-port FI designs will certainly be interesting to see.
Pre-data, this one would need to be on the top line of your MoneyNet R/T streamer, and you'd need to devote a lot of time to babysitting the perturbations. Or. dedicate a chunk of throw-away cash to it, and set a GTC Limit Sell at some exciting exit point.
Good luck.
"..Have you hugged your Grandkiddies today.."??
that si link doesn't work.
jmhollen-when do you think Tom Meeks will start PR ing for a big run up ?
Interesting views from RavingBullschmidt....:
By: jred9 $$$$$
31 Dec 2001, 04:13 PM EST Msg. 12828 of 12830
(This msg. is a reply to 12644 by bert57nc.)
I think you asked some serious questions so I will give you some serious answers and some non-serious predictions.
1. I tell people facts about this company. Those who are actually interested in finding out about the company will check out what I said to see if I am telling the truth. Those "investors" who don't want to hear anything negative about the company will consider me a "basher".
2. I have invested in other companies owned and/or controlled by Meeks, namely USCrude. Meeks and his son-in-law Tony Miller, have run that company into the ground. They are doing the same thing with this company. They make their money by selling stock, not developing products. If you want to check out my claim that I have been invested in other companies controlled by Meeks, check post #44 on the USCR board. If you spend several hours researching the USCR posts for the last two years you will find that the company made a lot of promises but never followed through on any of them. Meeks and his cronies will do the same for this company.
3. I don't hype or bash any company. I tell people the facts as I see them and let the cards fall where they may.
4. At times I am too sarcastic about the people who think this company is for real. You will find that most investors in penny stocks don't do any research on a company. They read the boards and get caught up in the hype. If I made the statement that the president of General Motors just bought 10,000,000 shares of HDMP, a lot of people on this board would believe it and not question my outrageous claim. They would be falling all over themselves buying shares in this company. If I tell them to check out other companies owned or controlled by Meeks, a major stockholder in this company, they call me a "basher".
5. I believe the price of HDMP will go higher because a lot of people are hyping it up. It is a classic pump and dump. I can tell people the truth about this company and it won't make any difference for 99% of them. They are induhvidual investors who won't believe anyone who says anything negative about the company. Meeks loves these types of investors!!!!!
6. If you really think Meeks is a great inventor and knows how to run a company, you should invest in this company and USCR.
And here are my tongue-in-cheek predictions for HDMP for the coming year!
1. The new HDMP carb will deliver over 200 mpg!!!
2. The CEO's of GM, Ford and Toyota will declare that Tom Meeks is smarter than all of the thousands of engineers employed by their companies.
3. Meeks will be awarded the Nobel prize for physics. His new Meeks theory disproves all of the laws of thermodynamics.
4. The price of HDMP will surpass $100 a share. People who bought millions and millions of shares of HDMP in Dec 2001, and held on to them, are now richer than Bill Gates.
5. Meeks will turn down the job of Secretary of Energy in the Bush administration.
6. All of the oil producing companies will ban together and offer Meeks $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 for his invention.
7. The pressure will get to Meeks and he will become a monk spending the rest of his life living in a secluded hideaway in the Rocky Mountains.
8. All of those HDMP investors who held on will employ over a 1,000 people to send constant messages to jred9 and marty saying "I told you so, I told you so!!!!!?
9. The new HDMP carb will cause oil prices to drop to $1 a barrel and all of the oil companies will seek a federal bail out.
10. And last, but not least, the Chicago Cubs will win the world series!
I know, I know, I am really stretching my creditability with number 10.
Have a happy new year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- - - - -
"..Have you hugged your Grandkiddies today.."??
Oh my.........
Looks like HDMP took a belt on the old "..Jay Leno pointy-place.." today.!!
Down a thundering 3/10's of a Mill from it's lofty OPEN of $0.0016.
I'll bet some of the Bozo-MOMO-Whizbangs on other boards are just replete with ebullient consternation and swarthy euphemism's.
Onwards and Upwards........!!
"..Have you hugged your Grandkiddies today.."??
Looks like your " the money...", RL.
Amazing what a few Bozo-MOMO-eBlast-letters over the weekend
will do for some of these super high-priced equities.......
Certainly will be nice to see some data from independent tests on their mileage-improver system some day. When they HDMP crew shows back up at the office, I'm going to see if I can hook them up with LFZA for the testing efforts.
LFZA has complete shops and maintenance facilities in Escondido; about 72 miles down the highway.
