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$CYXTQ At this level we are headed to dimes and quarters.
Thanks for the reply! No worries. I abandoned Q plays for about a decade or so and got back into them about two years or so ago. I stopped back then because I was not finding much, but I think that might be changing. If you do ever get back into it, check out the Disclosure Statement of FBNCQ (Doc 622). I would love to get your thoughts on it if you do get back into it.
Hi oich ! I got away from everything for a while. I was thinking about Q's just the other day though.
This virus bust of 2020 will make 2008 look like a minor blip. There's gonna be a lot of sh*t hitting the fan.
Sears, Penny's JCrew, … there's a bunch of big names already.
The only way I'd play these today is for the bounce off the death drop. No common shares will survive these reorganizations.
I Got back into my miners last June, and I'm right where I want to be with them.
Things are going so good I almost hate to rock the boat LoL!
I don't think I have the time to give the Qs any more.
Cork - Are you done with Q plays? Check out FNBCQ. Plan has been confirmed. Commons look to be intact. Would love to see you back into BKs. There seem to be a fair amount out now that may be worth investigating.
BIOAQ Bankruptcy has been closed and is about to explode IMO... TIme to watch
ESPIQ Undervalued BK Company!
ESP PetroChemicals Completes Successful Restructuring:
Was anyone else playing this stock many years ago? Just curious. Congrats to those that did and a big thanks to AS for the pick.
In my humble opinion SHLD files by the end of 2017
Hey, Cork: What companies do you think will be the next Qs to come our way?
Cork Merry Christmas ,, told you in feb q plays were going to be nice. Heads up today energy sector new one. 3 years ago trading around 60 bucks, around 80C now.. going to be adding a q to it first of year. prepackage plan. enjoy.
The death drop never fails to inspire an OMG !
3 months later boom, Faster than what I was thinking but such is life. This board is going to get active, Sad to say. Hopefully folks have built speculative capital. Going to need folks who can spend time digging through filings. as they hit. DIP readers will be great also. and then network on the ground folks who can go see in person different places nationwide and get pictures. wonder if this board can meet the need.
News coming
It's rough seeing the big names going down again. Two bits says the banks are going to own everything in the energy sector before they're done raping and pillaging. The shareholders built these once proud companies, and now they're gonna take it in the ass on the way out the door.
There is no rule of law. The markets are as crooked as a dog's hind leg. Buying physical gold and sliver (and holding it outside the banking system) is the only way to beat these shameless bastards at their own game. GL i
Good to see you brwtrpilot again my old friend. I'd say your assessment is not only brilliant but absolutely spot on.
We are approaching another crises, similar to the spring of 2007 before the shit hit the fan, or maybe a higher order of magnitude like the Friday afternoon before Sunday morning Pearl Harbor.
I'm locked in a battle with cancer right now that is requiring an ever increasing level of commitment. Radiation, chemo and that that whole regimen of misery.
I'd say the first step in getting a board crew together is to add a mod to this board that knows what's going on. It's yours if you want it!
HI Cork,, very long time hey. The feeling I have after such a long time is that Q is going to be big again in the next six to eight months. as you recall we did very well with some in the past smurf stone. lol vrml pilgrim etc. of course this is just speculation but now would be a great time to find talent here on the board who have time to research and read filings. a boot camp as it were. I'll drop by when things start heating up again. till then get a crew.
Q players take note! Merry Christmas to all!
Hey bluebird, good to see you and yes I remember you too! I must confess, I've gotten away from the q's the last few years. I haven't been following VMSYQ so don't have any particular insights other than the stuff you probably already do anyway. You know the drill. Check the status of the commons, patents, intellectual property and the like. Watch out for the old stakeholder/stock holder dodge too.
Their bankruptcy announcement was clear back in 2010 so one has to wonder why now all of a sudden it's ramping up again. A lot of times it's just IHUB hype looking for suckers.
Please feel free to check out my Mining and Metals Board.*~Mining-and-Metals-Du-Jour~*~-15977/
We can always use good people!
Hey Cork, I remember you from years ago.... 2009-2010 thereabouts, anywho what is the story on VMSYQ? You got anything... it catapulted the other day...
Hey does anyone know if someone can buy a stock in bankruptcy as a shell??
I am watching VMSYQ and noticed it has had some serious action...
Moly Corp MCPIQ 2,500 Employees with
assets listed as of 2.4 billion and debt of 1.79 billion on the
bankruptcy filing day. stock closed at .12 Friday
Alpha Natural Res. ANRZQ 8,300 employees
Assets 10.1 billion debt 7.1 billion
stock closed at .028
Quicksilver KWKAQ 293 employees
listed assets of $1.21 billion and liabilities of $1.35 billion in its bankruptcy petition filed on 03/17/15
stock closed at .028
ANRZQ a better BUY
Walter energy files 07/15/15
2300 employees
both file for bankruptcy this week
Hard to believe MCP was in the 20s
three years ago. Both have high debt,
unknown if any value left
Oops, and agreed. Gltu ChuckD
Agreed. I don't think there is any hope for the common shares but should be some trading opportunities.
I think its MDWCQ
MDWSQ looks pretty stinky.
Attention campers:
Dimeq, players, Judge Brock ruled in our favor and found 400,000,000 for those that did not trade in their shares for new company shares.
Whoo hoo
TMCV/TMCVP Temecula Valley Bancorp
Motion to Approve Compromise Under Rule 9019 Notice of Motion and Motion for Order Approving Settlement Agreement By and Between the Trustee and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; Memorandum of Points and Authorities; Declaration of Helen R. Frazer in Support Thereof (with proof of service) Filed by Trustee Helen R. Frazer (4/10/15)
Source: PACER [Docket 161]
Hearing scheduled for 5/7/2015 at 9:30.
TMCVP holders could recover about $1.72 based on a $10 liquidation value.