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Why the 8-9% drop this morning ?
Sold 30% of my holdings today.
What did latest earnings do ?
I got back in at $7.45, good ride so far. See article at
I have bailed out of the stock about two weeks ago there's just so many opportunities to be made out there with solar, EV battery companies, marijuana stocks..ect with old Uncle Joe presidency Democrats are going to legalize marijuana.
Big push into solar sustainable Energies.
That's where I'm at any good dividend yielding companies onyourhorizon?
Is this stock worth it since the dividend cut. There are a lot of other stocks with much higher dividends out there now. Anybody's thoughts?
I'm in at 4.95 if that's the bottom I hope
Thanks for the info I can't wait to buy in
The co.'s policy is to pay 60% of earnings out as dividends, so it will fluctuate from qtr to qtr....
I was thinking about buying in @ 4.90 if it ever goes that low . . .so you get dividend payments every quarter correct? It looks like .38 cents a share this quarter
not sure but i'm grabbing more once i get my divy payment. if it hits $4.90 $5.00 i'm in
She's sinking like a rock I wonder where the bottom is going to be
We’re moving as slow as a giant tanker today. I was expecting some significant moves in either or both directions.
It’s going to be an interesting Friday with DHT Izzy. There’s 8,000 open interest on $5 calls and 12,000 open interest on $6 calls. The people who hold these on Friday will probably exercise their right to purchase these at the strike price which means that about 2 million shares that need to be bought and then sold to call holders or just sold if covered calls. The people who own the option calls can either sell for a profit or hold for the dividend. I’m assuming the stock price is over both 5 and 6 but maybe not $6. Just writing this down makes my head spin and I don’t know the situation with the convertibles which may be cheaper shares will be given to bond holders and they may sell that day. There must be some reason the CEO coordinated all of this but you’re absolutely right - who can predict. Could be big fluctuations in stock price that day.
We will find out Friday, to many variables.
What do you think the effect on the stock price will be on Friday having the convertibles due and options expiration on the same day
And if the whole sector is up day before xdiv, I may hang on for the dividend. Forget to say that. August 21 is when the convertibles are due as well as options expiry fyi
These tankers are the trickier of the bunch for sure.
Thanks Izzy, really helpful information. These dividend plays seem to be tricky but playing the stock in the run up sounds good.
I'm playing the dividend to the extent that if a short squeeze comes after the 21st and before xdiv. Depends on how the sector is doing. Make a watch list of all the Vlcc's and you'll have your answer. Right now I'm rolling my position. Sold this morning pm at 6.29 and bought back at 6.10. Just have to see how it plays out. every morning the convetables dump and bring the sp down. Without fail
What do you think about DHT here Izzy? I listened to the conference call and this industry Is very volatile like you said. The CEO here seems to have a good handle on things and knows how to plan ahead but much is out of his control. Do you hold this stock or are you playing the dividend?
The other thing is in this sector you have to see how the others are doing like fro, stng etc and check vlcc rates. These are volatile. If you can catch the div on a sector upswing then hold on and the div just extra gravy. Gltu
Good point, I wouldn’t want to do that
All that matters is that they - the Shorter - have to cough up real, hard, cold C A $ H
Short 100 shares? $48 please, thank you very much
On a $6 stock? Madness!
I did a little research and the person who shorted a stock needs to pay the dividend to the broker if they were short the stock on the ex-dividend date. That is because the stock usually drops the following day by approximately the amount of the dividend so it becomes a wash for the short seller so they don’t gain from the drop due to the dividend phenomena.
I did a little research and the person who shorted a stock needs to pay the dividend to the broker if they were short the stock on the ex-dividend date. That is because the stock usually drops the following day by approximately the amount of the dividend so it becomes a wash for the short seller so they don’t gain from the drop due to the dividend phenomena.
I didn’t know that
No one in their right mind would be short this stock, but I guess insanity is ruling the day. If someone is short a stock, and that stock pays a dividend, that dividend is coughed up by... you guessed it... the short seller.
