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AANI SEC Suspension:
ADMIN Proceeding:
I understand that im new to trading stocks... But why is this going up at all? Everything I see says the company has ceased operations and in no longer in business. Is there something I cant see?
well the only thing I was trying to change, was you and other investors from losing anything on a dead company.Ive been in AANI since 2005 and it was all downhill,I really don't know how this other company took there name that is the weird part.but I do know they are not connected. peace.
I read what you said and that was it. DD at this point will not change anything. What ever happens, happens. I find the whole thing hard to believe.....but then everywhere you look are events that are very hard to believe. On a whole basis this Country is in sad shape.
well , have you realized that there are 2 AMEDIA NETWORKS? a broke defunct one, and another that appears to be an up and coming prosperous company.
wrong company!!! I really truly wish that was the case. but they are not affiliated at all with the now defunct AANI. been there done that do some DD you will see. they sell chips, not fiber to premise gateways which was there one wanted them except Motorola bought a few, that was the only real contract they ever got.Feb 2008 ceased all operations.
Amedia Networks, Inc. is headquartered in San Diego, California and having a branch office in Fremont, California.
Amedia Networks, Inc. is privately held.
how do you conclude they are still in business? they announced ceasing ops 4 years ago.
well theres volume, so someone is daytrading the piss out of it.
I'll say....especially for me....maybe the Game "isn't" over like your moniker says?
It looks like they are still in business...just not attached to the does that work?
hello, anyone out there buying this? and why? just wanted to know who or why there is any volume.
I sat in a pacer once. I felt like I was in a fishbowl. I bought a stang instead back in 75.
friends? what are those? ;)
no, i don't have a Pacer account, sorry.
I'll ask around.
do you or any of your budddy's have access to a pacer account? sure would like to know the status of that court case, I can see it on Justia, but thats it. can't dig into it any further.
whoever it is had better cut that out!
yes , I saw that,hmmmm !!!
Somebody slapped the AANI ask today lol
wasn't me!
I sure hope your right.thought about buying more down here, then I slapped myself.LOL
that is correct! there are thousands of zombies out there.
but this one will eventually get a business stuffed back into the pie.
you watch.
happened before when it was TTRE
I called tdameritrade, told them I own this turd,told them it ceased ops 3 years ago, I asked them well how long can this go on, he said forever or until bankruptcy.
whoever it is tell them to STOP. I want a fill at .0001 lol
someone is trying (unsuccessfully) to load this stock lol
Time & Sales
Price Size Exch Time
0.0004 266801 OTO 01/18
0.0004 6433199 OTO 01/18
0.0004 490000 OTO 01/18
0.0006 125000 OTO 01/18
Must have been love by a woman That was what i call 'a non-starter'.
Close 0.0005 -0.0002 (-28.57%)
AANI getting some love today! What's up here? I see no news.
Push this past .0011 and the sky is the limit, when this thing runs it runs for a couple days straight.
Don't worry. They are bad spellers, mostly.
AANI volume spirt
Sorry, i dont have access to premium forum services, therefore, I still have no idea.
The posts aren't difficult to find.
Nice Chart. I am onboard with 200K shares, lets see it go.
The RSI is turning upward and the MACD just crossed all signs point to a run. OH Zecco also took forever to fill it, I dont know if thats standard zecco practice or if there is not many shares here to be had.
who's pumping? this thing just woke up.
I agree, I watched this stock explode summer of last year
It's a pump and dump. on you, if you went long
I just noticed a couple sales go through then the upticking began. Pressure seems to be building. this could be ready to go.
whats up with this moving? cant find anything
Another volume spike eating up everything under .0010
whats the recent activity about? anyone know?
Sounds like we us the same broker. lol
As far as I am concerned you should brace for a sudden uptick, as I have sold out. That means that this could be huge. JMHO