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AXLA: Company Dissolved. Shares Cancelled.
FINRA deleted symbol:
AXLA delisted from the Nasdaq to the OTC: (PPS dropped 37% on the delisting to $3.42)
What is this pre split, the equivalent of .40 cent range?
Very nice!! Congrats m0n!
it happened 7 up to 11
AXLA: Don't ya all just LOVE these timely 'NEWS' articles, which purport to tell you SOMETHING, but in truth tell you NOTHING!!
I m LoL all the way to the bank! LoL
7.50. The Market is a Machine. The three little Pigs were at the Market Price Waterhouse... Welcome 333 Pig 97.7
This is going to run hard very soon. Just watch! To 20's again until this Friday.
Yes RS at $12 yesterday today the dice rolled and crapped out. Can someone explain who thought $12 was a great PS. This company was better off getting bought out by the big three. The volume says it all. Oh well can`t really sell falling this fast off the cliff.
7...7.50 ... The Casino rake
AXLA: But, like you underscored earlier, it was a great run for folks who could hold it through its many ups-&-downs. And it WILL come back, but only after it SINKS way, way, way, down in price.
They really thought it was a good idea to raise the price to a bench mark that will take the rest of the year to get back to. Very disappointed in the direction the company has gone. Even the board has stopped chatting. Sad sad week for AXLA😔
The price will go up very soon. Nothing has changed as for financials. The price is <0.4 pre .split
AXLA: Indeed!!! If anyone had grabbed it a couple MONTHS ago. And lastly, what a DUMB RS they just did!!! Did they have to (artificially) SOAR the price of their stock by THAT much????!!!!! REALLY a stupid move by that Firm!!!
More like a 15 bagger run... went from 10 cents to 1.48 lol
AXLA: It had its 10+-bagger-run, & now things appear to be OVER --- until the proverbial 'FAT LADY' sings again???
AXLA: WOW!!! Are you joking??? In any event, MONSTER THANKS for THAT info!!! I was CLUELESS!!! (And yet NOW I see that Google has that splattered all over the Planet!! STUPID ME!!! See live film-clip of ME, right now, below!!)
nope perhaps tuesday after the split 25x49c 12.75 open buy at 9.50
Not yet. 36c
Company needs to release positive news to keep this thing from continuing its free-fall.
Maybe wash rinse repeat
More like a dumper
This is a Pumper
Not happening sorry
There is no reason to buy this thing until after dust settles on r/s.
There are 6% shorts. Not very many to cover.
Never a good sign. Anybody pumpimg is never a good sign. No guessing. H pump.
Somehow I don't see this skyrocketing in the morning...R/S scares investors away no matter what the situation is...(hope I'm wrong)
Remember that the company is on a solid financial footing.
This just gets them compliant with NASDAQ.
Far fewer shares available for shorting on Monday.
So not only the shorts have to start covering tomorrow, they won’t find it easy to short on Monday.
Less liquidity means fewer shares available to short next week.
This will actually skyrocket in pre market in the morning.
Now shorts have a problem:
It is too late after the 18th.
They won’t be able to find the shares to cover.
Also this is no rinky dink penny stock with billions of shares outstanding.
Float is already small.
And then you have over 65 percent institutional ownership.
Reverse split stocks have been hot lately.
This stock already has over 65 percent institutional ownership.
So it has a small float.
Also now shorts have to start covering otherwise they won’t find the shares to cover.
Retail selling doesn’t mean much.
What do you consider a ton? And, at what price?