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I also think he should be removed.
I have a CLEAR CUT bias, though
However, anyone who says that some poor innocent person deserves to have his computer trashed because he didn't know any better is not a person I would want to make equitable decisions. ALot of people dont understand the risks of the net but that doesnt mean their computer should be trashed
How is it that I haven't seen you make the same "Bash Bob" type posts that this Mensa Man has been
making on the site? It would seem that you would be a prime person to do it.
I dont have an attention span long enough to make one of those 5000 word Bash Bob posts
Lisa Lola Sam Tim Dr. Patty Jim Bob Viperchick
"Unfortunately, many here on iHub have no idea about the people who post here and the damage they do to others, mentally, physically and financially."
I believe at least one of them is about to find out because "the marshall is a comin'"
I do believe that Lisa will keep that image in her head for many years of how she was equated to a Brass Knuckled Pie Bakin' Sweater Knittin' Grandma. I hear she can't bake or knit so it is a compliment to her
There is a picture of her hand with a Mehndi tattoo that is on her website. I think her hand is too small for the brass knuckles unless they make them in a child size.
It is getting to the point where I picturing you as some Gun Totin' Outlaw Granny hopping on the back of the Biker Dude's bike to jump parole.
Jenna really started a mess and it will take Tim a lot of time, effort and heart ache to clear up in the minds of many.
I bet his lawyer is working on contingency.
Yes and it is not a nice thing to call someone.
Maybe I should start, at my age, some name calling also that would ruin a persons character.
My emotional IQ has always been much higher.
Unfortunately, many here on iHub have no idea about the people who post here and the damage they do to others, mentally, physically and financially.
I beg to differ ma'am. That is what the entire argument is about "the rules". However please accept my apology for the "personal" nature of that post. It was intended for the group mind.
David Weed
aka the Bird of Prey
"Why are you here? No one is forcing you to post here, so why do you continue to support an organization you obviously disagree with in principal? "
I was under the impression that Bob was being brought in to implement his vision of what a message board community should be.
I was never in 100% agreement with what I saw, but it was a good deal better than what I saw of IHub before Bob ( B.B. )
I never said anything about rules and there was no need to post as you just did to me.
I have been only asking questions and iHub Bob know I will follow the rules.
Why are you getting off on me using that tone with me in your post? I have never done anything to deserve such a nasty post from you or anyone else here on iHub.
Do you call yourself professional or are you having a bad day?
Are you the alleged Brass Knuckled Sweater Knitting Grandma?
I also believe he should be removed.
However, I have a CLEAR CUT bias as I didn't like his jumping to all of these conclusions about Ms. Viperchick without trying to find out the facts. Also, in this current example he used the words "CLEAR CUT." He was wrong. This makes me question his ability to judge "CLEAR CUT" situations.
I do think that the "rules" about Personal Threads will change the perspective of this thread as now the person has no beef.
Jenna can rant until she is blue in the face and the victims may not/ will not/ can not have a voice.
I wonder if Mensa Man understands what that certain group was really trying to do.
Somehow, I think it escapes him.
I think Birds of Prey should also be removed as director as he is in direct conflict about why this thread was created.
I do not know him at all, and would not make judgement on him.
I thought about adding the other "O". But why make something clear when it is so easy to obfuscate?
Ahhh...I was thinking OUT OF.
May I ask a question?
Should there be another "O" in the acronym? I am trying to decide what that stands for on this site.
Having been through more flame wars than I care to remember, I feel I bring a unique perspective wherever I choose to post.
I am not going to quote you here so bear with me.
Were the situation reversed and this discussion taking place on another board my position would be the same. Abide by the rules. IF you cannot abide by the rules, leave. IF you refuse to abide by the rules OR leave you will be removed. That is my position. Period. Regardless of what the rules are. If I don't like the rules on a particular board I don't post there...EVER. I certainly don't waltz in tell the moderator he has his cranial structure inserted firmly in his rectal orifice and if he doesn't change things to my liking I will make a mockery of his thread and then demand that the site administration force him to allow me to do so.
