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We all need a push now and then, but do you have a destination in mind?
Gyro 1 pushing car. Flat tire does not make it any easier !!!!
Tank went dry- Al walking with can for gas !!!!!
At this point I think most of us are just waiting—just not sure for what.
Matrix55/ Tex- Where are you when we need you ?????????? Anybody talk to Al Waddillal lately ?
As THEY SAY IN PHILLY " its never over till the fat lady sings".
So I thought I saw 2561 message from WestTexas indicating this is a dead horse. But why is it now gone? Checked the Wyoming business site, no more updates on Groen there.
Regardless, even if we are closing the book on this one, don't regret initial investment. Was an exciting ride, but perhaps eVTOL markrt expansion into air taxi segment is now blocking this technology from reaching full manufacturing potential.
Last post October for Matrix55- where is He or She ???????
That is a good video.
Post of the month goes to Matrix55 0n his #2545..Try and top that !!!!!
Anybody have any word on what's going on with Skyworks?
Still "404 PAGE NOT FOUND" here on the Space Coast of Florida.
Why would a company have a website that doesn't function? I mean, seriously—that would just be outright idiotic.
Al knows what he’s doing. He’s promised the stock would trade before years end—and I have plans to buy every “tax dump” — so what’s not to get?
But wait, Al and David wouldn’t be lying to us shareholders, would they? I mean, we dumped our hard earned cash into this business for decades. I mean, that would be outright and “documented” fraud, correct? Like that would be “egregious fraud” which would allow victims to come after personal estate assets of corporate officers, their children, their estates, other heirs, and accomplices.
That’s not the Groen family, right?
Would they do that to us? Noooooo…. Never!
Tex, I get the following when I go to the site (daily):
404 – Page not Found
Unfortunately the page was not found. Click the button below to return to the homepage
Return to Homepage
Am I doing something wrong?
Check the website:
…um, an aviation technology company based at an airport? You’re right, totally strange. 🙄
If gyros were Groen-Tech’s only product, I could maybe see your point.
…But with new products debuting, having an aviation tech company based at or near an air-park would be optimal: hangar space, facilities, collaboration, security, and uncongested flight space.
Timeless moved to the board of directors !!!!!!! Nice info !!! Did I say Chairman ????
What would an extended runway have anything to do with a company stating their rotorcraft are "runway independent aircraft". They would only need a short paved section of not more than a small flat pad for takeoff/landing. Gyros are draggy devices, they don't go fast and even the Carter copter was a failure enough even the military did not adopt them. I have been flying gyrocopters for years, they have been around awhile but why, even with todays technology they still cant seem to figure out the blade tip speed problems unavoidable at higher speeds.
Interesting article…”could have”….like Groen “could have” traded before we found out: Groen “could have” …..wait….can’t say….eh, hopefully my grandkids will learn something from their inheritance…
Cool new place for Groen to set up shop…
With respect to post#2542- that guy is Al Waddillal. Ex pres- GNBA
just another link to a non-function website from 2023. No information on anything, just one guy it seems who knows the insides of what's going on?
Tex and Matrix55 Know whats going on. One would hope that they would share it with the rest of us-. Thats what my Grandmaw said.
Website page 'not found'...
Brokerages will hold the stock at $0.00 until the equity is listed and traded.
More information on the company website:
Looking for a poster on the inside ????- try MATRIX55
They sent a letter out stating the reverse split and it stated the dollar worth was $0.
There was a 60:1 reverse split earlier this year.
I had 18,500 of Groen shares in my Vanguard account. However the last time I looked online it showed GROEN BROTHERS AVIATION INC. NEW with only 309 shares. Anyone have an explanation? I haven't had time to call Vanguard yet.
Hard to believe that everything is so SECRET in public involved stocks.
Bet they cited the old Spanish proverb. " En boca cerada no entran moscas"
Hey Gyro—yes, I had to take it down—apparently I violated my NDA and was called out on it. My bad. Can’t say more,… but :)
Tex- loved your post, but someone took it down. Lots of exciting info. Good research !!!!!!
Interested in Skyworks and what is going on- CALL 1-312-809=1076 and report back on inv Investors Hub
Nothing new to report at this time.
The last post by MATRIX 55 was over one month ago- Where are you when we need you ????????