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Lithium in Structural Shortage,
Where the Lithium Price is Going ?
“The pullback in lithium prices does not worry me at all,” said Howard Klein of RK Equity.
Super high price they will pay for lithium is what I heard .
Chart showing EMH so undervalued to peers aprox a tenth of EV/resource potentially suggesting we could head to $7 a share aud
Two months old,but last quarterly activities Report-
Local neighbor valuation recently .
Keliber aims to be the first fully-integrated lithium producer in Europe, targeting first production in 2024 and ramping up to produce around 15,000 tonnes of lithium hydroxide per year
They paid $470 mil usd ( $700 mil aud ) Sibanye-Stillwater agreed to take a 30.29% stake in Keliber for the above production which infers $2.3 bil aud at full value and times 2 for production to 30,000 tonnes so EMH should be worth 2.3 bil or there abouts ie $12.50 aud a share for our half
The Keliber project consists of several advanced stage lithium spodumene deposits, with significant exploration upside in close proximity to the existing project. Based on a feasibility study completed in 2019 and improved in 2020, Keliber currently has 9.3 million tonnes of ore reserves, sufficient for more than 13 years of operation. Planned annual production is 15,000 tonnes of battery grade lithium hydroxide. Production is anticipated to start in 2024. The project includes the development of a chemical plant in Kokkola, approximately 50 kilometres from the mining area, which will produce battery grade lithium hydroxide. Future lithium hydroxide production has not been committed to any offtake party.
So that value up there sort of has to be a starting point I would imagine . but our mine has a 20 year mine life not 13 only using 10 % of ore ( something like that ) and 7 mil tonnes of Lithium and a second block .
Australian chat forum for those whom are interested
Tesla might buy a mining company, but not another automaker
The big take out : We are not talking about buying mines just yet. Tesla is more focused on securing long-term supply agreements with existing miners and potential new mines,
When America substitutes defense spending for going green things in this sector are just begining.
Corporate Presentation
offtakes will be transformative for this company-
Skoda aims to make Czech Republic an E Mobility Hub including Battery Production at 15.20 to 15.30 min mark .
If all 200 factories were operating at full capacity , they would require 3 million tonnes of Lithium
Slide #17 answers and refutes every single one of that authors concerns
Every single one!
PFS 1/2022
Another point regarding the seeking alpha article...the author claims he was looking at investing in a scandium concession next door
When at the same time bashing NIOBF for claiming scandium as a significant resource in their PFS
Not sure he's a credible poster
Quarterly Report-
Outstanding Uodate!
Waiting on confirmation of final investment decision
• The 2019 PFS Update for the Cinovec Project has been updated to demonstrate the effect of
changes in the mining process to incorporate the use of paste backfill, which results in an
increase in annual production, together with changes in lithium and by-product prices to reflect
current and expected market conditions.
• Annual production of battery grade lithium hydroxide monohydrate modelled to increase from
25,267 tpa to 29,386 tpa, an increase of 16%.
• NPV8 (post tax) increases from US$1.108B to US$1.938B, an increase of 74.9%, based upon a
lithium hydroxide price of USD17,000 per tonne which is significantly less than the current price.
• Post tax IRR of 36.3% and a payback period of 2.5 years from the commencement of production.
• Up-front capital cost due to backfilling plant and additional capital costs to produce 29,386 tpa
lithium hydroxide increased to US$644m.
• This 2022 PFS Update assumes the life of mine extraction of 13.1% of the Measured and Indicated
JORC Resources at Cinovec.
• Use of tailings for backfill will result in a far smaller environmental impact, further enhancing the
Project’s already strong ESG credentials.
VW on the other hand are just so very slow . " which might even include becoming a shareholder in a mining firm " . With cooperation announcements due in some weeks " Xmas Rally ??
