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Okay. In that case, with your permission, we will fondly refer to you as ‘whale-light7’.
Mrs. Smith
Always trying to emulate the Right Whale here
In for Tau2
WTI sideways at $77ish Markets are hot today!
Had some spare time myself so picked up a few shares at .0024 lol
I’m probably more of a minnow than a whale lol
‘Dude’ you are going to be reclassified as a ‘whale’ if you keep that up!
I am not trying to hog the board. Had some spare time, so I am giving spec the morning off if he wants it.
Mrs. Smith
Has anyone in this forum scooped up any of these dirt cheap shares? If so the reward could be unreal if and when we get some good news. I grabbed some at .00325 and .0035 but haven’t gotten any sub .003
Lol that’s awesome. Happy holidays btw!
Patience and perseverance.
Did you notice the warnings about driving EVs in the cold? Evidently their range is very negatively affected by the colder temperatures. The batteries also take much longer to charge in the cold weather. Both these issues are a definite nuisance. But the warnings were about finding yourself stranded in a blizzard with no power to run your vehicle heater. A situation to be avoided at all costs.
Not only that, but some renewable projects are being abandoned because, although they look good on paper, ‘in the real world it is not that easy at all’. Investors are sensing that this is just a debacle waiting to happen. And they are pulling out. Look no further than Germany and Switzerland, where the coal-fired plant furnaces are all fired back up to generate the power to survive the winter. Wind and solar? An after thought.
So be patient, the trend is in our favor. Renewables will become a supplement to natural gas. Not the other way around. Countries and states that try to force renewables will go bankrupt. Supplies are tight. Exploration will become a priority.
Mrs. Smith
I had brunch with John over the Holidays, lol.
Do not forget, 10-K this week.
Mrs. Smith
A Mil on the bid
but it’s a dirt bid
3 days of tax season left
Tick tock
WTI back down to $78
GSPE just little ol’ me sharing my energy again. Hope you’re having a sunny and delightful day also
“May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.”
WTI slowly ticks up a tad $80.50
Russia says no oil to countries that support the Russian oil price caps
Yes, good point. My thoughts exactly.
If the ‘whales’ are standing pat, then why should we panic? Whatever is going on with these buys and sells at the open are not indicative of any weakness in GSPE beyond the fact that another partner/investor is needed to drill the wells. So ‘old news’ and nothing new here.
In my opinion, the reality is that we are more likely to get good news than not, and the stability of the 1,300 million shares not trading says to me this stock should probably still be up around 2-cents. And all these gyrations may be perceived by the whales as mostly peripheral to the actual value.
Is it possible that market makers are making deals to ‘stock up’ on their inventory at a discount? The shares to be used for resales as the stock price rebounds, or to hold for huge gains if a successful well is drilled. Are these guys the sharks?
I know even less about the workings of those guys than I do about trading, but it occurs to me that for these sells to be happening, buyers are needed. So, the question of ‘who is it that is willing to buy this stock right now’ is still on my mind. And these guys do fit one of the profiles.
But rather than complain, I am content for now to be a minnow swimming in the presence of whales.
Blessed be the whales.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Mrs. Smith
Thank you for the observations regarding data and knowledge. I must do that to keep up with your example.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and all the little fish in this school as well.
Mrs. Smith
LOL, and you’re exactly right about the valuation
It’s the mystery unknown ……
Who knows, I might need to start a support group, THA
Treasure Hunters Anonymous?
With a little luck, it’ll be an awesome first meeting
WTI peeks at the $80’s (I see it peeking, not peaking)
Make that your .2 cents Spec LOL Heyoooooooo!!!!!
I’ve came to terms with the fact that these same shares that are getting traded back and forth lower and lower will essentially take it to almost zero.
The 1.3 billion plus shares that are still being held by investors hold the true value of any future drilling project.
