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$GLAE: Now $0.05.... are they even doing anything ??????
Watching this
Actually up 25%. Read latest filings they are quietly getting into very interesting opportunities..
And you got you totally screwed on GlassBridge!!!!
I never bought this junk but I followed it for years!
What a joke!!!
GLAE one for 200 reverse split. PPS closed .53, down .12/18%
08/20/2019 14:39:53 Reverse Split / CUSIP Change 08/21/2019 00:00:00
GlassBridge Enterprises, Inc. Common Stock
Steady accumulation! Up 45% from my initial post. Ground floor...
Time is now to buy. $5m market cap, cash in bank, new biz model. Imho
GLA changed to GLAE. Moved from the NYSE to the OTC:
Anyone watching this? They have lots of cash, tiny float, but no idea what their business plan is...
Clark Holdings Inc. Agrees To Be Acquired By Affiliate Of The Gores Group
I believe there is room for this sector.
I'll perform my DD and make my assessment.
Clark Holdings Inc.
121 New York Avenue
Trenton, NJ 08638
United States - Map
Phone: 609-396-1100
The company serves its customers through a network of contract logistics providers and distribution centers. Clark Holdings was founded in 1957 and is headquartered in Trenton, New Jersey.
17 million quarterly revenue producing dismal company profit results may get better entries...
I'm not satisfied with the results...
Maybe they have a reason for going to work and lose money...Why escapes me...LJ
Thinking we are in cheaper than most of the company shareholders who hold control so we should be OK at some point in the future...LJ
making a good entry is all timing...we can surely get'er done. right?
hi LJ. and to all. i agree my friend...
Dusted off the I-box and gave the website the focus location in changes...
Looks like it is the one that may be getting company updates...The new CFO name change added looks new to me...Wouldn't swear to it but I think the company changed it...LJ
Dusted off the I-box and gave the website the focus location in changes...
Looks like it is the one that may be getting company updates...The new CFO name change added looks new to me...Wouldn't swear to it but I think the company changed it...LJ
GLA showing market cap of about $2,647,000 going into next week...
Need to see an improved 10Q when it is released for 3rd quarter results...
Gonna post the link to the data from pinksheets coverage on listing looks to be costing unneeded expense above a lower listing at this point in time...
Penny saved is a penny made...LJ
GLA issued an 8-K on Wednesday evening amending the CFO pay contract...
Hope you get a chance to review all the exciting new details...
At least they still have a CFO if you don't find the reading exciting...LJ
GLA went into the toilet early Monday...Not very re-assuring price action...LJ
o.k. getting ready fer 9;30 jobber.
Shows 500 in link in post #199...LJ
a.h., how many traded?
Hope it was the bookkeeper buying afterhours...LJ
some got the right pix for change?
Why?! would someone pay 48% more afterhours than they could have bot a lot cheaper for all day long?...LJ
Today's glance at negative sentiment across the publishing industry...LJ
we do know where da sweet spots is.
Babe Ruth would like that chart...Its in the sweet spot for someone with a big swing...LJ
GLA is a suitable play to be holding on Halloween...
If you don't mind a little red dripping from your fingers while holding...LJ
All the negative volume for such a normally thin traded stock is odd...
Wonder if the AMEX traders are shifting inventory to bulletin board MMs?...LJ
this a nice company and does well.
Somebody may still be trying to scare folks away from this company's tiny public float so I keep an eye out...
Clark just has to start making a profit...LJ
it could seem like want go higher. falsehood imo.
Don't feel like the lonesome ranger...2 days of late buying on GLA in a row...
Wonder if it will continue?...LJ
hi LJ, got buried some. it is a fresh morning.
Mick, have you glanced at the afterhour's GLA buying?...LJ