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Something is brewing down in the Cayman's I believe????
I have been trapped for years, there is a solution or news, because they are crushing me in the bank for custody commissions of l value.
Thank you
I wonder when that CHECK is going be to cut to shareholders.... hopefully by the end of the year!!!!!!
Hello 2018... getting closer...
We are coming up on 10 years since 12/5/07 press release. 7 years since any active trades. I own 137 times more that what homey is speaking about below but I have time to wait yet.
I feel your pain! I wish I only bought one million but unfortunately I purchased many-many more. Good luck always my friend.
I will be dead before I see my money returned.. over a million shares I purchased, like throwing money away
Okie dokie. well i remember when this symbol was revoked it was also told it could come back trading on piggy back status.
Good to see you bro. also all financing has expired and conversions. Still long n strong and TD ameritrade showing massive gains in my portfolio. I told you guys I will buy a boat and have a party if this one hits. We shall see. Charts already showing up on my streamer and on mobile. Bid ask showing .021x.024
WOW! It's been quite awhile...8 years to be exact and some of us are still around. It would be fantastic to see something happen here.
Hope all is going well with you Cali!
What are NOLs? Same a failure to delivery stock? Naked short?
Okay Folks Something just may be up this is showing .021x.024 in my account Reverse merger here finally?
Is there anyone in charge of this dump?
Yes... but something is up... the reporting has been delayed... not sure what is going on... The shell is going to see some action soon... billions of NOL's are at stake.
the literature in your link states the next report is this month FEBR. 2016..
GLBT, If they comeback, will they recognize our stock! or will they turn our 100,000 shares into 10 shares?
I actually sold my 27 million shares about 5 years ago just prior to it not trading any longer. I guess i got lucky. I got .0001
Next report August:
Yeah...You'd think SOMETHING would transpire. .I foresee great
potential for this Symbol / Shell.
All the Best to us...and to the USA!$
Well this year is moving on by and still no real action.
I just check in every once in a while to see what is going on which is still a sleeping symbol. You would think after all this time it would be dissolved and sold as a shell or at least give us some closure on what in the world is going on.
I hope we at least get closure this year whether they re open the symbol for trading or not.
Thanks, calitrader! .My_Brkr_Acct.shows GLBT CUSIP..ZERO_Value..BUT Share-Quantity.
Nabbbss just ignore the guy he holds no shares so he doesn't know what we are talking about. If this was to never trade again they will have to address shareholders first. Something may be going on behind the scenes because like all us shareholders know the value came back to the symbol in our accounts. Next we just just it to begin trading again.
I am with you on seeing something this year. Its been long enough to iron out the details
GLBT not ever gonna happen wood is prolly in a wooden box by now or doing something else. and the name is meaningless ,next!!!
Yes, GLBT was SEC-Revoked, YET its CUSIP No. (as given in
another Post close to this one) and the Share-Quantity (that I
Hold...STILL!) still appears in MY Brokerage Account Portfolio, too!
Of course, there's ZERO $$$$-Value. Indeed, it ALL is very curious, frankly.
IMO, the Symbol GLBT...AND the Name "GlobalNet" is a GOLD MINE
awaiting discovery / recovery!!$$$
For NOW, bagholders we remain, yes.
For the Record (ya might say) I clearly remember Mark Wood as CEO here.
I also clearly recall that Wood held several very informative and helpful
Conference-Calls in which he even took spoken QUESTIONS from
Shareholders (and other parties) who had dialed-in to the CCs!
Now...There's much that remains obscure, veiled, unknown about GLBT,
PLUS there is much that has become legendary AND desirable about GLBT.
I am fairly certain (90%) that, in the coming 12-24 months, SOMEthing
will happen here. Buffalo Springfield: Something happenin' here...
What it is ain't exactly clear.
I obviously am not certain as-to exactly HOW matters here will proceed
(assuming an interested Party or Parties, or Organizations, should
choose to pick-up this Shell with its very desirable Symbol and Name).
Lastly, I also clearly recollect that CEO Wood, during the final
Death-Spiral agonies and throes of GLBT, Diluted the Hell outta it, sigh.