Heck of a good SYNERGY from my POV. +
If they can get 40+ MPG out of a high-performance SUV,
they'll certainly be in Homer's "...woo woo...." territory..!!
Onwards and upwards...!!
"..Have you hugged your Grandkiddies today.."??
10-4 on the filings.
I wasn't real impressed with them turning the lights out and all going home until early January, however.
If their CPA has the same lack-luster attitude, and the SEC bounces the filing back-&-forth with them several times (..which is typical..), the "..Terminal Whiners.." (..aka: McDDonalds Investors..) on RavingBullschmidt will no doubt be candidates for the 2002 "..Howling Mob of the Year.." awards!!!
You could always invite some of the more reasonable one's to come over here. The bash-&-bicker boneheads won't pass "..Matt-Inspection..", however.
When the "..resident-MPG-wizards.." show back up next year, I sure hope we can get some action on the HDMP-LFZA performance tests going. &
Nothing takes the place of HARD DATA when it comes to things automoive..!!! And, the Laforza PSVs and SUVs make a hell of a good platform for doing the testing, not to mention they are basically down the road and aroudn the corner from each other.
"..Have you hugged your Grandkiddies today.."?? and...Merry Christmas everybody..!!
Hey John, Getting lonely over here at IHub??
I thought I would jump over here from RB to see what's up. I jumped on this critter at .0002 and made a couple of bucks and still holding some for a better ride up. Sure would like to see the filings go through to get on the OTC. I know that we would be seeing some nice moves up.
FYI: -- HDMP will need to complete a successful testing program of it's 100MPG system, prior to making any real progress towards marketing it.
Solid test results could result in very important articles in Popular Mechanics, Popular Science, the Wall Street Journal, and perhaps AutoWeek and some of the related TV automotive shows.
Since HDMP is located in California, I think they should hook up with Laforza Automobiles (LFZA) who builds high-quality, high-performance, high-end, armored PSVs (Personal Safety Vehicles) and SUVs that use rather large engines.
Some final assembly is done by Laforza there in the CA, and boositing thier gas mileage to 50+MPG with an HDMP kit installation would make them a real winner.
FOR THE GOOD OF BOTH COMPANIES - why not try doing something positive - like calling the HQ and promoting the HDMP-LFZA testing situation...!!! + = good cooperative sense.
This goes directly to the issue of "..where's the BEEF..."?? - that most investor's will be curious very about, after both companies file for listing/re-listing on the OTCBB.
Why not help get HDMP to do their testing program with another California company - who will actually be willing to work with them.... Ford, GM and D-C sure aren't goig to roll out the welcome mat for any newbie like HDMP...... Your phone call might make the difference......!!
"..Have you hugged your Grandkiddies today.."?? and...Merry Christmas everybody..!!
Looks like it's headed off the pinks..........:
SEC Filings
PRER14C Preliminary Proxy Statement 8/17/2001
PRER14C Preliminary Proxy Statement 8/17/2001
PRE 14C Preliminary Information Statement 8/7/2001
SC 14F1 Statement of Re Change in Majority of Directions 8/3/2001
8-K Current Report 8/3/2001
8-K/A Amended Current Report 8/18/2000
10QSB Quarterly Report 8/18/2000
NT 10-Q Notification of Late Filing 8/14/2000
8-K/A Amended Current Report 5/25/2000
8-K Current Report 5/17/2000
10QSB Quarterly Report 5/4/2000
10SB12G Registration Statement 11/24/1999
Filings Provided by: FreeEdgar.Com
"..Have you hugged your Grandkiddies today.."??
A little more DD from RB.......:
A Revolution In The Evolution Of The Car
Fact: According to the United States Department of Transportation, there are 217 million licensed cars in the U.S. alone.
Hundred Mile Plus, Ltd. was formed to market a high mileage system developed by Wave Technology, Inc., a California based research and development company with a successful history of bringing patented and patent-pending innovations to market. The hallmark of Wave Technology's designs is greater efficiency in the recovery and use of diminishing energy resources. Hundred Mile Plus has the potential to be the most dramatic and widely used of these technologies.
Much of the focus of current fuel use innovations is on the development of alternative fuel vehicles. Cars that have batteries to re-charge, natural gas hybrids with unique fueling requirements, and a general lack of the power and performance that the internal combustion engine provides are included among this lot. Not surprisingly, consumers have been less than impressed thus far with the results of the alternative fuels movement.