So, not only does the short seller get to have nightmares about a short squeeze, they also get the final ignominy of coughing up real C A $ H on the spot to pay the dividend to whomever loaned them the shares they've shorted.
Gonna be fun the next couple weeks.....
That makes a lot of sense, thanks Izzy
I wouldn't advise that. The price will already be at a premium the day before. I will continue to hold this thru div date as long as the price doesn't get too ahead of itself. If there is a say a 20% or 30% spike before div, your kind of forced to flip it. As long as I am profiting, I will do it either way.
Thanks Izzy, I wasn’t thinking about the possibility of a short squeeze but about 10% of the shares are short. Does it always work to buy the stock one day before the ex-div date and sell on the ex-div date. I thought it can take longer than 1 day for the stock to settle sometimes.
Yes, ex dividend date is the date that it trades "without dividend ", meaning the div goes to the long as you owned it overnight. I may hold or sell depending on the price, I'm expecting a short squeeze at some point. Playing it day to day til then. Gltu!
I saw this stock a couple of days ago and what a dividend. Has anyone sold this on the ex-dividend date and still received the dividend. I understand it can work this way but I’ve never done it.
Look at the chart! Money in the bank imo
Beautiful!....48cents and Q3 looking great! Homerun
Dht will trend upward for a couple three years
Popularity of DHT and other tanker stocks is very high at Robinhood
Sure, the investment thesis here is the economy not coming back in any kind of "V" shape, and cont'd over-productive supply of oil relative to the dramatic plunge in demand, which isn't coming back to robust strength any time soon.
Plus, there's about a 0.50 divi coming along in Aug, and likely a fantastic Q2 earnings report and healthy earnings in quarters beyond that in a tanker-shipping market that won't have nearly enough vessels in the VLCC class to handle the need for storage and transport.
Was it worth it? I bought the stock at about $8.30 and have been seeing the stock tank. Ok dividend coming up whoopie, but does anyone see this stock going up in price?
Tech, it's hard to annualize that divi b/c of variability of net earnings and their customary practice of taking out 60% for the divi.
And so the divi for this coming quarter should be HUGE, maybe 0.60 (if adjusted EPS does indeed hit 1.00). But Q3 and Q4 may be back down under 0.35, assuming rates and revenues come down from their recent stratospheric levels due to the collapse of the contango to more minimal spreads.
So, super-conservatively, i estimate 0.35 + 0.60 + 0.18 + .18 for the year. That's still quite considerable.
DHT Q1 2020 Earnings Call - Full Transcript (2020/05/06 8am EDT):
Randy Giveans (Jefferies - Analyst) asked some great questions during the Q&A, once of which was this:
Q: "With your shares trading pretty far below NAV and well below energy and wealth at the beginning of the year, it doesn't seem like you're really getting the premiums, you probably deserve for these large dividend payouts. So going forward, are you open to either changing your return of capital policy of 60% payout, or using more of this cash for share repurchases and dividends? How do you balance this?"
Trygve Munthe (DHT - Co-Chief Executive Officer)
A: "... We tend to focus on the cash dividends. And then, of course, shareholders can increase their stakes with their dividends. We have, certainly, at times done buybacks as well. And when there's been fantastic opportunities or disconnects between the underlying business and what's going on in the stock market."
Our Take: Seeing that there is a current obvious disconnect between DHT's intrinsic value and its equity price, along with favorable future Q2, Q3, & Q4 conditions, these sub-7 levels present an opportune buyback opportunity. In an earlier post on Yahoo Finance, DHT's Forward EPS is projected to be $3.03. With today's (2020/05/07) closing price of 6.62, that would equate to a Forward P/E of a mere 2.18. This is unheard of for a company paying out a 21% Dividend Yield (6.62 divided by (0.35 x 4)!
