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Globex new write up on my blog. Looking like really good potential here
Globex been on a nice little run lately. If you want more information, please make sure you check out the board.
Thanks. Been in it about a year, super value for commodity cycle. Cheers
Geodan welcome to Globex Mining Enterprises Inc.
Hi Bob, lots of good things going on with Globex
Globex Mining Enterprises Inc.
Partner News Release
Excellon Looks to Spin-Out Globex’s Silver City
Property in Saxony, Germany
Globex Acquires Quebec Dolomite Deposit
Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec, Canada. GLOBEX MINING ENTERPRISES INC. (GMX
– Toronto Stock Exchange,
G1MN – Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Berlin, Munich, Tradegate, Lang & Schwarz, LS
Exchange, TTMzero, Düsseldorf
and Quotrix Düsseldorf Stock Exchanges and GLBXF – OTCQX International in
the US) is pleased to inform
shareholders that it has acquired 100% interest in the Pointe-Aux-Morts dolomite
deposit located
approximately 5 km west of Havre St-Pierre, Quebec, on the north shore of the St- Lawrence River.
Previous work by QIT Iron and Titanium in 1980-1981 consisted of 56 drill holes
which outlined a historical
non-NI 43-101 compliant resource of +23,405,000 tonnes grading 20.5% MgO,
30.5% CaO and 0.92% SiO2
(QIT-Fer et Titane inc., Research Department, Mineral Science. Section, Project
No. P-50-RP, Havre St-Pierre
Dolomite Project, Exploration Final Report by D. Cossette, December 11, 1981
Globex Mining Enterprises Inc. “At Home in North America”
55,618,636 shares issued and outstanding
August, 18, 2022
Globex Acquires Quebec Dolomite Deposit
Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec, Canada. GLOBEX MINING ENTERPRISES INC. (GMX
– Toronto Stock Exchange,
G1MN – Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Berlin, Munich, Tradegate, Lang & Schwarz, LS
Exchange, TTMzero, Düsseldorf
and Quotrix Düsseldorf Stock Exchanges and GLBXF – OTCQX International in
the US) is pleased to inform
shareholders that it has acquired 100% interest in the Pointe-Aux-Morts dolomite
deposit located
approximately 5 km west of Havre St-Pierre, Quebec, on the north shore of the St- Lawrence River.
Previous work by QIT Iron and Titanium in 1980-1981 consisted of 56 drill holes
which outlined a historical
non-NI 43-101 compliant resource of +23,405,000 tonnes grading 20.5% MgO,
30.5% CaO and 0.92% SiO2
(QIT-Fer et Titane inc., Research Department, Mineral Science. Section, Project
No. P-50-RP, Havre St-Pierre
Dolomite Project, Exploration Final Report by D. Cossette, December 11, 1981
Globex Receives $3,000,000 Payment from Yamana
Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec, Canada. GLOBEX MINING ENTERPRISES INC. (GMX – Toronto Stock Exchange, G1MN – Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Berlin, Munich, Tradegate, Lang & Schwarz, LS Exchange, TTMzero, Düsseldorf and Quotrix Düsseldorf Stock Exchanges and GLBXF – OTCQX International in the US) is pleased to inform shareholders that it has received a three-million-dollar cash payment from Yamana Gold Inc. The payment is the second in a series of five payments payable to Globex over a 5-year period from the sale of the Francoeur/Arntfield/Lac Fortune gold properties to Yamana, for a total of fifteen million dollars ($15,000,000) plus a two percent Gross Metal Royalty (2% GMR). Three annual payments totaling eight million dollars ($8,000,000) remain outstanding. The current three-million-dollar payment is not subject to tax as Globex, under Revenue Canada policies, has already paid the taxes on the full fifteen million dollars receivable.
Globex also received a cash payment of $50,000 from Electro Metals for the Magusi project and $20,000 from Manganese X Energy Corp. as a first advance royalty payment.
Globex is fortunate in that it owns its over 200 assets including royalties as well as real-estate in Rouyn-Noranda and Toronto, has no debt and approximately twenty million dollars in cash and shares ($20,000,000) of other companies. We are currently advancing several projects through exploration including airborne magnetometer surveys, prospecting and mapping, stripping and shortly diamond drilling.
This press release was written by Jack Stoch, Geo., President and CEO of Globex in his capacity as a Qualified Person (Q.P.) under NI 43-101.
Find out more about Globex here... and MGM here.
Entreprises minières Globex Mining Enterprises Inc.
86, 14e Rue
Rouyn-Noranda, Québec J9X2J1
Forward Looking Statements:
Except for historical information, this news release may contain certain "forward looking
Orford Intersects Wide Gold Intersections at Optioned Globex's Joutel Eagle Property
GLBXF & TSE:GMX | 1 day ago
ROUYN-NORANDA, Quebec, June 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --
Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Berlin, Munich, Tradegate, Lang & Schwarz, LS Exchange,
TTMzero, Düsseldorf and Quotrix Düsseldorf Stock Exchangesand GLBXF –
OTCQX International in the US) is pleased to report on gold assays announced by
Orford Mining Corporation (ORM-TSXV) on the Joutel Eagle Property along the
historical Eagle-Telbel Trend in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Quebec.
