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I know it has been a while since this message but I was hoping you could point me to the very shady past of Holbrook and Sytner. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
GIMU registration revoked
GIMU SEC Suspension for severely delinquent Financials:
Admin. Proceeding:
Bovine flatulence seems to be making news again, irony or portend?
Happy New Year !! . GIMU It is a sleeper. I have been in a long time. Thank God for the new Management.
so what is the real name of this company and where is it incorporated?
GIMU new board is doing the right things. I like the fact the stock looks tight. Greetings from New York. Record close on Dow. Who needs a good speculation play. GIMU !!
Fruci is also doing the audits on the Company’s financial statements from and including fiscal year ended March 31, 2013 through March 31, 2018.
Okay sound very good
Thank you Mr. Lundgren
Nice 8k out sound good
How about some news, a Press release, real info, an 8K ?
Wowww I am glade to see this good news, New Board on place with new faces and new open mind...
BTY Sylvaine Langlois as a hight level degree into Carnegie Principle. Hmmmm I'll push DD... Interesting.
Let me telling you this flocks, Now, that all Crooks gone lets GIMU be full reported and make a deal with this Bacterras, I do my DD over Bacterras potential and over the Board.
By the way guys, this deal make sens to me not only because GIMU seem not involted with$$$$ yet??
We are like back stage waiting...
GIMU welcome back.... and good Job to the Board
Ok flocks of course when I say crooks i.e. Sir Serge Talon and his Good Old Friend Sir J.F. Bruihjel.
BTW No relation with Christopher Petzel
I think Its time to buy shares???
Good luck to all
Great news from gimu. Time to buy some of this... What do you hub mates think about this one..
Universal Resources (f/k/a Global Immune Technologies, Inc.) signs a Memorandum of Understanding with bacterras Inc. and announces the resignation of one of its officers and directors
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., April 30, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Universal Resources (the "Company"), formerly known as Global Immune Technologies, Inc. (GIMU), announced today that on April 20, 2018, it entered into a memorandum of understanding (the "MOU") with bacterras Inc. ("bacterras"),, of Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Under the MOU, GIMU has the right to acquire up to a forty percent (40%) ownership interest in bacterras within six months of the signing of the MOU, and the Company will assist bacterras in its financing efforts.
Bacterras is an agri-technology company that has developed a bacterial-based nutrient supplement that both reduces methane emissions from dairy cattle and improves the quality of milk from treated cows.
In addition, on April 12, 2018, Mr. Christopher Petzel, one of the Company's directors and officers, resigned as a member of the Company's Board of Directors and as an officer of the Company.
The intention of bringing the Company back into compliance with its filing and reporting requirements remains with the Securities and Exchange Commission, FINRA, OTC Markets and the state of Nevada.
$GIMU Patiently waiting for the next news... Hopefuly sooner rather than later!
Volume again hummm something's coming I guess.
Any thought on this ...?
You are right dude
Yes indeed... Let's se what they are up to but I'm watching them closely as they can really do good with this new board of directors but still only speculations right.*.
We Need news for it to move up again, there is nothing here to make it move as of yet.
Just continues to tick up with small volume, this is gonna blow at some point.....
Something sure smells fishy. Hahaha. GLTA
Welcome back GIMU.. I wish Princess DOJI was here with me to celebrate.
Wow exactly what I thought.
It's a buy and buy before it goes too high for my pocket.
GIMU back from the dead!!! This going to be interesting!
Also, curious to know if that "Meekom deal" ever closed ?
any of the old timers here care to explain what the role of Charles Flynn has been in this company ... trying to connect some dots here ...
Interesting development , don't think anyone saw this coming
Hello, something's brewing... Does anyone knows what's going on ? There was a new press release as of today march 16 2018.
I'm going to buy some of GIMU
cant find anything, someone loading looks like imo, could be a good one if they ever get news/filing
42 Trades... First one a 500K dump at .004 ..Maybe insiders, maybe front loaders......z
How he has not been jailed by now just goes to show how much the SEC cares about the scammers in the OTC'S
Second alert on GIMU being severely delinquent in filing Financials and is at extreme risk of an SEC Suspension and subsequent stock registration revocation. The last 10Q was in 2013.