Inside the ‘mind-blowing,’ ‘crazy,’ ‘insane,’ ‘ridiculous’ tanker sell-off
On Wednesday (2020/05/06), U.S.-listed tanker owners reported record-high results, executives confirmed strengthening rates on conference calls, the broader stock market was relatively stable (at least until the last hour), the price of crude oil declined … and yet, tanker stocks fell sharply in heavy trading.
It was “the craziest price action I’ve seen in my nine years covering the space,” Jefferies shipping analyst Randy Giveans told FreightWaves.
According to Giveans, “Today’s performance is ridiculous. Both DHT and Scorpio Tankers were up 4-5% when the market opened, and both press releases and calls were very bullish. These earnings-to-equities disconnects are crazy. Had I not looked at the screen, I would have assumed shares would be 10% higher."
“I know many investors who bought in the last six weeks to hold until earnings, so I guess [they are] dumping today — although to get the DHT dividend, you have to be a shareholder on May 19, 2020.”
Giveans continued, “Today’s weakness seems all about falling rates and concerns that rates are heading back to $10,000 per day — which is just silly. Rates have been quoted as ‘plunging’ or ‘diving,’ but of course rates are going down this week, because of Far East holidays, fewer exports out of Saudi Arabia, charterers remaining slow to fix, and contango tightening. Rates are still strong, and we expect rates to improve in the coming weeks.”
I think all that is required to make money here is the tiniest amount of patience and a non queasy stomach!
Anyone notice two trades at the close 16:00:01 for 261,788 shares on the ASK & $6.31 It bumped the ask to $3.40. Is there such a thing as a "double print" or anything. It amounts to $1,651,882 and times two it would be $3,303,764 It certainly caught my attention for sure! That would be ruffly 5% of today's volume just on those trades.
It was a great ER, with actually adjusted net EPS of 0.58, the figure the analysts and Thomson Reuters will use. S.Alpha and some other news groups flubbed it by reported a "miss" at only 0.44 EPS for Q1. They failed to account for the noncash derivatives loss of $12M due to the collapse of the Libor rate in Q1 (this is according to sector expert J.Mintzmyer).
The numbers the co. is projecting for this Q2 unfolding now are phenomenal. Conservatively they should do around $193M in ADJUSTED REVENUES, when one factors in the 584 open days not yet accounted for, at, say, an avg of $50k daily rates.
Great results tonight!
Stock will go up...and up!
Amazing to see the pre-mkt head-fake trading action up in the $7.50s and then a straight-down plunge at open. And these tanker stocks aren't being manipulated?
Bought another 1k shares at 6.98 to get avg down to 7.12.
Am thinking of backing up the truck and going in big on DHT if traders drop it down nearer to its rising 50dma (presently at 6.55) for a test of support.
On fundamentals, these guys are printing money. Just review the letter to shareholders from the co-CEOs on April 1, especially noting that measly $2,600/day costs for all their 17 vessels on spot-prices, and do the math on how that works out for net income combined with the income they're getting from the 10 ships (6 + 4) now on lucrative time-charter contracts:
Letter to Shareholders from the Co-CEOs
April 1, 2020
Dear Shareholder,
We are writing to you during extraordinary times. The outbreak of the Covid-19 virus is roller coasting the financial markets. In the oil market, most people were prepared for OPEC+ to cut production only to be surprised by their U-turn decision to increase supply and thereby sending the oil prices tumbling. We appreciate the challenges most industries and businesses face during spells like these.
The current dramatic swings specific to our market demonstrates what we believe always has been, and will continue to be, a highly cyclical and volatile market. And herein lies the opportunities.
We believe that our strategy is increasingly being validated. By continuing to apply strong discipline with respects to allocating capital and manage our fleet in a counter cyclical manner in combination with a keen focus on robust cash break-even levels for our ships operating in the spot market, we believe DHT to be well positioned come rain or shine.
As you have seen from our announcement today, we have entered into fixed rate time charter contracts for six of our ships. The DHT Lake (built 2004), DHT Raven (built 2004), DHT Scandinavia (built 2006), DHT Bauhinia (built 2007), DHT Edelweiss (built 2008) and DHT Lion (built 2016) will each enter one-year firm contracts at an average rate of $67,300 per day. This equates to a combined EBIDTA contribution of about $121 Million during the firm contract periods.
