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Status-Quo Report of 27 July 2016
Information concerning AGM, operational update (projects), new large shareholder, update arbitation process.
Shareholder Meeting on 30 June 2016 canceled, event postponed.
Shareholder Meeting in Switzerland of EuroGas AG on 30 June 2016
NEWS ** European Metals to acquire 78% of EuroGas®ion=C
3,2 Mrd USD demanded! (Claim for compensation concerning Slovak Talc Mine)
EuroGas Inc. and Belmont Resourses Inc. ** big Arbitration Case !! ** against Slovak Republik ** started in June 2014 ** pending **
EuroGas Inc. was delisted in spring 2011. EuroGas Group founded two new companies in Switzerland. EuroGas Inc. hold a stake in ZB Capital AG. ZB Capital AG hold a stake of appr. 75% in EuroGas AG which was listed at Frankfurt stock exchange until December 2012. Trading was stopped because of new rules made by the German stock exchange. EuroGas AG Switzerland hold a stake of Eurogas Silver & Gold Inc. (owner of a silver mine in Idaho/USA).
All information can be obtained from this website:
Listing at OTC-Market coming soon? Two listed shares of Eurogas... sounds great !
Eurogas Group Update of 26 October 2015
This stock should be interesting this year. Relisting is planed short-term according CEO of EuroGas.
Watch new Homepage:
More Information soon.
People did not receive a buy signal in EUGS on Tuesday and are now debating on whether or not to keep this stock on our watch-list. On Monday it showed a lot of potential but people didn’t see a lot of follow through in Tuesday’s session. The price broke through resistance at $0.18 but the drive was made on low volume. Sometimes it’s better to just walk away instead of falling into a bull trap.
EUGS popped up on our radar Monday morning when the price hit a new five-day high at $0.179. Volume is good so this stock might have enough momentum to break resistance at $0.18. The price is forming a strong ascending triangle and people could see it consolidate for a little bit longer but people are expecting to see a breakout soon.
NEW YORK, NY -- (Marketwire) -- 10/16/09 -- EuroGas, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: EUGS) (FRANKFURT: EUG) (XETRA: EUG) (HAMBURG: EUG) (STUTTGART: EUG) today announced that it has entered into a loan and option agreement with Mr. Walter Storm, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, EurAsia Holding AG and Forstgarten International Holding GmbH, an investment company owned by Dr. h.c. Stefan Kaltenbach, Vice Chairman, EurAsia Holding AG (the investors). Mr. Storm and Dr. h.c. Kaltenbach are, through their respective investment companies, the controlling shareholders of EurAsia AG, an international privately held German investment company concentrating on the natural resources sector.
The investors, under the loan agreement, have forwarded EUR 680.000 (corresponding to approximately USD 1,000,000) to EuroGas. The loan is repayable on October 1, 2010, and will carry an interest rate of 8%. These funds will be used for working capital.
The investors have been granted an option and a right of first refusal to earn a 60% interest in all future EuroGas projects. Furthermore, the parties intend to enter into a Master Financing Agreement, under which the investors are to inject further funds into EuroGas or its operations through a USD 7,000,000 convertible debenture. This agreement would enable the investors to convert their debenture into restricted EuroGas common stock at prices ranging from USD 0.25-USD 0.50 per share over the next 3 years (USD 0.25 per share in the first year; USD 0.35 in the second year; and USD 0.50 in the third year). The investors and EuroGas have undertaken to immediately commence the negotiation of the final terms of the agreement, which is expected to be executed within the next few weeks.
"I am delighted to welcome Walter Storm's and Dr. Kaltenbach's involvement in EuroGas," said Wolfgang Rauball, Chairman, President and CEO, EuroGas. "Walter has been a steadfast and loyal EuroGas shareholder for many years, and has, along with Dr. Kaltenbach, the financial and management capabilities to enable EuroGas to wrest the maximum shareholder value from our rich asset portfolio."
Mr. Walter Storm is a highly successful industrialist with international resource and industrial holdings. He is also the founder and a major indirect shareholder of EurAsia, which is the largest shareholder of Osisko Mining Corp., a TSE-listed company with a current market valuation in excess of CAD $2 billion. According to a June 2009 Study by UBS Switzerland EurAsia owns 42 million shares of Osisko's common stock which are currently valued at in excess of USD 330,000,000. Mr. Storm, through EurAsia, was Osisko's major financial backer through its exploration and development stages. The capital provided to Osisko by EurAsia enabled Osisko's management team to build its market capitalization from USD 15 million to its current level of more than USD 2 billion in less than five years. EurAsia's shareholders also own significant producing oil and gas interests in Canada and Kazakhstan, as well as important global resource sector related companies and assets. (
Dr. h.c. Stefan Kaltenbach is the former CEO and shareholder of a leading international manufacturer of medical equipment which has over 3,500 employees. Today, he is a private investor with extensive holdings in international medical and resource industries, mainly through EurAsia. Together with Walter Storm, he spearheaded the financing of Osisko in its exploration and development stages.
About EuroGas, Inc.
EuroGas is a publicly traded oil and gas company with assets in Ukraine and Poland, as well as talc mining interests in the Slovak Republic. The company's common stock trades on the Frankfurt, Hamburg and Stuttgart Stock Exchanges and XETRA in Germany under the symbol EUG and on the Other OTC (Pink Sheets) in the United States under the symbol EUGS. (
hahaha - I think not...
Link to VSK mining website and construction pictures of the Gemerska Poloma talc deposit tunnel.
Interesting DD, don't understand Slovakian but SKANSKA it's definitely a construktion company with high reputation. Original a Swedish company. Suppose this i going to be a long battle between Eurogas Vs VSK, hopefully in Eurogas favour.
Talc: VSK has finished the tunnel three weeks ago.
Rauball stated 10k audited until 30.July! Then OTC-BB Uplisting.
Newsletter Eurogas (only published in Germany!)
Newsletter Juni 2009
Liebe Aktionaerinnen und Aktionaere,
I) 2008 Bilanz (10K) und
10Q 1.Quartal 2009
Die Arbeiten am 10K fuer 2008 sowie den 10Q (1. Quartalsbericht 2009) gehen zuegig voran. Die notwendigen “Aufraeumarbeiten” nach der erfolgreichen Abwendung des Insolvenzverfahrens Chapter 7 sind jedoch erheblich und zeitraubend.
So muessen zum Beispiel saemtliche Glaeubigerforderungen im einzelnen daraufhin geprueft werden, ob sie noch bestehen oder ob sie teilweise bereits verjaehrt sind und daher nicht mehr in die Verbindlichkeitenliste aufgenommen werden muessen. Hinzu kommt, dass bei dem jetzt zu pruefenden Abschluss per 31.12.2008 aufgrund des Chapter 7 Verfahrens keine geprueften Vorjahresbilanzen vorliegen und zum Teil mehrere Jahre zurueckliegende Vorgaenge ueberprueft werden muessen. Wir sind allerdings aufgrund des Fortschrittes bei der Erstellung der Bilanz der berechtigten Hoffnung, dass wir eine gepruefte Bilanz bis 30.7.2009 vorlegen koennen, um dann das Relisting am NASD Bulletin Board mit Hilfe unserer New Yorker Investmentbank vorzubereiten.
Die inzwischen durch unsere Buchhalter erarbeiteten und angewendeten neuen Informationssysteme werden darueber hinaus in der Zukunft eine zeitnahe Berichterstattung der Gesellschaft fuer die Quartalsberichte und Jahresberichte sicherstellen.
II) Projekte
Polen :
Der Operator der ca. 4000 Quadrat-Kilometer grossen Biszczady Oel- und Erdgas Konzession in Sued-Ost Polen, die staatliche Oel-Gesellschaft Polish Oil & Gas (PGNiG), hat die im Herbst 2008 begonnenen Seismik-Arbeiten auf der Konzession durchfuehren und fertigstellen lassen. Die Auswertung der Ergebnisse wird nach Angaben von PGNiG noch einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen, bevor eine Entscheidung des Konzessions-Konsortiums (JOA) ueber die genaue Lokalitaet des ersten geplanten tiefen Bohrloches getroffen werden kann.
