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Bruce Berkowitz reports:
The St. Joe Co (JOE) - 22,730,687 shares, 54.55% of the total portfolio.
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp (FMCKJ.PFD) - 16,387,268 shares, 14.5% of the total portfolio. Shares reduced by 16.21%
Fannie Mae (FNMAS.PFD) - 14,656,509 shares, 12.78% of the total portfolio. Shares reduced by 22.59%
Vista Outdoor Inc (VSTO) - 3,279,900 shares, 8.45% of the total portfolio. Shares reduced by 22.33%
Spectrum Brands Holdings Inc (SPB) - 376,540 shares, 4.56% of the total portfolio. Shares added by 82.61%
Over 8 million shares today!
It's been a while.
is this where the hedge funds have been loading?
good to see you these are safer? if so...why? looking at getting in
Europe- FNMAS - "Due Dil-gence sources. on Fannie Mae
you should search YMB- FMCKJ for leads to where the original investors board members are.
or Try Freddienfannie on google groups
for further discussion
...a little man was found that can be hung:
Real Estate Appraiser Gets Prison Time In Fraud Case
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Robert Lang and Associated Press
A real estate appraiser has been sentenced to 15 months in prison for preparing fraudulent appraisals of homes that resulted in losses of $2.4 million to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.
Sixty-three-year-old David C. Christian of Catonsville was also ordered to pay restitution at sentencing Friday in federal court in Baltimore.
According to his guilty plea, Christian prepared fraudulent appraisals for at least 16 properties.
I don't understand why some people like ____ and other destroyed the FNMAS site[/quote
Because they cannot stand the light
notice how his falsehoods do not contain links or he has inserted false arguments into the text as if it was from an independent source
I don't understand why some people like ____ and other destroyed the FNMAS site[/quote
Because they cannot stand the light
notice how his falsehoods do not contain links or he has inserted false arguments into the text as if it was from an independent source
Petition signed
Ace gave me the heads up to to new forum.
Just checking in for roll call and to say hello.
I don't understand why some people like Blue and other destroyed the FNMAS site.
go for it....
White House has said it will now provide an official response to petitions that make the 100,000 signature threshold in 30 days.
White House data show that there are more than 141,310 petitions on the site and that it receives 807 average signatures per hour. It also shows that the 9,178,278 total signatures on the site have been provided by 5,410,525 users.
Sure, no problem. Actually, it may be limited to 100 characters, excluding spaces. That would explain the spelling.
It is not my writing, this came from another board, my apologies.
Not that I would do any better, but it's riddled with spelling mistakes. The White House will not take this petition seriously unless those are corrected.
Zandi's resume. anyone found one? this guy founded, whatever that was. he has never done anything else. i presume he is great at cocktail parties, and on the podium. can anyone of you find a real job this guy has held. he is an advisor to the gods.
zandi effect on pfds. all hat, no cattle. he talks in all directions. is a cypher when it comes to actually doing something. i think s&p or whoever is walking him. big money is watching and waiting. volume on pfds is down. prices sideways. zandi has not come out for anything, yet or still.
Signed and on its way..
Signed and passing along link. Cheers!
Signed and tweeted.
UBS Must Hand Over Docs To FHFA In $182B RMBS Suit
UBS Must Hand Over Docs To FHFA In $182B RMBS Suit
Not sure if this will uncover much. However, might shed some more light on fraudulent practices. Couldn't read whole article. Here's what I could read:
Law360, New York (April 16, 2013, 5:54 PM ET) -- A New York federal judge on Tuesday ordered a UBS AG unit to produce portions of documents it claimed as privileged to the Federal Housing Finance Agency, in the FHFA's suit claiming UBS and other banks misrepresented the quality of roughly $182 billion in residential mortgage-backed securities.
U.S. District Judge Denise Cote held that while parts of memoranda from UBS Securities LLC's outside counsel to the company containing factual summaries of meetings held with third-party mortgage originators and legal analysis of that information are protected by...
Success ruins everything, LOL.
Check this out guys
HUGE REPORT(!!):Upside Commons +4,828% Preferreds +1,462%
If FNMA goes to be a private company
A Blueprint for Housing Reform in America
on Millstein's report:
"Market Cap
New Fannie $ 108 billion
Government ownership: 85%
p.14, at the bottom
This goes beyond the 79,99% warrants
Leaves the existing common shares with 15%.
Fannie Mae has 1,158,072,058 shares.
15% of $ 108 billion is $ 16 billion, that's $ 13.8/share.
He left out:
1.the putbacks/lawsuits,
2.the part of the reserves that can be reversed,
3.the deferred tax-assets.
Upside from the current price level:
Preferreds +1,462%
Commons +4,828% +4,828% (Fannie);
Hi guys,
It would be nice to see a couple stickies up, have mods been working on this?
Common shares up + .05 today, although nice day here also, the volume seems a little light...
caution swapping pfd shares. was ok when they had no value, now, you own 20,000 of fmccp that you bought for a quarter, and now you swap them for another flavor, you are going to have a short term gain of some $160,000. explain that to your acct when you tell him to bury it!!!
That's what I meant; I sent it to IH Admin. As far as the deleted posts and bans, a poster requests removal and, yes, IH Admin does the actual removal.
zandi and mel???the nc guy are both nonentities as far as mr market is concerned. neither have affect the price per share. i think both are just fillers until the real act starts(or does not ever start).
Anthony Sanders, a real estate professor at George Mason University, said that he supports DeMarco's efforts and expressed concerns that Zandi would allow for the principal reductions. He asked Zandi to "think twice" about opening the "principal reduction floodgates" if he lands the job.
DeMarco is slated to testify before the Senate Banking Committee on Thursday, which could provide a clearer picture as to what kind of support he has to continue in the job.
(mayopolpus)He said Fannie borrowed $116 billion and has paid back in excess in $35 billion, an improvement that has been at least four years in the making.
"I do think, given the strength of our future profitability, it is possible that we will pay dividends that will be equal to or greater than the amount of money that we have received from the Treasury department."
gmu is redder than the south gulf coast of florida.
the hill does real reporting, and is really on the inside. this article was not a wsj article picked up of a wire service.
I've posted on Joe's site some. We are all entitled to our own opinions, but granted, the website is functional and is not looted with spam, etc.
i am willing to buy and start the domain and website. there must be BB software somewhere.
I will give you guys mine. All set up and paid for.
email me at
naked board
i used raging bull for years. has some nice features look at it and comment!!!
i think there is no i am willing to buy and start the domain and website. there must be BB software somewhere.
I didn't know you guys migrated. Glad I found you.
We'll stick around here until most refugees are accounted for.
Hudduh needs a hug, and apparently multiple ids?
And we need a new place to live.
Hud, most of us bought at or below 80¢ (50s), half that for the 25s.
I'm only up some 823%, so yea, I still have some holding to do. Only ~5000% to go.
That's not a fair comment. Ski had deleted handfuls of posts of mine that were on topic but apparently disagreed with his goals. And I think it's safe to say that I'm longer than most here. I don't trade. I may arbitrage shares at times, but my share allotment does not change.
Moral is, explicit or bust; good luck.