In addition to being highly profitable, these time charter contracts will reduce the cash break-even levels for our spot trading ships – now down to $2,600 per day for the remaining three quarters of 2020.
This is in our view very robust and we believe you would be hard pressed to find any public company matching this number. Cash break-even means different things to different people. In DHT it includes all true cash cost, i.e. daily OPEX, debt repayment, interest, G&A and maintenance CAPEX (e.g. dry-docks).
Following the six new contracts, we have ten ships in total on time charters. The four other ships all have durations longer than one year expiring between June 2021 and November 2022. Importantly, these four ships have average fixed base rates at about $31,500 per day with profit sharing arrangements on top and as such take part in the current strong freight market.
We have received numerous questions from a variety of stakeholders as to how the Covid-19 virus outbreak is impacting our business. The biggest operational challenge relates to our seafarers and our ability to change crews on regular intervals. This is simply put a headache and means in many instances that the crew must stay onboard longer than planned. We are grateful for the fantastic spirit of cooperation and understanding we receive from our seafarers and their families. Please join us with praise, respect and appreciation for their efforts in ensuring our services can continue uninterrupted.
The other area that could present challenges is getting supplies delivered to the ships. Thankfully, we have to date fared well in this regard reflecting on the good planning from our teams both onboard and ashore.
You should continue to expect consistency in our strategy, transparency in our communications and for us to do what we have said we are going to do.
We like our current position and have all ships in the water earning money. Our balance sheet is strong and healthy, and we enjoy excellent support from our banking universe. We are focused and we work hard to create value to your shareholding by pursuing what we believe will continue to be a rewarding business plan.
Thank you for your continued interest in and support of DHT! With best regards,
Trygve P. Munthe Co- CEO
Svein Moxnes Harfjeld Co-CEO
Bought a bazillion shares today at 7. Gift! Earnings later today!
I also bought some July calls, $7 and $8
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DHT Holdings, Inc.
DHT Maritime, Inc. (formerly Double Hull Tankers, Inc.), (NYSE: DHT), commenced operations in October 2005. The Company acquired seven double hull crude oil tankers that originally were chartered to OSG for periods ranging from five to six and one-half years with options to extend the charters for an additional five to eight years depending on vessel. In December 2007 and January 2008, DHT took delivery of two Suezmax tankers that entered into seven and ten year charters to OSG.
In March, 2010, DHT Maritime, Inc. completed a series of transactions that resulted in DHT Holdings, Inc., a newly formed corporation organized in the Marshall Islands, becoming the publicly held parent company of DHT Maritime, Inc. As a result of the transactions, each shareholder of DHT Maritime, Inc. holds one share of DHT Holdings, Inc. common stock for each share of DHT Maritime, Inc. common stock held by such shareholder immediately prior to the series of transactions
In September 2010, DHT changed senior management with the Norwegian shipping partners Svein Moxnes Harfjeld and Trygve P. Munthe joining the company. The company subsequently set out a strategic change from having been a leasing company to become an operational ship owning company. The strategic change included building an efficient and competent organization in DHT's management company in Norway and set the company on a path for prudent growth.
In March 2011 DHT took delivery of the VLCC DHT Phoenix and in May 2011, the company took delivery of the VLCCs DHT Eagle and Venture Spirit.