2022 sould be great here-
1 Million tonne demand by 2025 , Poduction FY 2020 , 300,000 tonnes .
Woooaaaa :
CONSTRUCTION BEGINING LATER NEXT YEAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Walter Mädel
Operations Manager at European Metals/Geomet
Operations Manager
Company Name European Metals Full-time
Dates Employed Sep 2021 – Present
Employment Duration 1 mo
Location Czechia
Firefinch Limited
Total Duration 2 yrs 2 mos
Title Group Technical Manager
Dates Employed Nov 2020 – Aug 2021
Employment Duration 10 mos
Location Mali
Initiating and management of various projects at the Morila Gold mine to see the operation back into processing mined ore from various pits.
Processing Manager
Dates Employed Jul 2019 – Aug 2021
Employment Duration 2 yrs 2 mos
Location Perth, Australia
Leading process and plant operations on the Goulamina Lithium Project.
Processing Manager
Company Name Altura Mining Limited Full-time
Dates Employed Jan 2016 – Jun 2019
Employment Duration 3 yrs 6 mos
Location Perth, Australia
Leading the processing discipline through DFS, FEED and commissioning, and managing operational readiness of maintenance and processing departments, through commissioning to commercial operation.
Walter Madel appointed as operations manager!
ASX Announcements
Company Spotlight featuring European Metals Holdings, LTD
Aug 2, 2021
30 minute mark says permits in 2 weeks. Watch this one close.
E39: EMH Czech-ing Europe's Lithium Boxes
Up 12pct today ?
Elsewhere & What d'ya think ?
Good info-
Bought more today!
IS a good story.....but is not avail. in Cda
Perhaps tho there ARE a few some Cdn-listed liths active in Europe....
I dunno
ah-Ha - Just Goggled - Hit on
Anyways, 200 mil US mkt cap....Teeming growth potential....should work !
Chart's not so great (yet) tho....I think that's about all
LAC a sector bellweather (with a fairly predictable chart)
Fingers xed, Thank you for the update.
How does it work with this ticker then? Do they merge together - I thought this ticker was the way they were trading on OTC?
I smell a Tesla offtake in the wind , Nasdaq listing was supposed to be months away , why else would you list this early . Following piedmonts footsteps perhaps .
Good to see you here!
Nope - Cdn only, hence I envy your options !
Got just SO many more to choose from ! incl AUS
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We are an Australian and UK listed mineral exploration and development company
advancing the Cinovec Lithium / Tin Project in Czech Republic.
Cinovec Lithium / Tin Project
Cinovec hosts the largest lithium resource in Europe, and one of the largest undeveloped tin resources in the World. The recently completed Preliminary Feasibility Study indicates that Cinovec has the potential to be the lowest cost hard rock lithium producer in the World.
The Cinovec project is located 100 km NW from Prague on the border with Germany, situated in the heart of Europe with ready access to end user car makers and companies involved in energy storage.
The project is located within close proximity to large industrial and chemical plants with excellent support services in Czech and Germany, adjacent to a main road with two rail lines within 10km of the deposit.
The Cinovec Project is located in the Krusne Hore Mountains which divide the Czech Republic from the Saxony State of Germany. The project is within a historic mining region, with artisanal mining dating back to the 1300s.
In the 1940s a large underground mining operation was established primarily to produce tungsten for the war effort. Mining and processing activities continued under the Czechoslovakian Government with the mine continuing to expand and producing tin as well as tungsten. Due to the fall of communism and lower tin prices, the mine was closed in 1993. In 2000, the old processing plant was removed and the site rehabilitated.
In 2012, European Metals purchased a 100% interest in the exploration rights to the Cinovec Project area together with an extensive database, and commenced a drilling campaign to validate the comprehensive data generated by the earlier development and exploration activities.
The Company’s ongoing drilling programme has completed 30 diamond holes each averaging 400 m depth, successfully validating earlier drilling results, adding lithium grade data and providing metallurgical testwork samples.
In support of the PFS, European Metals has undertaken extensive metallurgical testwork at UVR and Anzaplan in Germany as well as Nagrom and ALS in Australia.
