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This Diamond-In-Rough is Super Undervalued now! This Hidden Gem is also at Hyper Oversold status!
Buying its OTC peer (FCCN) at today's high $9.9 = buying FRCN at $1.2881 which is 537 Times of its recent high $0.0024!
Buying FCCN at its Record high $41.3 = buying FRCN at $5.3735 v.s. its Record high was $8.6!
Easy to Quickly hit Multiple Pennies after a few day's Huge Rally based on the FIXED Tiny float!
Not sure about any possible future dividend since the company has not issued anything for years?
Value investor
FCCN is now over $9.00 do you thing we should be worth a penny including an IOU
from whichever exchange is holding a short position or maybe the shareholders should be paid a dividend
New Year, New rules!! Let's see how this plays out!!
Yes. FRCN is a CLEAN Shell with the FIXED Small SS (520M/2B shares OS/AS) which entitles this hidden gem to surge to Multiple Pennies very easily based on its OTC peer's recent bouncing performance and their market values at peaks!
Buying its OTC peer (FCCN) at Record-High $41.3 = buying FRCN at $4.9727 which is 2072 Times of its recent high $0.0024!
Buying FCCN at its most recent high $5.15 = buying FRCN at $0.6701 which is 558.4 Times of its recent high $0.0024!
Note, this is a NEVADA public company which means easy to be acquired either by Reverse-Merger or through popular Custodianship!
The Historic Record high of this Hidden Gem (FRCN) was $8.6 from the second chart below!
Do you see all this Action??
Just saw 00015?? 2 milly and some change?? Hostile takeover??
he should aquire enab too, very tiny clean shell 😅
Holding like a feather in my cap!!
If I were David Locus then I would definitely acquire this CLEAN-Shell and upgrade it to the OTC Pink-Sheet market just like its peer (AFFL) did! That peer soared 119000-Bagger to $0.119 from as low as $0.000001!
Buying that peer at $0.119 = buying FRCN at $0.0171!
Buying another OTC peer (FCCN) at Record-High $41.3 = buying FRCN at $4.9727!
Buying FCCN at its most recent high $5.15 = buying FRCN at $0.6701 which is 558.4 Times of its recent high $0.0024!
Looking for some action!!
FRCN (520,333,445 shares FIXED OS and 2B shares FIXED AS) should explode to $4.9727 based on its OTC peer's MV at peak! The only thing the company needs to do is to Up-List this Hidden Gem to the OTC Pink-Sheet Market like what happened to another OTC peer (AFFL: Only 24,554,116 shares FIXED Super Tiny OS and it was Upgraded to the OTC Pink-Sheet Market from the Same Expert-Market in June of 2023)!
Buying its OTC peer (FCCN) at Record-High $41.3 = buying FRCN at $4.9727 = buying AFFL at $105.3768 v.s. RCMH at $0.000001 now and AFFL at $0.037 currently, LOL!
That means that FRCN could potentially run a 4972700-Bagger Giant Rally from $0.000001 v.s. AFFL could potentially run a 2848.022-Bagger Giant Rally from $0.037!
LOL, even buying that peer at 07/12/2024-high $5.15 = buying FRCN at $0.6201 = buying AFFL at $13.1402 v.s. FRCN at $0.000001 now and AFFL at $0.037 currently!
Which means that FRCN could run a Easy 620100-Bagger Giant & Quick Rally v.s. AFFL could run a Easy 355-Bagger Giant & Quick Rally!
So, both FRCN and AFFL are Super Undervalued now!
FRCN is also at Hyper Oversold status based on its recent high $0.0024 and AFFL is at Hyper Oversold status as well based on its Record-High $6.00!
Note, the recent high of FRCN was $0.0024 and the recent high of AFFL was $0.089!
From the latest 10-Q (which was filed on 05/20/2014, see the link below), this Hidden Gem only has 600,000,000 shares Small AS of which the OS is 599,333,445! So, the SS of FRCN is the FIXED and Small with ZERO dilution! Easy to explode to the Dime Land or Sub-Dollar Area!
Buying its Similar-SS peer at its recent high $3.0 = buying FRCN at $1.916318 which is 799 Times of its super ridiculous low recent high $0.0024!
Note, its Historic Record high was $8.6 from the second chart below!
Beware that its peer has -$6,090,794 or 500.23%-Lower Negative Net Asset or Shareholder's Equity Value v.s. FRCN only has -$1,217,612 Negative Net Asset or Shareholder's Equity Value!
So, FRCN is Super Undervalued now based on its current Shocking-Low $599 MV at $0.000001!
FRCN is also at Hyper Oversold status since its recent high was $0.0024!
Below are two last-year's news report links about the company CEO:
Saw 4 with unusual volume on same day. This, tgrr, ftws , inar and bluu so make that 5 I found.
I've had it happen on one of my other expert market tickers!! When it's not buy or sell volume I think it's tax selling!! I'm keeping my eyes 👀 open!! Thanks!!
30 million voleme on otc market check. Make that volume.
Volume today. OTC markets and look at symbol.
Some investments take longer than others!! Too much upside and time invested to turn back now!!
Don't know!! Have to wait until you see some filings!!
Don't know!! Have to wait until you see some filings!!
What’s the ss here ?
Was thinking the same thing
It ain't over till it's over!!
300 shares. It’s on the board…
You can buy it
Apparently the $52k fake buy promo-has-been-abandoned.
That’s good news for unsuspecting new investors that don’t understand how OTC pump and dumps work.