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Sounds like a powerhouse of a machine! If you're up for it, how about posting the parts list and running it on PC pit stop and posting the results? Sort of a tradition around here :)
I've lurked here now and then for a few years. Rarely posted.
I've been busy with either work or vacationing since I completed my latest build. It is or will be a kick ass machine....6th Gen i7 6700K, 32 gb of fast memory, Nvidia 970 graphics, and the latest form factor m.2 NVME Samsung 512 gb SSD which mounts directly to the MB, and allows for 4x the transfer speeds of regular SATA 6 SSD's, and boot times of 3-4 seconds or so. I have five more HD's for it as well, (17 tb's in total!) to go with the 12 or so in my other machines. (Photography requires scads of storage, including backups!) But I got a cheap copy of Windows 7, and have to do some extra steps to get the computer operational. Need to sit down, knuckle down, and get that done! Can't wait to see the 32" 4K Benq monitor in action, either, that I got for $700, like new! Fully Adobe rgb accurate, for easy high quality printing. Soon, I'll also get a 2016 Samsung 4K TV, and the computer will be able to handle both 4k monitors at once, in action, say, editing 4k video!
Yes, Bruce introduced me to building as well and I thoroughly enjoyed it and his thread. I'd love to build again, but quite frankly, it is easier using a laptop with a docking station and anyway without Bruce's help I wouldn't know how to start.
I remember when I finished putting my terminator together and was ready to push the "On" button for the first time, I hesitated, afraid it was going to just blow up or catch fire or something. Finally mustered up the nerve, pushed the button, and my Terminator, Linus, was up and running. Served me very well over the years due to Bruce's excellent design, and just yesterday I retired it and boxed it up for now. I am moving soon, so I will reconnect it after I get settled in because there are programs on it I use regularly that cannot be run in Win10 and I'm not willing to dump them and lose years and years of data.
Bruce was a great resource for all of us who love computers. I remember him fondly. . .
I'm still ruining the last terminator I built with his help, Ternimator Noreaster. A Q6600 based machine. Still using XP too :)
I remember when Bruce started this board in response to people asking about trading machines on Zevs board.
Can't believe it's been 13 years. I made the second post and from there I ended up building my first terminator; an AMD based machine that served me well.
I miss him, too. I think of him often. Today I finally retired my old Terminator I built to his specs so many years ago now, and I thought again about him and all that happened.
They say you are never really gone as long as one person remembers you, and I believe Bruce had a lot of virtual friends here on iHub who will be remembering him for a long time to come.
R.I.P., Bruce, you did not die, you merely sleep. . .
I've been thinking the same thing Newly. Thanks for putting it into words. iHub just is not the same without Bruce. I really miss him.
Miss both of them. Great post.
I've been thinking a lot about Bruce lately, remembering how he helped me build my Terminator. I can't help but think how special it was for him to have met and married Karen so shortly before his time of trial which meant he did not have to go through it all alone. I'm sure it was very hard on Karen but I hope she also realizes how much having her with him must have meant to Bruce during his final months. We should all have someone who loves us by our side during our final moments to help ease our passing into the next life. I'm happy to think Bruce had that -- it is a blessing we all deserve. . .
Karen knows I prayed for her all through this, and still do.
Thanks Croesus I and all,
Lot overdue thanks to all who thanked me for attending Bruce's funeral. Once again, know you all would have done the same if you lived near. Keep Bruce in your memories and keep his wife in your prayers.
What a nice post! I don't post anymore on this forum (or anywhere else that matters).
But that was sweet. I've been following Bruce for a long time... Lurking that is... And really appreciate that post of yours.
I would like to think that Bruce would appreciate it too.
God bless Bruce
Thank you Golfnut. Appreciate you following up for all of us. Bruce will be missed. He was quite a guy.
Old 'saws' get to be old because they're true,
Amen to that.
Thanks golf nut.
Bruce's life is a reminder to us all to live and enjoy every day and be thankful for what we've got.
Thank you. I would have liked to have been there.
Thank you,
The Love and generosity continues.