In 2015, European Metals completed a Scoping Study into the redevelopment of the Cinovec Project. The Scoping Study highlighted that the size, grade and location of the deposit make it a very attractive development opportunity and recommended that project proceed through to a Preliminary Feasibility Study (PFS).
The results of the PFS highlight that the Cinovec Project has the potential to be the lowest cost hard rock operation globally due to a number of unique advantages:
Regional Geology of Krusne hory/Erzgebirge
Cinovec deposit is located on the Krusne hory/Erzgebirge metallogenic province at the northern border of the Bohemian Massif, in the Saxothuringian Zone of European Variscides (Štemprok 1989). Krusne hory/Erzgebirge is one of the major metamorphic crystalline complexes of the European Variscan Belt, and is formed by partially concealed Late Palaeozoic multiphase granitic batholith intruding amphibolite facies Neoproterozoic to Carboniferous age metamorphic complex (Seltmann and Štemprok 1995).
The Krusne Hory/Erzgebirge NE–SW trending anticlinorium extends over 120km in length and 45km in width, and plunges slightly to the southwest. The Erzgebirge crystalline complex exposes a seemingly coherent sequence of migmatite, para-and orthogneiss, mica schist containing intercalations of metabasalt, metarhyolite and marble, and by phyllite (Klominsky et al. 2010), and magmatic rocks.
Neoproterozoic basement rocks are represented by migmatitic gneiss and mica schist with abundant intercalated metamorphosed marl, dolomite, calc-silicate rock, quartzite, ultramafic and granulitic rocks which were migmatised and granitised during the Variscan orogeny. The overlying Lower Paleozoic sequence comprises marine clastic (mainly pelitic) and granitic rocks, which are transgressively overlain by Lower Devonian clastic rocks. Middle Devonian clastic rocks and carbonate with interbedded submarine spilite¬keratophyre volcanics are followed by the Carboniferous Culm facies (Seltmann and Štemprok 1995)
Magmatic rocks within the massif are related to events that occurred in several time periods; the Archean to Paleoproterozoic, the Late Neoproterozoic to Lower Paleozoic Cadomian/Baikalian Orogenies (700 to 500 Ma), the Lower Paleozoic Caledonian Orogeny (500 to 390 Ma) and the Late Paleozoic Variscan Orogeny (350 to 300 Ma). Variscan magmatism is divided into an early cycle (orthogneiss) and a quantitatively dominant late or post-kinematic cycle (unfoliated granites), (Seltmann and Štemprok 1995). The latest magmatic event was extension-related volcanism and emplacement shallow small intrusions of Li-enriched granite.
The Cinovec Deposit extends for approximately 2km south of the border. The below Long Section shows the shallower, higher grade lithium mineralisation to the north and the tin rich area of Cinovec South. As evident from the table of selected drill intercepts, the lithium mineralisation is in place over 350m wide.
Hole | From | To | Width (m) | Li20 (%) |
CN-17 | 22 | 224 | 202 | 0.62 |
CN-22 | 123 | 387.5 | 264.5 | 0.54 |
CN-23 | 94 | 357 | 261.1 | 0.5 |
Hole | From | To | Width (m) | Li20 (%) |
CIW-25 | 9.5 | 373 | 361.5 | 0.43 |
CIW-26 | 173.75 | 410 | 236.25 | 0.49 |
CN-86 | 5 | 211.5 | 206.5 | 0.51 |
Cinovec is an historic mine incorporating a significant undeveloped lithium-tin resource with by-product potential including tungsten, rubidium, scandium, niobium and tantalum and potash. Cinovec hosts a globally significant hard rock lithium deposit with a total Indicated Mineral Resource of 372.4Mt @ 0.4% Li2O and 0.04% Sn and an Inferred Mineral Resource of 323.5Mt @ 0.39% Li2O and 0.04% Sn containing a combined 7.18 million tonnes Lithium Carbonate Equivalent and 262,600t of tin. This makes Cinovec the largest lithium deposit in Europe, the fourth largest non-brine deposit in the world and a globally significant tin resource. See Table 1 below.
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