GIMU is on the list of delinquent filers:
1454 SEC Filers have been Suspended by the SEC for Financials delinquencies. The SEC Administrative Law Judge subsequently revoked the Registrations of each delinquent SEC Filer.
JRB sure knows how to destroy a company.. lol Everything he touches ends up just like this. How he has not been jailed by now just goes to show how much the SEC cares about the scammers in the OTC'S
GIMU~ scam guy at work here-UST_ among others-avoid_!_
Look at every company he touches. They end up never trading again. Wonder how much he got out of the USTC shareholders he scammed as he diluted it to death? And that is what happened to it. It is dead. lol He killed like all the others!
How Jeffrey Roy Bruhjell, himself, avoided the pokey when his sister was caught for investment fraud, is beyond me. He was the 2nd and sole other officer of their scam BBR Group company. The 2 of them even juggled stolen money thru Bruhjell's Indocan shell scam, remember? IMO (and I am at least 99.5% accurate), Jeffrey was manipulating Indocan with insider trading from his sister. She probably figured that she could make some dime for her clients with the insider trading. How Jeffrey Bruhjell wasn't sanctioned by the SEC for just that alone is astounding.
As far as the barking Yorkie wife Angie, today she is a self-proclaimed "writer" while her fat husband Jeffrey is a self-proclaimed "movie director." At least shareholders were able to fund the Bruhjells' hobbies.
His Ass-et needs to be put in jail for his scams. Really surprised he is still above ground. Between his lard arse and all the people he has screwed over.. lol Would think one or the other would have caught up with him by now. But, people like him keep getting away with his scams and nothing ever happens to him. Remember the little barking Yorkie that we know who that was? Both should be in jail with his sister. Can you believe he would let his own sister go to jail for his scams? What a piece of work he is
Ever tried to catch a fish with your hands? Slippery little bastards aren't they. Just like JRB. He just keeps slipping through the net. You would think that as fat as he is getting that he would get caught sooner or later.
The JRB whale surfaces again to get his blow hole up and suck in investors money again
Hello GIMU my old friend, I heard JRB is back to fleece your shareholders again.
His Ass-et needs to be put in jail for his scams. Really surprised he is still above ground. Between his lard arse and all the people he has screwed over.. lol Would think one or the other would have caught up with him by now. But, people like him keep getting away with his scams and nothing ever happens to him. Remember the little barking Yorkie that we know who that was? Both should be in jail with his sister. Can you believe he would let his own sister go to jail for his scams? What a piece of work he is..
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In connection with the Meekom Transaction, Global reincorporated in Nevada under the new name Universal Resources. Both the name change and reverse stock split will not be recognized or effective for trading purposes on the OTC Markets until each is approved by Finra and a new trading symbol is issued. Until such time that Finra approval is received, the Global common stock will continue to trade under the symbol "GIMU" but its name will be legally changed to Universal Resources.
Meekom is primarily engaged in the business of refining gold in the Solomon Islands. It is incorporated in the Solomon Islands ("S.I."). S.I. is under the government of Australia's protection by an agreement with the United Nations. In 2009 a License was issued to a predecessor of Meekom by the mining department of the S.I for refining operations and for the buying and selling gold ("AU"). The license was renewed in August of 2013.
The current operation is predominantly (90%) involved in buying AU from local miners at a discount, refining the AU and then selling it at 999.9 based upon the 2nd London Fix. Meekom's basic business model, is the purchase, refining and sale of AU. It currently projects purchasing approximately 50 KG per month, with a comfortable profit margin per oz. The variable, is the world Gold price. New small to medium sized mining operations are constantly developing in the region. Meekom is in discussion with an existing small mining operation which would be enlarged and modernized to enhance its current revenue. Meekom is also in the process of raising funds in order to purchase additional machinery and equipment for its operations & refining process in order to attract larger mining operations in growing the Company.
For further information, contact Michael Holbrook at (405) 285-5916.