Two (2) drill holes bearing 30° were completed across the northwest trending
South Gold mineralized system in an area of historical drilling where historical drill
logs were stripped of assays. Previously reported drill hole 22-JE-001 was drilled
too far south to intersect the gold zones. Current drill holes 22-JE-02 and 22-JE-
003 did intersect the desired stratigraphy with intersections of up to 46.89 metres
of gold values.
Highlights as reported by Orford are the following:
Confirmation of the location of the Historical “South Gold” mineralization system on the Joutel Eagle Property (Table 1). Diamond drill holes 22-JE-002 and 003 were 50m apart along strike with hole 22-JE-002 hitting gold mineralization 140 metres below surface and hole 22-JE-003 hitting mineralization 60 metres above hole 22-JE-002 and 65 metres below surface.
Grades of up to 14.7 g/t gold over 0.64 metres included in an interval of 1.11 g/t gold over 20.64 metres were intersected in drill hole 22-JE-003. These are higher than those reported historically from the system in nearby hole 80-19 which reported up to 1.03 g/t Au over 1.45m from 96.7 to 98.1 metresa, although much of hole 80-19 was redacted.
Orford has increased the width of the mineralization in drill hole 22-JE-002, previously reported (May 12, 2022) containing grades of up to 10.8 g/t gold over 0.84 metres, to now include an interval of 1.24 g/t gold over 28.10metres within a much broader horizon of 0.97 g/t gold over 46.98 metres in hole 22-JE-002 (Table 1).
The upper mineralization horizon contains higher grade sections associated with quartz veining occurring within broader lower grade intervals with abundant disseminated sulphides in altered volcanoclastics. Such intervals include 9.35 metres grading 2.20 g/t gold, and 7.13 metres grading 1.70 g/t gold in hole 22-JE-002.
The lower mineralization horizon encountered in holes 22-JE-002 and 22-JE-003 contains massive to semi massive sulphides in a graphitic matrix, similar to what was encountered historically at the Eagle-Telbel mine along strike to the south east.”
The Joutel Eagle Property was optioned from Globex as announced on November 30, 2021. Under the agreement, Orford will pay Globex $1,625,000 ($425,000 firm of which $225,000 was received on signing) half in cash and half in shares and undertake $2,775,000 in exploration of which $525,000 is a firm commitment. Should Orford complete the earn in, Globex will maintain a 3.5% Gross Metal Royalty of which 1.5% GMR may be purchased for $2,000,000.
Globex is pleased with the progress by Orford to date and looks forward to Oxford’s continuing efforts exploring the over 50 square kilometres property. Included in the optioned land package is a separate block of cells to the southwest which includes a large number of untested, strong airborne EM anomalies.
Furthermore, recently, Globex was able to acquire by staking an additional 18 cells totaling 1006 hectares directly adjoining the northwest end of the Joutel Eagle property under option to Orford and on the Eagle-Telbel Trend. The new Mistaouac NE Property includes several areas with untested priority, coincident airborne electromagnetic and magnetic anomalies. Globex has compiled the historical data in the area, reinterpreted some of the geology and expects to undertake groundwork on the property this summer.
This press release was written by Jack Stoch, Geo., President and CEO of Globex in his capacity as a Qualified Person (Q.P.) under NI 43-101.
We Seek Safe Harbour. Foreign Private Issuer 12g3 – 2(b)
CUSIP Number 379900 50 9
For further information, contact:
Jack Stoch, P.Geo., Acc.Dir.
President & CEO
Globex Mining Enterprises Inc.
86, 14th Street
Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec Canada J9X 2J1
Tel.: 819.797.5242
Fax: 819.797.1470
$In GOD We Trust - Real Money - AU Safety 6000yrs )
Gold & Silver is the only REAL Legal Tender -
by The Founding Fathers for your -
Rights, Liberty and Freedom -
GOLD STANDARD; THE REAL LEGAL MONEY:,basis%20for%20a%20monetary%20system.
God Bless.
Geodan thanks; RE: NYBob, you have been in this a while. Drop by the article and post. Love to see you there, it is free.
Globex is a mining royalty company and a mine and mining claim wheeler/dealer
with high growth, and deep value, and that is in the right place at the right time.
Globex often gets a 3% GMR, or Gross Metal Royalty, not the more normal 1%
NSR. Since they sell the properties for a profit, those massive royalties are for
A 3% GMR is extremely valuable, if a mine they sell produces $2 billion in sales at
a 10% profit ($200 million) Globex will get $60 million or 30% of the profits yet
no risk nor investment. If a client miner sells $2 billion of minerals and loses $50
million, Globex will still make the $60 million in profits.