vein Moxnes Harfjeld Chief Executive Officer | |
Mr. Harfjeld joined DHT as Chief Executive Officer on September 1, 2010. Mr. Harfjeld has over 20 years of experience in the shipping industry. He was most recently with the BW Group, where he held senior management positions including Group Executive Director, CEO of BW Offshore, Director of Bergesen dy and Director of World-Wide Shipping. Previously he held senior positions at Andhika Maritime, Coeclerici and Mitsui O.S.K. Mr. Harfjeld is a citizen of Norway. |
Trygve P. Munthe President | |
Mr. Munthe joined DHT as President on September 1, 2010. Mr. Munthe has over 20 years of experience in the shipping industry. He most recently served as Director with the Norwegian shipowner Arne Blystad. He was previously CEO of Western Bulk, President of Skaugen Petrotrans and CFO of I.M. Skaugen. Mr. Munthe is a citizen of Norway. |
Eirik Ubøe Chief Financial Officer | |
Mr. Uboe joined DHT in 2005 as Chief Financial Officer. Mr. Ubøe has been involved in international accounting and finance for more than 20 years including as finance director of the Schibsted Group and a vice president in the corporate finance and ship finance departments of various predecessors to JPMorgan Chase. Mr. Ubøe holds an MBA from the University of Michigan's Ross School of Business and a Bachelor in Business Administration from the University of Oregon. Mr. Ubøe is a citizen of Norway. |
Erik A. Lind Class II Director and Chairman | |
Mr. Erik A. Lind has been Chief Executive of Tufton Oceanic and Managing Director of Tufton Oceanic Ltd. since 2004. Tufton Oceanic is a Fund Management firm for the Maritime, Energy related and the wider global transportation and infrastructure sectors. Mr. Lind has more than 30 years experience in corporate banking, global shipping and specialized and structured asset financing. From 1995 to 2001, Mr. Lind served as Executive Vice President and a member of the Executive Management Committee at IM Skaugen ASA, a Norwegian public shipping and logistics company engaged in the transportation of petrochemical gases, LPG and organic chemicals as well as crude oil lightering. Mr. Lind has also held senior and executive positions with Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company, Oslobanken and GATX Capital. He has been actively involved in corporate recapitalization, financial restructurings, investments, acquisitions and joint venture investments. In addition to his board of directors positions within the Tufton Oceanic group of companies, Mr. Lind currently serves on the advisory board of A.M. Nomikos, a Greek ship-owning company, and on the boards of directors of Alislami Oceanic Shipping Company I and II, investment companies based in the Jebel Ali Free Zone and Cayman Islands, respectively, KFH Oceanic Portfolio Company, a ship investment company based in the Cayman Islands, Frilin AS, a Norwegian private investment company, and Christiania Capital Partners, a private financial advisory and consulting firm based in Norway. Mr. Lind is a resident of the United Kingdom and a citizen of Norway. |
Robert N. Cowen Class I Director | |
Mr. Robert N. Cowen has over 25 years of senior level executive experience in the shipping industry. Since February of 2010, he has served as a Managing Director of Lincoln Vale LLC, an alternative investment management firm with a focus on investing in dry bulk shipping. He is also active as a consultant to investors in tankers and dry bulk shipping. From February 2007 to December 2007 he served as Chief Executive Officer of OceanFreight, Inc., a dry bulk shipping start-up company that went public in April of that year. From October 2005 to December 2006, Mr. Cowen was a partner in the New York office of the Washington, D.C.-based Venable LLP law firm where he focused on maritime related legal issues. Prior to that, Mr. Cowen worked for 25 years at Overseas Shipholding Group, Inc. where he served as Chief Operating Officer from 1999 until 2005, and as a Director (from 1989 to 2005) and Senior Vice President (from 1993 until 2005). Mr. Cowen holds an A.B. degree from Cornell University and a J.D. degree from the Cornell Law School.