Wir selbst kennen noch keine genauen Ergebnisse, haben aber erstaunt zur Kenntnis genommen, dass uns kuerzlich sowohl von unserem JOA Partner, der an der Londoner Stock Exchange gelisteten Oel- und Gasgesellschaft Aurelian Oil & Gas Plc, als auch von dritter unabhaengiger Seite ein attraktives finanzielles Angebot zur Uebernahme unseres 24% Anteils am JOA in Sued-Ost Polen gemacht worden ist. Ich darf Ihnen jedoch versichern, dass wir grundsaetzlich an unserem Engagement in Polen festhalten wollen.
Im Sinne einer unabhaengigen, gesicherten Erkenntnis ueber die Ergebnisse der durchgefuehrten Seismik haben wir selbst daher in der letzten Woche eine in Houston, Texas ansaessige Gesellschaft unseres Vertrauens mit einer externen Beurteilung der uns durch PGNiG zur Verfuegung gestellten Seismik-Unterlagen beauftragt.
Slowakische Republik :
Aufgrund des zu unseren Gunsten im April 2008 veroeffentlichten rechtskraeftigen Endurteils des Obersten Gerichts der Slowakischen Republik hat die unterlegene Partei, die zustaendige Bergbaubehoerde in Spisska Nova Ves, zwar dem illegalen urspruenglichen Konzessions-Inhaber Economy Agency RV s.r.o. die Gemerska Poloma Talk Konzession entzogen, dann diese allerdings in einem fuer normale Rechtsverstaendnisse unglaublichen Vorgang wieder derselben Gesellschaft unter ihrem heutigen Namen VSK Mining s.r.o. zugewiesen.
Wie wir in mehreren Pressemitteilungen angefuehrt haben, schoepfen wir z.Z. alle zivil- und strafrechtlichen Moeglichkeiten zur Wiedererlangung unserer rechtsmaessigen Talk-Konzession aus. Unsere Bemuehungen werden mittlerweile auch durch ein eigenstaendiges Verfahren der Anti-Korruptionsbehoerde der Slowakischen Republik in einem inzwischen eroeffneten Verfahren gegen die Beteiligten der Gegenseite unterstuetzt.
Durch die bis heute erhaltenen Informationen aus den strafrechtlichen Ermittlungen der slowakischen Behoerden gegen die Beteiligten der Gegenseite hat sich unser Anfangsverdacht von Industriespionage, Betrug und Korruption zu unseren Lasten in einer fuer uns vorher nicht vorstellbaren Weise bestaetigt. Wir sind daher weiterhin der festen Ueberzeugung, dass wir die Talk-Konzession wieder zurueck erhalten werden und werden darin auch von unseren Rechtsberatern und neutralen Dritten bestaerkt.
Die gerichtliche Verfolgung unserer Interessen in der Slowakischen Republik, Oesterreich, USA sowie bei dem Obersten Gericht der EU in Bruessel, erfordert z.Z. einen unglaublichen Zeit- und Kostenaufwand. Die Groesse und Bedeutung des Gemerska Poloma Talk-Projektes, das von der slowakischen Presse als das groesste Berbauprojekt der Slowakischen Republik bezeichnet wird, rechtfertigt nach unserer Meinung jedoch jeden erforderlichen Schritt, den wir z.Z. zur Wiedererlangung unserer Konzession unternehmen. Aufgrund der grossen Bedeutung des Gemerska Poloma Talk-Projektes fuer die Slowakische Republik einerseits und dem gerichtlich nachgewiesenen gravierenden Fehlverhalten der offiziellen Vertreter der dem Ministerium fuer Wirtschaft unterstellten Bergbaubehoerde andererseits, sind wir sicher, dass die Slowakische Republik als vollwertiges Mitglied der EU unsere berechtigten Ansprueche umsetzen wird, da sich die Slowakische Republik schon heute in Auslegung des Endurteils des Obersten Gerichts der Slowakischen Republik schadensersatzpflichtig gemacht hat.
Ukraine :
Aufgrund der schwierigen finanziellen und wirtschaftlichen Situation der Ukraine sind die Arbeiten in unserer 50/50 Joint Venture Gesellschaft “EuroGas Ukraine” mit NT Technologies etwas verlangsamt worden. Wir befinden uns z.Z. in Diskussionen mit NT, wie die vertraglich vereinbarte Leistung durch die ukrainische Seite erfuellt werden kann, nachdem wir unseren Beitrag bereits erbracht haben. Dazu haben wir der ukrainischen Seite ein paar Vorschlaege gemacht.
Unabhaengig davon hat das Parlament der Ukraine inzwischen gesetzliche Grundlagen fuer die Coalbed Methane Industrie geschaffen, die fuer CBM Investments in der Ukraine generell von herausragender Bedeutung sind und das Investment-Klima in der Ukraine erheblich verbessert haben.
So hat die ukrainische Regierung kuerzlich ein Gesetz verabschiedet, das attraktive Angebote und Garantien fuer auslaendische Investoren enthaelt. Ausserdem wurden interessante Steuervorteile geschaffen, die Steuerfreiheit fuer CBM Projekte bis 1.1.2020 durch die ukrainische Regierung garantieren. Weiter wurde gesetzlich festgelegt, dass neue Konzessionen fuer CBM Projekte eine Minimum-Laufzeit von 20 Jahren haben werden.
Die durch das ukrainische Parlament im Zusammenhang mit CBM Projekten neu geschaffenen Gesetze erlauben nun eine solide Planung und Absicherung unseres Investments. Wir sind sicher, dass wir in Kuerze mit unserem Partner NT Technologies eine gemeinsame Basis finden werden, damit die Explorations-Arbeiten fuer die beiden fuer unser JV mit NT Technologies erworbenen CBM Konzessionen im Donez-Becken beginnen koennen.
Tombstone Gold-Silber Bergbau-Projekt in Arizona USA:
Nachdem wir bereits im Jahre 2008 eine 60% Beteiligung an einem 2000 acres (ca. 8.000.000 Quadratmeter) grossen Gold-Silber Claim-Block erworben hatten, haben wir jetzt aufgrund guter, kuerzlich veroeffentlichter Explorationsresultate im Tombstone Mining District in Arizona, USA von Rio Plata Exploration & Mining Inc. die restlichen 40% an diesem Claim-Block erworben. Siehe EuroGas Inc. SEC Form 8K vom 10.6.2009.
Unser Gold-Silber Claim-Block grenzt unmittelbar an die riesige Flaeche von Tombstone Exploration Company, an der EuroGas Inc. z.Z. eine durch Optionsgeschaefte ausbaufaehige ca. 7 %ige Beteiligung am Aktienkapital haelt. Das Explorations-Programm 2009 auf diesem 11.500 acres (ca. 45.000.000 Quadratmeter) grossen Gold-Silber Claim-Block zielt darauf hinaus, reiche Gold-Silber Erze in tiefen Schichten aufzuspueren und zu foerdern. Auf dem Tombstone Exploration Company Claim Block befinden sich 8 fruehere produzierende historische Gold-Silber Bergwerke, in denen grosse Mengen von Gold, Silber und Blei aus Schichten in geringer Tiefe abgebaut wurden.
Als dritte strategische Beteiligung wurde von uns kuerzlich der benachbarte sogenannte “Tombstone TEI Open Pit”, ein Gold-Silber Tagebau mit einer Gesamtflaeche von 485 acres (knapp 2.000.000 Quadratmeter), erworben. Diese Acquisition des Tombstone-Tagebaus, der noch Mitte 1980 erhebliche Mengen an Gold und Silber produzierte, bis die Produktion aufgrund niedriger Gold und Silberpreise eingestellt wurde, komplettiert unsere Gold-Silber Strategie in dem historischen Tombstone Mining District, der zu den profiliertesten Gold-Silber Abbaugebieten Nordamerikas zaehlt. Hierdurch sind wir auf dem Weg, einer der groessten Claim-Besitzer im Sued-Osten der USA zu werden.
Zusammenfassend gehe ich davon aus, dass unsere Projekte mit ihrer strategischen Ausrichtung bei den heutigen, wieder verbesserten Marktbedingungen fuer Rohstoffe eine gesunde Basis fuer die Erreichung eines bestmoeglichen Shareholder Values fuer die Aktionaere von EuroGas Inc. darstellen.
Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Wolfgang Rauball
Chairman & Chief Executive Officer
8k June 9, 2009
Washington, D.C. 20549
Pursuant to Section 13 OR 15(d) of The Securities Exchange Act of 1934
Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported) November 3, 2008
(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
Utah 000-24781 87-0427676
(State or other jurisdiction (Commission File Number) (IRS Employer
of incorporation) Identification No.)
4087 Nike Drive, Unit #4, West Jordan, Utah 84088
(address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)
Registrant’s telephone number, including area code 801-282-8551
14 Wall Street, New York, NY, 10005
(Former name or former address, if changed since last report.)
Check the appropriate box below if the Form 8-K filing is intended to simultaneously satisfy the filing obligation of
the registrant under any of the following provisions:
[ ] Written communications pursuant to Rule 425 under the Securities Act (17 CFR 230.425)
[ ] Soliciting material pursuant to Rule 14a-12 under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.14a -12)
[ ] Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 14d-2(b) under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.14d -2(b))
[ ] Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 13e-4(c) under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13e -4(c))
Item 1.01 Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement
McCallan Oil & Gas (UK) Limited
In March 2009, the registrant signed an amending agreement with Regent Ventures Ltd., having effect from November 3, 2008. The amending agreement amends the terms of a share option agreement between the registrant and Regent dated April 22, 2008, under which the registrant was granted an option to acquire 450 ordinary shares of McCallan Oil & Gas (UK) Limited, or 45% of that company, from Regent. Once this option is fully exercised, the registrant will own 100% of McCallan UK. The registrant’s arrangement with Regent was first disclosed in its Form 8-K dated May 1, 2008.
The amending agreement extends the time within which the registrant may exercise the option to acquire the 45% interest in McCallan UK. To exercise the option, the registrant must:
issue 10,000,000 restricted shares of its common stock to Regent (completed);
on or before March 31, 2009, provide Regent with evidence that it has been granted a production royalty of a 1% interest in and to all gross proceeds received by EuroGas Polska sp. z o.o., the wholly-owned
subsidiary of McCallan UK, under the Bieszczady joint operating agreement dated June 1, 2007 with Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo SA, Poland's national oil and gas company, and Energia Bieszczady sp. z o.o., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Aurelian Oil & Gas PLC, and pursuant to which Polska owns a 24% participation interest (completed); and
on or before December 31, 2009, pay to Regent the entire Cdn. $3,000,000. Under the amending agreement, Regent may convert all or a portion of the Cdn. $3,000,000 into subscriptions for restricted common shares of the registrant, at a deemed price equal to the last closing price of the registrant’s shares as traded on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. This conversion right may be exercised by Regent at any time, and from time to time, until December 31, 2009.
As consideration for the above amendments, the registrant issued 2,000,000 restricted shares of its common stock to Regent.
Eberhard (Ed) Mueller, a former director of the registrant (see Section 5.02 below) is also a director of Regent. While a director of the registrant, Mr. Mueller abstained from voting on any matters related to the acquisition by it of the 450 McCallan U.K. shares.
Tombstone Sandwich Claims
On January 10, 2008, the registrant entered into a letter of intent with Rio Plata Exploration and Mining Inc. pursuant to which the registrant was granted an option to acquire a 60% interest in and to 56 mining claims, covering approximately 2,000 acres (809 ha.) and known as the Tombstone Sandwich Property, a gold and silver base metals property, located in the Tombstone Mining District of Arizona. On April 2, 2009, a formal option agreement having retroactive effect to January 24, 2008, was subsequently entered into between Rio Plata and the registrant covering this acquisition. Under the terms of this agreement, the registrant may earn the 60% interest by the payment of $250,000 and the issuance of 12,000,000 restricted common shares.
On April 2, 2009, the registrant entered into another option agreement with Rio Plata to acquire the remaining 40% interest in the Tombstone Sandwich claims, plus a $3,000 reclamation bond, in exchange for the payment of $5,500 and the issuance of 8,000,000 restricted common shares.
Upon completion of the payments and restricted stock issuances described above, the registrant will own all right, title and a 100% interest in the Tombstone Sandwich claims.
TEI Open Pit
Effective April 2, 2009, the registrant entered into an assignment agreement with Henry & Munroe, LLC, pursuant to which Henry & Munroe assigned to the registrant all rights and obligations in and to an option to purchase real estate agreement dated March 3, 2009 between Henry & Munroe (as Optionee) and Dale Turner, Tombstone Development Co. and Tombstone Hills LLC (as Optionors). This agreement covers approximately 485 acres (196 ha.) in three parcels of land, and is known as the TEI Open Pit Mine located in the Tombstone Mining District of southeast Arizona.
The consideration paid to Henry & Munro consists of $10,000 and the issuance of 2,000,000 restricted common shares of the registrant.
In the event the registrant wishes to exercise the option to acquire the TEI Open Pit Mine, it must pay the Optionors $600,000 for Parcel A of the lands (approximately 200 acres), $400,000 for Parcel B of the lands (approximately 150 acres), and $540,000 for Parcel C of the lands (approximately 135 acres) on or before March 1, 2010. Parcels A, B and C must be purchased in order.
If the registrant elects not to exercise its right to purchase Parcels A, B and/or C within the various option periods, then the registrant will forfeit its rights at least thirty (30) days prior to expiry of each exercise period, and all rights will then revert back to Henry & Munroe.
Rosemont Claims
On April 2, 2009, the registrant entered into an option agreement with Rio Plata and Piejo Partners, Inc., pursuant to which the registrant was granted the right to purchase 58 BLM claims located in Section 3, Township 18s, Range 17e, Gila Salt River Basin and Meridian, Arizona from Rio Plata and Piejo, each as to 50%. Consideration for the option consists of the issuance to Rio Plata and Piejo of 500,000 restricted common shares of the registrant. In order to exercise the option and acquire these claims, the registrant must issue an aggregate of 8,000,000 restricted shares to Rio Plata and Piejo, each as to one-half, on or before September 30, 2009.
Goette Financial Consulting Ltd.
The registrant entered into a Consulting Agreement, having effect from August 1, 2008, with Goette Financial Consulting Ltd., a company that is wholly-owned by Sonanini Holdings Ltd., a private company wholly-owned by Wolfgang Rauball, a director and officer of the registrant. Under this agreement, Goette provides corporate development and corporate finance services to the registrant in exchange for €10,000 per month, plus the reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses. The term of this agreement expires December 31, 2012, and is thereafter automatically renewable for successive one year periods.
Item 3.02 Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities
2000 Warrants
On or about January 12, 2000, the registrant issued convertible debentures in the aggregate principal amount of $3,000,000. On March 30, 2000, the convertible debentures were converted into an aggregate of 8,571,428 common shares of the registrant, and warrants for the purchase of up to an aggregate of 17,142,858 common shares of the registrant. The period of time within which these warrants may be exercised has been extended until March 31, 2010 from March 31, 2009.
2002 Warrants
On June 10, 2002, the registrant issued a warrant to Wolfgang Rauball for the purchase of up to 10,000,000 common shares of the registrant. The period of time within which this warrant may be exercised has been extended until June 10, 2010, and the exercise price has been reduced to $0.05 per warrant share.
Item 5.02 Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers; Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
It is with regret that the resignation of Eberhard (Ed) Mueller as a director of the registrant was accepted effective April 6, 2009. Mr. Mueller explained to the Board that, as a result of certain obligations to other companies, he must, at least temporarily, resign from the Board, in order to avoid any potential conflicts of interest or perceived conflicts of interest. Mr. Mueller has expressed interest in returning to the registrant's Board at such time as he has been released from his obligations, and at the appropriate time, the Board will be pleased to accept Mr. Mueller as a Board member.
Item 5.03 Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year
Effective April 27, 2009, the registrant's board of directors adopted Amended and Restated bylaws.
Item 5.05 Amendments to Registrant's Code of Ethics, or Waiver of a Provision of the Code of Ethics
Effective April 27, 2009, the registrant's board of directors adopted a Code of Ethics.
Item 7.01 Regulation FD Disclosure
On April 27, 2009, having effect from January 19, 2006, the registrant adopted a new stock option plan, replacing the registrant's 1996 stock option and award plan. The new plan reserves a maximum of 19,635,549 common shares of the Company for issuance to Participants (as defined in the Plan) upon the exercise of stock options granted under the Plan.