If and when we get some positive news I would assume we would see a significant pop to the tune of a 500% or more move at these levels. That news could never come, but then we will know the true value of GSPE. Right now I do not feel this share price is an accurate representation of it.
Just my .2 cents.
GSPE prints an all time low .002 with a 500K block dumped at the open
Bah humbug
WTI inches higher after inflation data shows tapering
Let the cherry picking and spinning begin
My 2 cents- too much of the tapering inflation is attributed to energy costs which are in an unsustainable dip
Commodities (and especially energy) are the spine of our global economy so there’s a baseline security factor there somewhere
I’m more guilty than most as a scalper along the way but I fully respect anyone’s moves or timelines
That said, the sector has been hot, many folks could see an advantage in letting go, book the loss on their other gains, dry powder for news in the new year …
So there’s always an excuse for quitters (sellers) LOL
Holders have guts
BTW, you bring great data and knowledge bandwidth to the board
Merry Christmas to all
Dow down 475, WTI sideways $78
Someone please lend me a straw!
So I can suck it up. Yes, there are those trying to pick the bones, but prematurely. With determination, the company perseveres. As do I.
At this price level, I will not stress over any sells, or celebrate any buys, of only a few shares, or even 1,000,000. Now 10,000,000 will certainly get my attention. But we have not seen anything like that recently.
And we will not. Not until good news from Gulfslope. It will take partnership news or a drilling deal to bust out buying like that.
Perspective. A recent low trade was barely 1% of the low total volume on that day, with a value of $15. Not really all that unsettling. I think that was the main essence of spec’s message at the time. And I agree.
To me, the question is not so much who is selling or what is their motivation? The questions should be who is it that is willing to buy? And why now? If it is believed the stock is valued correctly, why would anyone buy now? And if the stock is undervalued, who will sell now? Obviously, there is a disconnect here.
But folks have the right to sell and take a loss on purpose. Although I struggle to see the rationale for trading a small limited benefit in income tax reduction for a missed opportunity at a much larger return. I am not sure I buy it.
But what if this is nothing more than a coordinated attempt to influence the price lower for someone’s own advantage and purposes. And that is all it was. Nothing but a transitory moment in the dynamics of a stock’s expected day-to-day fluctuations. Accordingly, there is no ‘yikes’ moment to direct our attention towards. That is the bottom line.
The answer to the question of who is willing to buy right now might be a simple one. Consider that the way to huge returns in this stock involve amassing large numbers of shares. And pushing the share price as low as possible enables buying large volumes for small investment. The only problem is there are not large numbers of shares for sale. But what if shareholders can be convinced to sell?
Not a new strategy. The next step will be to reverse course and support the stock to rise. At some point, the shares will be sold for a healthy gain, but probably not a huge return.
I have no interest in playing penny ante, and it is one’s own trade decision and one’s own pocket to do as one sees fit. Choosing the investing path that is seen as most appealing that can justify the risk for the reward offered?
But, I will need a better stimulus to act. I was once told that there is never money lost, nor made, until after the trade. There is no money to be made on trades these days, and I find no justification to incur any loss either. So, standing pat is still my stance for now, shares in my pocket. Just awaiting the news that changes the stock’s fundamentals moving forward. And then on to the ‘Big Show’.
My DNA seems to lack the requirements to be a trader. I prefer patience and perseverance with a wildcatter’s instinct. But no penny ante here. My stock will be sold, but for dollars.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Mrs. Smith
Broad sell off as recession and China share the headlines with our insane congressional monkey house Omnibus bill
Shut it down
Hopefully 2023 can show us something useful from the swamp
gotta run, back later
GSPE be like
Markets rise, WTI ticks up to $78 and Nat gas slips to $5.35
GSPE gets a few dropped on the bid and another trading day of tax selling season is in the can
Thinking of the future….
…. I see very favorable developments in many important categories that will enable successful reversal of the poorly engineered domestic energy policy we are currently suffering with
Can’t wait to see the heat get turned up !!
