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Why do you say that?
Finra is more likely to delist this ticker than anyone picking it up as a custodianship.
Do you have any information? Does any custodian have interest?
How do you figure?
Here we go...
Hard to believe, huh?
I guess there's always that chance. But I wouldn't count on it. After all, there are lots of tickers with the same possibility, or better, so why choose KKUR to gamble on?
Is there any hope for KKUR ? a new custodian possible?
So true.
Note: More than 3 years passed since the last update, the difference might not represent the business development correctly
What makes you say that?
Somethings up here
The dead don't move.
Slap the ask. Let’s get this moving.
Interesting. You don't often see trades go off at the fifth digit.
A whole two dollars worth, at that.
and yet it hasnt been revoked. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I can't imagine a worse compilation of warnings.
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Lotto here possibly All eyes wow nice entry
who you talking to. there are like 10 people that even know this ticker
i found it by random some 10 years ago.
never once bought any shares of it.
i am impressed that KKUR is still able to be traded.
maybe it will finally be revoked in 2022?
Not really. Maybe the same %age as the sp.
It's a rather safe bet that it's been abandoned, which leaves it as a custodian play. And there are a lot of candidates out there for anyone who wants to try and claim one.
TD wont allow
With good reason.
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where to buy at this price ? TD wont allow
LOL, man I wish I could buy at $.000001
that would be awesome
Sold my 16mill shares two weeks ago with my italian bank Sella.
Sold others caveat emptor stocks too and get my money back after ten years.
150K shares dumped out of an account at $.000001.
It had to happen eventually. It's officially back to being dead after popping to $.0006 for no reason at all.
KKUR will stop trading after Sept. 28th, 2021.
It's not going to be a suspension -- the SEC simply won't allow brokers to publicly quote KKUR and won't allow anyone but accredited investors or institutions to buy or sell KKUR (or a hundred other dead pinkie stinkies).
KKUR cannot get Current on because the con artist who ran this scam, Anthony Welch, was murdered in the Bahamas. Chromocure does not exist. So this will finally be the end.
Anyone caught holding the bag after Sept. 28th can claim the complete loss on their taxes by saying the stock is worthless and cannot be sold or disposed of. I did that one year, and I forget the form number you need to file, but it's possible.
ask them for your paper copies. Tell them you will hold the shares on your own account. report back here what they say, please sir.
thanks in advance. and no, that's not the answer to the challenge i was throwing out there that i was looking for.
but, thank you for responding all the same.
enjoy your weekend,
because until May 24 ? according to my bank at BBVA they say that $KKUR stopped trading on April 21
$BBVA has seized 5 million shares from me that it cannot sell to
There's no company here. It's a shell. Been a shell for years.
The volume here is interesting...
I am in for a little here because these type tickers with volume are the ones that explode and everyone wonders why and how they were not in at .0002.
awesome stuff. i got 500k shares says this KKUR share price is not moving anywhere north of .005.
You got till may 22nd at 4pm EST to prove me wrong!
any takers?
The SEC can only suspend a ticker once for non compliance. And they already did that when Anthony Welch ran the cancer scam. How do you think it got sent to the greys? After that, the SEC washes their hands of it and turn over control to Finra.
Finra is at fault for letting a dead ticker continue to trade that even the OTC Market people can't contact. That doesn't mean it should be allowed to, however. Or deserves to. Or that Finra gives it their blessing so that traders can try and squeeze some money out of it by making up ridiculous reasons why the sp will go up.
And now, it's right back to $.0001 where the run started and where it's been trading at for a decade prior.
and yet it was still allowed to trade.
so, what possible reason could the SEC give for not suspending this ticker since in say the last 5 to 8 years?
I been asking the same questions with all the high volume today. Also BKMP and MSITF are trading off the wall. Hopefully someone or some news will come out.
350+ million volume today, compared to less than 100 million volume over the last month - any idea where this massive uptick in volume today is coming from? Any catalysts?
The BBVA Bank (Number 1 in Spanish and South America) where I have deposited the shares tells me that I cannot sell my shares, which were worth $5,000
Response of the most important Bank in Spain and South America:
"BBVA is not a member of DTC and presents the operations of its clients to settle through a custodian, BNY Mellon, which is the one who imposes its criteria to settle. Those criteria do not depend on BBVA. In any case, if the client knows other brokers or entities that would allow you to settle the operation, you can transfer them to them and execute the sale from them. "
Prior to this, I have had other serious problems, such as losing my shares or valuing my portfolio at $ 20 million.
@BBVAInnovation @bbva $BBVA