Item 9.01 Financial Statements and Exhibits
The following exhibits are filed with this Current Report on Form 8-K:
Exhibit Description
Amended and Restated Bylaws dated April 27, 2009
Share Option Agreement dated April 22, 2008 between the registrant and Regent Ventures Ltd.
Amending Agreement dated November 3, 2008 between the registrant and Regent Ventures Ltd.
April 2, 2009 Option Agreement, having retroactive effect to January 24, 2008, between the registrant and Rio Plata Exploration and Mining Inc. with respect to the 60% acquisition of the Tombstone Sandwich Claims.
April 2, 2009 Option Agreement between the registrant and Rio Plata Exploration and Mining Inc. with respect to the 40% acquisition of the Tombstone Sandwich Claims.
April 2, 2009 Assignment Agreement between the registrant and Henry & Munroe, LLC.
April 2, 2009 Option Agreement between the registrant, Rio Plata Exploration and Mining Inc. and Piejo Partners, Inc.
August 1, 2008 Consulting Agreement between the registrant and Goette Financial Consulting Ltd.
Warrant dated June 10, 2004 in favour of Wolfgang Rauball.
Warrant dated March 30, 2009 in favour of Wolfgang Rauball.
Warrant dated March 30, 2009 in favour of Herbert Zimmer.
2006 Stock Option Plan.
Code of Ethics and Business Conduct dated April 27, 2009.
News release dated April 23, 2009.
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.
/s/ Wolfgang Rauball
Wolfgang Rauball
President, CEO and Chairman
Date: June 9, 2009
If they can solve that talc issue i beleive this could be a rocket soon. Bought a few today so i'm in the club.
So can someone please give us any rumors of what might be cooking with Eurogas ? Where is this stock heading & why has the volume been up ? Any news would be appreciated on this stock. Thanks, Flop
agreed, thats why im here....
and can you also tell us what is looking so great?
And would it be possible to give us your info.....or is it a secret....
yep, looking great here.....
just need some more info and ill call this
Gonna call the T/A get it up to date
wont say what it is, untill im sure....
but put this on the backburner...
i got a great feeling here =]
BB-Relisting is now on the agenda.
After the 10k-07 was not audited (see, the US market will likely wake up after the audited 10k-08 followed by the BB relisting.
Time frame:
10k-08: 01.04-15.04-20.04
OTC-BB: 0.5-4 weeks thereafter
EuroGas Enters Into Long-Term Talc Supply Agreement With Mondo Minerals, Europe's Largest Talc Producer
NEW YORK, NY -- (Marketwire) -- 03/12/09 -- EuroGas, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: EUGS) (FRANKFURT: EUG) (XETRA: EUG) (HAMB: EUG) (STUT: EUG) today announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, EuroGas GmbH, acting on behalf of Rozmin s.r.o. (a company in which EuroGas owns or has the option to acquire a 90% interest), has entered into a long-term talc supply agreement with Mondo Minerals, a well-established, market-leading producer of talc in Europe headquartered in Helsinki, Finland.
The terms of the ten year supply agreement call for Rozmin to supply a minimum of 60,000 tons of talc from its deposit at Germerska Poloma in the Slovak Republic to Mondo Minerals with production commencing in 2009 or 2010. The agreement grants Mondo Minerals an option to extend the agreement by an additional 10 year term. Prices and supply conditions will be agreed in a subsequent comprehensive agreement; the parties have already agreed that the prices will be based on talcum prices valid on the world market (in US dollars). Mondo Minerals has been granted a right of first refusal to acquire Rozmin in the event that EuroGas opts to sell a 51% or greater interest in Rozmin.
Wulf Dietrich Keller, Managing Director of Mondo Minerals, commented, "We are convinced that the ownership and concession rights will be cleared in favor of Rozmin in connection with this signed Talc Delivery Contract, and we are also convinced that EuroGas Inc. will be a long-term reliable partner as far as the delivery of high-quality talc for Mondo Minerals is concerned. I therefore see the cooperation with EuroGas Inc. as a further opportunity for Mondo Minerals to solidify its position as one of the leading Talc-Providers and Talc Refiners world-wide and to exploit additional advantage in this area."
"We are pleased to have entered into this long-term talc supply agreement with Mondo Minerals, which we deem to be the preeminent leader in talc in Europe," said Wolfgang Rauball, President and CEO, EuroGas. "Having secured a long-term purchaser of our talc output -- a prerequisite to initiating production -- we will now move forward to secure the project financing necessary to place the Germerska Poloma deposit into production and start generating significant cash flow, a development which we believe will build shareholder value."
About Mondo Minerals
Mondo Minerals is one of Europe's major talc producers with an annual production of some 650,000 tonnes. It mines talc from its own quarries in Finland and processes its product range at its plants in Sotkamo, Vuonos and Kaavi. It also has a processing plant in Amsterdam and a slurry makedown plant at Katwijk (NL). In 2006, Mondo Minerals undertook the biggest investment project in its history, increasing finegrinding capacity at the Sotkamo plant to 330,000 tpa, making it the biggest single talc production facility in the world. The Amsterdam plant was equipped with new jet-mills, bringing the capacity up to 100,000 tons. Total capacity at Mondo Minerals is now 760,000 tpa, and a turnover of EUR 130 million is achieved by less than 200 employees. Mondo Minerals celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2007.
Further information on Mondo Minerals can be found at
About EuroGas, Inc.
EuroGas is a publicly traded oil and gas company with assets in Ukraine and Poland, as well as talc mining interests in the Slovak Republic. The company's common stock trades on the Frankfurt and Hamburg Stock Exchanges and Xetra in Germany under the symbol EUG and on the Other OTC (Pink Sheets) in the United States under the symbol EUGS. Further information about EuroGas can be found at
"Safe Harbor" Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995:
This press release includes forward-looking statements intended to qualify for the safe harbor from liability established by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
You can identify forward-looking statements by their use of the forward-looking words "anticipate," "estimate," "project," "likely," "believe," "intend," "expect," or similar words. These statements discuss future expectations, contain projections regarding future developments, operations, or financial conditions, or state other forward-looking information. When considering the forward-looking statements made in this press release, you should keep in mind the risks noted and other cautionary statements throughout this press release. You should also keep in mind that all forward-looking statements are based on management's existing beliefs about present and future events outside of management's control and on assumptions that may prove to be incorrect. If one or more risks identified in this press release or other filing materializes, or any other underlying assumptions prove incorrect, our actual results may vary materially from those anticipated, estimated, projected, or intended.
For further information, please contact:
Wolfgang Rauball
President & CEO
EuroGas, Inc.
Telephone: (212) 618-1274
EuroGas Issues Newsletter Update to Shareholders
Feb 5, 2009 1:46:00 PM
NEW YORK, NY -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 02/05/09 -- Eurogas, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: EUGS) (FRANKFURT: EUG) (XETRA: EUG) (HAMB: EUG) (STUT: EUG) today issued a newsletter to shareholders which outlines recent events at the company:
Dear EuroGas Shareholders,
In December 2008, we wrote to you about our intentions of issuing a EuroGas Newsletter, whose purpose would be to keep you apprised of our activities on a regular basis. Below you will find the first edition of this Newsletter. Although we live in the most trying economic climate in our lifetimes, we adhere to the notion that, "Crisis brings opportunity," and are resolute in taking advantage of opportunities that we are unlikely to ever see again. This approach is the key to unlocking the uncommon values that the world economic dislocations have presented us.
1. Poland
During the last quarter of 2008 Poland's national oil and gas concern, PGNiG SA (Polish Oil & Gas) commenced a comprehensive seismic program on the 3,481 square kilometer Bieszady concession area in southeastern Poland. The Bieszady concession is the former EuroGas Polska concession, which EuroGas Polska transferred in 2006 to a newly structured Joint Venture Agreement (JOA), with PGNiG as operator, owning 51% of the JOA, Aurelian Oil & Gas, a publicly held UK oil and gas concern owning 25% and EuroGas Polska holding a 24% interest.
