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Unfortunately the company's stock registration has been revoked without notice to shareholders, ie., no prior SEC Suspension, and the stock can no longer trade publicly.
Shareholders still own shares but the company is now a private company with no public stock.
Shareholders should contact the company, and if the company has any viable assets they should compensate aggrieved shareholders.
So is this a suspension? Or De-Listing?
BIAD registration revoked: (no prior SEC Suspension)
Check finra!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is it me or does the spread seem to be wider than normal. Someone expecting news soon?
I saw it, but that doesn't mean anything. Obscure stock to buy by a random person who knows what a 13G is (likely filed by an attorney who the investor paid). Not saying good or bad investment, but just doesn't smell like a coincidence to me.
Check the address and you will see it's one of those $1 M track homes in Concord average neighborhood.
Good point. Didn’t think of that. Best of luck.
The only reason I think this person is not an idiot is because he or she was sophisticated enough to know to file a 13G. Normal people have no idea what a 13G is or when it needs to be filed.
Agreed, no $, means no success. I did the same research, but couldn't find anything. Let's see what happens.
Yeah I noticed that a few days ago. Couldn’t find anything on the person. Lot of people w that name in California. Very sophisticated investor or complete idiot ? Who knows ??. I picked up 100,000 at .003 a couple days ago. Also emailed Tom Barr who said they were still ironing out funding issues. Hard to do anything without cash.
New 13G filed. Can't find any more info on the holder. Looks like his or her first SEC filing ever under this name. Would seem kind of random for a person to just pickup more than 5% and then know that it would trigger the requirement to file a 13G. Must be a sophisticated investor. Wonder what prompted him or her to buy this position.
IT's moving alright, south.... ouch!!!
sure would like to see that decimal move a couple more places over to the right on the bid. :)
The bid has gone from .003 to .008 and now up to .017 but no news, maybe it's time for great chip results to be announced.
Zeno gets financing, $1.2M in tranches, making BIAD’s stake worth ~$7M. Good progress, wish it was only faster.
Don’t know much about Zeno other than its MML partnership w/ BIAD.
Sold Zeno for a quick trade as it fell. I thought it would run higher but quickly ran out of gas.
Do you think zeno needs a bump in their stock for their own funding purpose? Are they a one trick pony or do they have other projects? If biad goes up I don't care either way, lol.
Were you on the bid and dropped off.
Well. Tom just responded saying they won’t be making any PRs and to refer to ZENOSENSE for details.
According to him this achievement does not mean a Milestone per se. but they expect further funding from Zeno
Glad to hear it's milestone payments. Had a bio where both parties were required to fund at various points. Bio did not have the money for it's share and the bigger company took over wiping out the stock.
Thx 13. And yes. I’m sure Tom could use all the encouragement they can get.
This is truly an extraordinary development. Being 4x as sensitive in a hand held POC device with immediate results versus the next best solution in an hour long lab test is the difference in a proper response or death by heart attack.
Not sure where this is all going to lead but the market clearly understands the potential based on ZENOSENSE’s price action.
What the market doesn’t clearly understand is that today’s news is all of Bio-AMD’s doing and MML is 60% BIAD and only 40% ZENO.
I would also venture to say that this news marks a “ Milestone “ and BIAD should receive operating revenue as a result. Hope Tomnupdates shareholders on these matters.
Nice buy of Zeno, you're already making $. Good idea re Tom, maybe I will email him as well to congratulate.
I emailed him this morning and congratulated him. Zeno great trading stock last 6 months. Runs btwn .30 and.70 pretty consistently
Smart. I wrote Tom to encourage him to send out a press release. He said months ago he would once they had “significant” news and this is. Almost a year’s wait but results are phenomenal.
Encourage every shareholder to write Tom. Congratulate him and his team.
I bought some Zeno today too just because of this news. Last big news share price rose 10x.
MIDS in a point of Care device could save countless heart attack victims through early detection. Very encouraging
Until our BIAD gets discovered....
Fantastic price rise for Zeno, we just need to wait until the public finds out that we own 60% of the technology. I picked up a few more shares.
You are correct. Zeno sec filing spells it out pretty clearly. Basically Zeno appears to have an angel investor funding it for them and biad provides the brains at Mids Med partnership developing it
No. BIAD owns 60% of the partnership. In return ZENO pays BIAD milestone payments to fund BIAD operations. If ZENO fails to fund BIAD, ZENO forfeits their 40% interest in MIDS.
Then BIAD controls it entirely and the resulting direction for getting it to market.
Hopefully this leads to a release of the device to the medical community. Any worries that zeno could gain control and cut sh out, not knowing all the partnership info.
“The MIDS LoD of both these brands was seen on a reliable, repeatable basis at around 50,000 beads, with good signal linearity (required for accurate assay quantitation) at higher numbers. This number of beads detected at the LoD is approximately four times lower than the maximum threshold and therefore well within the range advised by Future Diagnostics as suitable for a HS troponin assay.”
Well done $BIAD team!
Haven’t emailed since the mid May email I posted. I try to touch base with him every other month. Zeno issued pr recently. They should be close to some new info. It’s so thinly traded it seems any volume creates a big move one way or the other.
Any more news from Tom? They should know more by now.
Stock tanked but might be a good buying opportunity.
Thx. DK
THANKS! glta
Second that, thank you for posting the update from Tom. We can wait a little longer :)
Thank you for the update from Tom.
Sounds like very positive progress albeit slowly.
Any volume at all is a good sign!
Up 50% since my previous post ??
Email from Tom
Hi Russ
I am not in the lab today but I have just spoken to Dr Djennati on routine
call a few moments ago.
Yes, there has been some delay but we are now very close; there is one
remaining filtering oscillation issue (minor) that is being addressed by
adjustments to an RC circuit. The analogue and digital circuits are
otherwise complete, with all the data acquisition in place. Then we will be
just about ready to progress to testing , and can already see the beads in a
low concentration sample we had previously used, so that's like for like.
It's early days but we appear to have (as of today), at first glance, around
2.5 times the output from that same sample c.f. the old circuit, with far
less noise, and that's even before we put it on batteries in a shielding box
(which will further improve things). So it's looking good technically and we
believe (for confirmation by a third party) that we were actually detecting,
on the previous electronics, far fewer beads than we had previously
calculated, which also appears to be good news.
I apologise for time this is taking but it's not an easy endeavour.
Don't think so. ZENO was up today. This is an investor closing a position in a stock with no volume.
Tanked it.
Zeno filed something yesterday that they would be late filing 10k. Guess it could be related to that
No news.
Someone wants out and in a stock that thinly trades on no news this is what happens.
Opportunity not for faint of heart.
Thanks AOI. I reached out about a month ago and he said something similar but it was "a few weeks" before he was planning to go public with it. Clearly they're trying to make something work that's off. But sounds like they're close. If I hear anything more I'll share.
But suspect the next time we hear from Tom it will be an official update/press release very long awaited.
Email from Tom
Dear Russ
We are rejigging some of the electronics prior to another testing round. I
hope to have something out in the next two weeks.
Anything more from Tom? I'd expect an update soon.
Thanks for contacting him. So so response despite the positive undertone. I guess we'll see what the near future brings.
Emailed Tom to check in progress. Here is his response
Nothing as yet that we will announce, but we are comfortable, after a recent
third party assessment, that we have achieved an unheard of level of
detection already, i.e. that based on the current detection limit of our
relatively basic set up, and the number of molecules present for a
concentration of 2.5 pg/mL, in theory it is possible to reach the required
sensitivity of a HS-TnI assay.