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Clearly, someone isn't co-operating.
Looks like he’s going to jail now
Mr. Lee might or might not be smarter than me but I at least I didn't scam people out of 4 million bucks and rip people off for another 16 million.
ATCC: SEC Charges CEO of Microcap Public Company for Defrauding Investors
Securities and Exchange Commission v. Seong Yeol Lee and Ameritrust Corporation, et al.
SEC Complaint:
Exactly or un-exactly how soon do you think that is going to happen?
It's been over a year now.
Like never?
ATCC: SEC Charges CEO of Microcap Public Company for Defrauding Investors
Securities and Exchange Commission v. Seong Yeol Lee and Ameritrust Corporation, et al.
SEC Complaint:
ATCC SEC Admin. Proceeding for severely delinquent Financials:
Great - I hope he is well.
Don’t know I’ll reach out to him tomorrow.
I see three of the 10Q’s were amended big changes in TOTAL ASSETS.
Have you tried calling Mr. Lee lately?
How is Mr. Lee feeling lately?
What a colossal POS ATCC is....
I suppose....
I know this stock sucks.
How do you know he is in the hospital with kidney failure and on dialysis?
Odd. I called him early last week or the Friday before and he just picked up the phone, told me it would get done, and hung up. I never pressed him but he never eluded or sounded to having this issue. I hope he gets better and makes a full recovery.
I do think it is a scam but at the same time I sorry to hear about Mr. Lee being in the hospital with kidney failure and being on dialysis.
I wish him nothing but the best.
I don’t think it’s a scam Mr. Lee’s in the hospital kidney failure and on dialysis.
I am still a buyer under a penny if this ever comes back.
I knew it then this was a scam.
Perhaps the next magic trick will be a 1+ trillion share cancellation and ?????
EXPERT MARKET - your investment is now worth ZERO.
ATCC now trading at .1425.
The tightly held longs didn't do much from stopping this from going from $2.85 to $.15.
Not too worried about them...............
The problem is, that ATCC is so tightly held by longs, it might take a bid at .01 to .05 to ever get lucky and get any shares in it, if it played a stint on ExpMkts. Seen that on others already...
0.0001 sounds about right...
Sooo, should we slip in bids GTC at .0001 before the EM sentence hits?
Or maybe .01
What does this post mean?
Quiet expansion during chaos, very nice!
Yes ATCC is a SEC Filer
Aren't they a SEC flier?
Because the 12th was a Saturday the SEC allows one additional Business day which is today so tomorrow it’ll most likely go to the expert market he’ll be over the threshold.
Going to hit?
Didn't it already hit it?
Looks like this is going to hit a brick wall.
It’s a shame.
It's a large company. I wouldn't expect something to drop immediately the day of. They could become delinquent, they may not. I'm just waiting.
No you didn't but you did tell Jim Paul they have zero clue of that......
Did I said I do?
Oh I get it - YOU HAVE 100% CLUE.
Well that’s the document that’s not filed no mystery here and he’s delinquent on the 10 K
You have zero clue of that. We sit here and wait.
If Lee doesn’t file the 10 K before February 12 the Company will lose all of the market makers and go to the expert Market unless he filed a five day extension which would give him until February 18. This isn’t looking good he must be having problems with his audit.
Oh yeah.
I got my seatbelt strapped on!!!!!!!!!!
2022 is the year of $ATCC be prepared!
3/2021 $2.85
4/2021 $2.24
5/2021 $1.97
6/2021 $1.39
7/2021 $1.25
8/2021 $0.83
9/2021 $0.84
10/2021 $0.82
11/2021 $0.42
12/2021 $0.41
1/2022 $0.41
LAST - $0.16