The purpose of the current seismic program undertaken by PGNiG is to detect new hydrocarbon structures in addition to the approximately 300 Million Barrels of Oil Equivalent (BOE) potential that was reported in Poland's Ministry of Environment's Annual Report. The entire area is currently the subject of a number of very active drill programs by several oil companies. Immediately adjoining the western border of the concession area, RWE-DEA, a subsidiary of Germany's utility giant RWE, has reported several oil discoveries. PGNiG itself has made a large natural gas discovery on the northeastern flank with a reported 2.5 TCF (Trillion cubic feet) of natural gas.
Initial analysis of PGNiG's recent seismic program on the Bieszady concession is encouraging; the company will give a more detailed account of the findings as soon as the analysis of the seismic data is completed.
2. Slovak Republic
The company has accelerated its legal efforts to have the Slovak Republic's Ministry of Economy's Mining Office at Spisska Nova Ves return the mining concession at Gemerska Poloma to its lawful previous owner Rozmin s.r.o., a Slovak mining company in which EuroGas owns or has agreements to acquire a 90% interest. These efforts were made possible after the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic (the highest court in the country) decided that the cancellation of Rozmin's valid mining concession by the Spisska Nova Ves Mining Office was in violation of Slovak civil and constitutional law. The company and its Austrian subsidiary, EuroGas GmbH, plan to bring the huge Gemerska Poloma talc ore body into commercial production once the concession is returned to Rozmin by the Slovak government.
In an initiative to regain physical control and ownership of the deposit, the company has contacted with the Minister of Economy of the Slovak Republic, The Honorable Dr. Lubomir Jahnatek, and has informed him in detail about the illegal, and in the opinion of the company, corrupt practices of some of the Ministry of Economy's officials. The independent Anti-Corruption Police of the Slovak Republic is investigating this matter separately at this time, in addition to certain investigative Anti-Corruption agencies of the European Commission in Brussels. The Slovak Republic is a full Member of the European Union. Any full Member of the EU must abide by the laws and constitution of the European Union.
Based upon the recent favorable decision of the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic, the company has recently asked its legal counsel in the United States and Austria to decide whether it should file suit for damages in the USA and Europe against those government officials which were involved in the conspiracy of cancelling Rozmin's mining license in late 2004.
The Gemerska Poloma talc deposit near Roznava in Central Slovakia ranks amongst the largest and purest industrial mineral deposits of its kind in the world. The company and its solicitors are confident that the Slovak Government will return, in a timely manner, the concession at Gemerska Poloma back to its lawful owner Rozmin based on the non-appealable decision of the Highest Court of the Slovak Republic in favor of Rozmin s.r.o.
Accordingly, the company therefore has initiated discussions with a large European talc refining concern to enter into a long-term sales contract of Rozmin's talc products.
3. Ukraine
As previously announced in July 2008, the company entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with OJSC ZNVKIF New Technologies (ZNT) of Kiev, Ukraine, a wholly owned subsidiary of one of Ukraine's largest Industrial Holding Groups. The MOU's purpose was to form a Ukrainian Joint Venture Company for the purpose of exploring certain Coalbed Methane (CBM) license areas to be farmed into the JV company by ZNT; and, to rework a large number of plugged and abandoned former producing natural gas wells located in Ukraine. These wells were shut-in when Russia discovered extremely large natural gas reserves in Siberia over 50 years ago and opted to forego continued development and maintenance of certain Ukrainian oil and gas fields, including the ones controlled by ZNT. Current discussions between the two parties indicate that EuroGas will provide cutting edge oil and gas industry technology to the joint venture, while ZNT will provide the CBM license areas and the shut-in natural gas wells.
On December 24, 2008 the new Joint Venture company was registered as a Ukrainian Limited Company in the "Torgowy Register" (Register of Companies) of Kiev under the name of "EuroGas Ukraine." The shareholders are EuroGas GmbH Austria and ZNT which each own a 50% stake. On January 26, 2009 the joint venture obtained two new large CBM licenses from the Ukrainian government. For further information on the Ukrainian activities, please go to EuroGas Inc.'s website at
4. Beaver River Natural Gas field in British Columbia, Canada
Through its wholly-owned Canadian subsidiary, Beaver River Resources Ltd., the company currently receives small royalty payments from natural gas production of the Beaver River natural gas-field in northwest British Columbia, Canada. The operator, Questerre Energy of Calgary, a Toronto Stock Exchange listed Canadian oil and gas company, has invested in excess of C$ 25,000,000 over the last 8 years to return the reserve-rich Beaver River gas field to commercial production. This gas field, which was owned and operated by Amoco in the late 1960's, ceased production after a massive influx of water rendered it uneconomic at the then prevailing gas prices. With estimated gas reserves of approximately 3 TCF Beaver River ranks among the largest natural gas reserves in North America.
On December 19, 2008 Questerre reported an "unexpected success" in successfully achieving substantial production at the A5 well of the Beaver River gas-field which is currently producing at daily production of 5 MMCF (Million cubic feet) or the equivalent of approximately 833 barrels of oil equivalent. For further information on the Beaver River gas-field please go to Questerre website at
5. Tombstone Mining District, Arizona, USA
In early 2008 the company entered into an agreement with Rio Plata Mining Company, a private Montana based mining company, to acquire a 60% working interest in a large gold/silver claim area with Rio Plata holding the balance of 40%. The Rio Plata claims are adjacent to Tombstone Exploration Corporation's large gold/silver claim block in the famous Tombstone mining district near the city of Tombstone, Arizona. This mining district is historically known for its rich silver/copper/gold deposits. The current high gold and silver prices warrant new exploration and resulted in EuroGas' acquisition of two million shares of Tombstone Exploration Corporation, a Canadian mining company trading on the OTC Bulletin Board.
As you can see from the above, EuroGas Inc. is very actively involved in several exciting projects in Europe, the United States of America and Canada which we believe will show positive results in the near future and create significant intrinsic shareholder value in the long term. We thank you for your continued support and look forward to success in 2009 and beyond.
Yours sincerely,
Wolfgang Rauball
Chairman & Chief Executive Officer
About EuroGas, Inc.
EuroGas is a publicly traded oil and gas company with assets in Ukraine and Poland, as well as talc mining interests in the Slovak Republic. The company's common stock trades on the Frankfurt, Hamburg and Stuttgart Stock Exchanges and XETRA in Germany under the symbol EUG and on the Other OTC (Pink Sheets) in the United States under the symbol EUGS.
"Safe Harbor" Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995:
This press release includes forward-looking statements intended to qualify for the safe harbor from liability established by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
You can identify forward-looking statements by their use of the forward-looking words "anticipate," "estimate," "project," "likely," "believe," "intend," "expect," or similar words. These statements discuss future expectations, contain projections regarding future developments, operations, or financial conditions, or state other forward-looking information. When considering the forward-looking statements made in this press release, you should keep in mind the risks noted and other cautionary statements throughout this press release. You should also keep in mind that all forward-looking statements are based on management's existing beliefs about present and future events outside of management's control and on assumptions that may prove to be incorrect. If one or more risks identified in this press release or other filing materializes, or any other underlying assumptions prove incorrect, our actual results may vary materially from those anticipated, estimated, projected, or intended.
For further information, please contact:
Wolfgang Rauball
Chairman & CEO
EuroGas, Inc.
Telephone: (212) 618-1274
EuroGas, Inc. files official request with Slovak Republic and European Commission to accelerate return of Germerska Poloma Talc Concession to its Rozmin affiliate pursuant to order by Supreme Court of Slovak
NEW YORK, NY, 08/21/08. EuroGas, Inc. today announced that it has officially requested an acceleration of the return of the Gemerska Poloma talc mining concession to Rozmin s.r.o. by filing official requests with the Government of the Slovak Republic and the European Commission. EuroGas filed these requests on behalf of Rozmin, a company in which EuroGas owns or has agreements to acquire a 90% interest.
Rozmin, as plaintiff, successfully filed suit in Slovakia against the Slovak Mining Office at Spisska Nova Ves ("the Defendant") to recover the Germerska Poloma talc deposit. In its decision, the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic found that the Defendant and certain of its employees had engaged in illegal activities and practices, as well as having violated Rozmin's constitutional and legal rights by illegally cancelling Rozmin's talc mining concession in January 2005 and subsequently transferring the concession to Economia Agency/VSK Mining s.r.o.