I'm talkin' the "usual" Billions-and-Billions of A/S and O/S.
...btw, Person-Mark 49 to Cali-Trader...and Person-Mark 82 to OK Husband.
Stay tuned. Friends, just please stay tuned!!$$$
Yes, GLBT was SEC-Revoked, YET its CUSIP No. (as given in
another Post close to this one) and the Share-Quantity (that I
Hold...STILL!) still appears in MY Brokerage Account Portfolio, too!
Of course, there's ZERO $$$$-Value. Indeed, it ALL is very curious, frankly.
IMO, the Symbol GLBT...AND the Name "GlobalNet" is a GOLD MINE
awaiting discovery / recovery!!$$$
For NOW, bagholders we remain, yes.
For the Record (ya might say) I clearly remember Mark Wood as CEO here.
I also clearly recall that Wood held several very informative and helpful
Conference-Calls in which he even took spoken QUESTIONS from
Shareholders (and other parties) who had dialed-in to the CCs!
Now...There's much that remains obscure, veiled, unknown about GLBT,
PLUS there is much that has become legendary AND desirable about GLBT.
I am fairly certain (90%) that, in the coming 12-24 months, SOMEthing
will happen here. Buffalo Springfield: Something happenin' here...
What it is ain't exactly clear.
I obviously am not certain as-to exactly HOW matters here will proceed
(assuming an interested Party or Parties, or Organizations, should
choose to pick-up this Shell with its very desirable Symbol and Name).
Lastly, I also clearly recollect that CEO Wood, during the final
Death-Spiral agonies and throes of GLBT, Diluted the Hell outta it, sigh.
I'm talkin' the "usual" Billions-and-Billions of A/S and O/S.
...btw, Person-Mark 49 to Cali-Trader...and Person-Mark 82 to OK Husband.
Stay tuned. Friends, just please stay tuned!!$$$
i have 20m and i bought at amtd not there and i have another 20m fidelity not there and i have 5m etrade not there you are simply seeing things.. this isn't ever coming back sorry but we are all permanent bagholders..
the only thing that shows is a cusip number 379399108 and qty which is all you get no value period with stocks that have been revoked by the sec. write it off !!!
Yes they did put it back into Ameritrade accounts. You obviously don't own any shares or you would know exactly what he is talking about.
Yes they did put it back into Ameritrade accounts. You obviously don't own any shares or you would know exactly what he is talking about.
they did not what a fraud
idiots also can't even spell shell properly. the name is meaningless too.
LOOK AT the cayman islands connection ,ubs runs the cayman islands stock exchange whereby you can naked short against the cd any typed up paper trumped up paper restriced or not any stock. and you get full protection by te swiss banking consortium ubs. Gushlak manipulated the stock price of Lombard, Illinois-based GlobalNet Inc. from May 2000 to April 2001, said prosecutors in the office of U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch. Gushlak was a board member at Global Net during that period.
“Gushlak paid secret kickbacks to brokers in the form of cash and free stock in exchange for the brokers causing their clients to purchase blocks of GlobalNet common stock from Gushlak and others at artificially inflated prices,” prosecutors said in court papers.
Gushlak, who has been living in the Cayman Islands, was taken into custody after his sentencing. He pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit securities fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering in 2003. Titan Corp., based in San Diego, bought GlobalNet in 2002. New York-based military contractor L-3 Communications Holdings Inc. bought Titan in 2005.
Gushlak manipulated the stock price of Lombard, Illinois-based GlobalNet Inc. from May 2000 to April 2001, said prosecutors in the office of U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch. Gushlak was a board member at Global Net during that period.
“Gushlak paid secret kickbacks to brokers in the form of cash and free stock in exchange for the brokers causing their clients to purchase blocks of GlobalNet common stock from Gushlak and others at artificially inflated prices,” prosecutors said in court papers.
Gushlak, who has been living in the Cayman Islands, was taken into custody after his sentencing. He pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit securities fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering in 2003. Titan Corp., based in San Diego, bought GlobalNet in 2002. New York-based military contractor L-3 Communications Holdings Inc. bought Titan in 2005.
whats that got to do with GLBT?