Your words paint a beautiful picture about Bruce's memorial. Thank you so much for attending and for being kind enough to represent the iHub group.
Very touching post, well done, thanks.
Thanks for the update, golf nut. You may have only met Bruce once in person, but you have been as supportive a friend as he could wish for. Thanks from the rest of us who would have wished to be there for Bruce but could not. . .
Very nice golf..well spoken...
Thanks for taking the time to post the follow-up golf nut. Enjoyed the reading
Bruce Thompson Memorial/Celebration of Life Service
Karen Thompson asked that I post about the service and once again pass on her thanks to all who sent cards, posted all the kind words, etc., so here goes.
My wife and I attended the church service and dinner for Bruce
this past Saturday. Both were a "full house". Honor Guard presented the colors, played taps, and presented Karen with Old Glory. Veterans, firemen and paramedics were represented.
The preacher asked people to speak about Bruce. After a short pause
and no one rising, decided to break the ice. Said I was representing
hundreds (Karen interjected 500)from a BB that Bruce started and moderated. Said I'd known him for 12+ years (both are Charter IHub members) but only met him for the first time eight days prior to his passing. Gave a briefing how he unselfishly helped others and loved building computers. Not sure many knew his BB existed.
Bruce was a master diver, excellent spear fisherman and loved boating. He met Karen about 6 years ago at the "trash dump" and would have been married 5 years in June. At first he attended church (sometimes in uniform after work) just to be with Karen, not for spiritual enrichment. As time went on, Bruce must have been paying attention to what being preached and began studying the Bible and was baptized. Learning and attendance became a priority, not just because Karen was there. He even attended church with a hardhat after surgery. The 25th Psalm (not a misprint, not the 23rd) was his favorite.
The dinner catered by friends/relatives was outstanding. But, more
importantly, we sat with some of his neighbors for questioning. We had many laughs.
Bruce and Karen worked in Ft. Meyers prior to relocating. They both worked in the home industry (think mortgages and RE) a mile apart from each other, but never met while there. Bruce moved to take care of his mother due to the death of his sister in a horse riding accident. Karen moved to assist her daughter in child rearing. Quite a coincident they meet in a small town in
northern Fl.
While Bruce was single the neighbors routinely got together for meals. They said Bruce was a "little rough around the edges". Then, one day Bruce met Karen at the dump and he was smitten. He took Karen to dinner on a Thursday. The following Monday the neighbors had to have a meal so Bruce could "present" Karen (and get their approval). Needless to say, they loved her (and with good reason, my words), and stated she was the best thing that ever happened to Bruce. He was a changed man. He also fixed their computer problems for food.
Well, enough rambling from this long time lurker. Hope you find this interesting. We are all better people for having known Bruce, if only thru "Dream Machine". Oh, one last thing. Bruce and Karen were a "match made in heaven".
Thank you for your Post Karen - I am so sorry to hear about Bruce! He touched many lives, here on IHub (and elsewhere, I am sure). I always appreciated his posts and looked forward to hearing his responses/posts. He will be greatly missed! I will continue to pray for you and all of his family and friends!!!
Wishing you the best,
Hi Karen...
My condolences and prayers go out to you and your family on the passing of Bruce.
I never know what to say during these difficult times, so I think back at what my neighbor's 11 year old kid said to me when his older brother died.
He said don't feel sorry for us. We are fortunate. So many people don't know what it's like to have such a special person in their lives. We do.
I am typing you this message on Terminator Apple River. Expertly crafted by Bruce in the Sandhills of Florida at the Terminator Labs.
He was absolutely right. The build went flawlessly.
Vanessa Mae - I Will Always Love You >
Hi Karen, if you get time,
would you post a link to where you and the family are asking donations to be made? I'm inexperienced with Facebook and can't seem to find the info. I understand one member here on Ihub has been in contact with you and has set up and made a very generous donation and arrangements with St. Judes Children's Cancer Fight in Bruce's name. Some may choose their own charities and others, like myself, would like to donate to the familie's choice, whether that's "Bruce Thompson Glioblastoma Fight" or some other source.