In its non-appealable ruling, the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic found in favor of Rozmin and ordered the defendant to return the talc mining concession to Rozmin. Despite this legally binding ruling, Rozmin has yet to have its talc mining concession at Germerska Poloma reinstated, in violation of the Supreme Court's ruling.
Accordingly, EuroGas, on Rozmin's behalf, has now officially requested the Government of the Slovak Republic to probe the illegal activities of the Mining Office in Spisska Nova Ves and certain of its employees as found by the Supreme Court, as well as to immediately transfer title to the concession back to Rozmin. EuroGas has also requested the European Commission in Brussels, Belgium, to assist the Company in its efforts to obtain the rapid return of the Rozmin mining concession as its legal advisors believe that the Common Law of the European Union has also been violated. The Slovak Republic is a full member of the European Union and its Government has recently announced that it will introduce Europe's common currency, the Euro, as its currency on January 1, 2009.
Based on the findings of the non-appealable judgment of the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic, Rozmin is resolute in its belief that it will be successful in securing the return of the talc mining concession at Germerska Poloma.
Rozmin s.r.o. is a closely held Slovak mining company which controls the massive Gemerska Poloma talc deposit with an estimated 150 million ton carbonate reserve in Eastern Slovakia.The talc deposit Gemerska Poloma, named after the village where it was discovered in Eastern Slovakia, is one of the largest talc deposits worldwide. The carbonate type deposit and resulting purity of the valuable mineral enhances the efficiency of the benefication process and allows a higher purity to be attained in the final project. EuroGas intends to bring the Germerska Poloma deposit into commercial production.
The next step is filing the 10k-2007 (audited!) und 10Q-01 2008. Big investors want to see these numbers before investing. The next reports will be totally cleaned of the past.
The bottom line of the Ukrainian PR is sensational. This will be recognized from the public maybe next days or later this year when details come to the light and the final contract will be signed.
Thanks for the past translation of "muggel" & the press release. It seems that the press release didn't do much to move the stock though. What is the key news that large investors are waiting to hear before the stock moves higher? It seems that some may be waiting for production to begin this year or the goal of $2.50/sh may be a dream.
EuroGas Enters Into Memorandum of Understanding to Develop Coalbed Methane and Natural Gas Reserves in Ukraine With ZNVKIF New Technologies, Subsidiary of Large Ukrainian Holding Company
NEW YORK, NY, Jul 23, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- EuroGas, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: EUGS) (FRANKFURT: EUG) (XETRA: EUG) (HAMB: EUG) (STUTTGART: EUG) today announced that it has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with OJSC ZNVKIF New Technologies (ZNT) of Kiev, Ukraine, a wholly owned subsidiary of one of Ukraine's largest Industrial Holding Groups (Holding Group), to form two gas development Joint Ventures in which EuroGas and ZNT will be equal partners.
One Joint Venture will explore and develop Holding Group's large coalbed methane (CBM) reserves in East and West Ukraine; the other Joint Venture will apply modern gas extraction technology to approximately 2,000 Holding Group wells, some of which are currently producing natural gas. EuroGas and ZNT believe that currently available gas extraction technology will be successful at rehabilitating a large number of these wells.
According to the Holding Group's technical experts, the total in situ CBM reserves in the Donetsk Basin in East Ukraine, where the majority of the Holding Group's coal mines are located, are estimated to be approximately 12 trillion cubic meters (427 TCF) of CBM gas trapped in coal deposits that are 500-1800 meters deep.
EuroGas and its predecessor company and affiliated companies have been pioneers in the exploration and development of CBM in the USA, Poland, Wales and India. EuroGas was the first foreign company to drill for CBM in Ukraine in 1998. This Joint Venture is a continuation of EuroGas' efforts to establish CBM production in Ukraine through the application of modern CBM production techniques.
The Holding Group has committed to contribute approximately 2,000 natural gas wells (with associated condensate) currently under its control to the second Joint Venture. These wells are either plugged or were abandoned due to either technical, economic or both reasons. EuroGas will provide to the Joint Venture modern natural gas reserve management technology in an effort to bring these wells back on stream.
At a recent technical meeting attended by experts of EuroGas and ZNT in Kiev, both parties agreed to immediately incorporate the Joint Venture companies and to commence the rework programs on the natural gas wells. As for the CBM Joint Venture company, EuroGas has undertaken to prepare a work proposal for the commencement of the CBM activities on the Holding Group's coal mines.
The Holding Group's core assets are in the Ukrainian coal industry, as well as in road construction and transport services throughout Ukraine where it is a market leader. Through its subsidiaries, the Holding Group also controls a large number of companies in the Donetsk and Lugansk region of Ukraine, as well as substantial industrial mineral enterprises with concessions for the exploitation of sand, talc and gypsum in Western Ukraine and the Donetsk region. In addition, the Holding Group also controls Ukrainian entities involved in the development and application of new innovative technologies in energy and energy saving enterprises and owns a bank.
About EuroGas, Inc.
EuroGas is a publicly traded oil and gas company with assets in Ukraine and Poland, as well as talc mining interests in the Slovak Republic. The company's common stock trades on the Frankfurt and Hamburg Stock Exchanges and Xetra in Germany under the symbol EUG and on the Other OTC (Pink Sheets) in the United States under the symbol EUGS.
"Safe Harbor" Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995:
This press release includes forward-looking statements intended to qualify for the safe harbor from liability established by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
You can identify forward-looking statements by their use of the forward-looking words "anticipate," "estimate," "project," "likely," "believe," "intend," "expect," or similar words. These statements discuss future expectations, contain projections regarding future developments, operations, or financial conditions, or state other forward-looking information. When considering the forward-looking statements made in this press release, you should keep in mind the risks noted and other cautionary statements throughout this press release. You should also keep in mind that all forward-looking statements are based on management's existing beliefs about present and future events outside of management's control and on assumptions that may prove to be incorrect. If one or more risks identified in this press release or other filing materializes, or any other underlying assumptions prove incorrect, our actual results may vary materially from those anticipated, estimated, projected, or intended.
For further information, please contact:
Wolfgang Rauball
Chairman & CEO
EuroGas, Inc.
Telephone: (212) 618-1274
It seems that he refers to the German market price (currently 0.31 €).
Seems it is your chance now to get in...
We will see a relisting to the BB in the near future. 10K-2007 (audited) and 10Q-01-08 (and probably 02-08) will be released before that.
Other news according to talc, Poland, "gold news" and new unknown projects are possible also at every time.
Could you speak in plain English "Muggel". What are you trying to say? That we now have a break out above .375?
if this reconditions broken are 0.375 are free the way to 0.474! Chartechnisch is there seen the next reconditions! NEWS comes. Not only… flies this way that was there that will be there and so on…. German commercial centres Frankfurt EUG/EUR 0,355 Xetra EUG/EUR 0,350 10.07.2008 0,350 Hamburg EUG/EUR 0,370 Stuttgart EUG/EUR 0,362 thus on a green weekend.
becomes PGNiG at the beginning of of August 2008 a 280km long „2-D “seismology program in the southern part of the concession blocks of the JOA begin. A goal of the Seismology of program is it, the accurate drill location for two deep Explorationsbohrungen too determine. Seismology - treasure search with most modern technology In the process of geologic history oil and natural gas walked from the source rocks direction earth's surface. Blocked impermeable rock formations, e.g. Clay/tone, the way and so-called traps formed, collected themselves for oil or gas under the highest point and formed ideally today's stores. Due to different education conditions deposits of natural gas are usually found in larger depths than Erdöllagerstätten, whereby because of the different density oil gas over the oil and water is to be always found underneath the hydrocarbons. Stores rocks are porous and permeable; Oil and gas settle in the tiny, otherwise water-filled pores. Stores on the trace In order to come stores on the trace, today large areas first with highly soluble Satellitenaufnahmen are seized and from airplanes regarding variations of the heavy and of the magnetic field examined. The by far most important technology apart from these methods of general surface geology is however the study of the underground by seismology. The principle of the seismology consists of producing at the earth's surface or close for the sea surface acoustic waves and catching their echo of the different rock formations of the underground. Depending upon density and condition of the rock reflections fail differently. Porous rock - and only in this gas and oil can occur - absorbs acoustic waves, hard rock reflects it. 2D-Seismik By 2-D-Seismik one wins only a two-dimensional vertical sectional view of the earth layers below a line. With the modern 3-D-Seismik against it several lines are netlike arranged by acoustic sources and receivers. With this procedure a three-dimensional picture of the underground is won below the presumptuous surface. The production of the oscillations for seismic investigations on the country takes place via igniting small explosive loads in boreholes or via special vehicles, at which heavy vibrating plates are attached. Touched down on the ground these plates produce vibrations, which penetrate the underground several thousand meters deeply. Planarly laid out geophones, small earthquake measuring stations comparably, seize these reflected acoustic waves at the earth's surface. A geophone exists in the core of a spiral held by feathers/springs in a magnetic field. It converts the acoustic waves into electrical impulses, which are then noted in a central measuring station digitally.