Wave Technology has designed a system that will not only allow new vehicles to achieve significantly higher mileage, but perhaps more importantly, allow the millions of automobiles currently operating on America's highways to increase their engine efficiency by up to 300% as well. Low mileage Sports Utility Vehicles have been the fastest growing segment of new car sales over the past decade. At the same time, environmental concerns have led to more government scrutiny of the pollution emitted from these vehicles, while OPEC's control of the world oil supply has resulted in gas prices reaching levels barely imaginable in the past. While oil price will fluctuate, the harsh reality is that the price of this diminishing natural resource is not in our control.
Hundred Mile Plus is a development that presents an outstanding opportunity for cutting-edge technology to solve an ongoing supply and demand conflict through this century and beyond.
More Some DD from RB.....:
The Hundred Mile Plus System is a technology designed to meet the needs of a gasoline-thirsty world.
The combination of an undeniable shortage of oil, its ever-increasing demand and an awareness that higher mileage automobiles will ease the pressure caused by such a conflict, magnifies the importance of the Hundred Mile Plus System.
Global Market
The market for alternative energy and fossil fuel technologies is rapidly expanding due in part to the current high price of crude oil and gasoline. The United States Census Bureau estimates that American motorists uses approximately 7.5 million barrels of gasoline each day. Globally there are close to 800 million privately owned vehicles, (this does not include government, commercial, or marine vehicles). Daily oil consumption in the U.S. has reached up to 17 million barrels per day and worldwide as many as 72 million barrels are used each day. The outlook for gasoline prices is expected to push generally higher by an increase in the population and an economic expansion, particularly in the third world countries.
There is little doubt that technology will be needed in the coming years in order to reduce the world's dependence on crude oil. Many of the the largest consumers of oil, such as the United States and Japan, rely heavily on foreign imports for their supply. Reducing the use of oil to make gasoline for transportation would greatly expand the availability for oil to be used in other areas. Recognizing this fact, the United States established the "SuperCar" program in 1993. President Clinton set the goal to build a fuel system that would deliver 80 miles per gallon by the year 2006. In his 2000 State of the Union Address, the President again referred to this goal. Vice President Al Gore, in his 2000 presidential campaign has expressed his devotion to the goal of high mileage, low emission automobiles.
Because of the large number of vehicles already operating with lower mileage engines, the ability to adapt a new technology to existing automobiles would represent an important breakthrough. The Hundred Mile Plus System utilizes state-of-the-art carburetor systems that are currently available over the counter. Trained technicians will have the ability to retrofit automobiles currently on the highway to use this system, which will allow for extreme fuel efficiency, greater engine performance and a radical reduction in harmful exhaust emissions.
Other inventors are exploring radically designed cars that are smaller than current conventional models and will render up to 80 miles per gallon of gas at 55 miles per hour. These cars have a small gasoline powered engine that drives a generator which in turn provides electrical power to the four wheels. A computer controller carefully manages the fuel delivery and regulates every function of the automobile. While the consumer is aware that this is a radical departure from current vehicle technology, many will miss the power and endurance to which they are accustomed.
Some DD from RB.....:
Friend of the Family Car
Trading Symbol: HDMP
Cars are getting so much bad press these days. They’re the subject of witch-hunts by environmentalists, governments and consumers alike.
The reason for environmentalist and government dislike is clear – pollution. The reason for consumer dislike is a little more complicated. Americans LOVE their cars, all 215 million of them on the road today. So much so that 13 million more were sold this year. Moreover, ours is a vast country and in some cities, like LA, one MUST have a car.
But Americans HATE gas prices. As the price at the pump inches higher and higher, consumers are becoming more and more frustrated at the rising cost of owning and maintaining their cars, cars Americans feel they have a fundamental RIGHT to own.
Cars mean freedom to move and nobody moves around like Americans.
And then there’s the guilt associated with operating a car. All that fossil fuel needed to run their cars. The emissions that pollute the air we breathe. Our dependency on foreign oil and now they’re telling us that oil reserves are finite. That we should expect to RUN OUT of oil in only another 20 years. The squeeze is on, clean air versus a fundamental belief that we all have a right to drive a car.
Hundred Mile Plus is bridging that gap with a technology that BOOSTS the average carburetor performance by an unheard of 300%. To the consumer that means that a car that currently gets 25 miles per gallon, ANY car, can now get One Hundred Miles Plus per gallon. Expensive? No more so than a natural gas retrofit. Less if you get it installed at the factory on a new car. The Hundred Mile Plus technology is simple, inexpensive and easy to install. Once released it will generate immediate cash flow and PROFIT. Making use of existing state-of-the-art carburetor systems already available OTC (over the counter), company trained techs can retrofit any car on the road to the Hundred Mile Plus System. The results are both astonishing and immediate: huge savings in gas, a radical reduction in harmful exhaust emissions and PROFIT to shareholders.
