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A dime.
Maybe there is hope after all.
Maybe a teeny weeny little bit..........
Yesterday the stock went up 9000%, bit out of the normal range of increase but no news .
What happened?
Did I miss something?
Twitter $COHG update today, zero $COHG stock reaction.
Wow L2 ask size is lookign interesting
I bought a few shares to see how this was going to go when OMNI first tweeted. I have since doubled down twice. Now sitting on an average of $0.1325. Hope this continues to rise. New custodian for me so we shall see how they perform. Could be a new long-term relationship.
Looking good today, too bad I wanted more...
125,497k bid if any one wants out at .168
If all these catalysts for OTC updates and RM come before the June 30 deadline for filings, this could go far with the right RM
According to OMNI twitter........this is the plan
They are very good at communication. Let's see how they do with selling these shells to serious buyers. I have a very hopeful outlook of their future.
Love the way they keep us updated as things move along. They seem to be fast-tracking COHG, to me that may be an indication they have an interested company in the waiting.
Given the small share structure/float it all looks very promising.
When it comes to the handling of custodianships etc. they seem to represent the new normal.
“Cheetah Oil & Gas LTD $COHG updates: We just filed a withdrawal of designation eliminating 100,000,000 authorized preferred shares that were created in 2012. We do everything we can to protect our shareholders and bring in as much value to the company. Updates to follow.”
444,861 vol. power hour at 3 pm to 4 pm
Looks like wind of the custodianship got out slow
Quit for the day and wake up later.........nice surprise for COHG
Think the volume continues thru Thurs. and this settles around .25-30 cents til RM IMO
Time will tell - fairly new to the shell scene as well......
Thinking the price of the custodianship was already baked into COHG. Plus the otc has been rather blah lately
We still have the filing update phase.......should get a bump there
Lastly the RM candidate announced/custodianship terminated (final bump)
Hopefully OMNI will get all this done before the June 30 window
Being new to the shell scene, I suspect OMNI does have a suitor(s) IMO
Should be a great summer for otcs
Got a small amount and time - I'm game.....
I guess we will have to wait and see what OMNI comes up with. A small share structure is a promising start.
Thank you but nobody seems to care..............
Cheetah Oil & Gas LTD $COHG Appointment of Custodian Granted on 4/20/2021
NV SOS really slow to update
As of now 4/20/2021
"Order granting application (210420)"
Appears COHG is on its way. No update from OMNI
Do you have any information regarding the granting of the custodianship?
The court decision was the take place today, right?
1 more week til custodianship most likely granted
Seems the RM is very good based on the price action
Once granted------assuming COHG is with the old management, this might get fast tracked with a slew of fast filings.............perhaps within a month or 2. I had this type of experience with Synergy Management ticker
Time will tell but it has moved up nicely already.....
The float must be next to nothing for this stock judging by the way this moves. I think OMNI Solutions will really try hard to get a substantial candidate since they are the new kid on the block and have something to prove.
Strange stock from Lazar to OMNI as custodian
Re-read the board a bit and Lazar seems to have terminated custodianship back in Jan 2019
Its possible there was a disagreement with Lazar with old COHG management..................then no filings and nothing getting done
COHG is really moving and there hasnt been any filings or anything of substance to rave about
Sometimes early strong price movement can be an indicator of good RM incoming
Can't say whether or not old COHG management is back on the move. Merely speculating at this point
Alstocks past posts provide some insights on COHG as well. Appeared Georgina Martin lead the COHG shell?
Having Robert Mcallister (former CEO) (he sucks) off of COHG is a very good thing. His past track record is awful and tends to run penny stocks to the ground with dilution and RS. Easy to find information on him
Hope OMNI can produce runs like Grassroots Advisory or Synergy management does. The new shell firm OMMI has no track record as yet. Lazar runs are shorter/faster and can make some good $$$ if you know the timing. Lazar shells are not hard at all
A conservative Lazar DIEN type move easily possible
This could be very promising with only 13 mil shares in issue. Not many of those around.
Hope it works out very well for you and ok for me.
Still here. This was an old Lazar play and not sure what happened. Guessing maybe the old owners let the shell go or maybe passed on.
On 3/16/21 COHG there was a new application for custodian from OMNI Corp. Solutions LLC
On 4-20-21 a hearing at 1000am will determine if OMNI is granted COHG
According to the information on the OMNI website, they are a shell firm and claim to be acquiring many more shells in the near future. They appear to be a new firm getting into SPACs
Thought COHG was going to be my 1st Lazar "loser" Got this in early 2020 and expected some type of updates and nothing. Since this was low float, I wasnt going to sell. I tend to sit thru stocks til price targets are hit or have a compelling reason to sell
Little over 1+ yrs on this. Dont have a lot invested on this. With this low floater, it could mimic Lazars DIEN.
Should this get in a hot sector and OMNI is a good shell company, this could touch 1+
Read something about case reassignment on this message board in Jan 2021. So I think OMNI will get custodianship
OMNI appears to be fast tracking COHG. Willing to bet they have a buyer for the COHG shell
Rumor in the past was that the old owners got the COHG shell back with Lazar (never were any filings).....................then nothing til OMNI applied in March 2021
Don't think OMNI is getting COHG back for the old owners of this shell (JMHO)
You still in COHG?
You still in COHG?
I agree with you.
Got this Lazar hold over and never expected this to do nothing
Sorry for late reply
I dont have a lot in this like some heavy hitters in Lazar land.
Dont see any point in selling for a loss and will continue to hold through
Some recent activity in the last week Feb. I hope the shell has been resold or something finally going here
This is the only Lazar play I didnt make easy money on. Can't win them all. With Lazar I have a great track record
All isnt lost yet. Pain the rear to have a do nothing stock in portfolio.
Somethings probably happening behind the let's see what happens
According this PR Jemi Fibre since 2016 is a division of CanWel Building Materials Group
someone got 340 shares yesterday?
few months back they filled me 300 and 400 shares at .015 or so lol
With the old owners taking this shell back, its less likely we have a "Shanghai surprise RS (reverse split).
Truly some dumb RSs with the Lazar Tickers with low os like 20m and 40m.
It wasn't easy to get shares in the .02 or less range.
Be interesting to know the current float and if there are any restricted shares
after months of dormancy
& after my dd... there has been
consistent accumulation here.... appears
something is going on.... who knows...
would love to see filings.. then we get
lift off
good luck to all