Thanks for your reply on the current up trend. Based on your knowledge of EUGS, do you think it will reach the $2.50 mark by years end that the announcements suggest? I'm hearing Wolfgang is the real deal when it comes to doing what he says in a timely manner.
Consolidation would be ok, but EUGS will be listed on the OTC-BB in the next weeks... its more likely that the stock will continue the uptrend. In Germany we see very high volume with new highs (8M shares since yesterday at approx. 0.50 Euro)... also for this its more likely it will be up the next weeks. Wish you luck for your decision.
Reasons for the uptrend that are open for public are the listing on Frankfurt stock exchange (incl. XETRA), high oil-gas prices (see Polish oil-gas JVs) and the talc PRs.
Undervalue, is there time to pick up some Eurogas shares at a cheaper price before another large run-up in price? I missed the wagon before the last big news, and would like to get in without paying 80 cents/share.
EuroGas to Acquire 30% Interest in McCallan Oil & Gas and Option to Purchase Additional 25% Interest
EuroGas to Own 100% of McCallan
NEW YORK , NY, May 27, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- EuroGas, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: EUGS) (HAMB: EUG) today announced that it had entered into an agreement to acquire a 30% interest in McCallan Oil & Gas (U.K.) Ltd. (McCallan), a closely held U.K. oil and gas concern, from Mr. Hans D. Dietmann, McCallan's controlling shareholder and Managing Director, and has secured an option to purchase an additional 25% interest in McCallan from Mr. Dietmann. Combined with the recently announced agreement to purchase a 45% interest in McCallan from Regent Ventures Ltd., EuroGas is on track to own 100% of McCallan when the acquisitions and the option to purchase the remaining 25% interest are finalized.
McCallan's main assets are its wholly-owned subsidiaries EuroGas Polska sp.zo.o ("EuroGas Polska"), a Polish company, and Vienna, Austria based EuroGas GmbH ("EuroGas Austria").
EuroGas Polska
EuroGas Polska owns a 24% interest in a large Joint Operating Agreement (JOA) operated by Poland's national oil & gas concern Polish Oil & Gas ("PGNiG"), which itself owns 51% in the JOA. The balance of 25% is held by Aurelian Oil & Gas Plc, a U.K. public company listed on the London Stock Exchange. The JOA comprises approximately 3,200 square kilometers with 10 oil and gas concessions in the Polish Carpathian Mountains. The PGNiG and the Polish Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources have publicly stated in the Annual Reports on Poland's hydrocarbon reserves the existence of a potential 300.000.000 BOE (Barrels of Energy) reserve in the southern portion of the concession area.
RWE-DEA, a subsidiary of Germany's utility giant RWE, confirmed in its Annual Report 2007 an oil discovery on a small concession at the northwestern flank of the JOA's Carpathian concession area while PGNiG has recently made a large 2.4 TCF natural gas discovery at the northeastern flank of the concession area of the JOA next to the Ukrainian border where several smaller producing fields exist at shallow depth. Recently, PGNiG gave notice to the JOA interest holders to commence a large scale seismic program in the central and northeastern portion of the concession area of the JOA and has suggested to drill two deep wells in that portion of the concession area.
EuroGas Austria
EuroGas Austria also owns a 33% shareholding in Rozmin s.r.o. (Rozmin), a Slovakian mining company which is placing its huge Germerska Poloma talc (soapstone) deposit into production. Ownership of the Gemerska Poloma deposit was recently restored to its rightful owners in a decision by the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic after a protracted litigation. The decision cannot be appealed.
Gemerska Poloma is one of the largest and purest talc ore bodies of the world with 150,000,000 estimated tons of carbonate reserve. Belmont Resources Ltd., a Canadian mining company, currently owns 57% of Rozmin, but this interest may be purchased by EuroGas in exchange for a CDN $1,000,000 payment to Belmont pursuant to a longstanding agreement. The remaining 10% interest in Rozmin is owned by a Berlin based German trading company.
Acquisition Terms
EuroGas will purchase Mr. Dietmann's 30% interest by issuing 20.000.000 restricted EuroGas, Inc. common shares, as well as 1.000.000 non-voting and non interest bearing Series 2008 Preferred Shares with certain Net Profit Interest ("NPI") rights attached to it. As part of the transaction, Mr. Dietmann agreed to a lock-up agreement which prohibits him from selling or transferring these shares for a period of three years without EuroGas' consent.
In addition, EuroGas has the right to force conversion of the Preferred Shares with the NPI, together with Mr. Dietmann's remaining 25% shareholding interest in McCallan, once the share price of the company has traded at $2.50 per share for a period of 20 consecutive days. If EuroGas common stock closes at or above $2.50 per share for 20 consecutive trading days prior to year end 2008, EuroGas can force Mr. Dietmann to exchange his remaining 25% interest in McCallan and the Preferred Shares with the NPI for a total of 25,000,000 restricted common EuroGas shares.
If EuroGas common stock closes at $2.50 per share for 20 consecutive trading days in 2009 or until May 31, 2011 EuroGas will issue 15.000.000 restricted common shares to Mr. Dietmann for his remaining stake in McCallan. In the event that EuroGas common stock doesn't close at $2.50 for twenty consecutive trading days from now until May 31, 2011, Mr. Dietmann will be allowed to retain his 25% stake in McCallan along with the Preferred Stock and associated NPI.
Any stock issued to Mr. Dietmann for his remaining 25% interest in McCallan and the Preferred Shares will be subject to a three year lock-up agreement which prohibits the sale or transfer of these shares without EuroGas' consent. Any stock issued pursuant to Mr. Dietmann will be held by an escrow agent suitable to EuroGas and Mr. Dietmann.
About EuroGas, Inc.
EuroGas is a publicly traded oil and gas company with assets in Ukraine. The company's common stock trades on the Hamburg Stock Exchange in Germany under the symbol EUG and on the Other OTC (Pink Sheets) in the United States under the symbol EUGS.
"Safe Harbor" Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995:
This press release includes forward-looking statements intended to qualify for the safe harbor from liability established by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
You can identify forward-looking statements by their use of the forward-looking words "anticipate," "estimate," "project," "likely," "believe," "intend," "expect," or similar words. These statements discuss future expectations, contain projections regarding future developments, operations, or financial conditions, or state other forward-looking information. When considering the forward-looking statements made in this press release, you should keep in mind the risks noted and other cautionary statements throughout this press release. You should also keep in mind that all forward-looking statements are based on management's existing beliefs about present and future events outside of management's control and on assumptions that may prove to be incorrect. If one or more risks identified in this press release or other filing materializes, or any other underlying assumptions prove incorrect, our actual results may vary materially from those anticipated, estimated, projected, or intended.
For further information:
Wolfgang Rauball
Chairman & CEO
Telephone: (212) 618-1274
SOURCE: EuroGas, Inc.
Copyright 2008 Market Wire, All rights reserved.
SUBJECT CODE: Energy and Utilities:Oil and Gas
EuroGas Enters Agreement to Acquire 45% Interest in McCallan Oil & Gas (UK)
NEW YORK, NY, Apr 28, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- EuroGas, Inc. (HAMB: EUG) (PINKSHEETS: EUGS) today announced that it has signed a Share Option Agreement (the "Agreement") with Regent Ventures Ltd. (Regent), a Canadian public company, to acquire Regent's 45% interest in McCallan Oil & Gas (UK) Ltd. (McCallan), a closely held UK company with European oil and gas and mining interests.
