Arrhythmia Research Technology, Inc. (ART) is engaged in the development of medical software, which analyzes electrical impulses of the heart to detect and aid in the treatment of potentially lethal arrhythmias. ART’s product consists of signal-averaging electrocardiographic (SAECG) software named the PREDICTOR series. Its SAECG product is used in a National Institutes for Health (NIH) funded investigation into Risk Stratification in MADIT II Type Patients. ART’s wholly owned subsidiary, Micron Products, Inc. (Micron) is a manufacturer and distributor of silver plated and non-silver plated conductive resin sensors (sensors) used in the manufacture of disposable integrated electrodes constituting a part of electrocardiographic diagnostic and monitoring instruments. Micron also acts as a distributor of metal snap fasteners, another component used in the manufacture of disposable electrodes. In June 2010, the Company purchased RMDDx Corporation, through its subsidiary, RMDDxUSA Corp.