Tick tock and crickets here but I don’t mind keeping the beat like a metronome
No code blue on my watch
Tighten up now - Bank of Japan makes top headlines by joining the tightening squeeze
Global monetary tightening now, “Don’t fight the FED” goes global
Tightened monetary policy has many indirect effects on the market slice where GSPE operates, the most direct would be the dynamic of “long term” vs “short term” development projects
The cost of capital puts the quicker “time to first oil” projects in a more favorable position
Archived footage of spec on the dance floor- check out my awesome and timeless moves just past the 5 min mark
Song - “Tighten Up”
Who dat slapping the ASK?
I’m liking it, but I always get my stocking stuffers on the low, low dirt bids
Anyway, we’ll soon know if it’s the “shakerzzzzz” (momo)
650K is a little bit of volume but no real strength on the bid has been achieved yet
WTI sideways at $75 ish and another 250 points off the DOW
GSPE …. Tick Tock
Pocket change in dollar volume but she is pretty in that shade of green
GulfSlope has a treasure map and 27 jiggybytes of data that previously had 3 sets of partners onboard (includes the one that was never named but was in negotiations regarding the shallow prospects)
And FWIW, as long as the lights are on, the NOLs are probably worth more than the current valuation, so there’s that …
If (and it’s still a lottery ticket) GSPE gets a drilling program set up in 2023, these prices under half a penny are going to shine even with dilutive financing (within reason, LOL)
I’m “iced out” of the tree stand because nobody wants to take a falling branch to the face in 45 mph winds
Getting picky where I take my camera these days
Teeny tiny bit of buying up some shares today. I know it doesn’t really matter, but it’s nice to see the share price green LOL
GSPE me sharing my sunshine
“Beware the opening tiny tap and closing final slap”
Where the volume goes is where to look
I’m not saying this price range isn’t a bummer
The tax selling push could reasonably be expected to roll through a lot more volume than it is …
… so far
WTI solidly over $75 again after that quick test of $70
Well dayummmmm .0022 is almost worthless territory. Yikes
Instead the Time man of the year was Zelenski. I read an article that said we have given Ukraine 13 years worth of production of stinger missile production and 5 years of javelin rule missile production in a short 10 months. Between this and draining the SPR to record lows we are really putting ourselves in a bad spot.
A ray of sunshine to start the day on the big boards
WTI slowly headed higher at $73 after falling and nearly breaking the $70 level
GSPE hasn’t rebounded yet from the Turkey season slide down from half a penny
Tax selling is only a trickle but it’s keeping the price down
The macroeconomic outlook is improving for domestic oil exploration but tangible changes are needed
Time - Man of the year - should be Elon Musk, IMO, for boldly exposing the most corrupt people in the world
Grinding through the global mayhem in style here at the edge of the grid
Sunny days on the horizon
the environmental impact of strip mining must be overlooked to pursue this agenda to ‘save the planet’. The hypocrisy is undeniable. The biggest talent of these politicians is keeping a straight face when they speak.
We are seeing a ‘huge’ push-back against ESG policies by U.S. states, banks, and investment firms. On Thursday, Vanguard Group, who manages $7 trillion in investor assets, terminated it’s ties with the Net Zero Group.
That is one way to cinch that belt up tighter, ‘T’. How do those Big Boy Britches fit now?
As for concerns, how big of a concern will it be if enough shareholders get a shake-up from these shares selling lower and they decide to bail too? And then the hits will just keep on rolling. I hope whoever is behind this selling runs out of shares before that occurs. A good bet this will happen.
To help put these new lows into perspective, it occurred to me that for all of 2022, less than 10% of the shares were traded. And those that were sold could have been mostly the same shares being bought and sold and recycled over and over by a small group of active ‘shareholders’ buying from each other, and then selling back to each other again. It looks to me like at least 90% of all shares, probably even more, were never traded in 2022.