In a nutshell that is exactly what is being done here.
It really is simple folks. If you want to post...abide by the rules. IF you don't want to abide by the rules...don't post. The choice is yours.
IF you are right and IHUB is wrong, the project will fail and you can pat yourself on the back and say "I told you so."
If IHUB is successful the questions you've posed are moot, and you will still have to decide according to your values whether or not you want to post here.
David Weed
aka the Bird of Prey
I second the request that Bird of Prey be removed from the Directorship of this thread. He is clearly biased and thus unable to fulfill his duties as a director of this thread.
PS: Sorry BOP, I think you're a nice guy, but this is a very tough position.
"IF you don't like the weather...MOVE!"
Maybe you should take your own advice. Bob is here and is doing his job. If you don't like what he is doing, why don't you find someplace else. you know, GTFOH.
The post that I was responding to indicated that if a post is deleted that the person should simply get over it. This thread is a forum to post and discuss the merits of messages that were deleted. In a real world comparison, you would be the jury member who thought the defendant was guilty before you saw any evidence. That is why I feel you are unfit to be a director of this thread.
Bob, I am making the formal request that he be removed as a director of this thread based on my argument above.
Sorry to get off topic here Bob, but my questions were about what was in your title. BOP posted and I just responded.
What you assuming might be all wrong so do not lump people together when they are trying to learn by asking questions.
Also, you have no idea of the personal character of any of us really so why do you make judgements of who is who?
Through questions and input from POSTERS, iHub is growing. This input is telling you folks at iHub what posters needs are and you are thus implementing their needs. Trial and error.
Posters will make this site grow and will also expand from the knowledge that many share here. The post numbers are growing.
You are nicely spanking folks but folks know they are being spanked.
Just look at all the times iHub links are posted on the SI threads and folks rush to read that link. Free advertising for iHub really.
Those that you are asking "WHY ARE YOU HERE?"
Most of us came here from SI. We knew eachother there for years, read their posts, laughed with them, licked our wounds together when we lost money in the stock market. Yes, we did follow SI posters here. Are you saying all of the SI posters should leave? Some of them are telling you the faults of SI and hoping that history does NOT repeat itself here on iHub. It seems that some are giving Matt a chance to change the course of his life also.
It is a sad day when you tell posters to leave and get out. I am here only occassionly, but your post offends me, making me not want to come here again to post.
You might not understand me, but I do not understand you and I most certainly would like to see this site succeed for everyones sake.
I just hope that the circle of truth will prevail on these threads and Bob is putting in a LOT of hours it seems to do his best.
You might protect a few, but you might lose the masses.
I agree BOP... I left and went silent because Bob told me to leave Q&A and even hear and it seems I am the only one the respected his request. Now that everyone else can do it I should be able to come back.
:=) Gary Swancey
If Bob feels I am inappropriately administering this thread he can remove me as a director.
JFTSOA, I am administering this thread per the IHUB charter. IF you don't like the way IHUB is set up...As George Carlin once said "IF you don't like the weather...MOVE!"
David Weed
aka the Bird of Prey
Sounds to me like your bias should preclude you from being a director on this thread.
Why are you here? No one is forcing you to post here, so why do you continue to support an organization you obviously disagree with in principal?
You make a very good point. I do think that there was an honest attempt by a bunch of us cronies to make iHub work for them. Many of the challenges that you may have seen could be considered tire kicking.
And a lot of us believe very strongly in what Bob brings to the table (likely just as strongly as his detractors dislike him).
BOP you do have a way with logic.
:=) Gary Swancey
How to handle having a post Deleted
1. Get over it and move on.
2. If you think the person that deleted your post was in error, see #1.
3. If you feel you have been deprived of an opportunity to win a Pulitzer Prize, see #1.
4. If you are certain that the only reason you were deleted is because the person deleting your post is a sub-human unfit for such a powerful position, see #1.