Einar Michael Steimler Class I Director | |
Mr. Einar Michael Steimler serves as chairman of Tanker (UK) Agencies, the commercial agent to Tankers International, managers of the world's largest VLCC pool. He was instrumental in the formation of Tanker (UK) Agencies in 2000 and served as its CEO until end 2007. Since 1998, Mr. Steimler has served as a Director of Euronav. From 1999 to 2003, he also served as a Director of EXMAR, a CMB Group company. During his long shipping career, he has been involved in both sale and purchase and chartering brokerage in the tanker, gas and chemical sectors and was a founder of Stemoco, a successful ship brokerage firm that was sold in 1994. He graduated from the Norwegian School of Business Management in 1973 with a degree in Economics. Mr. Steimler is a resident of the United Kingdom and a citizen of Norway |
Randee Day Class II Director | |
Ms. Randee Day has been a President and Chief Executive of Day & Partners, Inc., a financial advisory and consulting firm focused on the maritime, energy and cruise industries with a diversified client base consisting of shipping companies, commercial banks and government agencies, since September 2010 and from 1985 to 2004. From April 2010 to September 2010, Ms Day served as Chief Executive Officer of DHT Holdings, Inc. From 2004 to March 2010, Ms. Day was a Managing Director and head of Maritime Investment Banking at Seabury Transportation Holdings LLC, a New York based advisory and investment bank specializing in the transportation industry. Ms. Day has more than 25 years of specialized international financial experience in the marine and energy sectors. From 1979 to 1985, Ms. Day served as the head of J.P. Morgan's Marine Transportation and Finance department in New York, where she was responsible for managing a loan portfolio and overseeing relationships with the bank's shipping clients in the Western Hemisphere and the Far East. She also served in the London offices of J.P. Morgan, Continental Illinois National Bank & Trust and Bank of America. Since 2001, Ms. Day has served as a Director and Chairperson of the audit committee of TBS International plc. |
Rolf Wikborg Class III Director | |
Mr. Rolf A. Wikborg is Managing Director of AMA Norway A/S and a director of AMA Capital Partners in New York, a maritime merchant banking group involved in mergers and acquisitions, restructurings and financial engineering in the shipping, offshore and cruise sector. Mr. Wikborg has extensive experience arranging operating and financial leases for operators in the maritime field and recently has been active arranging mergers and acquisitions. Prior to founding the AMA group in New York in 1987, Mr. Wikborg was a Managing Director at Fearnleys, Mexico, for two years after having worked in the Project Department of Fearnleys, an Oslo based ship-broker. Mr. Wikborg holds a Bachelor of Science in Management Sciences from the University of Manchester, England. Mr. Wikborg is an officer in the Royal Norwegian Navy and is a citizen and resident of Norway. |
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Vessel | Vessel Type | Charter Expiry | Commercial Pool | Trade | Built | DWT | Class | Flag | Hull Type |
DHT EAGLE | VLCC | May 2013 | CRUDE | 2002 | 309,064 | DNV | Marshall Islands | Double Hull | |
DHT PHOENIX | VLCC | Tankers International | CRUDE | 1999 | 307,000 | Lloyd's Register | Marshall Islands | Double Hull | |
DHT ANN | VLCC | April 2013 | Tankers International | CRUDE | 2001 | 309,327 | Lloyd's Register | Marshall Islands | Double Hull |
DHT CHRIS | VLCC | October 2012 | Tankers International | CRUDE | 2001 | 309,285 | Lloyd's Register | Marshall Islands | Double Hull |
DHT REGAL | VLCC | April 2012 | Tankers International | CRUDE | 1997 | 309,966 | ABS | Marshall Islands | Double Hull |