I own over 27k in stock in GLBT or what used to be Globalnet. $80k is a steal to get this name and shareholder base. There are 1000s that have positions still. The odd thing is even after so many years this is still showing value in my acct.
I hope after what ever case and liquidations are concluded that shareholders are addressed or they put the symbol and name up for sell. It would be fantastic to see something done on this in the coming months. There were many heavy hitters involved with this stock I hope one of them can get it back on track after the dust settles.
Having a new hope for 2015. I hope we see something happen here by the time Star Wars 7 comes out.
SEC Charges Stock-Based Lender With Selling Billions of Penny Stock Shares as Unregistered Broker-Dealer
Washington D.C., Jan. 29, 2015 —
The Securities and Exchange Commission today charged a Chicago-area company that provides stock loans using equities as collateral, its two co-founders, and its former chief operating officer with selling more than nine billion shares of penny stocks through purported stock-based loans, block trades, and other transactions without registering with the SEC as a broker-dealer as required under the federal securities laws.
International Capital Group (ICG) and the executives agreed to collectively pay more than $4.3 million to settle the SEC’s charges.
“By selling billions of shares of penny stock without registering with the SEC, ICG and its principals subverted core protections provided to investors by the broker-dealer registration provisions,” said David Glockner, Director of the SEC’s Chicago Regional Office.
According to the SEC’s order instituting a settled administrative proceeding against ICG, its co-founders Brian R. Nord and Larry Russell Jr., and its former COO Todd J. Bergeron, ICG presented itself as a stock-based lender. ICG systematically sold stock obtained as collateral for at least 149 stock-based loans, but failed to register with the SEC as a broker-dealer. On average, ICG began selling the collateral shares it received through each loan three days before closing and funding the loan, and completed the sale of all remaining shares within two weeks of receiving the stock. In many instances, ICG did not provide money to the customer until the stock had been sold in an amount sufficient to fund the loan. On several occasions, ICG also violated the securities registration provisions by distributing unregistered stock that it acquired from issuers or their affiliates. Nord, Russell, and Bergeron directed, authorized, or participated in these transactions.
The SEC’s order finds that ICG violated Section 5 of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 15(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The order finds that Nord, Russell, and Bergeron violated Section 5 of the Securities Act and aided and abetted and caused ICG’s violations of Section 5 of the Securities Act and Section 15(a) of the Exchange Act. Without admitting or denying the findings, they agreed to cease and desist from committing or causing violations of these provisions. ICG, Nord, and Russell must pay $1,670,054 in disgorgement and prejudgment interest as well as penalties of $1.5 million, $300,000, and $250,000 respectively. They are barred from the securities industry and penny stock offerings for five years. Bergeron must pay $417,514 in disgorgement and prejudgment interest and a penalty of $150,000, and he is barred from the securities industry and penny stock offerings for three years.
The SEC’s investigation was conducted by Paul M. G. Helms and Jonathan I. Katz and supervised by Kathryn A. Pyszka in the Chicago Regional Office.
Another case:
Maybe after everything is liquidated things can start moving again on this stock. They, some of Corey's buddies, still hold shares that never made its way back into the LLC. Hopefully these guys can track them down... .
And the case is still sealed
Under Seal
The case has been under seal while Gushlak cooperated with the government in pursuing other people involved in the scheme.
Does your brother Mr. Ulisse Sensi now hold, or has he at any time held, any capital shares of GlobalNet Corp. for you or any of your nominees or affiliates? If not, how and for what consideration did Mr. Ulisse Sensi obtain the many shares of GlobalNet Corp. stock registered to him?
This read is interesting too:
I read Jim's book about Globalnet “Final Audit"
... what can come to light when the switch is turned on?
NOL's will expire in a few years - hopefully we won't have to wait to much longer.
This shell can't be purchased... looked into it. Someone will exercise there rights on this by 2020... wooow couldn't, just can't believe I wrote 2020.