They have over 200 mining properties and dozens of royalties yet are at a dirt-
cheap valuation of Allen EV/EBITDA of 1.55, ROCE of 1,926%, Current Ratio of
131 and with Sales Growth of 335%.
Due to having so many deals in place Globex will be a legitimate drilling results
news machine on steroids. They pay nothing for the drilling yet benefit greatly
when results are good. If 15 clients drill in a year Globex gets the news flow from
all of them.
There is only one other deep-value company I know of that gets mining royalties
for free.
That is GoldSpot. I have a large position in both and think both are outstanding
Globex has high insider ownership and a long record of avoiding dilution and
wasteful spending.
Underground drilling nearing completion at Globex Mining (TSX:GMX) royalty property Mining
TSX:GMX $64.89M
Simon Druker
$In GOD We Trust - Real Money - AU Safety 6000yrs )
Gold & Silver is the only REAL Legal Tender -
by The Founding Fathers for your -
Rights, Liberty and Freedom -
GOLD STANDARD; THE REAL LEGAL MONEY:,basis%20for%20a%20monetary%20system.
God Bless.
NY Bob, you have been in this a while. Drop by the article and post. Love to see you there, it is free.
Globex is a mining royalty company and a mine and mining claim wheeler/dealer with high growth, and deep value, and that is in the right place at the right time.
Globex often gets a 3% GMR, or Gross Metal Royalty, not the more normal 1% NSR. Since they sell the properties for a profit, those massive royalties are for free.
A 3% GMR is extremely valuable, if a mine they sell produces $2 billion in sales at a 10% profit ($200 million) Globex will get $60 million or 30% of the profits yet has no risk nor investment. If a client miner sells $2 billion of minerals and loses $50 million, Globex will still make the $60 million in profits.
They have over 200 mining properties and dozens of royalties yet are at a dirt-cheap valuation of Allen EV/EBITDA of 1.55, ROCE of 1,926%, Current Ratio of 131 and with Sales Growth of 335%.
Due to having so many deals in place Globex will be a legitimate drilling results news machine on steroids. They pay nothing for the drilling yet benefit greatly when results are good. If 15 clients drill in a year Globex gets the news flow from all of them.
There is only one other deep-value company I know of that gets mining royalties for free. That is GoldSpot. I have a large position in both and think both are outstanding investments.
Globex has high insider ownership and a long record of avoiding dilution and wasteful spending.
NYBob, iGlobex is a gem. On just Mangenese deal they would get $250 million when it is built.
Underground drilling nearing completion at Globex Mining (TSX:GMX) royalty property Mining
TSX:GMX $64.89M
Simon Druker
$In GOD We Trust - Real Money - AU Safety 6000yrs )
Gold & Silver is the only REAL Legal Tender -
by The Founding Fathers for your -
Rights, Liberty and Freedom -
GOLD STANDARD; THE REAL LEGAL MONEY:,basis%20for%20a%20monetary%20system.
God Bless.
Hot off the press. Article just out on Globex It is mine, on front page now. Please do comment on the article at the bottom. The more exposure the better. GLBXF should 10+ bag in next 2-3 years. Spread it around on other sites too.
While proofing it, bot more. Sold myself
Bob it is a natural news machine,Clients Drilling, and they do not have to pay for drilling
geodan Welcome to GLOBEX MINING ENTERPRISES INC, GLBXF (GMX:TSE) thanks for good info )
Wednesday, April 06, 2022 5:22:08 PM
I have been buying Globex GLBXF for a while, started in .90s and more in 1.00-1.05 area. Have been awaiting PQEFF tender to complete to put more it in. Well GLBXF did not wait around it is now $1.29. Fortunately have a lot, but wanted more.
They are a used mine/claim wheeler dealer. 100s of mining properties and dozens of royalties yet at a dirt cheap valuation.
Like GoldSpot they can not lose, either make money just selling claims, or if a customer hits a rich deposit Globex then gets a lot more cash and GLBX gets a royalty on it too. Big royalties, usually 3% Gross Metal not more normal 1% NSR, so no matter what type of metal it is they get paid. They started with practically nothing. Jack Stoch has run it from beginning.
Now for the first time GLBXF has a bundle of cash. $24 million last looked, and even after 30% gain the mkt cap is only $70 million. No debt and they tout how they have avoided dilution for many years. He wants to go big now that has cash.
EV/EBITDA of 2.9 and PE under 5, but check this out. UncleStock says CROIC is 627% and ROCE is 2,940% maybe the highest combo of any stock in the world. It is a fantastic business model. It has taken decades to build it up to this point where the payback comes. In video below Jack explains Globex.
Was keeping quiet to get money to buy more but being it is taking off with new highs now, decided to share it. One more thing, they do so many deals and have so many properties being drilled, that they are a constant source of real news.