SOURCE Global Immune Technologies Inc
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
8/26/2013: Removal of stock promoter Jeffrey Bruhjell as GIMU CFO/Secretary:
12/9/2013: Bruhjell purges 3.3 million of his shares that he acquired while he was a GIMU director: (SEC Form 4)
12/7/2013: Resignation of stock promoter Bruhjell's "compadre" Alejandro Bellapart as GIMU Chairman:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Below is merely history on the former (removed) GIMU director Jeffrey Bruhjell :
2012-05-25 14:04 ET - Street Wire
Also Street Wire (U-*SEC) U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Also Street Wire (U-IDCN) Indocan Resources Inc
by Mike Caswell
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has halted Indocan Resources Inc., the pink sheets listing formerly headed by Vancouver promoter Jeffrey Bruhjell. The regulator cites questions about the "adequacy of publicly available information about the company." The SEC has not made any specific allegations against the company or Mr. Bruhjell, but there is much history.
Over the last 12 years, the company's promotions have included one of the "hottest revitalized oil patches in the country," learning software that would "dominate the North American market," as well as many mining projects. Despite a complete lack of financial statements or any other regulatory filings, as well as a stock total that has ballooned to over 7.4 billion shares, the stock has been up and down many times through these promotions (although it has been mostly below a penny). The only regulatory attention it had attracted before Thursday's halt was a cease and desist order from the Pennsylvania Securities Commission in 2005.
One of the company's first promotions was the Isaac's Harbour gold property in Nova Scotia. Indocan acquired the claims in January, 1999, and Mr. Bruhjell was optimistic early, projecting an "economical small mill site for years to come." The company expected to have a crusher operating at 70 to 80 tonnes per day. The stock hit a 52-week high of 12 cents days after the company initially announced the acquisition, but fizzled after Indocan later reported an "excellent assay" of five grams per tonne. Despite the existence of "many great intersections" Indocan had little else to report from Isaac's Harbor.
Around the end of the tech boom in 2000, the company briefly entered the software development business. In April, 2000, it acquired ILASOFT Inc., a Montreal company that made training software. It was not entirely clear what the software did (a news release stated that it allowed "true collaboration between desktop systems and traditional textbooks"), but at the time investors were still enamoured with tech, and the stock reached a 52-week high of 13 cents. The company never mentioned the software again after announcing the acquisition, and the stock was under three cents within weeks.
From then Indocan remained mostly inactive until July, 2005, when it announced that it was buying an interest in an oil and gas project in Texas. Again, the company was heavily optimistic, projecting initial production of up to 300 barrels of oil per day and later up to 750 bopd. While the stock had hit subpenny status by this time, it still managed a 52-week high of 0.39 cent on June 2, up from 0.08 cent days earlier. (By this time the company was trading as many as 20 million shares a day.)
The project suffered a setback in June, 2006, when the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission launched a civil fraud case against Sunray Oil Co., the vendor of the property. The SEC claimed that Sunray had improperly raised $1.14-million from 52 investors and that the company's owner, Texas resident Larry Stiles, had used some of the money for personal items, including $57,500 worth of cars. (Mr. Stiles recently settled the case, agreeing to fines that the judge will determine. He did not admit to any wrongdoing. There were no allegations against Indocan.) In the wake of the suit Indocan assured investors that all was well with the property, but the company subsequently reported little else with the ground and the stock trailed off again, falling to 0.03 of a cent.
The company also had the misfortune of attracting a cease trade order from the Pennsylvania Securities Commission around the same time. On Oct. 12, 2005, the regulator issued a news release citing Indocan for a preferred share offering, at $2.50 per unit. At least one investor had received an e-mail from Mr. Bruhjell which stated that Indocan was a "low risk investment" with returns expected within 30 days. The e-mail also stated that the investor would "get over 40% APR on [his] investment and likely a triple in the market once we trade the preferred [stock]." Indocan never publicly responded to the cease trade, but Mr. Bruhjell later told Stockwatch that "anybody could get cease traded in Pennsylvania."
Indocan's final promotion came in 2010, when it and a partner committed to a $12-million program at eight mine sites in South America. The company touted a resource of 1.4 million ounces of gold, with a net present value of $233-million (U.S.). The stock managed a 0.31 cent high that year, but was at a 0.01-cent low by year-end.
The company did little else of note until March 5, 2012, when a judge in Wyoming removed the entire board of directors. A shareholder had filed a suit against the company, complaining that there was no proper notice of its annual general meeting. The judge agreed and appointed a custodian to manage the company until a new board could be elected. It appears the matter was not resolved before Thursday's halt.