Here's the St. Jude's link for those interested:
Donate to St Jude and help kids fight cancer | St Jude Children's Research Hospital!4519!3!92051056042!b!!s!!cancer%20research%20memphis&ef_id=VuRtoAAABOlIXFxA:20160408230447:s
Karen, it has been a privilege and a blessing to know Bruce here on this board. He enriched many lives. And he was so blessed to have you in his life as you were to have him. A prince of a guy who will be remembered and missed by all who were fortunate enough to know him.
Karen, I know you and Bruce did not have long together as a couple, and certainly neither of you ever anticipated how very short that time would be. I think Bruce was so very fortunate to have you by his side during all this. I can't imagine how much worse it would have been for him without you there. I know how very hard it is to be the one left behind, but know that God has a plan in your life and never gives you a burden greater than what you can bear. Best wishes. . .
Hello Karen. I echo everything everyone has said and will say about Bruce. His generosity with his time and knowledge was an enormous help to myself and undoubtedly others. ciciagt as with all the others has it right, except the bold part below....
May God bless you and keep you strong as you navigate the days ahead without Bruce at your side.
Blessings Karen, stay strong, and thanks
to cicigt, golf nut, walk and others for representing a pretty special community when we put our minds to it.
We'll miss Bruce, but are glad to have met you Karen.
Thank you for your kind words at this difficult time.
Karen, your memo gave me goosebumps. I have just sent you an email, something special. It has been an honor for me to be a small part of your life and Bruce's. Walk
God Bless you, Bruce, your family and friends.
Bruce was one of the truly Good guys!
Hello Karen,
You have many friends here on this Ihub site where Bruce shared his knowledge and kindness so freely. If you click on his name it will take you to his profile page where you can read through the thousands of posts he made here over the years, and became an admired 'internet friend' to many. He really was a treasure, and looking at your lovely family photos on your Facebook site it is easy to see the love you shared.
May God bless you and keep you strong as you navigate the days ahead without Bruce at your side.
Kind regards, ciciagt
This is Karen Thompson, Bruce's wife (I guess I need to say Bruce's widow). I finally got into this site. I spent much time reading all the wonderful posts about my husband. Bruce was a kind, generous, caring man, so you guys really nailed it when you were talking about him. I want to thank Golf nut for coming to the VA to see Bruce. You got one of his very last smiles!!! If you can come to his memorial service that would be a blessing. I also want to thank "Walk" sorry pulling a blank on your exact handle. Walk sent Bruce a card at least 5 days a week, for weeks and weeks, he sent them on behalf of all of you. They were very wonderful. I lost Bruce on Easter Sunday. I want to thank all of you for your faithful prayers, we had comfort because of them and we were strong because of them. Thank you for your willingness to continue to pray for me as I greve the loss of my beloved husband. There is a very big hole in this world without my Bruce! Thanks for lending me your ear, and your shoulder. Karen Thompson
P.O. Box 333 Trenton, FL 32693
Just saw this on the FB page: The Memorial Service for Bruce will be Saturday April 16th at 5:00pm at the High Springs Seventh Day Adventist Church. The address is 230 NW 1st Ave High Springs, FL 32643. Dinner to follow. Please, if you can come, please do. We all want to honor the life of Bruce.
Thanks, Been visiting the FB page daily waiting for service details.
The latest from the Bruce Thompson Glioblastoma Fight facebook page.
The Memorial Service for Bruce will be Saturday April 16th at 5:00pm at the High Springs Seventh Day Adventist Church. The address is 230 NW 1st Ave High Springs, FL 32643. Dinner to follow. Please, if you can come, please do. We all want to honor the life of Bruce.
Well said!
indeed Thanks are in order
I think all the posts demonstrate how grateful are.
Picked his brain a few times here over the years myself. Didn't know me from Adam but was always helpful and respectful- I know because I lack that quality. Always a class act. I'd like to think I'll get to actually meet him in the next life...
R.I.P. Bruce...
Thank you very much for showing the world that it's ok to be such a helpful and courteous person to people you have never met and don't know.