Under the terms and conditions of the agreement, Regent has granted EuroGas the Option to purchase Regent's entire interest in McCallan Oil & Gas (UK) Ltd in exchange for the issuance of 10 million common shares of EuroGas and a cash-payment of CDN $ 3 million payable in three stages. The initial cash payment is to be made five months after Regent has received regulatory approval; two additional payments of CDN $ 1 million are to be made on or before March 31, 2009 and September 30, 2009, respectively.
Spencer Clarke LLC, a New York-based investment bank which provides financial advisory services to EuroGas, acted as exclusive advisor in this transaction.
McCallan's s main assets are its wholly owned subsidiaries EuroGas Polska sp.zo.o (EuroGas Polska) and EuroGas (Austria) GmbH (EuroGas Austria). The remaining 55% interest in McCallan is held by private investors.
EuroGas Polska is a Polish private oil and gas company with interests in the exploration and development of Coal Bed Methane in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin in Poland. EuroGas Polska also owns a 24% interest in a Joint Operating Agreement (JOA) with Poland's national oil and gas company Polish Oil and Gas Company (POGC), a large public company trading on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, which owns a 51% interest in the JOA and is the operator. The balance of 25% is held by Aurelian Oil & Gas PLC, a British public company trading on the London Stock Exchange.
The sole asset of the JOA is a block of 10 oil and gas concessions in the Carpathian Mountains in Southeast Poland. The blocks lie along the trend of Carpathian oilfields which have been producing since the 1850s. Seismic work has indicated the presence of potentially substantial oil and gas reserves. In its last "Annual Report 2006," published in June 2007, the Polish Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Natural Resources states, "A report conducted by independent Polish oil and gas experts, based on regional geological and geophysical evaluation of original and reprocessed data, indicated hydrocarbon prospects in 12 exploration leads within this area, with the largest one potentially containing 300 million barrels of oil equivalent."
The recent discovery of the huge 2.43 TCF (Trillion Cubic Feet) Przemysl natural gas field at the Northeast flank of the JOA concession block, bordering Ukraine, has indicated deeper hydrocarbon horizons which may add substantial reserves to the potential 300 Million barrel equivalent area situated in the southern portion of the JOA concession block, bordering Slovakia. In the fall of 2008 additional seismic work will be conducted on the JOA concession block to be followed by the drilling of two exploratory wells
RWE-DEA, a wholly owned subsidiary of Europe's utility giant RWE of Germany, has drilled three exploratory wells to date adjacent to the JOA concession block on the northwestern flank. RWE-DEA's wells are under "tight-hole status" and, accordingly, no results have yet been released.
EuroGas Austria is a private Austrian company, based in Vienna. Its main asset is a 33% shareholding interest in Rozmin s.r.o. (Rozmin), a private Slovakian mining company which holds a mining concession to develop the huge Gemerska Poloma talc ore body, one of the largest and richest talc ore bodies in the world. The ore body contains 150 million tons of high-grade talc, an important industrial mineral. The project is in the advanced stage and production is imminent.
EuroGas has an agreement to purchase a 57% interest in Rozmin s.r.o. from Belmont Resources Ltd., subject to receipt of a final purchase price payment in the amount of approximately CDN $ 1,000,000. The remaining 10% interest in Rozmin is held by a Berlin-based private German trading company.
About EuroGas, Inc.
EuroGas is a publicly traded oil and gas company with assets in Ukraine. The company's common stock trades on the Hamburg Stock Exchange in Germany under the symbol EUG and on the Other OTC (Pink Sheets) in the United States under the symbol EUGS.
"Safe Harbor" Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995:
This press release includes forward-looking statements intended to qualify for the safe harbor from liability established by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
You can identify forward-looking statements by their use of the forward-looking words "anticipate," "estimate," "project," "likely," "believe," "intend," "expect," or similar words. These statements discuss future expectations, contain projections regarding future developments, operations, or financial conditions, or state other forward-looking information. When considering the forward-looking statements made in this press release, you should keep in mind the risks noted and other cautionary statements throughout this press release. You should also keep in mind that all forward-looking statements are based on management's existing beliefs about present and future events outside of management's control and on assumptions that may prove to be incorrect. If one or more risks identified in this press release or other filing materializes, or any other underlying assumptions prove incorrect, our actual results may vary materially from those anticipated, estimated, projected, or intended.
For further information, please contact:
Wolfgang Rauball
Chairman & CEO
Telephone: (212) 618-1274
Fax: (212) 618-1276
Press Release: Supreme Court of Slovak Republic Orders Return of Gemerska Poloma Talc Deposit to Rozmin
Wednesday April 23, 2:28 pm ET
EuroGas Has Agreement to Purchase a 57% Interest in Rozmin
NEW YORK, NY--(MARKET WIRE)--Apr 23, 2008 -- EuroGas, Inc. (Other OTC:EUGS.PK - News) is pleased to announce that it has been notified of a decision from Najvyšší súd Slovenskej republiky, the highest Court of the Slovak Republic, which ruled in favor of Rozmin s.r.o. (a closely held Slovak company in which EuroGas has an agreement to acquire a 57% interest). The court's decision orders the immediate return of the mining concession, which hosts the giant Gemerska Poloma talc deposit, to Rozmin. The concession was owned by Rozmin until it was cancelled by the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic in 2005. The judgment by Najvyšší súd Slovenskej republiky in Bratislava, Slovak Republic is final and cannot be appealed. The Slovak Republic has been a full member of the European Union since May 2004.
EuroGas Inc. has an agreement to purchase a 57% interest in Rozmin s.r.o. from Belmont Resources Ltd., subject to receipt of a final purchase price payment in the amount of approximately $ 1,000,000. The other shareholders Rozmin are held by and registered in the name of EuroGas Austria GmbH, a wholly-owned subsidiary of McCallan Oil & Gas (UK) Ltd. which owns a 33% interest and the remaining 10% interest Berlin based private German trading company.
Rozmin s.r.o. is a closely held Slovak mining company which controls the massive Gemerska Poloma talc deposit with an estimated 150 million ton carbonate reserve in eastern Slovakia.The talc deposit Gemerska Poloma, named after the village where it was discovered in Eastern Slovakia, is one of the largest talc deposits worldwide. The carbonate type deposit and resulting purity of the valuable mineral enhances the efficiency of the benefication process and allows a higher purity to be attained in the final project. EuroGas intends to bring the Germerska Poloma deposit into commercial production.
About EuroGas, Inc.
EuroGas is a publicly traded oil and gas company with assets in Ukraine. The company's common stock trades on the Hamburg Stock Exchange in Germany under the symbol EUG and on the Other OTC (Pink Sheets) in the United States under the symbol EUGS.
"Safe Harbor" Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995:
This press release includes forward-looking statements intended to qualify for the safe harbor from liability established by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
You can identify forward-looking statements by their use of the forward-looking words "anticipate," "estimate," "project," "likely," "believe," "intend," "expect," or similar words. These statements discuss future expectations, contain projections regarding future developments, operations, or financial conditions, or state other forward-looking information. When considering the forward-looking statements made in this press release, you should keep in mind the risks noted and other cautionary statements throughout this press release. You should also keep in mind that all forward-looking statements are based on management's existing beliefs about present and future events outside of management's control and on assumptions that may prove to be incorrect. If one or more risks identified in this press release or other filing materializes, or any other underlying assumptions prove incorrect, our actual results may vary materially from those anticipated, estimated, projected, or intended.
For further information, please contact:
Wolfgang Rauball
Chairman & CEO
14 Wall Street, 20th Floor
N.Y., N.Y. 10005
Telephone: (212) 618-1274
Fax: (212) 618-1276
1. This company is auditing its 10Ks of 2005,2006,2007 ...
2. This company will return to the OTC-BB shortly ...
3. This company will begin operations in US (gold), Poland and Ucraine (gas and oil).
It has big shareholder support in Europe, especially Germany. It was some of the hottest stocks in the middle of the 90ties before the internet hype! Was on the ticker of German n-tv.
More later...
Undervalue- anything going on with this co.? Any idea of O/S, float, etc?
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