Distribution for this technology is in place. It can piggyback directly from the manufacturer as a vehicle option. It can be sold with new carburetor parts and, after training, can be installed by every car mechanic in America. With 215M cars licensed and on the road today, annexing a mere fractional1% could generate more that $322M annually to Hundred Mile Plus in pretax income. Add to that potential 1% or $45M pretax income on sales to the 13M new cars manufactured each year and suddenly your investment in fuel cell, automotive and oil company shares don’t burn as bright in your portfolio as Hundred Mile Plus shares could.
The technology is ready to fly. The marketing program gearing up for a wholesale three-pronged assault: on the consumer, the car manufacturers and the government. BRINGING THE WORLD UP TO SPEED – TODAY!
Go to for a demonstration of how Hundred Mile Plus technology works. Work horse technology that will save the consumer money, the world its air and provide the ROI investors are looking for.
"..Have you hugged your Grandkiddies today.."??
Hundred Mile Plus, Ltd. (Trading Symbol: HDMP)
Bringing The World Up To Speed
Fact: American drivers and U.S. industry consume up to 17 million barrels of oil per day, while the United States produces less than 6 million barrels.
Imagine driving your Chevy Suburban from Los Angeles to New York City, then on to Miami, a trip encompassing over 4,000 miles. At 18 miles per gallon, you would need 227 gallons of gas, or six trips to the pumps. With Hundred Mile Plus technology installed on the same vehicle, you would need only one full tank of gas representing not only a huge convenience, but a dramatic cost savings as well.
Americans love their automobiles. Millions of vehicles are on U.S. roads at any one time, and they consume approximately 7.5 million barrels of gasoline on a daily basis. Each year there are more automobiles, more miles driven and a greater overall consumption of fuel.
Unfortunately, the gasoline that fuels our cars is a steadily shrinking natural resource harvested primarily outside the United States. As a result, consumers are stuck paying higher prices for a necessity of life in the 21st Century.
It is a simple formula: Increasing demand, coupled with a limited supply, especially for a product that is most readily available in the most volatile areas of the world. Toss into the mix more stringent government legislation due to a growing concern for air quality, and the squeeze is on.
Thankfully, Hundred Mile Plus, Ltd. has addressed this problem. Once brought to market, Hundred Miles Plus technology will allow even lower mileage vehicles, such as that Chevy Suburban, to achieve one hundred miles per gallon of gasoline.
Take the Hundred Mile Plus Test Drive and experience the ease of a 4,000 mile trip on a single tank of gasoline.
"The Hundred Mile Plus System was designed to maximize present fuel resources by allowing conventional engines to run for at least 100 miles on a single gallon of gasoline."
Hundred Mile Plus Technology
The Hundred Mile Plus System addresses the needs of a fuel conscious world and produces efficiency that has not been seen in the internal combustion engine. It produces substantially reduced exhaust emissions, and engine performance is maximized. As a result, vehicles will be capable of running for long distances on a single gallon of gasoline.
Basic Theory: How Does the System Work
Traditional internal combustion engines do not burn liquid gasoline, they only burn vapor from gasoline. With our system the fuel is converted to vapor prior to the fuels consumption. The vapor produced is vacuumed through a heat exchanger atomizing the fuel. Utilizing the fuel in atomized vapor form versus liquid form allows for a decrease in overall fuel consumption.
Our fundamental success is derived from our understanding the behavior of liquid sheets, jets and drops - mechanics of disintegration, heat and mass transfer, with or without reaction; spray characteristics; atomizer-fluid mechanics of flow of single or multiphase fluids through small passages.
Installation Through Retrofits
One of the most attractive characteristics of the Hundred Mile Plus Technology is that it can be installed on cars already on the road. It is not necessary to wait
for the technology to be installed only on new production lines. Because of the large number of low mileage vehicles already operating, the ability to adapt this new system to existing vehicles is critical.
Gas Utilization
The Hundred Mile Plus System more effectively utilizes the gas in an internal combustion engine. Only about 15% of the gasoline is used effectively in present
engine technology because of incomplete combustion. Our technology allows the gas to be vaporized and the droplet of fuel is used more efficiently by the carburetor. As a result, significantly less fuel is used to run the engine.
"..Have you hugged your Grandkiddies today.."??
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