Although the SEC's halt only lasts for 10 days, it is effectively a permanent suspension. Once the 10 days have passed, brokers wishing to trade the company will face an onerous burden. They must keep up-to-date information on the company's financial status and on its insiders. They must also have copies of the company's prospectus, its most recent annual report and any subsequent quarterly reports (none of which Indocan has filed for over 10 years). In addition, brokers must maintain current information on the company's name, address, state of incorporation, number of shares outstanding, the name of its transfer agent and the nature of its products. Brokers must also know if a price quotation is from another broker or from an insider. They must provide this information to anyone interested in trading the company.
Monies that went to her brother were solely for the purpose of investing the funds
as he was a member of the investment vehicle. Unfortunately she learned too late that her
brother was being investigated by the SEC and was in fact enjoined from the investment
business. She has had no contact with him in many years. She denies that she was an
"investment advisor" (¶ 57 PSR). Indeed, the paragraph in the Stipulation attached to the
Plea Agreement (¶3), purporting to admit that she was an investment advisor was deleted
by agreement of all parties.
Robin Brass is 56 years old and her husband, Robert, is 77 years old. Their home
is under foreclosure. She would request that she be incarcerated at Danbury Federal
Correctional Facility, as that is likely the only way he husband can visit her. She has no
close family otherwise.
While there is no justification for her conduct, the cause of her wrongdoing
stemmed from huge losses in her trading accounts for friends and family, caused by her
brother(Jeffrey R. Bruhjell) and a deceased partner. She then began to mislead and delay her investors while
she hoped that she could cover her losses with her investment skills. She pursued this
pattern of misleading her investors even during an investigation of her conduct by the
Connecticut Banking Commission.
If someone wants the complete and true story to help him/herself and/or family please call Jeffreys ex-ir Ken Ash.
Kenneth R. Ash, Email:, Tel # (910)300-8189
Or maybe you prefer to call Jeffrey himself. Here is his private cell-phone-nr (239)-331-5246
GIMU is just not the right thing to do, NOT with Jeffrey on board.
NOTHING ever came true, not even trying to sell his dilution-POS
Business Description
2/12/2014: Acquisition Of Gold Refinery Operation In The Solomon Islands:
Prior (2013) GIMU model: Global Immune Technologies, Inc. is a Development Stage Company emerging as a holding company of an American-based food distribution company serving direct delivery to the customer at their homes. The food items are sold by telemarketing to the customer and delivered by our own trucks to homes on a scheduled basis. Customers can choose their new order items each week via the Internet. Items are packed in individual portions at our food processing plants and frozen for freshness. We offer meat, chicken and seafood as well as other food products.
The Company desires to be recognized as a leader in the food industry by offering a growing expertise, a reputation of quality and excellent customer-service. The Company business will continue to grow seeking income for the Company at all times and working to increase shareholder value.
Let the supermarket come to you! You can from the comfort of your home, access all the benefits of better than grocery store quality and at lower prices and without the hassle. You have access to exclusive quality beef, pork and lamb rather than just store quality. In addition all these products are guaranteed.
Share Structure
Market Value1 | N/A | |
Shares Outstanding | 157,349,731 | a/o 9/30/2013 |
Float | 12,011,749 | a/o 8/7/2013 |
Authorized Shares | 500,000,000 | a/o 1/27/2014 |
Shareholders of Record | 107 | a/o 8/7/2013 |
Corporate Actions
| Ex. Date | Record Date | Pay Date |
Security Notes
Short Interest |
Significant Failures to Deliver | No |
Short Selling Data
Transfer Agent(s)
Reporting Status | U.S. Reporting: SEC Filer |
Audited Financials | Not Available |
CIK | 0001105284 |
Fiscal Year End |
OTC Market Tier | OTCQB |
SIC - Industry Classification | 1000 - Metal Mining |
Business Status | Gold a/o 2/12/2014 |
Incorporated In: | Nevada a/o 1/27/2014 under new name "Universal Resources" (formerly Wyoming as Global Immune Tech) |
Year of Inc. | 1985 |
Employees | 3 a/o Dec 7, 2012 |
Serge Talon | President, CEO |
Stewart Sytner | Secretary |
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Contact Info:
All fillings available here :
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Day Range: | |
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Last Trade Time: |