So if owners of +90% of the shares are not concerned about these low prices, it is because they are not interested in these hokey gyrations. They are focused on the end game, not the half-time show. Stability reigns. This is my vision anyway.
As long as this perception prevails, like you indicated, the journey continues in spite of prices. Those scrambling around, trying to make a fraction of a penny on a trade, risk missing the opportunity that turns pennies in to dollars, and must take care to not get caught with their heads in the sand. Or elsewhere.
There is no way for us to know a person’s motivation for selling. Despite the share price, I say that the odds of drilling the well are at least better than the odds of the company dying.
There is a good chance that sellers will look back with regret. More on this in a future post.
If one sold a couple of million shares recently, it will be very challenging and more expensive to try and buy them back later. Flexibility is fast fading, and there is nothing that can be done to help you. You did it to yourself.
But if you were a buyer, there is nothing wrong with taking advantage of an opportunity, even if it is participating in the setting of the new price. Just be sure to not complain about low prices. At a minimum, those shares are out of circulation now (if held on to), and not available for future recycle events. Welcome to the 90%!
My advice is to keep that belt cinched up tight.
Mrs. Smith
I’m nearly 100% certain that GOM exploration drilling will see a sustained uptick …
Does anyone else notice how the administration (DOI/DOE) chooses to interchange ‘renewable’ and ‘green’ when it suits their fancy? Or how the EIA can arbitrarily omit references to WTI from their reports. I suppose they hope we will not miss it and forget it exists in the world of energy. It appears they want to only focus on international prices and production. For what purpose I wonder?
The DOI recently referred to strip mining of minerals as being ‘green’. SINCE WHEN? Just like all other mining practices, there will be no replenishment of these minerals and the environmental impact will live indefinitely in the form of erosion, pollution of groundwater, and damage to the landscape. So it is amusing when they cherry-pick and choose to utilize the word ‘green’ for effect. Is it only camouflage? Or deceit?
For the record, all heavy mining equipment will be powered by diesel for the foreseeable future. And of course the environmental impact of strip mining must be overlooked to pursue this agenda to ‘save the planet’. The hypocrisy is undeniable. The biggest talent of these politicians is keeping a straight face when they speak.
Not such a subtle difference between renewable and green after all. Too bad the administration cannot find time to focus on inflation and energy independence. It makes me wonder what the real agenda could be. What are the options? The Great Upset?
When it comes to domestic wind farms and mining of minerals over the last two years, is it a big surprise how generous the DOI has been to grant the special interest’s wish list?
If we look deep enough I predict we will find a particular set of political donors lined up to benefit from the ‘windfall profits’ bestowed on ‘green projects’ by our government. Is there a 10% in play somewhere?
Creating renewable energy technology, materials, infrastructure, and capital will not come over night. It will take a couple of decades and cost us dearly. This is a known fact.
Yet Joe’s plan is to cut US oil and gas production now, lowering our standard of living by increasing the costs to live. But, it is going to all be okay, we can get it from other places. Like Venezuela. At what cost to the USA in revenue, wealth created, jobs, national security?
Oil and gas is already a proven means of efficient energy, and will be utilized for decades to come. We are already feeling the effects of under investment in the oil and gas sector because, without new investments, there will be higher prices and shortages. That appears to be the plan. But the end game is no longer hidden to those that take a critical look. Check for yourself.
Remember, if these green initiatives were viable in the marketplace, they would not need subsidies or need to have the government artificially raise the price of oil to make renewables competitive.
This reliance on wind and solar without gas or coal will result in us being forced to freeze in the dark. And without electricity to charge that EV, we lack the ability to flee or find food. But if we can kiss enough government ‘fanny’ perhaps they will allow us to survive for a while longer. The Great Reset in action. Be warned.
Mrs. Smith
I read this article on how offshore wind farms might change oceanographic and marine ecosystem conditions.
Not having training or expertise in marine biology, I cannot vouch for the veracity of the article. But it did cause me to wonder if these green projects in the USA are required to do an environmental impact study ‘to the same degree’ oil and gas projects are? Were these effects considered?