VENTURE SPIRIT | VLCC | Tankers International | CRUDE | 2003 | 298,287 | BV | Hong Kong | Double Hull | |
OVERSEAS NEWCASTLE | SUEZMAX | December 2014 | CRUDE | 2001 | 164,626 | ABS | Marshall Islands | Double Hull | |
OVERSEAS LONDON | SUEZMAX | January 2018 | CRUDE | 2000 | 152,923 | DNV | Marshall Islands | Double Hull | |
OVERSEAS CATHY | AFRAMAX | January 2013 | Aframax International | CRUDE | 2004 | 112,028 | ABS | Marshall Islands | Double Hull |
OVERSEAS SOPHIE | AFRAMAX | July 2012 | Aframax International | CRUDE | 2003 | 112,045 | ABS | Marshall Islands | Double Hull |
OVERSEAS ANIA | AFRAMAX | April 2012 | Aframax International | CRUDE | 1994 | 94,848 | ABS | Marshall Islands | Double Hull |
OVERSEAS REBECCA | AFRAMAX | April 2012 | Aframax International | CRUDE | 1994 | 94,873 | ABS | Marshall Islands | Double Hull |
2011 News Releases
Financial Reports
![]() |
Dividend Information
Period | Record date | Payable date | Total Distribution | Ordinary Dividend | Non-dividend Distribution |
Q3 2011 | Nov 8 2011 | Nov 16 2011 | $0.03 | ||
Q2 2011 | Jul 18 2011 | Aug 4 2011 | $0.10 | ||
Q1 2011 | Apr 18 2011 | May 9 2011 | $0.10 | ||
Q4 2010 | Feb 4 2011 | Feb 11 2011 | $0.10 | ||
Q3 2010 | Nov 11 2010 | Nov 22 2010 | $0.10 | $0.10 | |
Q2 2010 | Sep 9 2010 | Sep 17 2010 | $0.10 | $0.10 | |
Q1 2010 | May 31 2010 | Jun 8 2010 | $0.10 | $0.10 | |
Q4 2009 | |||||
Q3 2009 | |||||
Q2 2009 | |||||
Q1 2009 | Jun 3 2009 | Jun 16 2009 | $0.25 | $0.0548 | $0.1952 |
Q4 2008 | Feb 26 2009 | Mar 05 2009 | $0.30 | $0.0657 | $0.2343 |
Q3 2008 | Dec 2 2008 | Dec 11 2008 | $0.30 | $0.2037 | $0.0963 |
Q2 2008 | Sep 15 2008 | Sep 24 2008 | $0.25 | $0.1697 | $0.0803 |
Q1 2008 | May 30 2008 | June 11 2008 | $0.25 | $0.1697 | $0.0803 |
Q4 2007 | Feb 26 2008 | Mar 11 2008 | $0.35 | $0.2376 | $0.1124 |
Q3 2007 | Dec 03 2007 | Dec 12 2007 | $0.37 | $0.0943 | $0.2757 |
Q2 2007 | Sep 12 2007 | Sep 21 2007 | $0.39 | $0.0994 | $0.2906 |
Q1 2007 | May 29 2007 | Jun 12 2007 | $0.38 | $0.0969 | $0.2831 |
Q4 2006 | Feb 22 2007 | Mar 06 2007 | $0.44 | $0.1112 | $0.3278 |
Q3 2006 | Nov 27 2006 | Dec 06 2006 | $0.42 | $0.1642 | $0.2558 |
Q2 2006 | Aug 18 2006 | Sep 04 2006 | $0.36 | $0.1407 | $0.2193 |
Q1 2006 | Jun 01 2006 | Jun 16 2006 | $0.53 | $0.2072 | $0.3228 |
Q4 2005 | Mar 10 2006 | Mar 24 2006 | $0.43 | $0.3757 | $0.0543 |
SEC Filings
Filing Date | Form | Description | Filing Group | Downloads | ||
Nov 03 2011 | 6-K | Report of foreign issuer rules 13a-16 and 15d-16 of the Securities Exchange Act | Current Reports | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Oct 13 2011 | EFFECT | EFFECT | Other | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Oct 03 2011 | F-3/A | Amendment to a previously filed F-3 | Registration Statements | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Sep 02 2011 | F-3 | Registration statement for certain foreign private issuers offered for certain transactions | Registration Statements | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Aug 05 2011 | CB/A | CB/A | Other | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Jul 29 2011 | CB/A | CB/A | Other | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Jul 21 2011 | CB/A | CB/A | Other | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Jul 14 2011 | CB/A | CB/A | Other | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Jul 14 2011 | 6-K | Report of foreign issuer rules 13a-16 and 15d-16 of the Securities Exchange Act | Current Reports | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Jul 06 2011 | F-X | F-X | Other | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
DHT Holdings - Daily Candlesticks
Volume | |
Day Range: | |
Bid Price | |
Ask Price | |
Last Trade Time: |