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Anyone know why a discrepancy: .000002 vs .00001 ? still not a great number but I do not understand.
Here on investor hub today
GVHIB Global Vision Holdings inc
and here: on Yahoo Finance, Global Vision Holdings, Inc. (GVHIB)
At close: August 19 at 4:00 PM EDT
I cannot tell. I believe you can. It looks there have been a few transactions but I am not really sure what is going on.
Can you buy it yet or on greys?
Yes - will be interesting to see if this goes anywhere.
Still has to get this active. Glen carnes finally gone. Yeyyy. All talk got nothing done.
What a nice surprise. Bingo.
Hopefully a strong custodian comes in here. Glen couldn’t follow through opening up a lemon aid stand. Good share structure.
What do we have here?? Is Glen alive and kicking?? Let’s go
Yeap, be careful here. Glenn is a felon and barred from OTC (not sure if he was reinstated). He lied his butt off. I am not saying it couldn't be pumped, All of these non reporting have at least one run. But there is nothing else here
Been a dead shell for years. Glen is a bum
$GVHIB: 3weeks of pretty active volume now
Pretty interesting watch now until the end of the month
She must be happy to dump the two bit loser. Talks a good game.
Poor Glen, looks like his wife kicked him to the curb lol
Good riddance
Yep, amazing how quick to respond and energetic he was when I was considering taking a position. Stinky OTC CEO.
Glen is a bum...more concerned w traveling and getting degrees for his wall rather than making it happen...this is done. Need a new CEO company merger
$GVHIB - It appears as if we've been scammed. I got very excited with the little amount of volume coming in lately and decided to reach out to Glen via email.
-His email is no longer valid.
-None of his domains are active any longer as he let them expire.
-Absolutely no word on the dormant Social media accounts.
Feel free to reach out to this ghost on the social media accounts, you won't hear a word. He took the $ and ran. True POS stinky CEO.
I'm done with asshat Glen, He had a great platform and great group of patient investors. I don't write this to try and sink PPS to buy back in, that will never happen. I will make sure that Glen is not successful on this venture after the treatment myself and others have gotten.
that was supposed to be the praying hands emojis but I guess IHUB can’t handle emojis (laughing face emoji)
Looking like the merger is on it's way. Go GVHIB it's about time.
It appears as if something is headed our way? Someone is hungry for shares. Rumor was that Glen was hot on the trail of a huge deal a while back but it fell through.
Thinking Glen may have finally landed something. Share structure alone is insane, I have faith in Glen.
A mouse fart has sent this green 172%. weeeeee
any news coming here?
$GVHIB - Rise and shine sweet cheeks :)
Hope no one here lost much
Yea he shouldn't be running this. He's a joke in my eyes agreed
Ya'll are still phucking that chicken here I see
I told you a long time ago that Glen would screw you, and he did.
We need a buyout. He has not forgot about this I promise you.
Yea here's his reply today :
Sorry, we were unable to deliver your message to the following address.
Unable to deliver message after multiple retries, giving up.
That dude is MIA
I took a no frills attached position for giggles and attempted to contact him through multiple channels.
As I learn and as I grow as an investor I did what I thought was right based on my findings. And have 100% exited my position. If he would of replied in any capacity I would of taken t he next step.
companies come and go. passion comes and goes. criminals come and go. While the cash pile grows. Onward to better opportunities.
Yikes someone bailed...any word from Glen? This turned out not so well
I think the plane ticket got cancelled and he sold at a huge loss
Did you head out to Cal? The CEO is a turd he's probably taking a class for his degree. Remind him he has a company to run...why I don't know
in 6 weeks ill be headed out west. ill keep you guys/gals posted on any findings. ill take pics+more when I'm there.
Agreed. Have a boat load of shares. Can we oust the CEO Carnes and get someone that can make a stock rise like he was hired for??
down 47% but I’m just happy to see some volume here
I've begun the proccess of attempting communications. if i have to i will fly out to CA to see what the opperations are like out there. i already need to go out there for another company.
Yea unfortunately the last two deals fell through.....Its always next month. Glen seems to be more interested in getting his MBA than mergers
Effective October 27, 2016, Global Vision Holdings Inc. announces that Jon Dessel, Senior Partner of ITIQ Solutions, Inc., has joined the Company’s Board of Directors.
Item 9.01 - Exhibit
Exhibit 99.1 - Press release announcing Jon Dessel has joined the Company’s Board of Directors.
Exhibit 99.2 - Jon Dessel resume
RM potential here.
What may I ask prompted you to purchase?
the stock market is a device for transfering wealth from the impatient to the patient :)
Welcome aboard. Hope you have patience.
gobble gooble wazz up glad to join you all
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Market Value1 | $86,718 | a/o Feb 05, 2015 |
Shares Outstanding | 72,264,778 | a/o Nov 15, 2013 |
Float | 25,000,000 | a/o Aug 01, 2012 |
Authorized Shares | 225,000,000 | a/o Dec 31, 2011 |
Par Value | 0.001 |
Volume: | - |
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