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I agree...Breaking Bad is a fantastic show and i hate to see it many classic one-liners in it.
Breaking bad is a whole other story...what an awesome show....
LOL! Now THERE'S an advertising bi-line!
dunno if i can bear to tune in again....i named it the Walking Stupid and turned it off after about 4 episodes.....
Well, since you haven't been watching, and I don't want to give anything away, you've only proven that perhaps they are fulfilling your every dream.
Bad memories.
Why? What's wrong with Friday?
Any night but Friday.
Tell you what teeth-jar-man let's watch it together on a Friday night somewhere it's cold
that's it watching from now on and cheering for the liberal slaughtering zombies
Plenty of weapons, even tanks, in Walking Dead.
STFU and watch it. I have yet to find a angle Breaking Bad fan that said Season 2 on of Walking Dead is anything less than awesome. You haven't watched one second of Season 2 so quit being a lazy presumptious shit bag and sit your ass on the couch and watch it or I'll rip your jaw off and leave you looking like one of the characters.
Maybe it's in the future and the liberals have found a way to remove most of the weapons from society. There is no need for an army because we all live in peace like fake world. The ZOMBIE attack was God's punishment for being so stupid. I hope the Zombies win now
zero interest the show is stupid
If you like lesbians watch it. lol
Oh haven't seen it.
Orange is the New Black
Walking Dead? Season 4 coming up. Season 2 and 3 were Breaking Bad good.
What? There is no season 2 yet? Didn't they just start it?
Wait until you meet The Governor.
Makes Gus look like an angel.
Season 1 is like initiatin into a fraternity. It sucks bu it's worth it to get to Season 2.
It's like they made money in Season 1 then used that money to hire better writers and production staff.
oh heavens no Rawnoc says it's all better now.....bullshit the show is idiotic.....people that stupid couldn't survive in a world free of zombies
lol you just ruined the show for me and also my opinion of derf
I haven't finished the entire season yet. I think I am up to the sixth episode. I am on the fence with that one. Wasn't crazy about the first two episodes, loved the next two, the fifth episode was so bad I felt tortured watching it, and then the sixth episode was better.
Very good...waiting for the next season...
Yes, Season 1 sucked. Keep watching. Season 2 on rocks.
someone woke up then cause the first season stunk on ice
The bridge is pretty good....also feel "the Coven" will be off the hook...
Maybe try giving it more than 15 minutes?
A group did get weapons galore from an army base, even killing surviving soldiers to get the weapons.
Walking Dead rocks.
Oh please....Walking Dead is so bad i turned it this pack of IDIOTS are fighting Zombies in the most heavily armed country in the history of humanity and not only do they not upgrade their weapons at the nearst gun store or military armory these pea brains are counting bullets and using bow and arrows....they spent i don't know how much time trying to fix that pos motor home?...huh?....ditch it climb in the nearest vehicle.....oh my what are we gonna do about a part for out wennibago....oh for crying out loud.......gee nearest army base....hummers...tanks and every massive weapon you can think of from tanks to machine guns to mines to you name it.....the script writers should be drawn, quartered, shot, hung and burned
Agreed. Overall Season 1 of Walking Dead actually sucked. Season 2 on = crack-like addicted.
Yeah, I don't get it. Their profit margin would go way up if they didn't have shipping and DVD burning costs.
i only do the streaming - i refuse to pay for both - and i agree they need to get more streaming - especially new movies
Yes. We'd get three movies then never get around to watching them. When the kids were at home, my son would load it up with all his movies.
If they updated their list of streaming movies, it would be worth it....maybe
I may reinstate it. We just found we had DVD's sitting around for months.
Yeah, I cancelled my netflix when the changed the pricing but reinstated it this summer to watch Breaking Bad.
No. Isn't that on Netflix only? We cancelled our Netflix.
Do you watch Orange is the New Black?
Yep, how could you not love Bill Murray the zombie?
You need to give it more than one try. If I remember correctly, the first few episodes were just story building.
Mad Men has gotten boring, but Walking Dead is great.
And to DDF, if you liked The Stand, you will love where Walking Dead goes.