5. If you feel you have a right to post whatever you want wherever you want, regardless of it's relevance and therefore should not have been deleted, see #1.
6. If you feel it is your right to stalk and harrass anyone with whom you disagree by following and posting off topic in any thread they post in for the sole purpose of harrassing them and therefore you posts should not be deleted, see #1.
IHUB exists to put an end to the harrassment foisted off on so many boards as "debate". If that is your purpose you will find little solace here. Yes it does open the door to abuse, but there are systems in place that can more appropriately handle those abuses. It is not necessary to throw out the baby with the bathwater.
David Weed
aka the Bird of Prey
Yes, but it's not an easy task, even for us geeks.
Not that I can blame you.
"a special relatiosnhip with BOB..ROFLMAOSHIH"
I would say that you do have a unique relationship with Bob. However, not the kind that Bird Of Prey seemed to be implying in his post.
How is it that I haven't seen you make the same "Bash Bob" type posts that this Mensa Man has been making on the site? It would seem that you would be a prime person to do it.
At least they finally got their point across and Sam's thread will not be deleted this time.
I agree with Ms. Viperchick. Read between the lines of Bob's posts. He may not be here much longer, either.
Funny isn't it?
That the same cast of characters, posting the same arguments and personally attacking those that disagree with them continue to run amuck. Each one is making the same complaints and arguments over and over again. It is very clear that none of you support the IHUB concept, so I must ask this question...
Why are you here? No one is forcing you to post here, so why do you continue to support an organization you obviously disagree with in principal? Further, If you don't like a particular member or Chairperson why would you want to post on their board? Especially when they can (and do) delete your posts?
One of the strongest ways to voice one's opinion is to "vote with your feet". If you truly wish to undermine IHUB and destroy it's foundation. Leave. And take your posting volume with you. Without volume, no advertising can be sold. Without advertising to generate revenue the financial backers will pull the plug and IHUB would be no more. Unless you derive some sadistic pleasure from assaulting those who would rather not even know of your existence I can see only one other reason why you would continue this pattern of attacks...
You are afraid the IHUB concept will attract more users and will thrive, and under it's present conceptualization you would be unable to continue harassing those unfortunate enough to incur your wrath.
David Weed
aka the Bird of Prey
"Well, it's tough as heck to follow some of these arguments and try to form an opinion on who's right and who's wrong when every other post is getting deleted."
I have to agree with you there as I do not hang out in here much and wonder what the heck they are talking about.
Bad guys could have good guys posts deleted.
Good guys could have bad guys posts deleted.
Nuff for today tho. Bob has answered some of my questions the best he could. He is not the owner of the site, just paid employee following orders.
Your telling me then that if I read the post, and learn how to navigate my broser's cache, then I could dig up what I read or what I posted. Thus, that solves the problem of seeing the deleted post which can be posted to discuss.
That would pertain to only posts that do not violate the TOU but a post that a COB wanted to have removed that had no TOU violation.
Gotcha. all one has to do is learn how to navigate around their computer better. :)
Deletion doesn't mean they can't be discussed.
Granted, if you didn't copy the post to a local document or your clipboard before submitting it and don't know how to navigate your browser's cache, then you don't have a copy you can post. No way around that one.
"As for the possibility of making all deleted posts available somewhere on the site, I'd say that I definitely wouldn't want that for invasions of privacy, but think a case could possibly be made for it otherwise. I'm opposed to it, but won't swear I'm "right", so I'd listen to both sides"
Well, it's tough as heck to follow some of these arguments and try to form an opinion on who's right and who's wrong when every other post is getting deleted.
If all the evidence isn't going to be on display, I'm inclined to say the heck with this site and not try to follow the discussion.
Thanks for your thoughts.
Still do not know how deleted posts can be discussed here when they are already deleted.