It seems to me that any permit to build offshore wind farms in U.S. waters would be in jeopardy until such time as these concerns are addressed.
Double standard?
Mrs. Smith
I’m patiently waiting on the moons to align. We ought to feel those good vibes down here too. What’s gonna be even more amazing is when GSPE’s atomic nucleus electrifies our ASK!
“Faith is the highest passion in a human being. Many in every generation may not come that far, but none comes further.”
Ya know you can jingle those bells as loud as you want. Have fun with friends and family this weekend
WTI tumbles to $70 and JPM strategist says sell oil sector …
…. at least for the short term
Fearful Friday headlines
GSPE has a dirt bid still but sheesh, she got beat down a bit
Green for the close at least
About as helpful as putting pumpkin spice on a cheeseburger
Have a great weekend y’all
Spread some Christmas cheer
Yep, these are “Hero or Zero” levels
Someone threw away shares
But just a few mil in the past few days
WTI in the low $70’s is welcome news for gasoline prices but can’t be a sustainable level in this market turmoil
Going forward, the only certainty is the passage of time
I’m nearly 100% certain tha GOM exploration drilling will see a sustained uptick as soon as policies allow
And I’m pretty confident that GulfSlope intends to, and will, participate in that renaissance
Another passage of a full moon and all of the primal forces that are connected deeper than we can understand
Am I the only one concerned with the .003/.0035 bid / ask?
I guess there is no fear of it becoming a takeover target after the recent board vote, so who cares how low price goes as long as operations don’t completely shut down and the towel is thrown in.
PS - I picked up more shares yesterday at .00325 and .0035 which will either be incredibly sharp or incredibly dull. No in between. lol
I prefer we flood it with oil from tau2
Celebrating falling gasoline prices is the top priority for the spin masters
Ignore the overall picture because it clearly illustrates the political failings and market manipulations responsible for the energy/economy crisis we are facing
Ignore the inconvenience of exposing DEEP corruption at the HIGHEST levels of our government
Ignore the fact that cherry picking is the only way for Brandon’s crew to find a good metric to hang your hat on
Commodity supercycle is in motion and continues to be increasingly involved as weapons/targets of war
You can’t heat your home with shares of Amazon or Microsoft
Alas, some days I would like to do just that
Maybe draining the swamp is the wrong medicine
Maybe what it needs is to be flooded
Filled with good, capable, smart, honest, people
The Boss - “GSPE just needs a nice firm ASK slapping to get it headed the correct way”
It’s the season of celebration and giving
Do ya know what today’s GSPE stock chart reminded me of? A discombobulated ASK
Your GSPE mood
Now I’ve really gone and done it!
Cognitive dissonance is the trade of the day as crude futures are trading at lows for the year, totally pricing out the precariousness of the global supply situation
Drone strikes deep in Russia (on energy and military assets) are a significant escalation as they reveal that Putin himself is within the striking distance of Ukraine’s military
EU caps on Russian oil
API reports crude inventories continue to shrink (a build in products is welcome news)
Oil majors file suit against the government for illegally halting the oil lease process
Simple questions get a blank stare, a mumbled catch phrase, or a tired campaign slogan
The world looks on with deep concern as the world’s greatest and most triumphant society waffles, stumbles, and decays visibly at its central command responsibilities
It’s already acknowledged by the majority of economists that we’re going into a recession as layoffs begin to hit at a time when it hurts the most
Moving toward raising more cash in portfolios and tax loss harvesting are doubling the selling impulse on high risk trades
I like to think of diversification as having one extra consideration in addition to the typical factors - it’s a term from biology that I think works well in evaluating how to allocate risk/capital
r/K selection
While I 100% agree with you, it’s still troubling to see the share price reach new lows.
Bid / ask is .0034 / .0035 which is the lowest I’ve ever seen. Yikes.
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