Company Scores Poor Fundamental Grades -
MG currently has a SELL rating on ENERGYSOUTH INC (ENSI), based on a final overall grade of 41.3 scored by the company's fundamental analysis. ENERGYSOUTH INC scores at the 42nd percentile among all 5374 U.S. listed equities currently followed by MG. Our present rating dates to July 29, 2006, when it was downgraded from a HOLD. Relative to the Gas Utilities sub-industry, which is comprised of 29 companies, ENERGYSOUTH INC's grade of 41.3 ranks 22nd. The industry grade leader is ENERGEN CORP (EGN) with an overall grade of 72.7. The stock, up 6.55% in the last six months, has outperformed both the Gas Utilities group, down 4.37% and the S&P 500 Index, which has returned -10.0% in the same period.