A new thread that you might appreciate.
"and both had similiar handles "Viperchick" "
What was the second alias?
You're right. "Deleted" is a misnomer but I keep using it.
They're only removed from view. The only thing that changes on them is a flag that makes them not display. I can see them just fine. They continue to exist in every sense of the word.
"So, under the status quo, if someone posts on a personal thread "Wait a sec! You want people to buy this
after your track record in [ticker list here]?" and the "owner" of the thread deletes it, end of story. The post is
removed from the site because it wasn't wanted on the thread."
Are you saying deleted posts are removed from the site and not available for subpoena? Or are you just saying it is deleted from the visible site...I think that is what you mean but I need to make sure
Actually, I'm inclined to agree with you somewhat.
I feel that if a post violates one of the site's Terms of Use, the author forfeits the "right" to have the post on display here and possibly their "right" to post further messages. Hiding them is appropriate.
However, the "personal threads" thing throws another factor in there that, in my opinion, needs to be addressed. The site administrator didn't choose to remove the post from the site but is bound to let the post remain removed from the site because someone wanted it removed from their thread. No matter what the reason.
So, under the status quo, if someone posts on a personal thread "Wait a sec! You want people to buy this after your track record in [ticker list here]?" and the "owner" of the thread deletes it, end of story. The post is removed from the site because it wasn't wanted on the thread.
Not saying that I agree with it. Just acknowledging what the unwritten (but apparently binding) understanding with members prior to my arrival is.
As for the possibility of making all deleted posts available somewhere on the site, I'd say that I definitely wouldn't want that for invasions of privacy, but think a case could possibly be made for it otherwise. I'm opposed to it, but won't swear I'm "right", so I'd listen to both sides.
But not just yet. Currently dealing with something I feel is far more important that could make all other matters moot where I'm concerned.
All in good fun, my little viperchickadee.
Gary's got a great sense of humor. -g
good one
Hi Bob,
These accounts all have eerily similar names and I am concerned that somebody around here may have multiple aliases. Please devote the next eight hours of your time checking into my allegations. -g
Georgia Bard:
mrs_gabard (please tell me you're not a cross-dresser!):
Ga Peach:
Bob, how can deleted posts be discussed if one cannot see the deleted posts. Is there an archive of all the deleted posts here on iHub to see them so they can be discussed in a civil manner here?
I would also think that it would take the matter out of your hands if there should be a lawsuit in the future if someone gets attacked wrongly and post is deleted because of maybe a bad judgement call in removing them. Sure hate to try to play God when it comes to courts and laws.
What is your reasoning in keeping them from all to see who whey are dealing with really?
Would you please explain as I am sure others might be thinking the same thing?
and no..once again for the record
it isn't me posting under that alias
whatever you say Mensa Boy
I dont have the attention span to keep up with your words games and long winded posts
I aint a Mensa and I dont pretend to be
go play with the boys in your league,
Lisa Lola Charlie Chan Tim Joe Bob Dr. Patty Luke Sam John Wannabe Viperchick
Okay, this may be a "personal" thread, but it's my personal thread and it's here to discuss post deletions.
Please take the other stuff to the Parking Lot.
Oh Please if I owe an apology it would be to the alias "Viperchick" and since there was no handle that uses that singular name I accused no one of anything. Hello!
You owe me an apology for accusing me of falsely accusing me of falsely accusing you.
:=) Gary Swancey
yeah...and to think about what could happen here on this site
somebody spouting off all kinds of nonsense and accusations etc....Like stating as fact that I am posting under two aliases on this thread ....
and you arent allowed to respond because your posts are deleted..they cant be reinstated because they were on personal threads as per bob's post on this thread
then in order to clear it up you have to start another thread ..but the original people seeing the accusation might not see the refutation...and all the crap is allowed to stand.
WillP got it right ..maybe he is a mensa after all
at least Sam got his thread out of all of this...hahahaha
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